Dragon Ball Super

>local little boy causes an insurgence of salt all
around the web
How does he do it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The most pure and cute thing to happen to Dragon Ball.

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Leaked images of Moro and Beerus fighting in the next manga chapter.

Attached: morobeerus.webm (1920x1080, 2.79M)

What happened?

GT Goku confirmed for FighterZ, scan to follow shortly.

Meaning SSJ4 Goku or Kid Goku?

>tfw you're a mangabro and are fine with GT getting a spot in FighterZ

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Kid Goku with a possible SS4 Ultimate


Its GT kid Goku that was confirmed.

It's funny because nobody gave a shit, not even for salt, people just ignored it because nobody cares about GT. It can't even go SS4 so it's not even controversial, just irrelevant

>new arc
>tardku and vageta
I can't believe that someone pays money for this

>supporting GT
Stop falseflagging

>not even controversial
lmao go outside 4channel for a while

>nobody cares
Then why is this DLC being made in the first place?

Here's your (you)


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beerus would rek the fuk outta moro

Proof? I'm curious

Toriyama created the manga and he is supportive of GT. Your point?

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The time to APOLOGIZE has come.

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>"all over the internet"
Let's pull it back a little bit, shall we? Out of the people who still play this dead game, only a few retards would sperg over Grand Taco characters getting in the roster.

Super was SHIT,GT was better although it was medicore

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>playing a shit game


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Sorry but YangGang for life

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Dan Dan Motherfuckers

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usually saturdays, innit?


Dan Dan and Dragon Soul have almost the exact same melody

kill yourself video game nigger

>It makes Goku look different; Ultra Instinct is not a techniq--

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Here you go


>b-but look at these new colors
>a-and I think it makes him stronger too, must be a transformation

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>RPG last boss fight against Moro

W-what went wrong Vegetabros? You told me Goku would get h-humiliated this chapter!

turdhan is the worst DB character

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Kid Goku current voice is trash, along with most of Kai's recast. Freeza being the only exception.

If the Saiyans were fighting stupid, Moro would have been more foolish ...
Typical RPG action of Rasbosu (lol)
But is it cool?

get the fuck out animal to your subhuman containment board

Begone Gary Stu

everything about the dub is pure faggotry now.

post best shota

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Dan Dan > Chala Head Chala

>another Goku
>and one from GT which most of the fanbase hates
>not even the GT Goku that people like, making pedros seethe
BASED Arcsys mining the salt

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Well anons?

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Give me the fucking leaks or he's dead

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I think he's saying something like they could have ended this soon?

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what the fuck is this gay shit?

>Kekfla can't even get in over GT characters


I know it worked the last time but I don't think it will this one

You're worthless fucking faggots. Seriously. How are you THIS devoted to whatever the fuck I happen to do ON THE INTERNET? Have I done anything to you personally for you losers to hate me this much? No. But I honestly wish we did meet. Because shit goes completely south when you aren't hiding behind a computer screen. Have I ever during my entire career on YouTube gloat about being the "best source for Dragon Ball videos"? Not that I can recall. Yet this seems to be the opposite in your little retarded minds. Jealously rules the world, I and you all (hopefully) know this. You're all blinded with it. You fucking pieces of garbage, worthless human beings need to understand that I do this all for fun. I make videos for entertainment purposes. It's not about money, it's not about any of that. I could leave the internet and swipe a fucking job, no big deal. But know what? I won't, because I love my viewers. Not trolls who have nothing else better to do with their worthless lives but to sit down on their fat asses and watch my every move hoping I make a mistake. Well guess what? You're all mistakes. I know this, you know this, and your parents know this. So next time you try to attack someone for what they're doing for their livelihood, think back at what YOU'VE done in YOUR life. Dragon Ball is not my life. It's a hobby. I have a wife, bills, and taxes to tend to. The last thing I need are little twerps trying to hound me because I mocked their Japanese comic book.

Don't bother responding to me, this is my last post on here. Don't bother contacting me on Twitter either. You'll be instantly blocked.

is this the last bit of breath of the GT shit poster?


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But why?

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>dead series
>dead thread

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Based and greenpilled

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Moro does something stupid and lets Goku/Vegeta escape

Any Broly Spiclets here?

I wanna kick your asses.

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Go back in the trash where you belong, faggot.

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People complaining about GT nowadays is like people complaining about the Star Wars Prequels nowadays. It fucking happened, get over it. It was over 20 years ago.

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I'm not complaining, user.

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These people weren't even born back then, they're just following NPCs who can't form own opinion.

I liked GT


you forgot your wojak


>I liked GT

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He's the young man, that jive talking idealist who makes you calm like a bomb

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Not so fast, ningen.

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I'll apologize if you flash your panties

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Get lost

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Wukong's chin and neck look like a big ol swole dick


I do believe that it's time for the various member of the Cutegang to assemble that we might partake in a fine Cute thread

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>Me gusta

Is Caulifla Goku's father?

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That statement makes no sense

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>The cute gang had a bounty put on them after the giant fuck up at the floating fine arts museum

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too bad canon tardku is a braindead retard

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Haha, this never happened.


I mean, I'm surprised, usually people who argue pointless nonsense like you can't make that leap of logic, I guess you've grown up a little!

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Please user, not that opening to Dragonball GT.

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(I wonder, do they know I can't sense Ki!?)

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>THE camera flashes blinded him for a moment. If ony he could get the photographers away. But they had been at his side for months now ------ ever since the first artifacts had been found in these barren hills, south of Cairo. It was as if they too had known. Something about to happen. After all these years, Law-rence Stratford was onto a major find. And so they were there with the cameras, and the smoking flashes. They almost knocked him off balance as he made his way into the narrow rough-hewn passage towards the letters visible on the half-uncovered marble door. The twilight seemed to darken suddenly. He could see the letters, but he couldn't make them out.
>"Samir," he cried.
>"I need light."
>"Ues. :awremce/
> At pmce tje torch exploded behind him, and in a flood of yellow illumination, the slab of stone was won-derfully visible.Yes, hieroglyphs,deeply etched and beautifully gilded, and in Italian marble. He had never seen such a sight. He felt the hot silky touch of Samir's hand on his as he began to read aloud:

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Anyone know Japanese?
What do these small spoilers say about upcoming chapter 46?

are you that autist from gamefaqs or whatever?

Zamas wins.

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Are you a motherfucker? Or has daddy made you his favorite daughter?

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If I'm not wrong it compares it to an action RPG where the protagonists should have been able to finish the enemy off before it was too late if they knew/were competent enough

Third Dr. Slump anime when?

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Well it was expected. They survive Moro to fight him yet again later on.

Did DB/DBZ ever get English subbed tapes in the US? All I've found so far is a movie or two.

You're worthless fucking cunts. Seriously. How are you THIS devoted to whatever the fuck I happen to do ON THE INTERNET? Have I done anything to you personally for you losers to hate me this much? No. But I honestly wish we did meet. Because shit goes completely south when you aren't hiding behind a computer screen. Have I ever during my entire career on YouTube gloat about being the "best source for Dragon Ball videos"? Not that I can recall. Yet this seems to be the opposite in your little retarded minds. Jealously rules the world, I and you all (hopefully) know this. You're all blinded with it. You fucking pieces of garbage, worthless human beings need to understand that I do this all for fun. I make videos for entertainment purposes. It's not about money, it's not about any of that. I could leave the internet and swipe a fucking job, no big deal. But know what? I won't, because I love my viewers. Not trolls who have nothing else better to do with their worthless lives but to sit down on their fat asses and watch my every move hoping I make a mistake. Well guess what? You're all mistakes. I know this, you know this, and your parents know this. So next time you try to attack someone for what they're doing for their livelihood, think back at what YOU'VE done in YOUR life. Dragon Ball is not my life. It's a hobby. I have a wife, bills, and taxes to tend to. The last thing I need are little twerps trying to hound me because I mocked their Japanese comic book.

Don't bother responding to me, this is my last post on here. Don't bother contacting me on Twitter either. You'll be instantly blocked.


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I've probably listened to Cell's "My Way" a million times already and it almost puts me in tears lol. I actually feel bad for the guy. TFS is the best parody work on the internet IMO.

Thank you TFS cant wait for S4 ~Surp

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>mangchads get enjoy juicy leaks in days.
>that one last toeicuck going to lose his fucking mind as always

He said to himself.

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With the Broly movie and the next arc, is Super redeemed?
GT killed Dragon Ball and Super was mediocre, but I'm finally loving it again bros...

GTfags are the Dark Souls 2 fags of Dragon Ball.
The series was utter shit and the low point of the franchise, everybody knows it and admit it except for a tiny minority of idiotic contrarians blinded by nostalgia.
GTfags should just off themselves at this point.

In defense of a bad man, but a good woman

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Save Me Daddy!!!!!

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delet dis

The downside of happenings.

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Fuck off. It's not nostalgia if I can rewatch it at anytime and still enjoy it unlike your negative ass.

Based YamCHAD

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Pan is the best thing about GT.

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why? both felt like pointless filler honestly

Pan is cute, but Kid Goku is.

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Hunterchads..... t-tasukete...

kid goku>adult goku with retardation

>Oorong sama... tasukete...

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>tfw Dragon Ball ended TWENTY FOUR years ago
>tfw this abomination

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dbz recaps old funimation dub 54-162

Would you say it bugs you?

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I want to start the original Dragon Ball. Should I read the manga or watch the anime?


manga obviously

watch DB Kai

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I'm on episode 50 of the anime but it covers a chapter an episode and I could read it much quicker.

I mainly wanted to watch Z but feel like Dragon Ball is worth watching first. Is it best to watch Z or Kai?

Z has better atmosphere and soundtrack. Kai feels rushed and soulless.

I wonder what Perfect Cell's feet feel like haha

According to the official statements, potatoes and cum

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The right one is absolutely disgusting, just like the bottom one in pic related.

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japanese z is best by far

what is Moro's actual intent? I'm scared bros

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I don't know why people shit on the new movie as much as they do but holy shit was I happy to see that they didn't go for that ugly shiny look the series eventually gained.

just how ugly yamcha is in nu, yamamuro has absolutely no taste

To become friends with Cranberry.

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"Ore to tatakae! ! Oh, those were the days, hahahaha such silly times! "

>leaks soon
>thread is dead as fuck


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Yeah, Yamcha looks bad, but for me it's Puar's retarded face what kills it. What the fuck happened to his mouth?

we won't get leaks until the 20th, just like last month

Fuck both of those pieces of shit.

I want to hold hands with Keru-chan.

this better not be porn goddammit

Okay, Shigeru, which country was getting which miracle item set ?

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Is that pretty consistent? Because I'd actually like to avoid spoilers.

>another Goku & Vegeta arc

gee i wonder why

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How much dick does he suck?

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it's light

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since viz posts the new chapters so quick, people don't really bother to leak it early anymore it seems. last month we only got leaks a couple hours before viz released it.

Too much.

Trashifla looks like shit even here. Also
>145 pounds
Not even if you count all the shit and hot air she's filled with, kek. More like 85 pounds of AIDS soaking wet.

does nothing but eats fucking food, what was even the point of this character

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post nice pages

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Goatfags on suicide watch.

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god i remember when that retard was posting the virus with "soon" for months because of that

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He was right for "Dragon Ball Project" actually, maybe he's right for Sadala arc

TFW tardku lets another genocider go

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What, the videogame? It has nothing to do with what he said.

to kiss chichi in bejita's place.

just put strawberry jam or something on your dick and he'll probably suck it right off desu

Yes, Broly and Freeza are my favorite characters. Now stop harassing me or I'll call MODS and the police !

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>It's ok bro, those are cool characters, though, as you can probably tell, my favorite character is Yamcha.

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Tell anons the reasons why they should watch Dragonball GT.

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It's OK bro', it's your choice.
I prefer Chads Characters like Jiren or Gogeta.

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don't (do not) involve super Garfield in impure thoughts
he cute

That's right, Son Goku is my favorite character, how did you come to that conclusion just by looking at me?

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kid goku is too cute for you people

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I'd have to believe in you old man to know what you're talking about, care to inspire a little faith for once?

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Gniii Broly is the most powerful character gniii

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Literally obsessed.

Tien looks like a cardboard cutout and Vegeta's bulge is way too big, good page otherwise

>yeah, Gohan, the humans and the U6 saiyans are my favorite characters. how could you tell?

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> Krilin and Kame Sennin are traced

me on the left

>Based fellow humanfag, who are your favorite ones? mines are Yamcha and Tien.

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>obese spics larping as chads

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Based Boss from SRIV.

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Just report and ignore.

Thats kinda hot

wtf goku is not faggot????!!!!????

wtf is this gay shit

Reminds me of that nearphotison doujin. Good shit.

Oh look.
It's future Gohan if he didn't knock out Future Trunks and let him come with him to fight the androids.
Who then kill trunks.
Which will make Gohan go SSJ2 and rip them apart.
Before going into the past to ask goku about namek and the dragon balls and warn them about the far more powerful android.
Then going into space to find the dragon balls on namek while getting into space adventures against super powerful villians and becoming a space hero.

Kid Goku wore the same Gi as GT Goku in the Path to Power Special.

The small cranial capacity and inferior mating choice tipped off your need to believe in the saviors of Champa's rule brah san.

People hated GT kid goku so much that in america they simply skipped the kid goku shitty db retread and went straight to the baby saga.
They even somehow managed to cut back on the scenes with kid goku in it.

Why put that shit eater in when they could have put in the adult EoZ Goku or better yet SJ4 goku?
Need another shitty goku in there that no one asked for?
Not even the mexicans or japanese like his ass for fucks sake.

>They can't tell it's a paper tiger show

That happens when you let peoples personal phantoms take over their critical thinking skills leaving only the impulsive animal drives at the wheel, and now you know, because I told you so.

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Toriyama didn't design Super Saiyan 4 Goku, he was drawn by Nakatsuru.

Site admins corrupt but not smarter for it.

He didn't design any of the kid goku's either nor did he design broly or their weird as fuck oc donut steel wife of dr.gero.

That's no fucking excuse.

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Early DB style is a lost artform. It just doesn't look good with the Buu-Era and Super Era designs done by Yamamuro.


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Toriyama did a lot of designs for the movies, including Broly. He did write any of them. As for GT, he made a lot of pics for how the show should be like, which is more adventure and less fights.

GT a hop skip and a jump away from becoming canon. Honestly one of the only good moves Super's made recently.

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*in a modified, limited capacity, of course. But I'd take SS4 over more color swapping nonsense any day.

Stupid manlet, here I got you

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Of fuck, I remember now. The reason SS4 isn't separate is because the form drains so much energy that Goku reverts back to his kid mode. He jobbed to 17 and 4/7 of the Shadow Dragons because Goku ran out of energy before doing the killing blow.

>GT a hop skip and a jump away from becoming canon

It's happening.

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man SSJ4 goku looks great with yellow fur

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The Goku & Vegeta Show killed Dragon Ball

i'd rather watch / read a spin-off starring Caulifla than this current trainwreck, even Saintia Sho is better

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He's to slutty to not have impure thoughts about.

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I mean any of the goku's in DBGT.
Not even kid Goku.

That's nice. But they could just put early DB goku in there. Not this fuck up.

The first part of my post.

He didn't design broly. He didn't design a lot of the characters in the movies.
Just the recent movies. Well, he didn't design hte characters in BoG except for nod to nozawa gross red hair form that was supposed to be a one time thing and one time thing only.
Didn't design a single thing in RoF.
And maybe did the nu-broly who was actually originally yamamoto.

SSJ4 has been retconned into some dumb goddamned bullshit about oozaru power that they'll get in base and will make them super duper legendary saiyajin tier power houses...like we fucking need that poorly concieved bullshit.
UI was bad enough.

SSJ4's mere existence was retconned by the idiotic oozaru bullshit in the deeply mediocre nubroly movie.

Bejita did not kiss her.

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>gohanposter is a saint seiya chad

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If I remember correctly, all SS4 does is restore Goku's power. Being turned into a kid just cut his power in half because his child like body can't handle the power.


Your post makes no sense.

>even Saintia Sho is better
lets not go that far
i admit that santia sho is better than omega but again being a jew in the holocaust is better than omega

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Cool bro.

Bejita finally stopped being a fucking neet and got himself a job

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goku did nothing wrong

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same autist posting all this crap on every dragon ball forum

Where is my basketball filler, Toriyama?

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>playing basketball
Step aside manlet, only true CHADS like Piccolo, Tien and Yamcha can play.

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even if got schooled by Kami, Yamcha was the first ningen to ever damage a god in the series

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You have to complete the baseball filler to get it, think about that in terms of comedy.

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imagine saying this to your VA


>If I may...
>Testing, testing...
>Welcome!, Anons of DBS, today, I propose a toast! to humanfags!
>But before that, I have an announcement to make.

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Who do you think this is? FOOL. IT'S A ME ! ! ! ! !

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worst version of goku

holy shit I actually own that one

DB started looking like crap in namek/freeza.

Saiyan and early namek was the only time DBZ didn't look ugly.

and stupidly he doesn't die there.

I hate how toriyama ruined piccolo's look

I would of rather it just been ss4 Goku as the character but the data says he has a hidden level 3 so I hope it'll be a ss4 install

but why?

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Because they're jokes.


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At least the Yamcha figure doesn't have a stick up his ass, unlike the Vegeta one.


how do you make kisslessku figures?


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Thanks user, one of the good GT openings.

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>Yamero... Chadllin sama...

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I've been meaning to ask you imposing neanderthals, did you think I was merely a "voice actor" of all things?

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Is anyone able to calculate how tall Moro is?

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Reminder that Broly's VA is singing this.

True. I noticed that when I first watched Kai.

this desu

ever notice how badly written the goku vs freeza fight is?

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this is when goku's character went to shit.

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Fire bad.

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>Under 6 feet vertical, so not a Globe Trotter.

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>People think im mad because its GT
>In reality im mad because if hes good like Gotenks I now have another short tiny character that tons of shit fucks up on to worry about.

I pray hes mediocrely trash like Krillin.

Not a prize winning post at the science fair.

Maybe ask Ribrianne for some advice, though which international version is up to you.

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>I'll tell you who I am only if you beat me!

>Really? OK! *wins*

>DB bringing in record profits for the series
>franchise back in the public spotlight world wide
>Funi doing everything in their power to fuck it up
Sean was always a fucker though, he's a big reason why they went after those Abridged guys because he says they are taking "HIS" character and ruining him.

>they went after those Abridged guys because he says they are taking "HIS" character and ruining him.
i thought all Funi supported them?

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Funi and Shuheisha

so autists can shitpost

didnt mean to quote anyone there my bad

Its all over the place, the general funi staff like Sabat, the guy who voices Cell, and some of the other staff love them and do what they can to keep the safe.
Sean and the Bulma woman and notable bitches who see this as an attack directed at them with Sean directly calling Goku "His Character" at one point
Toei just doesn't like the idea of them profiting off of it which is fair but they really don't.


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>A dildo, it's against company policy to imply 'your' dildo
See ya after the ban folks!

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i'm surprised this company still holds on till this day, but the whole funi is definitely siding with KickVic right?

fuck that bitchass nigga toriyama

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>he thinks the garbage cancelled cartoon adaptation matters in anyway

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based tax evading tori making toeicucks and powerlevelfags seethe on a minutely basis without even trying

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Fool of a man, grasping only at straw when I offered spun gold and alien gems for the price of a fealty contract, fie I say to him, fie upon the Tori bot and all that labor for his household!

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Who wants catnip?

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I don't like you mario poster

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No, most are silent on it, its Bulmas VA and Sean who are vocal because they see themselves and irreplaceable.

report and ignore

is vegeta canonically fat in anime and manga due to being a neet?

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i suppose being there from the beginning bloats their ego, not like ill blame them for a natural process

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Sean might be safe simply because people like his voice and he's been there since the original Dragon Ball, Bulma however is not one of the OGs and is not at all safe considering how basic Bulmas voice is to mimic

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More like, why didn't they focus on the Veku personality having to outwit his opponents with space ships than you know, Gogeta doing what Beerus didn't finish. There's gotta be a Frieza Force space navy assignment or training program am I right? Of course you think I am, you pillock. You wonderful pillock. Amazing.

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daily doses of frieza's cum

Its not badly written, you just missed the fact that Goku struggled with his new transformation which came from pure anger/hatred and his new found powers were messing with him and it shows in those lines.

This is part of the reason he staid away from Earth in the year+ after Freeza's defeat, he was trying to deal with the malice that initialy came with the Super Saiyan form and master it.

>Bulma however is not one of the OGs and is not at all safe considering how basic Bulmas voice is to mimic
at least that's one faggot gone from the industry after the court

Frieza sama san must have a running zinc deficiency with all the dominance athletics online, oh my.

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Well it seems the Cold family isn't the only one who eventually copies there rivals style eh? Eh? EH? YEAH, LIKE A LINE IN THE SAND.
>Liking thing

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>You're just a pervy old man, now buy me new clothes!

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> Do you even rift?

>implying goku and vegeta arent going to get captured by moro and gohan isnt going to have to save them

Back to plebbit.

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What the fuck went wrong with dbz abridged, the only redeeming thing about the cell saga was the songs, it's like they forgot they were supposed to tell jokes.
I hope they get back to their former glory when they come back because I am in way too deep to stop watching now

>yeah they're my favorite too bro, it's nice to see you finally got into db

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popularity changes people, mostly bad changes

It was always shit.

Goku should have stayed dead after he tought the kids fusion

Nah then the show would've been boring, so glad toriyama brought him back.

i think bringing him back as the cool guy/senior i.e, kakashi, of the group works better than completely ignoring him

It was funnny

Maybe if you're 12.


>gokeks bragging up a non canon win on base vegeta with goku using UI

>yfw its gt goku and hachiyak instead of baby/omega shenron in the next dlc

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>base vegeta
>a fucking blanco vs blanco omen

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what if its janemba?


cute catgirl

*citation needed*

This song is so good.

Part of what makes that transformation so great is how Goku snaps.

get your ass to Yea Forums and don't come back

Suck my cock and do a swan dive from a building faggot.

>Mexican doesn't like Trump
sounds about right

there are so many gokus in this game
horyn shitto

when did you learn to love blue?


"If the Saiyans were battle maniacs, then Moro is even more of a maniac.

He's got the typical RPG last boss behavior. But he seems kinda cool, though?"

toriyama wrote the comic week by week and it shows.

one week goku is charging at freeza saying he won't give him time to power up but the next week toriyama changes his mind and now goku wants to let freeza powerup.

>Vegeta's bulge is way too big
Cope dog

I will forever be mad at how dbfz turned out. They could've gone full marvel with crazy character archetypes but instead everyone has the same movement options. No tri dash character, no flight character, no character with a morrigan dash, no highly immobile heavy with insane buttons.

Every single system mechanic nerf was designed to hit the top teams/characters but all it did was fuck over the bottom tiers even further. The top 10 characters day 1 are still the top 10 today which is bollocks.

I remember how people were speculating crazy characters like mech bulma but instead we get 30 Gokus. They did market the game correctly though, everyone bought into the hype but then the game ended up being super toddler mode.

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the spic fears the kara boga

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AntiGTfags mad seething right now. They know this DLC will sell like hotcakes to true DBZ fans while all they do is "reeeee GT sucks"


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Where did boo get his boo brand soap?

nah, it's base vegeta controlled by a guy weaker than SS.

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learn english you fucking retarded spic

Yea Forums of all fucking places has betters threads about dragon ball than Yea Forums? What the fuck happened?

kek based


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Soul vs Soulless

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You call that Soul?

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Oh good, they must be done giving Cuckhan the spotlight.

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I want erasa to ss goten

Sorry Videl is for Goten.

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But Videl is with Gohan.
Cheating is wrong as is but incestual cheating is on a whole other level

That's what makes it even better!

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But Goten is so small, that's molestation

Aren't you supposed to edit the 6?

Goku reset the counter after one-punching Vegeta Blanco de Jobbers

i think it was one of the only fucking pages during the majin buu saga that didnt look like shit

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Shut up.

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Yea Forums is one of the most reddit boards, almost indistinguishable from /r/anime

>That Vegeta

>SS4 but piss yellow

It would be molestation if erasa did it as well, they are the same age

I know he isn't saying much here, but just fucking look at all that fucking bantz and insight he has to share. Goku was always ahead of the curve in any fucking situation he was in, he always had a way out and could give a heartfelt judgement to anybody. That's what people loved about him and why Trunks' future went bad. When Goku didn't know what to do it meant things were about to get super fucked up. And people have the stones to say DBS Goku isn't a turbo retard with awareness impediments and just like muh Mountbird envisioned him.

They're almost exactly the same, aside from more spic memes on here. As far as anime is concerned both Yea Forums and Yea Forums are just giant DBZ and Naruto generals

point was the retcon between chapters.

originally freeza didn't blow up the planet because he was afraid of getting caught in the explosion and held back, next chapter Tori says Freeza holds back on blowing it up because he wants to waku waku with goku. It's a retcon that takes freeza from calculating villain to warrior which maybe not bad but odd.

Nobody actually shits on the new movie, it was very good

I know, I wasn't touching on that. Personally I think Goku struck a nerve, but Freeza was legitimately bent on looking after his life first. In fact if you skim a little later, Goku or Freeza will say that using him his 100% shortens his lifespan and that's why he's reluctant on using it. Interestingly enough, this detail mirrors King Piccolo's fight.

>Toyotaro can't replicate the pure raw power of Toriyama

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>/dbs/ is finally dead

About time

You wish fuckboy

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>has a hidden level 3 ability


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Nah,SS4 is going to be it's own character, the hidden Level 3 is obvously Dragon Fist.

never bitchboy

the thread is always slow in the early morning you turbo retard

99% of people who frequent these threads are neet trash

>goes super saiyan when one character dies
>goes ss3 when both characters are dead

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Can't wait for you to be proven wrong.

It'll be ss4 dragon fist

Why was that technique never reused?

imagine coping this hard

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toriyama must legitimately hate tien. The only techniques he's kept are multiform and tribeam. Krillin apparently invented the solar flare

There were barely five posts per hour yesterday. Cope, DBSpic.

When Jobhantards aren't shitting up the threads, the characterfag wars stop, ironic isn't it?

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>wahhh wahhh muh shitposting general is dead


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>yfw next chapter has Gohan vs Moron
>Moron absorbs Gohan's jobbing powers just like his creation Buu did in the past and then proceeds to lose to Goku or Vegeta right after
About time my boy contributed for something in DBS

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fuck off frogfucker

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so who will beat el cabron? goku or vegeta?

>beating a main villain



Jaco, merus and Buu

Literally the first things Toriyama states in terms of his involvement with GT was that he designed the GT versions of the cast which obviously includes the kid Goku. It's also the same interview where he states SS4 is by Nakatsuru and not his own design

>This song is so good.
Dragonball GT openings sound good in different languages too.

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Thanks, Doc.

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Why are Panposters so cute and friendly compared to most of other characterposters?

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I really do love Kid Goku and all, but man... Another one ? I wonder if the next DLC character will be a GT rep too.

Merci docteur

Poor Vegeta.

No. It'll be GT Vegeta.

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This thread has been up for almost 2 days
DB is finally dead

I just got to where Mr satan rips up the photo of boo
What a fucking idiot

>, next chapter Tori says Freeza holds back on blowing it up because he wants to waku waku with goku.
No you retard, Goku says "if you really wanted the planet to go, you'd have just shot at the planet again and ended things" which is true

>That arm on Goku
Anyone who says Yamamuro is still good is now officially a retarded spic.

You're from Narutoforums.

Probably the outfit hiding his muscles.


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Clothing doesn't make your arms look like a fucking stick.

It's really hard to take a villain like Cell seriously when he never achieved anything by himself and instead everything was handed to him

>17 run away! Cell wants to absorb you!
>"no, I want to fight despite not being anywhere near his level!"

>18 run away! Cell wants to absorb you!
>"No, I want to remain by your side! sure Cell will kill you once he absorbs me but whatever"

>Krillin! destroy 18 with the remote control that activates her bomb!
>"No! I like 18 and I won't kill her! it's not like the dragon balls exist or anything!"

>Vegeta! You must destroy Cell immediatly before he can absorb 18!
>"No! I want Cell to perfect himself so that he can kick my ass!"

And then he survives a kamehameha to the face because Tori forgot how the regeneration worked
And then he survived his own explosion out of pure luck

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I’m still glad to this day smugpupfags went extinct after they jobbed to fucking Krillin of all people

God I forgot how different his face was to his sons, guess that's why nobody recognised him at the tourmnament

they are supposed to be the same person so I imagine he'll end up looking like this someday

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For some reason I expected this to be anal vore

>cute and friendly compared to most of other characterposters?
The unfriendly posters, seem to hate Dragonball GT. I just can't understand why they would hate GT so much?

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>anal vore
Cell, Buu, A21, and Toriyama were mistakes.

Show us your fucking underwear you lewd bitch

I don't know about all that, but Vegeta is undefeated against Goku. And that's canon.

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Hard to say.

Attached: GT Geeter would have slapped Goku's shit too.jpg (564x423, 30K)

He doesn't have any unique normals, so they're going to have to bullshit hard (like with Bardock, for instance). Toei Punch will have to get some major pushing. 10x Kamehameha (as retarded as that notion is) going to be a lvl1, then? What are we left with, really?

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Whatever happened to Erasa in the end

He beats Goku all the time. That's about as main villain as it gets.

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Who can really say?

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Nice general.

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Vegeta Vegeta…

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Goku is not a villain.

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Like father like son

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you guys realize these few seconds of glow in the movie is teasing "Ascended" Golden Freeza form

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>doesn't prefer the superior loli Chi-Chi
Carlos is a swine

I'm so happy the antagonist of the new arc isn't another non-villain like Hit, Jobren or Beerus. Hell even Zamasu was a """good""" guy to some degree (because he unironically thought he was doing the best for the multiverse).
Molo is a soulless monster and that's great.

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He wasn't supposed to have an important role in GT, so when designing the older cast Toriyama just went all out and gave him a goofy design.

Reminder user, Vegeta did get older.

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He had this moments, but he definitely had some luck on his side.

>forgot how regeneration worked
Even if he combined it with Frieza's genetics for surviving in a bad state, that doesn't really translate to this 'core' business. His head was fucking gone. Toriyama just needed to have him throw up a barrier at the last second or move away enough that just his head remained (surprising them by regenerating) or something that works within his abilities.

>survives his own explosion
Even worse. His luck ran out when he opted out of all the moves he had access to that were superior to Kamehameha (SBC and GG in particular *hard to really vouch for Frieza's moves as they often relied on outmatching the target with pure PL*). He didn't even have to use his Goku (copy-master so it is said *though he only really learned a trash move quickly that even Yamcha got down pat without trouble as with Gohan*) cells to do what he failed to (see Tri-Beam and copy it, for instance). He could just use his Piccolo and Vegeta cells to make up newer, better moves. He doesn't. He relies on his worst option in the power struggle when even Galick Gun would have given him the win before Vegeta could interfere. The perfect retard. That's Spots for you.

NOTE: Goku dying to the thing is another problem entirely (or how it even came to that).

Let's stick to canon (and actually Goku). Also, his antics are clearly villainous (humoring you, it only gets worse in your beloved GT 2.0).

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>what kind
-Budokai 3

>implying SS4 won't be a whole new stand alone character in season 3
kek based brainletposter

He deserves a better rival.

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Both characters here are chads.

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Attached: Can't get 3-0 if I run away with this little brown boy, Vegeta.jpg (640x480, 53K)

>implying this game will make it to season 3

I mean it's always been like that. Even Toriyama did it during the Boo arc for Gohan

These whores are killing him.

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if you're talking about piccolo SR, this is not him and that is piccolo jr

that's just how he looked early on.

go watch the last dragonball saga or watch the dead zone movie

They've got a lot of work to do to make it entertaining to watch (playing is its own suffering, I'm sure). Maybe consider just making a 1v1 setting (would suit me much better). Some of the S2 changes should probably be rolled back. I see no value in a SS4 Goku (nor did I support Blueku, but then even base Goku is a stretch). Kid Goku has the best case, but all the others have made him a bit unwelcome. Despite this, I would not be surprised to see this before any other GT inclusions (if any ever actually make it).

didn't yamcha get his tooth knocked out and run away from goku when his partner backed him up?

its going to be golden oozaru

he was gonna keep fighting but bulma scared him

You got a problem? Because I've got solutions.

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>no one can

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okay so he got scared by goku's partner and lost to him and a girl. lucky goku getting to mooch for an easy win

Least of all Toriyama. He's utter trash and has been for longing than many of these kids have been alive. He's an asshole who hates DB and its fans, but doesn't want to get raped for not paying his taxes.

Apologies. Bit my tongue.

>literally fell off a fucking bridge because he's scared of girls
That's not very chad user

>is like 6'0, maybe even 6'2
>millionaire sportstar
>canonically handsome womanizer
he probably wasn't when he was a teenager but he sure as fuck is now that he's an adult

>just watched Broly movie in the theatre
holy fucking shit.
how did the Toei do it anons? How did they make the best Dragon Ball movie ever made?

isn't he poor and lives on some shack with his cat who remains the only 'woman' he has 'known'?
>best movie has lacking villains, no tension, shitty cgi, GT fights

They knew Broly was popular so they actually tried, and on top that Toriyama made the script so Toei only had to draw, animate and fill the fights. Toei can actually be competent when they try, the problem is that they never try for their series

He was with Bulma for like 2 years, I'm sure they had sex at some point
Assuming that pathetic fucker could get it up

>best movie has lacking villains
yeah ok
Old broly was a lacking villain.
Nu-broly is a soulful antagonist.

He lives in an apartment, also you gotta remind that he used to be poor when he was a bandit, so he's probably humble af. And he also revealed he got another gf by the end of the Cell arc.

shut up cuckrenfag

frieza is a fucking comic relief and broly went from a flanderized retard in sequels to just a retard
sounds poor to me. and puar doesn't count. he bullshit all he likes but what we see is a sad lonely failure that was never rewarded for his suffering by the creator unlike the midget formerly known as goku's best friend


the gray is shit too. toriyama was really taking the piss with that one only to one-up himself by saying he would give broly fans what they want by giving them someone who isn't broly. he doesn't like to hurt people, he doesn't like fighting and so on. he is a big bitch who loves his daddy while just wearing his only friend's ear or some shit. totally gay and led around by some green bulma as his handler

Did you even watch the first part of the movie or did you skip to the fight like the humongous retard you are?

>frieza is a fucking comic relief
Everything is his fault though, he is the villain of the movie.
Concerning the "comic relief" part, did you even watch the frieza arc? Watch it again.

you're surely wrong about that. while bulma is the type he's exactly as pathetic as you know him to be. he had all that time and did nothing with his chance just to die to some plant-thing when he had the advantage and get cucked by a manlet who had been trying to kill everyone repeatedly

they didn't try for the movie either as the fights were dog shit only occasionally okay when doing 'homages' the same as super pulled with one of their lesbians. toriyama writing the script? yeah i'd love to see how much he actually wrote. always vague napkin scribbles yet people keep buying into each new lie about his close involvement when he can't begin to give a fuck about dragonball. in what world was he going to faithfully recreate broly when he fucking hates macho shit now? he only needed to get rid of his dumb obsession with goku but decided to have them fuck up a bunch of other shit while pushing minus in there going totally against his whining about comparing goku to superman

Do some people actually care about "old broly"?
The character was utter shit, incoherent and uninteresting
Tarzan Broly is plain better.

Those designs aged like milk, they are way too 90'

>A GT character is put into a non-canon and irrelevant video game, something that has been happening since GT's inception
>G-GT is gonna be canon guys!
This is how the minds of spics actually work.

Old Broly's appeal consists of the things Toriyama wants nothing to do with anymore (proving himself a blight on the franchise having done nothing to make Super any less shit than GT). I'm surprised they even let him briefly be huge like...just before they had Gogeta shit on him completely with not a moment of shine. Villain just enjoys beings evil? Not unless you're made into a damn joke like Fridge has become (just wants to be a little taller). Nu-Broly's domination wasn't nearly as satisfying. While his defeat was bad, at least it wasn't the same tier of ass pull as a Toei Punch (from a bunch of near death people that together couldn't do a thing to their foe they've now bested). I'll grant that.

>plain better
This implies an absolute that doesn't hold water. He hates fighting (we all know how that worked out for Gohan in a battle shonen). He's just a tool of others. He cries for his abusive father's ridiculous death. The complex it takes to call yourself a devil or whatever is preferable to some dipshit made pals instantly with by way of a chocolate bar. There were so many unnecessary changes made when the only thing that needed addressing was something that was more a problem from the sequels (though it has roots in the original's stupid motivation meant to make him hate the MC when the one at that time that should have been able to beat him was Gohan via what became known as SS2, but they didn't want to get ahead of the anime just because this was already done in the manga so Toei Punch it is rather than just letting the heroes have to flee for a rematch down the road).

NOTE: I still can't believe they had some random Frieza Force tech able to restrain this greatly buffed version of him. Mere shocks did the trick. The same assholes that made Jockstrap Frieza (barely any stronger while Gero turned regular humans into vastly stronger beings even before they got buffed for Super).

Super will only ruin the few good ideas GT had. Just like GT did.

>G-GT is gonna be canon guys!
It's becoming canon, user.

Attached: 1519205968480.png (640x480, 326K)

Pedro, I know you worthless Mexicans lack any semblance of reading comprehension, but try to keep up.

The complex it takes to call yourself a devil or whatever is preferable to some dipshit made pals instantly with by way of a chocolate bar

Attached: Prince finds his vassal's fight record against him.png (851x898, 527K)

What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? Kill yourself.

Thanks for sharing, Nu-Toriyama.

pathetic obsessed dog, cope

Attached: carrot coping with his fellow dog when done conceding to his master bejita-sama for 3-0.gif (500x591, 840K)

>no argument

Attached: a carrot in its natural state - jobbing to his prince.png (1280x720, 1.39M)

god i love winning
i'm so much better than you

he designed all of those characters you mentioned

No need to rub it in, 'Geets. Your vassal already knows his place and silently obeys his master's command.

Attached: wake carrot when it is time to job to his prince again.gif (498x276, 1.68M)