Isekai Demon Lords

Why are Gods even bring malicious japs over?
Are they all as incompetent as damegami?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The gods in Sword Dad are hyper competent problem-solvers that will literally smite shit with thunder if they don't like it.

I wonder if he did that elf tenderly or forcefully with hair-pulling, neck-biting, nipple-twisting, ass-slapping, anal-fingering and hand-holding

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Yet on multiple instances people brought over by gods turn into BBEG.
I mean, isn't there an interview?
I'm sure even police department does better job selecting candidates than majority of isekai gods.


Most of the time they just grab a rando anfd tell them to do whatever.

>vs the Nito
I think I saw MC do a dodge roll once or twice.

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That doesn't sound very professional, do they have God diploma from God academy?

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Gotta go fast!

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>yfw an undead Dark Knight does a better job at [Shield Bash] than dedicated shield protag of another novel

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Imagine Clotho doing this to your penis.

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Shieldnigger is crippled by the rules of his setting that say shields do fuckall damage no matter what.

>9 replies
>2 posters
This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

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What is this, gear 4th?

See if I give a fuck, I'm just going to dump that rad isekai manga I found.

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It's 3 posters now.

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Boss enemies past a certain point always have a second form, because fuck you, we aren't done yet!

Alright, it's GomuGomuNo demon after all.

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Do it, faggot.

I'm waiting for some kind of thread validation before anything

This is Albedo from Overlord in her true form.
She was said to be hairy and stomped heavily in bath scene.

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Both are banned, minotaur is ded.

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Is this the evil spirit possessing all the secondaries that swarm these threads the moment isekai novel gets adapted?

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delet everything

A shiv slime. Where is your God now?

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Me on /tg/ and wh40k topics.

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Are translations dead?

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>MC List
>FotM/Hall of Fame and Infamy -
>Revenge -
>Otome(Many villainess)
>Categorized Otome -
>Cultivation -
>Dochaku Isekai -
>Kingdom Building -
>Ise/k/ai -
>Gender Bender
>Loli MC -
>Time Travel & MDs
>Sci-fi -
>Actual Villains -
>Yuri -
>Reverse Isekai
>Cursed Isekai -
>Blessed adaptations -
>Isekai Anime -
>Isekai Tropes

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Cute daughter you have here, would be a shame if some cheat MC would seduce her.

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support inn

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Can they even be considered to ever be alive, translating that?

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He should just stop being such a disappointment.

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Anyone making their own epubs here? I'm retarded with computers and I need help with XPath. How do I make ALL Heading 2 lines a ToC subchapter irregardless of keywords? I probably didn't explain that correctly so just look at the image and see those parts 1-X. How do I put all lines tagged with h2 a subcategory of a h1 chapter like pic related?

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This demon was a bro.

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arifureta in the hall of fame, noice

ctrl+f replace them with correct header tags what the fuck are you even doing here

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I'm already supporting a lazy fucker

I am glad you are finally capable of supporting yourself user, well done.

masturbation self-employment doesn't count

Did those two eat the minotaur?

>paying for content

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If only money could move the fucking drunk furry with glass bones.

Those two did.

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What? I am not making any requests, and the header tags are all set up properly. I have all Chapters labeled with h1 and parts with h2. I just want help with XPath rules so h2 lines are put under h1.

Tiny hands

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What the fuck that undead dude is going to do with a punt of beer? Shove it down his visor?

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Demon lord daughters are meant to enslave themselves to the MC and show off how flat they are.

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>so h2 lines are put under h1
They have a h2 tag in XML code, replace it with h1.
This is question for /wsr/, not Yea Forums newfag.

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That horn ruins all the flatness, how am I going to rub my crotch on her oiled airstrip chest if it's in the way?

maybe someone will make an isekai about xml to show him the way

mc will use it to invent soap

Actually nice smooth-talk, well done. I guess he wasn't a hikkineet back IRL.

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Either some transformation magic to disguise herself like Rona, or wrap it in some sort of padding. I want to know how the manga artist is going to disappointingly censor her flat chest when she exposes it to Makoto.

>eat my food
>drink my beer
>elf got the pussy covered
How envious.

You are not getting me. I want h2 lines UNDER its own subcategory inside h1. Changing all h2 tags to h1 isn't what I want. I already have everything tagged properly. But fine, I'll take it to /wsr/. Thanks for the help I guess.

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I don't have the stomach to read this one, or suffering revenge shit

>or wrap it in some sort of padding
I already have enough gadgets to get myself off, can I at least have my demon lord loli purely organic and completely naked?

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Shieldfag is gimped by the game mechanics-physics his setting runs on which say he has toddler-like attack power regardless of how much a grown man bashing you in the face with a lump of wood and metal should hurt.

>forgot the pic
How shameful.

It doesn't ? Well I'm fucked

I don't but some god sure do fuck up

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I remember having same issue and some built-in epub\fb2 editor + some googling helped me resolve it. I think it was Calibre. I'm sure google would show you the way.

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>even shieldfag has reflect damage skill
Kuso geimu

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>Well I'm fucked
You're not, that's the issue I presume

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It was recently in spin-off manga.

Rodcorte just had to not be a autist for a minute and everything would have been A-OK.

Rumors of your isekai have been greatly exaggerated.

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I bet this is what christianfag, objectivemoralfag and purityfag self-insert looks like.

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>dude sorry on your fuck up second life
>here have some curse as well.

>I die
>Get Isekai'd
>Not attempting to go fullblown Great Old One
Japs still don't understand this, go cosmic horror or go home rice boys. You literally have the chance to fucking achieve evolutionary apex and you waste it on waifus- when you could be gong through mutation, omniciding the demonic species to obtain their powers until you are a horror that can no longer be classified among their ranks, and use every meta trick in the book to pull a fucking numidium on reality until you're something that can just remove the Ozone layer and watch bitches disintegrate or use your fucking science degree to use the least amount of magic possible for absurd crap no backwater village idiot can grasp to break the moronic limitations of a levelling system until you're a NG+ Merged reincarnated epic level gestalt D&D 3.5 broke ass-motherfucker, why worry when you're a constantly evolving shoggoth clusterfuck?

If the reality you were summoned into is a cluster fuck, you have every right to arrange the stars and call in Nyarla and the boys and open a cold one on the miserable unbalanced world with lack of chaos factor thereof- let an ensemble of Mi-go and servitor races flood the atmosphere and the psychic emmenations of the Outer gods execute the lesser minds and races of the world and plunge it into ephermental darkness for eons to come, so that a just world will come about in the conclusion of the arranged celestial arrangements and faustian bargains you charged for the occasions come to fruition- and travel the far realms beyond.

It's a staple that in pre-unshit D&D that the rule of thumb is that you never let a Alienist/Cerebromancer operate for too long because of the threat level they pose to the entire setting.

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What is this with mangakas and 15/10 shit-tier female villains these days?
>Opm catgirl
>Murabito isekai evil dragon
>Now this
My dick will not survive backlog isekai manga marathon I'm planning.

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This discount Clementine is growing on me, I hope she doesn't die horribly.


This post gave me fork.

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He's justicebot 9000, even a toddler could trick him.

Here's your Eldritch Abomination bros

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Tried to write some really edge shit but after some revisions end up with a generic good guy because self insertion and it became a boredom, the end

Guy is going full Hindu.

What is indestructible is my diamond doki right now.

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>have sharkteeth harem member #1
>put her in a generic catgirl body


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Doesn't it get revealed at some point in the WN version that the Shield is a "commander type" who has higher boni for growth corrections for his companions and such things, compared to the other 3?

Cute spats.
If you isekai - go as shota, there are no downsizes.
You can /ss/ or get dicks or both at the same time.
it's like USB plug that works both ways!

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>dark elf thread was deleted
I bet the advertisers did this.

Um, don't you have Impel Down to guard?

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The demon princess is the best.

Original art, "loli art"

>She was said to be hairy
Well I mean look at the picture, hair is literally covering from the belly button down and even the arms.

>write premise and plot
>fuck that it's too complext to write
>put it down as worldbuilding backstory
>decide to write lighter adventuring sequel
>ponder how to write an interesting characters not shitty self-inserts and fetish vessels
About right.

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Someone needs to teach him how to cultivate.

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I take that back, I wish THAT were me.

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Every fucking time.
Is this some sort of government plot to hook up jap newborns on rice addiction so they would be easily indoctrinated into the Shinto/Akihito light?

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Yeah that sounds like a controlled substance

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I'm gonna do it, minotaur! Tomorrow, I'm gonna spend all day writing my own isekai!

At least this guy's enthusiasm for MOTHERFUCKING RICE is fun to watch.

>that tastes

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Fucking Sauce

Black Summoner

That's Birdy.
Why the fuck is this so full of blatant expys?

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Wheres my american isekai where the MC invents hamburgers and french fries and cries about how they're the taste of his country?

Reading Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru. So far it's pretty fucking garbage.

will never happen, i'm not sure even the morbidly obese are as fanatical about burgers as japs are about rice


Then it's either magic, or use it for a better grip on her. I'd like to see a completely naked Sari in the manga, but I doubt that will ever happen.

It's that he gets bonuses from every shield he's worn before while the other heroes didn't know that was a thing and just grabbed the best weapon.
There's also the fact that so long as you know about the way the other heroes can get a bonus,you can do the same thing too to stack their method of getting a bonus on top of your one. Since he decided to not let the other heroes know about that when he figured it out at the giant conference where they're supposed to learn from each other, the other heroes were weaker than him.
TLDR contrivances to make him look good when it just makes the summoners/weapon spirits incompetent and him a dick.

Dem artificial assfangs.

>sports bra
Ok that settles it.

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Keep shieldcuck in it's on thread please.

How can people has such a bad taste?

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>tne mtl up to 280 is out
The time has come.

Calm down lady you'll have a stroke.

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have you tried taking carbs or gluten out of your diet? it's fucking torture.

I don't know what you're talking about since all of those are garbage.

I'm sure they have other staple like gruel or buckwheat.

How to spot a dead man early in isekai manga.

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This coldsteel looks like a man with a code. Or Chuuni.

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RiP in pepperoni, throwaway villain henchman #85932572.

In Yoo Yeonha’s head, a complex sense of betrayal began to bloom.

So wait... if hajin gets someone pregnant, the babies are his or chundongs?

>We get caught up to raws
>Author takes 4 day break to plan out writing
>We're behind again on daily release
Author is an actual machine or something.

This blond girl has her priorities straight. You cant eat up an ass that fine if you pass up free food.

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>being the companion of a justicefag

How do you think they went from starving commies to slightly less starving capitalist-ish commies?

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I mean if you try those diets, it just leaves a hole in your soul. no pizza, burgers, sandwiches, pasta, eggs without toast, etc. virtually all your usual comfort foods are wiped off the menu.

Not sure which I like more between the mango and LN art.

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>mfw it's my life since November
Thanks for reminding about my misery.

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Are they going to drop an album?

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I can fucking feel that guy's brain damage.

>garbage quality
LN would probably win out if there were actually high res scans.

Yeah, but the mango artist does a couple things I like so it's hard for me to choose.

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>those are garbage.
>yari no yuusha

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zomg teh Rei

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She needs a fucking shock collar to put on Touya.

>angel pussy
LN art.

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There's this. But that's just one image.

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Is it translated?

this user really loves this manga...

>Demon Lords
Why the fuck doesn't anyone translate it as "Dark Lord?" It has all the same connotations. It's literally perfect.

Yeah, at the speed of a snail but yeah.

I'm getting fork flashbacks again.

NU only has ~50 chapters of WN, is this it?

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I vaguely recall one series where they translated it as magic king, but a different translator that took over after that decided to go with demon king anyway, despite the fact that he was a king of a magic kingdom, not demons.

This dude is going ballistic

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No, no. I mean far later in the story. I do vaguely remember something from the WN where it gets explicitly said that ON THE SAME LEVEL of the respective legendary weapons and their respective upgrades, the Shield will still have an adventage over the other 3 cardinal heroes in terms of growth correction, etc., while for seven star heroes it also came up for whip and/or cane, IIRC. After all it would be strange if one of the heroes had both lower total stats, as well as lower EXP gain due to being unable to dish out the same DPS, so it' only logical that there would be some sort of compensation, because in all other aspects, even if in different areas, the heroes were shown to, in theory, be considered to have equal potential, even if in different directions of development.

The faces are pretty great.

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I should have listened...

Fuck off newfag.

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What, you don't enjoy user spamming random screenshot of manga nobody cares about?


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This is you on ice magic.

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Very relatable and exploitable.

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Tsuki ga
That should be the demon girl that joins up Makoto in Asura.

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This is indecent. I bet that loli doesn't even wear any pants under her rags.

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That unfortunately then gets mostly ignored except in side stories and we don't even get to witness her reaction to arriving in Asora, just her thoughts about it after. When will they find a way to remove the slave status so Makoto will treat her better, and so Tomoe will tell Makoto to make Zef a grandfather?

Why would he want to see a naked dude?

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Would you rather be summoned or reincarnated?

Cursed thread.

wtf I hate Boss now

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Summoned into a horrifying eldritch abomination as the control system.

This is Konosuba Ova I.

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Why would you ever want to be summoned over being reincarnated?

Reincarnated, I want to actually have a socialized childhood for once.

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I'm , see you fags in 200+ posts

If being reincarnated means being stuck in a terrible form with no way to get a humanoid one.

This isekai Petanko Nagato is sad.
Say something nice about her.

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This body's stat distribution is pure shit. Gimme reincarnation any day.

Being reincarnated gives me more chance of becoming a chad.

I vaguely recall him being called a commander type, but the author/spirits must have been retarded (no surprise) if there needs to be compensation for having bullshit tier tank abilities like auto blocks for anyone in the party and the ability to reflect back any magic attacks for full damage.

>nonhumanoid reincarnation
The best kind of reincarnation.

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Useless Demon is Useless.

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Hajin is on his own body, so they're his.

>Boss has an actual chance of winning the Hajinbowl
This makes me happy.

I thought she's always been in the lead.

>ywn ricegasm yourself into heaven in isekai
It hurts.

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but 8% of that body is chundong's

I survived a 50 mile hike with 40 pound gear and durr on my back. If I can't at least get this level of endurance then I'd rather stay with my ugly ass.

Sadly, Nayun exists.

Proof or gtfo. Also you can train even greater endurance if you're aware since age your brain capacity allows it.

Is that daredevil?!?!!?!!?

He's not blind though.

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He isn't going to rape the rice sacks, right?

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Not every god love his creations, even the christian god was not exactly the most loving being in the old testament.
Some gods, like the one from demon souls, will literally create soul devouring abominations and set then free in the world of humans just for fun.

>魔 or "ma"
You are aware that this japanese kanji can refer both to magical and demonic stuff (usually the latter), right? And considering they have horns and stuff, it actually seems more appropiate and fitting for this sort of world to refer to them as demons. Heck the TLs themselves across several different syousetsu WN TLs talked about this issue several times.
But if it's 魔王 or "maou", then it's definitly not "magic king". The only acceptable TLs for that term are:
- Demon Lord
- Demon King
- Archenemy
- Archnemesis
- Erlkönig (from the German poem/ballad of the same nam)
- "The Devil"
This is an established term, most commonly refering to the antagonist of the "yuusha" (Hero/Brave/Saint). Using something else at this point is just trying to be contrarian.
Now for "magic country" I am not sure, but if it's again based on the "ma" kanji, then Demon would be better to keep it consistent.
Of course if the term "akuma" comes up at some point, then the TL might start becoming complicated.

This is it. You're on your own.
Just like when you were born and when you're eventually going to die.

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It's Kelvin, he just might.

I enjoy and found it

I wish Makoto would admit just how hot it is, he's clearly in denial considering other events.
>She said this in one breath, and then, she suddenly opened her clothes and exposed her chest.
>…No well, even if she does that, she has a chopping board body so…
>I don’t feel any lust for it though.
>I was purely agitated.

Very cute.

Fucked up how Couplet isn't about a tiny couple.

new chapter fucking when

It should have been here months ago, if updates don't resume we will never get to the fucking chapters.

look up the actual definition of couplet
the title is honestly too smart for it's own sake

>Couplet isn't about a tiny couple.
I'm still disappointed.

Look up the definition of meme

Fuck you bitch.

Never ever. Well atleast you have a shitty browser game to look forward to

Ignore him, he'll never know the pleasures of riding Suimei like a stallion.

You'd think it would be easy to find something where the protagonist gets isekai'd as a catgirl, dog girl or foxgirl but nope can't find any where that happens.

You're not supposed to be on the internet, Felmenia.

Why would you think that? Most people don't make characters they want to fuck protagonists.

Isekai Maou Volume 12 and a drama CD coming 4/30.

Still no new LN's either. Author probably lost to the gacha again.

Attached: volume 12&drama cd promo.jpg (848x1199, 197K)

If I don't want to fuck my protagonist why would anyone else want to?

Deathflags 105 is up.

I don't even remember seeing any recent posts about gacha.

Because they are from another world.

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Elves with blonde hair and huge tits will always be my weakness. The only thing stronger is elves with red hair and huge tits.

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Does Fate count as isekai?

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Hey Hyuk user, how come you haven't made a Hyuk face with a coin on her forehead? Gotta give the past chapters service too!

Remember Boss and Sahyuk share the same art, so maybe through RPG faggotry their chance at the Hajinbowl is combined!

Its reverse isekai

>banned again
Also, why aren't there many posters? Even the last thread only reached ~70. The threads usually ended with ~100 posters.

>I'm already supporting a lazy fucker

The author's last tweets that weren't just retweets were gacha stuff back in January. Same shit as when he lost to the gacha last year.

>Also, why aren't there many posters?
Both the OP and the thread itself are crap. I can see why somebody not addicted to those threads would pass on it.

>Sorry for the delay, there have been a sort of revolution going on in my country

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The retweets are an indication they are alive, so why can't they post anything relevant of their own? Even a lie saying they are working on a chapter while actually addicted to gacha?.

When the fuck is Volcanic Age supposed to come back again? And did any group pick it up?

Why would you want more people?

Man, will anyone take away Gate from Sekai Project and get it localized? I don't want it stuck in copyright purgatory.

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When the artist stops dying of cancer.

I missed this piece of news, what cancer did he pick up and did he have an estimate of when he'd come back?

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It doesn't deserve that fate. Rory's and Lelei's nipples didn't deserve theirs in the manga.

>Harold is turning into a tsundere housewife.
This wasn't what I was expecting after waiting this long.

>want to keep up with death flags
>can't be bothered with sporadic release rates because baseball
>can keep up with daiaya no ace weekly
>can't be bothered to follow week by week ever since Sawamura jobbed hard AGAIN

Fucking baseball I swear.

His full meter bar is a mere $200 a month. He's not even close to being as greedy as some other translators and honestly sometimes I wonder why.

no dude it's probably the only real example of native isekai

well that was a fun waste of a half hour

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No wonder it's so popular.

Nobody can take it away, Alphapolis refuses to even talk to foreigners about licensing anything now. Probably in large part thanks to Sekai Project.

The fuck is this Sekai Project?

I thought others languages have ongoing translations with no problems, so why would one company be the reason?

Why the fuck did they even go to Sekai Project? They sell fucking VNs. Why not go to one of the other manga publishers? At least you know shit will get done with them rather than risking it with a unknown.

Was this Daiz goal?

>"The Devil"
For that, there's "akuma"
"Maou" is one of the devil's titles, but there are others who have the same title
This is why I like "The Dark Lord" — It can refer to both Satan and Voldemort

I stand corrected. It's absolute garbage. It takes a lot for me to drop something half a novel in, but it's that fucking awful. Fine example of every character being literally retarded. The conversations are stupid and you could cut out 90% of what is being said without losing anything of value. The plot and motivations make no sense. I can't even tell who this shit caters to. Probably fags who think they are too smart for isekai and some sort of epic tweest.


The data is all gone.

Things like those made me enjoy isekai that are just about nothing. MC may (not) have an OP power, but the story is centered mostly on interactions and MC rarely/never uses his powers. Just interactions.

I want to FUCK Sunshine-chan!

Someone clue me in, I thought Orden's Kingdom was situated in Africa, how the hell can Sahyuk see the battle from Central Asia?

Yeah, sounds great. But it's the interactions that are fucked up the most here. Feels like he literally put in at least 50 pages of completely empty text. Just going round in circles, repeating what was already said. And he drags shit forever for no reason. It takes him 5 back and forth lines to say just one thing and that keeps happening. And every single conversation is prolongued by what I assume is authos's attempt at funny misunderstandings.


That's what I mean. It's like most of the OP isekai end up in that pitfall. I learned to appreciate "slow progression" thanks to that, even though anons hate it..

>It's like most of the OP isekai end up in that pitfall
Far too many suffer due to that.

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Just mtl things? I remember 'central asia' popping up here and there while it obviously was africa

>trusting mtl for names and locations
Not those ones, but once I somehow got China for Korea.

I'm guessing they meant Central Africa then. Central Asia was where Pandemonium was after all no?

orden's kingdom is sub-saharan africa with his castle in central africa, i'm thinking the author made a typo

I am convinced that LNs are just inherently worse than WNs. Something happens in the editorial process that just fucking destroys dialogue and makes it insufferable to read. I don't know why that always happens with LNs, but it does always happen.

>“Is it delicious?”
>“This, this … Give me more. I think I can find out more. ”
>I laughed and put the porridge in the mouth of Jin Sahyuk.
>And Jin Sahyuk, forgetting his humiliation,
>“Give me some kimchi.”
>“Give me a jangrim.”
>“Give me another bowl.”
>“Give me more.”
>“Hey. Do you have Dongchimi? ”
But still, very cute

That's war goddess pussy, thank you very much.

Shut the fuck up.

You're probably the one person who likes it, who recommended this shit. I'm sorry user but it's trash. And not even the kind of trash that makes you want to stay in the dumpster. What do you like about it?

Really mature

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In that case, the WN already needed more interactions, but instead the LN reduced them. Some changes due to editors can be good, but too often the opposite happens while not fixing the biggest problems. Not that I would expect the biggest one in that to be fixed by an editor, which is that the harem are still virgins.

>Truck-kun failed to kill someone


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I wonder if the Administrators would be desperate enough to become Hajin's vassals just to taste freedom outside the tower if only in limited doses. Just imagine the bullshit you'd get if he summoned them alongside the battlecruiser, that's True Buster Call right there with fucking 'Vice-Admirals'.

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I just do.

>tfw you accidentally torture a kid until he becomes a lovecraftian god-killing soul devouring horror

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Not him but I have a serious hard-on for its magic system. That and I legitimately enjoy Suimei as a character. If it's not for you then it's not for you. At least you laid out some reasons for disliking it instead of just saying it's shit.

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It's not Truck-kun's fault, he wasn't the one driving.

If you survive a Truck-kun attack, do you evolve to the next stage?

I don't think Big Chests is even a reincarnation story, though. He's just a normal mimic from the start.

It's still an isekai though because he meets that one side character who's an isekai wizard who he immediately murders

I always knew sono mono was isekai.

Just jumping in on this now, but I paused before starting volume 7 ages ago, and by now I've tried to pick back up a handful of times already but the spark just isn't there now.

I've read the Earth side stories though, so if volume 9 ever comes out I might pick it up for real again.

No, you just have to deal with round two.

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>Level 2 Truck-kun straps boosters to his truck.

What if they drive or are a passenger in a truck that travels into another world?

The truck driver leaves his vehicle and comes after you with an ax.

Get a passenger for that.

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I hate to trot out an old excuse but it really does get hugely better in volume 2 than it was in volume 1.
That's the volume where the author appears to have remembered that he actually needs to give the main character a proper backstory, motivation, and personality instead of just "angry smug guy", plus create a plot that has an actual setup, buildup, climax, and denouement instead of just "a bunch of stuff happens"

>Earth side stories
I don't remember that. Were they included in JNC releases or something? I've only read the fantl.

we need more ace attorney isekai

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Yeah. There's a bunch of bonus stories in each volume, here are just the ones that are to do with Earth harem.

Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6

They're only included in the Premium editions.


We're discussing shit. What's your problem?

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Chapter 4 of Dark Lands is out in case people didn't know. Put it up on RR at around 5:30 am today. My sleep schedule is beyond fucked

thank you :)

Personally, I preferred Suimei as a smug dick that was shitting on the isekai world's crappy magic, but that's just me.

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>elder gods hunt you down
>forgetting that shoggoths are useless shits that die from starvation when out of prey
>boring cuck that got tortured and has shotashit design
Fuck off.

he doesn't stop being a smug dick (like the time he styled on everyone while pretending not to know magic) but, v1 was just a dick waving contest that failed to make me give a crap about any of the characters. v2 has all the details that a v1 should have include
>fuller main character backstory - we know what drives him
>crucial decision setting the tone of his character (I want to save everyone)
>top tier heroine with personality character arc and goals not centered on main character
>focal villain who is a credible threat to the caracters

in fact v1 should have been just a prologue and v2 should have been the rest of v1.

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Van slowly transforms into an eldritch monster over the course of several hundred chapters. He starts off as a shota but by the current state of the LN he's pretty much yog soggoth

He's not the one who made it, so he mad.

This is the ideal demonlord. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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There are times where it shines through, such as when he beat Titania after she challenged him to a duel, but it's significantly lesser than when he pretty much destroyed Felmenia with barely any effort on his part.

I do agree though, that v2 is definitely the better of the two between v1 and v2.

They're gods
Why the fuck would they give as much of a shit as you think they do
We're basically just another game of really fucking detailed and autistic sims that they're forced to sit at offices playing, if I had to play those games for a year 9-5 I'l do whatever I could to fuck things up if only to watch shit go down

I wonder how zorian and co will stop the soul bombs

Hey, isek/a/i. You're super special, y'know? Never let anyone else tell you otherwise.

Yeah, we're "special" alright.

Can you stop it with the radio faggotry?

Don't worry, user. I'm happy to be with you.

Wait, that was radio shit?

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This is heresy. Cease your actions.

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>old god gets into a major war with other gods of his war
>gets severely wounded. Runs away to a primordial unclaimed world.
>Needs to recover, but needs worshipers for that. Too weak to build this world up themselves.
>Pulls a freshly passed soul from a distant world to do all the work for him.
>The God is arrogant enough to believe that the soul will do what they tell them, and gives him the appropriate abilities to start stabilizing and raising the world.
>The soul(our MC) knows that the God has evil intentions and is having none of it. Using his recently gifted abilities, he manages to hill the god and claim his divinity himself, while still staying human.
>Suddenly, Heaven and Hell both arrive on the world to track down what happened to their wayward soul.
>Finding each other with the same goal, they start a war and leave the MC largely ignored.
>The MC, having none of this, has made a goal to kick all of heaven and hell off this world and claim it as a god zone.
>but first he has to gain the power to fight back.
Anyways, what do you think? I have other ideas but I've been stewing on that for a bit.

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...typos aside.

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potential there. story reminds me of diablos lore.

*Claim it as a No-God zone.
Fuck I got to stop drinkin.

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Imagine having a child with a lolibaba. What would your child think?

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Suimei's battle with the battle junkie was pure kino.
Eanru best girl.

>7 teens
Tell me the drama, any traitors? ntr/cucking?

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Wow, this only gave me more reason to feel salty about volume 9.

>An anime adaptation of Rifujin na Magonote’s web novel series “Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu” (Jobless Reincarnation: I Will Seriously Try If I Go To Another World) is currently in production

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>human beats god
Plotasspull aside it's fine I guess.

they would think i'm based

>Imagine having a child with a lolibaba
At least trying would be fun.
>What would your child think?
She would get to join eventually too.

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Well, the thought process was if the god was already severely wounded and gave some of his power to the MC, be might be able to pull it off. That said I'm open to better ideas on it.

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its already been talked about a lot since last night. RIP MT. cant wait for all the fights to be done in 3DCG.


The series really isn't even about the fights. Rudy gets his ass kicked him most of them anyways.


Come to think about it, is there LN or WN where the story is told from demon lord's(not the guy isekai'd) perspective?

cursed post

a bunch

What are you reading in this comfy evening, anons?
What are you listening?
Are you eating anything?

>tfw you'll never play with your lolibaba catgirls tail

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Started reading Shield Hero, finally. Started and finished the first volume weeks ago. Eating some salt crackers while plays in the background.

Blasting that SOTC ost while reading the good student

*Started reading Shield Hero again, finally.

>they gave her a generic loli voice in the anime

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re-reading maken no daydreamer since i forgot to bookmark it on mangadex, its been over a year since i last read i think.

My sister's shrill screams
I want to try the food ration that comes with the shitty walmart survival bag.

When was the last time you were truly happy with an anime adaption of something you loved?

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whats going to cause more butthurt, paul being a shitty dad and husband or rudy grooming his child wives?


i liked genuinely liked tanyer

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Not that user but aria managed to out shine the manga.
Mushishi as well.

That's more than 10 years ago, you know.

He did say last time.

>My sister's shrill screams
I swear, when I was a kid, I don't know how I managed to survive that. Even if I loved her dearly, I prefer her to be far away.

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Shield Hero's fine, it's just that the people that also occupy those threads now are fucking insufferable.

>haha BITCH
>haha RAPE
they are fucking beyond obsessed with only one character.

Le t the "journalists" get their fill. They'll get bored after the show ends and the SH threads will be fine.
>thread on Yea Forums

What was that one isekai that was canceled because the author said something about the chinese? Did that shit ever get resolved? I quite liked it, despite the usual "go to X country for rice" shenanigans.

Nidome no Yuusha?
Fuck chinks.

This. Anyone translating the abomination should pronounced legally dead.

Oh, it's nidome no jinsei. I always confuse it with nidome no yuusha aswell, that's why I can never find it.

It's back to being published I believe. Most likely the publisher just waited out the anger from China and told the author to go ahead and continue the story.

the funny thing is he did it just when it get anime announcement.

Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de. The author stated that the Chinese were/are bug men and that South Korea is a wicked country, two fairly accurate statements.

Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de, last I heard the LN was still on hiatus, but the manga is running again. Anime never.

He didn't, they were comments made in the past on his twitter that people dug up. He posted them around 2013 to 2015.

It's still not something you say out loud, especially not to two of your closest neighbors and trading partners as well as two of your largest markets.
Really he should've expected that.

close, Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de. it was cancelled but picked back up again, so still ongoing just put on a temporary hiatus basically.

>It's still not something you say out loud
all asians hate other asians though.

Quick give me a decent crafter series, the shit on RR is horrible once you get past page 10

Something about sword saint makes me angry. I'm not sure what it is. I think it's the cunt of the mistress being so flippant about the mc.

Yeah and you notice how stuff like Girls Frontline tries to avoid shitting on an entire country at once even though it's made by chinks, and manages to be popular in Korea and Japan? It's called tact, Asians are supposed to be good at it.


>reveals he's 500 years old
>everyone spergs out and gets mad

Anime fucking when?

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>It's called tact, Asians are supposed to be good at it.
No, that's the Europeans. Asians love to shit on each other but they hold themselves back when they need to stay competitive within specific markets

Moonlight Sculptor?

Yes, user, that's what tact is. Knowing when to withhold truth, even if you vehemently believe it.

Meh, it's on his personal twitter and he said it way back then at 2014. The chinks and the gooks are just trying to find something to be mad about and succeed about it.

Not isekai, but now that my pizza came, I finally picked up the final Haruhi volumes.

In this case, everything I've heard about the actual story isn't very promising either so generally speaking it's no great loss. I find it weird how loudly the chinks cared though, usually it's the gooks who're absolutely seething.
Probably just happened to go viral or some shit on chinkweb.

He didn't say South Korea is a wicked country, he mocked them for being raped by the Imperial Japanese army.

so native non fantasy isekai

fuck you nigger

It wasn't just his old Twitter statements, he also included 14 words-tier """coded""" references to the Rape of Nanking in his MC's backstory.

Bestkorea is still assblasted about that?

chinks go ballistic on the internet whenever they feel insulted. hearthstone website exposes cheating ring in china among top players, author exposing it gets death threats. some taiwanese horror game called xi jinping winnie the pooh and got review bombed off steam.

is that in nidome MCs backstory?!

The same way if you told Americans they got absolutely blown out in Vietnam they get shitter shattered, except a bit more because some people who are alive today lived through that and most of the older generation grew up under the shadow of it. It's not exactly a small thing.

It's heavily hinted at that the MC took part in Nanking.

Rudy getting cucked out of being the real MC by the author's self insert character if the anime gets that far.

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To be fair the dude was actually being an absolute prick about it
It's not as if he didn't make his MC an actual war criminal

I wouldn't choose somebody who could and would eventually threaten me user. That's just incompetence.

>The MC killed 912 men as a Chinese Mafia hitman -> reference to 9/12, 9th of December 9th which is the day that Japanese forces surrounded Nanjing and demanded surrender.
>Then the MC killed 3712 men as a soldier -> reference to 12/37, December 1937 which is the month that Rape of Nanjing began.
>Then the MC lived to an old age and died of natural causes at 94 years old, designated a national treasure. Prince Asaka Yasuhiko, the commander of the forces at Nanking, was also never tried for the Nanjing Massacre, as a member of the imperial household, and died of natural causes at 94 years old.
>Lastly, the MC's kills were all with a katana, which brings to mind the famous "contest to kill 100 Chinese with a sword" at Nanjing.

At least you give a reason on why the god should lose.

Generally speaking they can only threaten you because they're le stronk japanese mc with stronk japanese charisma (trait type: informed) and le normal everyday salaryman genes that make every attractive female within seventy miles get on their knees
Also good for them, they're a god now
Now they get to work the 9-5.

How do you design fair and have the potential to grow, 'cheat power'?

You call Orsted a self insert? I never felt he was. The author pretty much explains what he's about and keeps him out of the major stuff for the most part.

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Being informed is not Charisma.

If a power can be realistically described as cheating then it isn't a good power, plain and fucking simple. Cheating, by definition, breaks the rules. If your MC, and only your MC, plays by totally different rules compared to everyone else then that should best be either part of the premise (i.e. there is no development, it's a premise) or gotten rid of entirely (because fuck you, an MC who gets exemptions from the way everyone else works is fucking stupid if it's not part of the premise).

From what I remember, no. But it was so disgusting since each of the kids was literally a god in each of their random fields with one kid being a ultra instinct jew that could print money and create an economy from a box of scraps and turnips.

Not with that attitude!

I would just write off one or two as a coincidence but that's just asking to get pulled. The author probably wanted to see how much shit posting he could get away with.

Fucking faggots at r/a/dio, all of them.

Are you retarded
I'm saying that their charisma is almost always an informed trait, they just up and tell you 'and so everyone was charmed and folded instantly'.
Overlord might've even stealth lampshaded that, since Ainz at first isn't very convincing and doesn't have any actual expertise in acting but he pulls it off because Liches get stupendous bonuses to the Cha stat.

by getting rid of the cheating power. "Cheating Powers" that are described as mundane and not that helpful in most cases tend to be written in a way that ends up making the MC uber powerful.

what an absolute madman, and i thought they were pushing it with attack on titan.

What if the cheat power and just lent and need to be returned after certain time?

He was posting the series on Narou, it got picked up with that stuff in.

Cheat powers, and I'm not talking about plot swords or trinkets to let the MC defeat the demon king/god, are by definition shit because they don't follow the rules.
I mean it's like letting a player character getting a cheat skill during a table top campaign that's an out of context power.

Then the 'interest' and the hanging sword of demanding a return literally right now should be omnipresent in the story, not 'teehee here's your superpower give it back after you beat up the evil god lmao'.

I doubt the publishers missed that
They were probably taking the piss, until the chinks actually found out about it and got more or less rightfully assblasted
Then they got scared of revenue loss and pulled the plug

Unfortunately for Overlord lampshading does not make good writing.
Only if it's a sword/item that breaks after one to three uses. A "cheat" item needs restrictions.

So what's a good nip isekai that doesn't have game element?

except mushoku, i lost interest after getting spoiled

>Unfortunately for Overlord lampshading does not make good writing.
I'm not talking about whether or not it's good writing, just using that as a possibly incredibly explicit example of what I said. He does become actually charismatic later on, but that's WAY later on.

>Only if it's a sword/item that breaks after one to three uses. A "cheat" item needs restrictions.
>a restriction that is no such thing is still a restriction
Kill yourself

Hey man he asked for an opinion he got one. You kill yourself first. My religion doesn't allow suicide.

And soon they'll cancel more and more series since you know lol who cares, you are the problem.

>muh slippery slope argument
If you tempt fate like that author did, don't be surprised when fate takes you up on the offer. What sort of pigheaded retard who isn't an actual politician tweets about politics anyway?

Isn't that like, an oxymoron or something for nips?

Regardless of them knowing or not, it wasn't him seeing how much he could get away with, it's not like there would have been any consequences when he wrote that part. That it came back to bite him in the wallet later is still him ending up in a hell of a lot better position than he likely thought his story would have gotten when he wrote that part.

The strongest japanese isekai MC vs the strongest chinese isekai MC. Who would win?

Oh I wasn't him, I'm mostly saying the publishers definitely knew what they were doing

Chink MCs are always pursuing the absolute, but some nip MCs are the absolute, so I say nips.

>Implying the chinese won't overturn the heaven that is japanese.

not isekai but bard loen is pretty good. if you really wanted isekai and no game element saihate no paladin is also good.

Well considering how it ultimately turned out with the sales of the LN. If they knew what they were doing, they're fucking geniuses. Because the sales went up way above what a successful anime can cause.

Controversy always generates sales. It wouldn't be too out there for them to have fanned the flames since again it does feel a bit unusual for the chinks to care so much, last time I checked it was mostly old dudes who still gave a shit about Japan.

>[anti soul] [anti ki] [foundation shaker] [jade corrosion] [purify violent thoughts]
nothin personel chinky

the chinese is just one member of a large sect, while the japanese doesn't have the mentality to slay the root up to 9 generations.

Is she holding a fucking bottle of mayonnaise?

>the japanese doesn't have the mentality to slay the root up to 9 generations
Forget roots, the nip can just will the entire forest into nothingness, and then spend the rest of the chapters justifying it.

>bard loen
Last chapter honestly jumped the shark for me. Full of expositions of shit we've never heard before and let's be honest, Bard literally should have no business with all that drama.

And while not only happening during the last chapter, but him trusting the literal thief is also pretty damn stupid, unless it's a double ruse to trap the shitty family.

Strongest isekai MC, I'll go with Rimuru. He's basically omnipotent in the endgame and has access to unrestricted time travel.

Neither because the 'strongest' on both sides are both essentially infinite in power and it becomes a case of my infinity is bigger than your infinity

>Full of expositions of shit we've never heard before and let's be honest
yeah im hoping they make sense of it next chapter and skip the heavy expositions of shit nobody cares about. still willing to give it a chance though, i really liked the beginning of it.

>Isekai demonbane

From a HEMA perspective, a proper shield bash should be done with the rim.

Waste of resources, controlling and eating your enemies is superior.

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honestly when i was first reading SH and he kept talking about 'i cant use a weapon' the first thing i figured was he was going to backhand someones shit with a shield. then we find out he can't fucking shield bash, what kind of fucking trash is that.

Technically that one wasn't even a shield bash. He was just jumping in the way of the demon, to basically be a wall for the demon to run itself into.

It's because the Western Concept of godhood is in opposition to the Japanese cultural concept of divinity and godhood and so making Gods into villains is a bit of sticking a finger at the idea.

That one just has a lot of other kinds of waste.

I am willing to give it a chance too but if next chapter won't have any Bard again I'd honestly drop it until there's like 10 chapters to marathon.

The west has plenty of examples of Gods that are fallible and can lose. They're just not worshiped any more.
A lot of people will first think of the big g God/Yhwh when people say "god", though

Nigga, Greek and Norse gods.

JNC just announced that they licensed Tondemo. Wonder if they got an anime tip, it is Overlap's highest selling LN without an anime now that Arifureta got one. Next two would be World Teacher and Isekai Mahou(which makes it really weird that they're fucking around with it so much).

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Yes, but Japanese most prominent exposure to Western God was via the American occupation and domination.

A god that pushes out all other gods and demands fealty of all life from a society that literally defeated and dominated yours. If you don't read the symbolic implications of killing "God" in Japanese works now, you're pretty dense

Rice gruel is the best kind anyway.


>animated sui

Considering they got Nobuhiko to voice Suimei in the Drama CDs I can only hope that Isekai Mahou gets an adaptation one day.

Alright fag spoonfed me the name of this manga

>would you rather be ripped from your life and thrown into a world that you lack the tools and familiarity to deal with, or get two full lives instead of one?



We are going to build a wall and make the undead pay for it.

Ha! It's funny because you're now building giant statues of said undead.

user... The people that built the statue are contracted.

>Yugrasia: Normality? Common sense? What’s that, will it let us avoid the silver devil?
>Arcadia: Common sense? Wazzat, can I hit it? *looks around*
>Common Sense-chan: Hiiiiiiiikk!

When will Maomao get her turn for animu? MT got one.

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Go back to Gaia.

When will this get its turn?

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is this scene really necessary?


Not real freckles.
Not isekai.

With a MC with those goals? Extremely.

Its removal would compromise the artistic integrity of the series.


The inclusion of her reaching to hold his hand on her own also helps show how her views of her owner changed since being bought.

No problem.

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Hopefully not for 2-3 more years. A one-cour anime for Slave Harem wouldn't be worth it-there's no harem in the first three LN's. Got to wait for it to be so popular that they do at least a two-cour anime so it adds Sherry for the second cour and Miria at the end.

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Or they rush it to hell and back.

It also needs to use the manga content for the adaptation, not just rely on the LN, regardless of which character designs are used.

Eris getting cucked.

Nobody like burgers, not even themselves, judging by the frequent school and office shooting.

>Isekai series started out with MC surviving Truck-kun
>Survives Train-kun immediately after
>MC is finally killed and forced to isekai after jumping into a flooding river and drowning after saving a little girl
>comments that god really wanted him dead
I forgot the name but on a new note new death flag chapter is out

The worst thing about isekai demon lords or whatever is that there are no devil. Like the devil. Satan himself. Lucifer. The one that will make deals with people. The Devil Lord. Why do japs not make villains like this in their isekai?

What manga is this?

>The Devil Lord
This is a retarded title unless there are other devils.

Image search it bitch.

Why don't people try to search the way to return home?

Based Suimei does.

Because most isekai MCs had mediocre/shitty lives in their original worlds.
Only the ones who had a promising future or were already enjoying a succesful life are interested in going back.

>be regular guy in this world
>no sex live
>shitty job

>get isekai'd
>granted powers stronger than anything in the world
>women throw themself at you left and right
>your regular education makes you smarter than 99% of people in the new world
>make millions by just recreating food from your original world
>can go anywhere you want and it will be an adventure because you know nothing of the world

Why the fuck would you want to go back?

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Oh people used to. But now they all want to live in a medieval world with shit tasting food, poor hygeine, no infrastructure, no advanced healthcare, shit technology and especially no advanced entertaintment such as the internet. I mean, who the fuck wants that?

People that are living mediocre now are living way more satisfied than billionaires of the old. I wouldn't trade anything to advanced technology.

The problem is that you are thinking of our medieval ages, and not a world full of magic and other shit that doesn't exist here.

A god offered to send you to fantasy world, but the catch is, you become the feminine version of your male self. and there are 9 male for every 1 female in that world. Would you do it?

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>with shit tasting food
Food either isn't shit or they end up introducing their cooking.
>poor hygeine, no infrastructure, no advanced healthcare, shit technology
There's magic to take care of those
>no advanced entertaintment such as the internet
And in exchange they get a sense of purpose, far more meaningful relationships. Plus there are books.

It depends on what my cheat power is.

>Food either isn't shit or they end up introducing their cooking.
Medieval Europe's food was 99% shit. That's why a single shipload of spices from the East could make you rich for life. Your own modern cooking isn't going to be worth jack if you don't have access to those spices and centuries of selective breeding for ghe best ingredients.

>There's magic to take care of those
If there was, the world wouldn't resemble a medieval one.

>And in exchange they get a sense of purpose, far more meaningful relationships
Haha, no.

>Plus there are books.
Unless the printing press was invented (hint: it wasn't), those are crazy expensive and rare.

They usually do if they're not worthless NEET's or burned out salarymen.

What if we're already a little girl?

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So you don't read much isekai and just come here to complain. Got it.

Isekai worlds aren't medieval Europe and only resemble it due to lazy worldbuilding.
The existance of magic alone makes that world pretty fucking different from medieval Europe.

>church are bad
>nobles are evil
>no mayo, no white rice, no sashimi
medieval europe wasn't that different than isekai world after all

You mean shit food. Our culinary has advanced from years of research.

Magic can only do so much. I can bet you that science is way more resilient. Not to mention that technology and science can be used by everybody. Also don't forget about our political system. No one wants to live like peasants that can't be critical towards the monarchy. Also, as I said infrastructure. Public transport. Roads. Huge buildings. There would br nonr of that. Like clinics. Hospitals. Actual medicine. What can your magic do? Oh control the element? Make you heal faster? Can you treat deafness with that? How about long or short sightedness?

You can have a sense of purpose now. Register with the army. Go exploring.

Don't think of magic as the one thing that can replace every convenience you experience in todays world because it can't.

it aint working on my bitch ass mobile

You know, I always envisioned making a science fantasy story where technology is powered by what's essentially the essence of magic. Not everyone will use magic and arguably, technology can be much more effective and deadlier.

>Can you treat deafness with that? How about long or short sightedness?
Not him but it's entirely possible.
Magic is a bullshit power with rules set by the author. It can be some useless shit that only allows you to throw a fireball or cure a small wound one time per day or it can be some reality warping power that allows you to turn a blind, deaf, mute old man with 9 different types of cancer plus AIDS into a healthy young boy.

>What can your magic do?
Heal cancer? Make you live hundreds of years? Where's your science now?

>Magic can only do so much
Magic can do as much as the author wants, you imbecile. It's not real, real life shit doesn't apply to it.

It's korean, but look at FFF Trashero.
As of chapter 282, he's been away from his family for around 70 years

Even if that's the case, that is usually reserved to high magic. Magic that again not everyone can use. What of glasses then? Maybe a hearing aid? Do I need scientest to give me thay everytime I want one?

>Where's your science now?
Trying to do that just that but not only for a small handful of people but for everybody.

>Magic that again not everyone can use.
And why should it be a factor in somebody returning when they personally have access to it one way or another?

>Even if that's the case, that is usually reserved to high magic. Magic that again not everyone can use
I don't see how this is an issue when most isekai MCs do have access to that high magic.
>What of glasses then? Maybe a hearing aid? Do I need scientest to give me thay everytime I want one?
I don't even understand what the fuck you are asking here.
Again, magic is bullshit. Maybe it cures whatever issue you have to the point you don't need glasses/hearing aids at all or maybe it doesn't but there is some convenient magical tool that is a perfect replacement.

I really don't want to mention this because I fear it will lead to political autism but science isn't really available for everybody IRL unless they have money or the state itself is willing to cover the costs for them.

but there are only 37 chapters translated...

You mean in america. Or maybe the middle of fucking africa or maybe those war-torn countries? Most of the world have access to science. If you're going to compare it like that than compare it fairly.

Sauce? image search aint giving me shit


>b'but MC have access to it
You don't know that. Like fuck, do you not read isekai? Not all of them gets the same all encompasing magic that can do anything yet they still want to live in that shitty world.

Kuro no Shoukanshi

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No, I mean everywhere.
As far as I know, if you want something like hearing aids, you either pay for them yourself or ask the state to give them to you (which essentially means someone else is paying for you).
And generally that state-funde stuff is inferior to what people with money can get from private sources, specially when it comes to health.

Every fucking time I see a new chapter of this shit I'm 100% sure I dropped it, then I read the chapter regardless and think to myself that this was the last of this piece of shit, just to see another chapter a few months later and repeat the whole process.

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They all get some bullshit cheat that is equal or better than all encompasing magic and an army of waifus that cover pretty much every fucking thing they might need.
And if they don't then they are rich and powerful enough to get it anyway.

I do believe that this is the point that people actually start to realize how bad Maken no Daydreamer is. Despite the fact that it has clearly been trash for a while.

>Why the fuck would you want to go back?
To purchase things not available in the new world and bring them back. Two way travel is best.

Being inferior doesn't matter because they are still getying something. That's the reason we have programmes to help the poor. It's to help those who are less fortunate. Science and years of progress did this. Not magic. Not the fucking feudal system.

Oh yeah, I'm sure it is. Especially when the government takes in you in for bringing fucking alien technology to the world.

At least they're not grabbing military or government personnel else that would spark an inter-dimensional incident.

Having bullshit cheat doesn't suddenly include bringing every convenience you had during your life in the modern world.

Yeah, waifu maybe. If they want to do that or if they can even do that.

Money cannot buy something that don't exist.

What your argument relies on is that it exist and you can get it with effort while most of the isekai don't have any of this.

Seriously, nigger, how many times do I have to repeat this.
You are comparing modern, real science to a vaguely defined bullshit power that works according to the author's whims.
Fuck, there are some isekai stories where you get a similar "public health vs private health" situation with the peasants only being able to ask the priests to cast [Heal] for free while the nobles can pay some archbishop faggot to cast [Super-duper-ultra Heal].
And this isn't even a problem for the MC because he won't be the poorfag peasant with no money and no power, he will be a demigod surrounded by useful waifus and allies who can give them whatever they want.
I'm pretty sure most people would prefer that over being a mediocre faggot with an internet connection.

And who says you need every convenience from earth to be happier there? Like internet is simply a time waster, if you have better ways to spend time it's pretty much unnecessary.

Or what, you think the modern world is objectively better?

Would you chase after milfs to have some fun in your isekai world? I mean if they have monsters and wars there's probably a few widows.

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Probably if they're that hot.

you the man

I pity mangaka who draw isekai manga adaptations for a living.

I thought it was regular isekai trash like most others, but when the bitch that tried to backstab him numerous times became the main girl it became one of the worst isekais I've ever read. This shit is unacceptable.

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Some of them probably love isekai considering how awful their work life is.

The "art" of this manga is terrible.
First that underwhelming lizardman and now this shit.

I wonder how many other stories would have that end in her dying as an unnamed character, or even if she got spared, still remaining an unnamed background character of little importance.

She's literally louise/taiga levels of shit. No sane person would want this bitch near them.

>kenja no mago gets an anime
>your favorite isekai doesn't

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go away Ami.

WOW, she's literally a Lufasu rip-off

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Looks like any other woman with wings...

Still cute, though she'd be cuter with better art.

Consdering there's faggot shitting on gems like Black Summoner or Murabito Isekai in this thread - I'm going to have a pass on listening to your shitty opinion and just read it for myself.

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If artist was a horse - it'd have to be shot.

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Just an example. Shinji was a knockoff Ainz.

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Get hit by a snowball.

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Overlord S1


Since when did Ruphas hold a monopoly on being a blonde angel chick?

It's in one of the image names I dumped.
>subjugated frost giants
I bet they have same contracts as Frost Dragons: surrender or die!

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I got the conditions but what's the issue?

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I'm not Maruyama, but I can guarantee those frost giant attacked ainz first or his representative when they both meet, breaking NAP.

Especially since Black Summoner is a year or two older than Last Boss, so Lufasu would be the rip off.

She is.

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This pope lacks integrity.