JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

It's time

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Other urls found in this thread:

>those fucking spoilers on the opening

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Why is it labeled 21.5 on Crunchyroll? Is this another recap episode?

Is it up on crunchy yet? If so, link please.

>new OP literally shows every single important plot point in the next 18 episodes
lmao based

New OP is fucking trash
Listen to this as ear therapy:

Attached: fugo big brain.png (872x554, 860K)

Post the op pls.

Someone upload the OP video already


based retard

21.5 was last week's episode, and it was a recap.


>Gonna be on a 6 hour drive in the next 15 minutes
Please for the love of god post the opening.

Those visuals were pretty weak not gonna lie. I get what they were going for but it fell flat. Also still barely if any La Squadra in it, damn

>Yea Forums will defend this

Part 2 did the same shit nigger

the song is amazing but the visuals are pretty awful ngl

liked the doppio part tho

Part 2 had good manga scans and was worth reading though

doppio had the best part

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>those reused clips in OP
It's going to get replaced once more characters appear, right?

this doesnt spoil shit

why is Yea Forums exaggerating again?

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They're not re-used. They're the same events that have happened in the anime but completely re-drawn for the OP




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So these low quality lazy OP animation is final? wow

I don't recall those clips being exactly like that except for White Album.

>trish's stand
>how gio tells if kc has been activated
>doppio using epitaph
>buccellati dying
>gio fucking stabbing his GE with the stand arrow
yeah no spoilers bro

>took them 21 episodes to make another OP
>it's terrible

Keep in mind that a lot of this means nothing to an anime only

FUgo is the only one not retarded after all.

Based DP saving the budget for more important episodes. Clash and Talking Heads could’ve been a slideshow with voiceover and I wouldn’t care as long as they used the budget more towards the end

Jojo's Copyright-Free Adventures in Italy???

the only thing they could have added for the cherry on the top would have been a shot of Polnareff in the shadow with only his legs in the wheelchair in the light

>Polnareff is just a fucking hand


that means shit to anyone who didn't read the manga

you must be stupid

fuck everyone who begged for a new OP now we got this shitshow of an OP
fucking retired cucks

>buccellati dying
Where was that?

it's pretty solid

his rendition of fighting gold is better than this new op desu

>that means shit to anyone who didn't read the manga
Especially Trish's Stand and reappearance of the arrow, retard.

My fucking sides. Most of them look like spoilers because you already know the damn thing. Trish stand and Doppio only spoilers and no anime only can relate between them since they also show the buff Doppio version fighting. Why the fuck people even care about anime onlys btw ? They don't care, thats for sure.

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If you're an anime-only fag crying about getting spoiled you should just fall on a power drill.

heres my biggest problem with clash and talking head , its that after it happened , giorno and narrancia goes back like nothing happened , not telling the gang : "hey narrancia was actually attacked by a shark stand"

Guess what part of the opening is getting skipped by KC for the last episodes hype.

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Could giogio still use GE's normal abilities after it becomes GER? Seems like a waste if not, just think if he'd decided to become a doctor instead of a gang boss.

animeonlies in shambles

>the voice on the phone was definitely Tiziano
>anons unironically believed this
Where are you fuckers?!

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The part with the skipped dripping blood

i hope it's all of it

GE only becomes GER for a short while after being stabbed with the stand arrow
It doesn't permanently become GER. If he wants to use GER in the future, he'll have to stab his stand again

Did you even read the manga?

I was an animeonly for part 1-3, and I didn't get spoilered by the openings. They're spoilers to you because you know they are spoilers, animeonlys will stay clueless.

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Get on your knees and service my cock

I don't really care for the song but the visuals got me hyped especially for the Metallica fight so it's all good.
>but muh spoilers
Who gives a shit, animeonlies won't even realize what most of it means anyway. Plus in JPN most people who are watching probably already read the manga anyway.

Yes but it was so boring and inconsequential I decided not to waste valuable neural storage space on its godawfully drawn out ending.

I swear people are fucking retarded. If you compared the end of that episode to the manga, the lines are practically the same and in the manga it’s obviously Doppio I guess people thought it was Diavolo in the manga technically because Doppio hadn’t been introduced yet

People waste way too much damn energy about spoilers, christ if a story has to rely on special TWEESTS that make it boring as fuck if someone tells you what's happens then it just plain isn't a good story to begin with.

I liked it but no polnareff foreshadowing blows and why does it spoil everything? Spice Girl, the arrow, GER and the whole Colisseum fight.

No that's gay bro.

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It'll be the other way around. A part will be added and shown from Diavolo's perspective. It's already skipped in the OP we've got.

>it was true

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sho whats the ED going to be?
hopefully a king crimson song

>man destroys M. Night Shamalamas career in one post

Don't look back
The time has come
All the pain turns into love

We're not submissive, we're not aggressive
But they think we can't defend

Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive
We have the power to face the future
Cause we are the fighters
Just fighting for our rights

They're accusing, like always without knowing
What is just fiction or what is the truth
They have no mission, they have no passion
But they dare to tell us what's bad and what's good!

Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive
We have the power who'll face the future
Cause we are the fighters
Just fighting for our fights



he's yonkainigger

>refresh horriblesubs
>they skip jojo and upload b-project 52

>DP needs the recap episodes to keep the quality up guys

Where are those 27 people apologizing for being so retarded?


How is that gay? We all have penises bro.

>wasting budget on Clash and Talking Heads

Kill yourself any time dude. David didn’t put much effort into Kraftwerk either so obviously they know which fights people actually want to see and are cutting budget on shitty fights accordingly

Isnt it supposed to air in half an hour because of time fuckery

then why not just air the crash episodes before taking a week break. nobody wants to come back to this trash

>"point at different body of water around him as he yell in pain"

these are the peoples that managed to survive so far to a bunch of assassins

To be fair one of the volume covers shows Spice Girl before she appears in the manga.
Here's your ED bro

Post long giorno

It's a good song

Pretty good

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even worst :
>bottle roll to narrancia feet with a stand shark in it
>Bruno and Mista both looking at narrancia and therefore should see the bottle dont fucking see Clash


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Will there ever be an edit that will top this?

Kraftwerk was still better than this trash. This is unwatchable unless you have shitaste like you

Again with this

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Where did I defend the current episode retard? Tell me where? I’m supporting David cutting budget from trash fights like Clash/Talking Heads so you can go fuck yourself incel. You’re not gonna get anything better than that anyway




Fujos need to get turned into public cumdumps for us jojochads

The last 30 seconds of the opening fucking sucks. Everything leading up to that part was great and then it just shits the bed at the end

I did not say you defended the episode, but simply that it's unwatchable because it has quality everywhere


Great desuyo!!!

I'm a few eps behind, did they do the sound effects?

>do an op that show pretty much all that will happen from here minus the bodyguards
>not show polnareffu

if you gonna do that kind of opening might as well go all in

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And King Crimson on both sides. Diavolo is neither dead nor alive.


You see his hand

They only do that for the final opening in each part.

But that's a right hand, and Polnareff is supposed to be missing fingers on it. Are you sure that's him?

Then (((David)) Productions didn't add him because of his antisemitic comments in part 3

He's only missing the pinky, which can't be seen in the OP.

Our boy Doppio looks cute!


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Not as cute as you, user.

Entire part BTFO in this OP
based DP

What emotion is this face trying to convey?

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Yea Forumsirgin anime only here
the new episode airs today?

ED visuals

Why are we pretending that spoiling animeonlies is a big deal? Why are we pretending that Animeonlies will actually have a single clue of what's happening in any of these scenes?

[autistic screeching]

Get on your knees and service our cocks

The only big spoilers in the OP are the arrow and Doppio vs Metallica.


He's constantly in a fit of rage, because he can see the future but cant actually do anything about it without KC.
KC is always angry because he has this little tard screeching constantly on his forehead.

>The "G" in guts

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>it was Doppio on the phone

Also the OP isn't anymore spoilery than Fighting Gold I don't think. It shows Doppio and Spice Girl but the first opening already showed all the main characters' stands. The other "spoilers" are the same as they always are, too vague to really make anything out of if you don't already know what they're supposed to be. I'm surprised none of the Elite Guard are shown in the opening though and we ended up getting all of La Squadra in it instead. Some openings change over time as things are revealed but I couldn't see any places for them to do that.

Why do people say the reused footage?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 19 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_18.30_[2019.03. (1920x1080, 240K)

What a stupid stand power desu
how did he even managed to join the killer squad?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 22 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.38_[2019.03. (1920x1080, 303K)


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Clash is actually pretty cool. The idea of Talking Head is too. Though neither really were as cool in the fight as they could have been. The Talking Head joke is played way too repetitively imo.


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I meant TH obviously. Even less power than fucking hermito purple, and no special abilities beside that. And it's not even a punchghost!

giogio somehow is the only one with >90 iq

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It was powerful enough to take Narancia's knife and cut him deeply. So not a punch ghost but still with decent strength. The special ability is making the people it's attached to not be able to express their thoughts in any way. It's a utility stand.

>No polnareff forshadow
Aside from that, kino

the op was fucking dogshiet
and the o fortuna sample in the ending felt super cheesy


Doppio's here! Doppio's here !

the clash fight sucks but the moment that tiziano realizes squalo is dead is pure kino


Is this what they mean by "heterosexual life partners"?

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I love it but i don't know how they'll add the time manipulation of the OP at the end

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This is so fucking good. Insta-#1 from me.

The very beginning of the opening was good, I'm really not feeling the rest of it right now, but I really wasn't feeling Fighting Gold at the beginning either. Also, why did they just unsubtly show the entire rest of the show except for Polnareff in the opening? Metallica, Spice Girl, the Requiem arrow and Giorno piercing himself. It's all right there.
The best part of the opening was Doppio either way.

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I think I prefer Chase over this shit.

Big giogio

When Clash appears the music is the fucking Jaws theme.

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I liked Chase right at the beginning. The only other OP I felt that way for was Bloody Stream.

Anyone got a screenshot of Abbachio, Mista and Narancia beting up the civvy?

How the fuck did they make them even gayer in the anime?

It does feel like it would be out of place since King Crimson's already been revealed. Maybe it'll be something with GER instead. If you listen to the full song there's a change in it that could possibly be something. Like the full version of Great Days has the reversed section at the end of it.

did you miss the droplets of blood

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post yfw the people shitting on the new OP will admit that it's decent in a month
same thing happened with fighting gold
it's fucking kraftwerk at this point with every OP except kinda Great Days

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where can download the episode 4 free?
my ISP doesn't like torrents

Fighting Gold grew on me but I was still waiting for it to change. I liked this new one as soon as I heard the English version of it. It's also the opening with Doppio in it so it gets bonus points.

>david reveals everything in the op
>faggots are still going to """analyze""" it anyway looking for deeper meanings
Fuck jojotubers.

imagine being this cucked

Why was the art so shit this week?

They're vague spoilers same as every other Jojo opening. Most people I see just sort of gloss over the openings (or skip them entirely) because they don't want to be spoiled in case they actually interpret something correctly.

I don't know but I'm glad they did.

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It's probably going to be this. In all the other openings the special was an ability we hadn't seen before, or didn't know what it did. But we already know what king cimnson does and it is in the opening. So the change will be GER and showing a skipped clip.

My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.


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>Kenjiro Tsuda

Is it bad if I think these over-detailed stills of King Crimson actually look really good?


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>is it bad to have an opinion
yes, kill yourself

Abbacchio joining Narancia and Mista on the beating reminded me of this

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That's not really a still, it showed for a split second

The new OP is literally just fighting gold in terms of visuals

>camera quickly pans over the characters as they use their stands to punch things

Do you think they fuck?

>no Ishida Doppio
My mind knew it would never happen but my heart still had hope.

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Question is how much

Only intercrural sex.

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Won't the bottom's junk get in the way?

>bloody stream is just the entire show summarized in 90 seconds
Fucking dp

i need a webm of Narencia Mista and Leone kicking that civvy

I think JooႱ have a low chance of survival

It's pretty much new age O Fortuna.

> worst jojo op ever so far
> shitty ass art
> retarded narancia 80% of ep

Man I fucking hate this shit. Well, at least ending with Enigma was glorious and based.

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>TWO Giornos
jooj is fucked

fuck you guys i liked it

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thanks, i hate it.

Do stands think? and can you touch/hug/look at them?

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I think Giorno stabbing the arrow on himself was pretty easy to see. We already saw Kira do someting similar at the end of part 4.

Why was this episode so fucking ugly? Did we finally get to the point where they ran out of budget?

Judging by Araki's art the stands really like to hug their owners.

Here the best adaptation

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>Do stands think?
Some of them.
>and can you touch/hug/look at them?

That's not the killer squad, that was Nero's team.
They are on a closer hitman team only the boss knows.

This week got no money

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It's a pretty boring fight that takes place in a bathroom. Why waste the budget on it?

They're practicing for Part 7-8 art style

Imagine having a stand that's a prehensile tongue.

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Narancia - clearly ready for battle, look at that stance
Abacchio - not ready at all, looks like he's about to offer a dance
Bucciarrati - looks cautiously but curiously, planning his strike on his own terms

Mista - a total wild card, be afraid
Trish - looks bored, also in a terrible pose for combat, shouldn't be here
Giorno - more willing to get close, still a hint of cautiousness though, he's ready for an attack

All in all I'd say they're tied in combat potential.

is this edited?

I don't like new OP. It kinda sounds, i don't know, like one piece op?

Oh my fucking god that OP was dogshit. How the hell did we go from Fighting Gold to this???


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please post full

Tiziano is hella gay

Fighting Gold was and still is shit, this is so much better

>that abrupt skip
you guys thinking what i'm thinking?

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>fighting turd was good
every time

post the best QUALITY frames this ep

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I wonder how many episodes we will need until everyone start praising the OP like always




How do you think they'll handle part 6? Is it just going to be everyone except Emporio standing to the left of the image?

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its the Jojo effect,wait a month and its going to get better.(AND BETTER)

The whole episode was quality as fuck but somehow DP managed to make the best parts look amazing. Totally worth it for the new OP

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Alright so speculate about the GER version of the OP

3 max.

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What the fuck is up with the animation?

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What if i end up getting mad and abusing my stand? Will my stand retaliate?

Why is KC so happy?

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What does this algae taste like?


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>apparently everyone is now a retard
>literally nothing happened
>those faces
DP is giving everything for the last episodes because they clearly didn't give a shit about this one

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why would it be bad? they have a lot of detail, nice linework, energy, and they are inbetweens, not stills, if anything, the animation king crimson has is the highlight of these past few arcs

>they cut out narancia writing on his arm and telling giorno that he's a girl
fuck you DP


well its already an alright opening, and the more you hear ir the better it gets, and the visuals are fucking good.


Getting ready for the biggest succ

I liked the OP and ED

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he killed half of them

Is FF popular in Nipland? Will she get as much love as Mista during the adaptation?

What does DP have to do with wh7o?

>last episode or second-to-last episode
>OP starts
>get to pic related
>entire frame distorts and goes into King Crimson's world
>music stops
>Diavolo looking around at the actions
>Polnareff revealed
I would fucking cum

Nobody is complaining about the ED, the OP is a bit controversial however

that buccellati is looking quality


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I thought all part 6 girls were ugly

awful taste

>no turtle
anime did it better

>tfw two hours until I get a laptop to watch the new op
I need resolve.
Btw the only op I liked from the very beginning was End of the World, and you overreacting faggots shit on every new op. Calm down and give it a chance.


She'll get enough love to make the fact that she's the only one that doesn't join the others in the new world all the more painful.

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He doesn't know.

>the only hot girl in Part 6 is a corpse
What did Araki mean by this?

New OP sounds like DP trying to shorten a prog rock song, kinda like a RED-era King Crimson track. It's pretty fucking good.

Probably talking about the swirly clouds after the elevator.

DP did it again, fucking best Animation company out there.

That transition was my favorite part of the new OP

Attached: trish.png (1280x720, 440K)

this is actually foreshadowing Trish next menstruations

Regular punch ghosts cant and wont retaliate, as your own hand doesnt retaliate no matter how much you punch it to the wall. Very few stands have enough free will to to even consider attacking their user, and even then they dont do it because if you die, they go as well.

They just changed it to frame Abbacchio, Bucci and Narancia together

>OG Fugo colorscheme as final tribute

>no figure
>not playable in games
>from worst part

This might be the best OP yet. I'm not kidding.

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the op fucking sucks compared to the previous one

g-guys... is king gonna get the succ?

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does GE have a crush on GioGio?

EndCredits got gorgeous

>instead of skipping the animation continues to reveal GER
that's what i assume will happen but it was abruptly skipped as to not spoil it.
It will happen in the last episode tho so who knows what we'll get before that. I'm assuming that we'll get diavolo instead of faceless boss and maybe cioccolata will be added

look at his hand he is about the drop the biggest roast of 2019 on sticky fingers

>spoils fucking everything
It's the worst OP. inb4 some fag calls me an animeonly, I'm not. But openings that blatantly spoil shit instead of being subtle are really amateur.

This arc isn't particularly well liked so yea it makes sense.

I'm right there with you, I can't stop listening to it.

spoiler that shit nigger

yup, i noticed it too.
very kino

>mista's hat
Wow they didn't even try

So why does a Stand get hungry or even have a need to eat?

is this a fucking picasso painting

I was talking about the song.

This OP fucking sucks

Tell me what exactly is a spoiler there? The only spoiler is Giorno and the arrow.
The other shit are just "spoilers" because you know the context, how would someone lknow that the hand at the start is GioGio's or who the fuck is the purple haired fuck boy?

worst arc

god, you people are miserable

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This OP is fucking good.

>think of the animeonlies!
Retards. They had two years to read a 90s manga with good translations available.

Why doesn't Giorno stuff his belt with turtle DNA brooches? That's basically free Masterballs.

Talking Heads is one of most frustrating stand battles in this series. I was on the verge of fucking rage when initially reading it.

Mista is mentally ill

when did that happen?

I doubt DP was taking western piracy of the manga into account when creating the OP

This OP is fucking meh.

>good, rational post
Every time

They were thinking of jap mangachads

Mista has problems

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Here comes the half point dip in quality. Hope you guys aren't expecting good animation until the final five episodes. Please let me be wrong.

You are wrong in thinking the final five episodes won't look like shit

This op is fucking

A vagina is a vagina, even if it's a corpse being worn by plankton

It makes everyone on the team look like massive retards yea, its one of the worst fights in JoJo

Why is Giorno so gay for his own stand?

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No, it didn't. Battle Tendency's opening was very complex so it was hard to make out all plot points. With this new opening everyone already knows Trish gets a stand, Doppio can see the future and the final battle gets resolved by Giorno stabing himself with an arrow (an arrow that hasn't been introduced yet.)

Every opening has lots of spoilers. Revealing characters and stands isn't any more of a spoiler than what they've done before. There's the thing with Giorno and the arrow but that's contextless for someone that doesn't know what's going to happen.

This OP is

Is Mr. Steel based on her? The retarded haircut is the same.

>It makes everyone on the team look like massive retards
So did the boat scene

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It's looks like GE is trying to kiss Giorno and Giorno is holding it back

It runs in the family.


the best OP

Hey, they finally figured out how to draw Trish.

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This is the point where I start to burn out regardless of how good the animation is. 24 straight weeks of this shit takes a toll on me.

This OP

Why did Etro become hotter after Foo Fighters took her body?

Yeah but not forcefully, like a "not now, people are watching" kind of way.

Saying this is gay is like saying masturbation is gay.

Decent info, doesn't hold a candle to fighting gold tho

What? Everyone knows Trish has a stand since GD, the other shit is impossible to predict unless you read the manga.

KINO(means good)

It´s not gay, it´s called advanced masturbation

>Every opening has lots of spoilers
Yeah no shit. But DP has usually been very smart about incorporating the spoilers in clever and subtle ways. This one was just poorly made and puts them right in your face.

She is still looking ugly.


>can’t do gay shit with your own soul
Do you even have soul?

>everyone already knows Trish gets a stand
Trish having a stand was known for several episodes now. 3's and 4's openings and Fighting Gold all "spoiled" characters and stands.

>Doppio can see the future
Nobody knows who Doppio is and there's nothing about what happens that says that he's seeing the future.

>and the final battle gets resolved by Giorno stabing himself with an arrow (an arrow that hasn't been introduced yet.)
Again, no context. Part 2's opening showed the Pillarmen and hinted at Caesar dying.

Listening to the full version you can appreciate the OP a lot more. I hope they use another part of the song in the KC version

and they forgot how to draw everyone else lol.


She became what is known as a main character

Bloody Stream was even worse in regards to spoilers.

She is still looking great.

Anyone else teared up at the OP?
>fuck animeonlies here's trish's stand and doppio
>the flashy recap of all the squadra fights, essentially giving us the squadra on the OP
>the ending of the part on the first 2 seconds of the OP
>the blood dripping
>the colloseum
>shadow bossu in the OP that's obviously going to get replaced with diavolo when he shows up
>the GER scene in the op
>that recreation of the notorious BIG colour spread
it's too fucking good bros

Attached: d86.jpg (302x352, 24K)

term would be Doga or animeshon

Kino only applies to Films/tv, just like Ludo applies to vidya

t. Mista

>essentially giving us the squadra on the OP
Holy shit doubters have been BTFO.


Attached: DPwhatthefuck.png (212x154, 62K)

It was pretty damn good, people are routinely hating on it as usual but I at least thought it was fantastic

Tears of laughter from how bad it was

Is Trish a little armpit slut?

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Attached: based.png (1378x560, 1.07M)

no budget

Great Days > Fighting Gold > Sono Chi No Sadame > Bloody Stream > Traitor's Requiem > Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town > Stand Proud > chase > End of The World

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Because DP knows she's a slut


Blood drip even has the King Crimson effect so that's where we're getting our Polnareff. I just hope it doesn't mess up with the Tempo of the song.

for Mista's armpits, yeah

>"HELL NO!!!"
this OP is top-tier

fucking kek, you get beige soup

Yeah I want to rub my dick on her armpussy

Yeah the Clash and Talking Head arc takes WAY too long for such a wasted stand.
Prob the worst of the entire part.

Most stand attacks wouldn't work if the crew acted rationally at all times.

Here's hoping they'll at least fix some of this shit in the blu rays.

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Which is a sign of bad writing

Visuals are whatever, the song is awesome.

Yep, now this right here?

Right looks better

What the fuck are Narancia and Mista doing?

>EotW first
>Switch Sono Chi No Sadame and CNBT
>Stand Proud put to bottom
Thank me later, retard


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Abbachio’s cop buddy turning into Moody Blues was some tight shit.

What's wrong with End of The World?


Even fighting gold got a lot of hate when it released, give it time and people will warm up to it, but for me it's already at the top, the Doppio scene was KINO
Only complain is no polnareff but it would have been too much
>Trish finally looks as hot as the manga

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Giorno figured it out right away while it's implied Narancia plays pranks all the time, thus leading them to think it's a cry wolf situation.


Gucci Bruno is cute

What did DP mean by this?

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Mista looked the worst in that frame when he was on guard.

Happy King Crimson is so pure

Who gives a fuck about the OP? we're finally gonna see the head rock doctor next week.

Funny how the worst fights (babyface and crash) both rely on the gang becoming retarded.

FF becomes a girl as she takes on Etro's identify. Before that it's literally just a mass of plankton.

no we aren't
next week is gonna be end of clash fight and then the gang goes to the airport and meets B.I.G

thinkgen bout killlen daughters and selling drugs.

I honestly thought that was Mista at first with Sex Pistols

>muh gender identity

>Modern Crusaders
Goddamn what a fitting choice.

>*audience laughter*

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Narancia is a retard who couldn't repeat a small set of instructions that he just heard not even a minute beforehand. They don't suspect anything because Narancia being that stupid isn't too out of the ordinary.

You were warned, this is the worst jojo part


All jojo characters need to be drooling retards and 400 iq geniuses when the plot demands it.

Cutest boy is finally here.

Attached: Doppio.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

I didn't say anything was wrong with it. It's just my least favorite opening.

it kind of is


>citation needed

I definitely chuckled

Nobody is buying your memes dude. Although this is indeed a bad fight.

>ywn fill Buccellati's guts then hold each other as you fall asleep
feels fucking awful

>a song that samples lyrics about fate
Is this the most fitting Jojo ED to date?

You guys don't understand

Narancia is a big illiterate retard. If this was anyone else they would have suspected something was happening and not "Narancia being Narancia"

Happy to see this recreated with the turtle

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>"guys stop complaining about the recap episodes, they need it to make sure the anime has good quality!"
>anime looks like shit

>he literally cannot taste food anymore
>he bought food for his men even tho he can't eat himself

I was talking about jojolion

I think this is the most frustrating JoJo episode ever, even tops the dumb shit in part 4 when Jotaro and co were down the street but couldn't hear Kira's crap

Attached: [Blaze077] Koyomimonogatari - 05 - Koyomi Wind [540p].mkv_snapshot_06.45_[2016.02.16_00.38.16].jpg (960x540, 47K)

Fuck my image wasn't posted


>"Wow Giorno is acting weird over there, might as well keep fixing up this car"
>"Man Narancia sure is acting strange after claiming to be attacked and contradicting us"
Yeah but hes a textbook retard, he couldnt fucking do basic arithmetic but claiming to be attacked and holding his mouth with a very clear look of fear and terror is a different story.

Silver chariot turned back when pol took the arrow from it. its safe to asume the same would happen with GER.

They're just saving the budget for the real episodes, right, guys? I'm sure the next episodes will look better haha.

I'm praying that his anime colour scheme, but it wouldn't make sense with Trish's hair being pink already

Dumb Kaikiposter

I know, I see quite a few people with EoTW as their least favorite and I'm just curious why.

Bloody Stream > Sono Chi No Sadame > first half of Great Days >Stand Proud > Fighting Gold > End of The World > Chase > second half of Great Days > Traitor's Requiem > Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town

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So I counted 2 king Crimson time skips.

The obvious one with the blood and another one as the arrow flies in the air before it cuts to the smoky area.


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Everyone dislikes this arc so it makes sense not to blow their budget on it. Blu-ray always fixes this stuff.

I thought people were memeing but it really is true

>Narancia is a big illiterate retard
Oh please, in a serious situation he's never been acting like this, considering they acknowledged the boss is after them and how they've been getting attacked by stands daily, they are all low IQ for not noticing that he's clearly has a problem outside his usual antics

Crazy noisy bizarre town has the worst visuals and the worst song, this is a fact

>clash between King Crimson and Gold Experience in the OP when they literally never fight

>Jotaro and co were down the street but couldn't hear Kira's crap
Why did Josuke, Okayasu or Hayato just yell for them to come?

Might just be purple in the OP because another character with pink hair and green eyes would be suspicious

this ep is a goldmine

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Yeah I was extremely frustrated reading this arc in the manga

She suddenly became really hot, what the hell.

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Knowing him makes it even more dumb, they should be able to tell when it is just him doing silly shit and when he's not considering how long they've known him for.

Mista looked in his mouth and didn't see anything

This episode skipped that Talking Head can shift under the tongue.

fucking based

Why did her boobs suddenly become bigger

>Aba joining in to kick that guy who threatened Narancia
this arc is pretty comfy for the stupid SOL shit that happens, we don't see this type of shit happen much after this fight

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>she no longer has trailer trash tits

Yah remember jotaro breaking through a mirror wall or Josuke punching a bunch of the evil arrows as he catches up to Kira? How horrible DP

The problem with this episode is that they dragged the issue out, it would be reasonable if you cut it our more, like we get the point. It just makes the cast look dumb.


it's canon that awakening a stand makes you hotter, look at Koichi, he even got a GF

What was worse, this fight, Death 13 or the rain sounds like Josuke?

For me it's the song. It's good, it's just not the type of song you want to hear in a fighting anime opening. Doesn't get you hype enough.

>only the ED's have been good and not skip worthy

Why is he hot in the anime? I feel gay watching this.

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Godammit I only just realised that's Rolling Stone in the ending

Talking Heads, it's not even a comparison

op's fucking meh

So why do the elite guards of the boss have the worst stands in the part?

was he really a ayylmao

Nude edit when

Hearing that deep voice come out of him was a surprise

she's underage

>new ED
>purple Doppio
>new ED
Absolutely BASED David. That was definitely the worst animated episode yet, which is strange coming off a break, but it's the worst fight in the part so I don't really care.

Attached: dong armor.jpg (640x372, 85K)

I already forgot what it sounds like

it sounds like some generic isekai opening
this is supposed to be on par with breakdown

Ok Mista

You are only allowed to rub your dick on her armpits as she makes sensual moans.

Attached: gg6g.png (1366x768, 1.42M)


But watch retards screaming "ITS AMAZIIIING" in a few weeks, just like they did with Fighting Piss (except it's even worse now). This is like the mere exposure effect but through trauma, people hurt themselves many times by listening to it to the point they're starting to "love" it.

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I don't like the composition of the song, the visuals are the second weakest of any OP (behind Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town), and the ORAORAORA thing at the end is really hamfisted.
Keep in mind this is relative to the other JoJo OPs. It's still head and shoulders above the average OPs of other anime (there's not a single JoJo OP that I skip, which I do for most other anime)

>15 years old


He's black(ish). Of course he has a deep voice.

back to tumblr

Bloody Stream > chase > Fighting Gold > Sono Chi No Sadame >Traitor's Requiem > Stand Proud > Crazy Noisy Bizzare Town > Great Days > End of the World

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Well, maybe the next OP for part 6 will be cool, whatever. I felt the same way about that gay-ass one from the middle of DiU.

Yes, and?

Great Days > Bloody Stream > Uragirimono no Requiem > Sono Chi no Kioku > Fighting Gold > Stand Proud > Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town > Sono Chi no Sadame > Chase

Great Days > who > cares > everything > else > is > irrelevant

Why couldn't they just say she was 18?

True, you can already tell people are forcing themselves to like it

please draw Tiziano for me asuka

>With this new opening everyone already knows Trish gets a stand
Everybody already knew this after the end of Beach boy, How it looks is not important and the OP doesn't spoils what it does.

>Doppio can see the future
How is someone that hasn't read the manga supposed to know that he's seeing the future there?

Because that would fuck up the timeline

trying waaaay too hard for that (you)

>Stand Proud
>not at the end

Reminder that Mista fucked this.


Oh good you found new reaction picks to use.

demonstrably false

That's because the music is western, it's no coincidence Araki only references it

>people cant change their minds
this shit happens with every new op

What of it?

Attached: fourteen.jpg (679x1029, 350K)

>clip show of scenes we've seen and will see
>song itself is still medicore even with JP lyrics
What a waste.

Why didn't they change the timeline to fit it

The rain sounds like Josuke is easily the worst.
The other two at least have some justification (how would a baby be intelligent enough to use a stand to kill them, and Narancia being retarded, respectively)
The rain sounds like Josuke has absolutely no excuse, and the worst part is that it doesn't require much of a rewrite to make it work.

>ywn hold hands with her

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Why are they so gay?

Attached: Screenshot (341).png (1920x1033, 3.05M)

Great Days > Trator's Requiem > Bloody Stream > CNBT > Sono Chi no Sadame > End of the World > Fighting Gold > Stand Proud > Chase

Attached: JojoDoppio.webm (960x540, 2.83M)

he's certainly a lucky guy

I'm going to marry Trish

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 22 [720p]_001_2872.png (1280x720, 479K)

Requiem > Great Days > Fighting Gold > Bloody Stream > Sono Chi No Sadame > Stand Proud > CNBT > Chase > EotW

She is the daughter of Donatella "Pussy so good you never get laid again" Una, she did the fucking.

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Reminder that Giorno fucked this.

I think the reason this ep looks bad is because it was rushed

Thing is it was finished and when they saw that the ep was subpar they went "guys we need a recap ep, let's not do this kind of shitty animation on the other eps"

>why are jojo characters gay

God I can't wait for Metallica. Best fight in the entire series.

Giorno was there too!

The team that's filled with everyone who lives or the team in which everyone dies
Hmm... I don't know...

Attached: ehhh.jpg (322x605, 43K)

Giorno is a faggot

What virgin. He can't against CHADSTA



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The crew beating up that guy was truly a breath of fresh air. I think we never saw anyone being overly cautious of stand users.

legal here

the Q in Quality

desu the ep was half quality and half very good with actual animation

Giorno is asexual

It's unimportant episode you fags stop complaining

color me surprised, i thought we wouldn't see anything as bad as chase. Based dp

visuals suck, audio is great

It was obvious they spent all their effort on the OP and ED
Episode 2 didn't look very good for this reason either

Giorno is gaysexual


>Hey guys we just betrayed a mafia boss and his top goons are after us but my stand is hungry can we stop at a restaurant please

At least they actually got attacked for being dumbasses.

It's a rehashed Stardust Crusaders joke

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What do you think her ass felt? Was his dick hard?

episode 2 looked fine, the one that didnt was 3 it had a part where the faces were dots and lines like a smiley.

finished the ep

ed is fucking meh as well, I can't believe they didn't use Gold by Spandau Ballet

>Liked Chase immediately
>Don't like this one


Chase is good and this one isn't

It's the other way around

both giorno and mista fucked this. They wouldn't do anything without each other

requiem and fighting gold over bloody steam. HOLY SHIT TASTE

In Italy and France the sexual majority is at 15. Why don't you live in a chad country user ?

Holy shit how can you even breathe with so much shit in your mouth?

seething part twoomer

Greato daze

Squalo's arm length
>his skinyass elbow that can't be seen through Tiziano's
What the actual fuck

The ep was so bad its good

Attached: creatura.png (696x706, 737K)


>overly cautious of stand users

If they didn't stop, Clash could attack them at the canals in real shark size. Mista saved the crew again

To be fair, they met Giorno yesterday, and I highly doubt they've eaten anything since then, as they've constantly been on the run.
They can't just not eat, especially with how much energy they're using in these fights.


You know what?
Black Knight was an okay game. Sue me, faggots.



what's your favourite jojo OP user?
let's laugh at your shit taste

Reminder that Mista was inside her body and got to feel everything first-handedly



Good point. They didn't have any way of knowing that, but their stupidity saved them.

how did araki get away with this

Why do people rate chase so low?

the only character more slut than Trish is Narancia
also Giorno *god, i wish that toilet bowl were me*
prove me wrong

Attached: 51651651.png (1280x1437, 1.59M)

I like the song but don't like animation of OP that much

Anyone have a gif of Doppio's part in the new OP?

It's not bad, it's actually a banger, it's just comparatively low compared to other JoJo OPs.

Wth is up with Giorno's face at 0:20 of the ep


was planning to make this exact same gif, thanks

Anyone got the name of Tiziano's VA? I'm sure I heard him but I can't remember where

based chadsta

I cried at the ED tbfh. Rolling stone at the bottom and GER at the top in the last episodes.

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you'll get there Mista

Tsudaken. Known for Kaiba, Mikoto and Ogata

I want Spice Girl to step on me

Attached: IMG_20190315_185454.jpg (1920x1080, 250K)



I bet their sexual chemisty is great after gaining such intimate knowlege of eachother's bodies.


I want Trish to step on me

Attached: IMG_20190315_185625.jpg (1920x1080, 241K)

I want Spice Girl to soften my dick so Trish can laugh at me while I try desperately to get an erection again.

Attached: file.png (850x478, 450K)

>imagine the smell

I don't think he is aware he is a zombie

I want her to crush mine beneath her boots

I think you'd notice not having a heartbeat

Imagine being kicked in the face repeatedly

he is

I want ___you___ to step on me

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Mista and his bitches

Attached: file.png (1280x1292, 2.43M)

Fighting Gold > Chase > Great Days > Blood Stream > Sonochi no Sadame > CNBT > Requiem > Stand Proud > dog shit > EoTW

Part 3's ops are fucking garbage



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someone post that one image


Attached: garbaggio.png (574x480, 430K)

This episode was so retarded. Stand controls his tongue yet it contolled his head to nod and hand to point in the wrong direction. But somehow he could pull on Giorno to stop him from getting near the water. What the fuck Araki, one of the worst episodes so far.

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Now you know how we feel about the entire part

Great Days > Traitor's Requiem > Bloody Stream > Fighting Gold > Sono Chi no Sadame > Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town > Stand Proud > End of the World > Chase

The first part rivals Man In The Mirror in bullshit

Is the same korean ? company in the credits that did the part 4 quality episodes?

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>Now you know how I feel about the entire part


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I dunno why everyone's so worked about the quality of this episode.
I thought the Clash/Talking Head fight was stupid in the manga so I don't really care about it here

Love the cut from Abacchio drinking wine to immediately joining in the kicking.
Too hard to choose. They're all just so stupid. Death 13 and Talking Heads are worse than not being able to hear people yelling through the rain, though. They were a considerable distance away, so it's not as dumb, in my opinion. But they still had a lot of options.
Araki just loves having the protagonists act like absolute dumbasses.

Attached: [VentoGiusto] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind 22.webm (768x432, 2.89M)

the scene with mista and narancia shouting at each other was pretty well animated. better character acting than most of the anime

Bloody Stream > Sono Chi no Sadame > power gap > Great Days > End of the World > CNBZ > Stand Proud > Fighting Piss > Chase > Reeequiem

why does he wear a baby bonnet? is he cold?

after fighting Ghiaccio yes

that's actually a cool idea

Disgustingly bad taste

Attached: abba anon.png (471x443, 112K)

No it's all made by DP which makes it worse, the Korean company did the in betweening

oh ok i hope he warms up

This but put Chase in front of Great Days

New ED is actually pretty good. Was relieving after I didn't care for much of the OP, except for the Doppio part.

Attached: dance douge.gif (280x235, 745K)

>vafag trying to talk about taste


Man I love that part

Attached: images.jpg (200x200, 7K)

>who cares, it's not like Clash and Talking Head was a good fight anyway
>whatever. It's just Notorious BIG, not a big deal
>Metallica may be quality but they are probably saving the budget for Green Day and Oasis!
>th-they are saving the budget for the finale! wait for GER!
>just wait for sleeping slaves

>tfw Trish will never soften you and step all over you with her boots like a squishy doormat
why bother living

Attached: angry.png (112x112, 13K)


Someone far more skilled than me needs to try this
I've asked in /w/

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