New ep in 30 minutes


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Other urls found in this thread:

Was the streamguy unbanned?

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15 minutes left

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New op in glorious folded 1000x japanese



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where's the bloody Stream?

Attached: 7drHiqr.gif (312x213, 973K)
here ya go senpai

That part from 2:40 reminds me of Great Days

5 minutes left

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which part do you guys think will get KING CRIMSON'D?

Thats likely the King Crimson/GR Requiem version.

Holy shit, I've listened to the English version so many times that the Japanese version sounds weird now.

why is anime so fucking trash guys how do people watch these adds


link to the stream?

>liking the english version

tahts an actual episode i think

>be me
>'JoJo op 2 english version got leaked link'
>"Will I be Rick rolled? Maybe Chased? In English perhaps?"
>click the link

Attached: 47234481_1210772695737551_5114042259704119296_n (2).png (626x784, 579K)

>KiiK CrirC

Holy shit I could never watch japanese TV, thats grade A cancer right there

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So we got a new ending too? I don't like the one we got, it's boring comparing to the other JoJo endings

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My baby Doppio aaaaaa




That was like Bloody Stream levels of blatant Spoilers.

>How do you want your opening senpai
>Just spoil the rest of the season lad

>stream dies for me right as the OP starts
Fucking kek

That spooooiler thoooo :///////

>both of my streams die the second the OP starts

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Anyone got a screenshot of doppio in the op?

>so director, how many spoilers?

>op literally spoiled the rest of the part

died for me as well

It's playing an advert for the new op on the stream now. It is trash. It is so bad that Chase seems decent by comparison. The most generic shit imaginable.


>starts out with Fighting Gold again
>King Crimson skips past it

they managed to make an OP worse than Chase

just read the manga incels

kill yourself tourist

You guys say that every time

op is based fuck off

Now this is the weakest opening.



Wtf his hair


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>people actually dont like the op
the shittest of taste

To this day, I still don't understand what's so bad about Chase

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>takes a sip and joins in on the kicking

Attached: 1516249257203.gif (250x250, 1.14M)

>OP spoils almost everything
Based DP btfoing the anime-onlies

This is the most QUALITY ep yet

It's beautiful...

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Attached: 1551388372150.gif (540x540, 222K)

How they gonna spoil the ending like that?

Mega QUALITY episode
Here's your OP.

Same. I'd rather watch Chase than Fighting Gold or CNBT.


Attached: doppio.gif (1000x563, 3.98M)

Visuals aren't spoilers without context.

Attached: kingcrimsonham.jpg (484x476, 90K)

Or u want VOLA VOLA moment or Doppio introduction being QUALITY?

It'll be lost on animeonlies as just symbolism


this is great

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There’s a fucking arrow and Giorno obviously stabs himself with it. And everyone will say exactly what I just said.

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I honestly laughed out loud at this frame. Good Lord.

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You're right in most cases but not in the case of Spice Girl, where shoving her in the opening will accomplish nothing but ruin her reveal for animeonlies.

>animefags complaining about the spoilers even if all the openings where made like this

Dude they didn't even watch openings like bloody stream?

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It’s either shit taste or shonenfags fucked their brains up or something.



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Almost as good as Chase

Crunchyshills btfo

Is Tiziano Tsuda Kenjiro?

Attached: 7.jpg (864x486, 75K)

this arc sucks lol

>Q U A L I T Y for Clash & Talking Head
Based DP

>10/10 best op
>worst op by far
every time

I’m glad Trish is finally looking attractive for once. I mean she is the only girl in a sausage fest after all.

Not sure why they bothered showing Giorno stabbing himself with the arrow in the OP. Or Trish's stand.
Showing Doppio is whatever

i thought it was ovr

Seeing this new OP, Doppio surely deserved better, they even made him prettier than Trish.

Opening is god tier

VAchads keep winning


Attached: 8.jpg (960x540, 136K)

Forget Bloody Stream, Sono Chi no Sadame was the whole story straight out ripped from manga panels.
As if someone actually cared about spoilers in a 20 year old manga, specially if he is in these threads where the ending has been discussed to oblivion.

>I’m glad Trish is finally looking attractive for once.

She is getting the Shinobu treatment.


Why the fuck would not having his tongue mean he couldn't breathe

Do you think the OP will get a little more polished later, like Great Days. The last few frames look like a kid messing with PowerPoint.

HOlyshit they’re fucking gay
>orange eye tiziano not teal

Attached: 9.jpg (960x540, 72K)

The surprise for the animeonlies will be PolPol return. Everyone with a brain wouldve known that Trish was going to become a stand user.

It looks like his cowlick loops around the back of his head to the front again

>anons thought the voice WASN'T doppio

Remember to laugh

Attached: brainlet.png (992x422, 26K)

You mean like how they showed the entire team's Stands in FG

> spoilers were really subtle in the opening

Why does Yea Forums overexaggerate every goddamn thing?

>all the openings(only the first season)
For fuck sake, part 4 even bothered to hide Okuyasu and Koichi stands before their reveals.

Op song is good but the visuals are shit lmao

Part 4 had like 7 sexy waifus though.

The Hand was in CNBT from the beginning

Giorno looked really handsome here. He almost kind of looks like Dio. Also, I like how the OP is pretty much just a summary of the entire part with stuff getting TIME SKIPPED to fit in a minute and a half.

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He is the same voice as Tatsumi from Akame Ga Kill.

Imagine surviving the arrow only to get a Stand this shit

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>tfw you will never be a tiny stand that slithers around in Narancia's mouth, soaking in his saliva
Why even live

what are you talking about? everyone know that she's getting stand


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Giorno is handsome, is just that he doesnt seem to have any sex drive

Tsuda Kenjiro

Such a terrible episode I love it

Chase you is a hundred times fucking better than Golden Days

Only children care about spoilers

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I still don't understand how that guy was one of Diavolo's personal bodyguards
>But he works well with Clash!
It's stil a fucking shitty stand on it's own with no real use

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Nigger what are you doing

based retaed

The prophecy is true!

Its the most """JOJO""" op ever for me.

What's with the obsession of recapping Part 5? Half of the OP is a recap, isn't 2 episodes enough

The visuals for the op are great, but imagine if it was made by kamikaze douga

Looking shonen there Narancia

Holy fuck everyone was retarded this episode. Narancia was fucking pointing at the fish constantly and none of them saw it.

Do anyone else find it funny that Golden Experience try kiss Giorno, but he rejected it?

what is this ed?

Who would win?

Attached: uragirigaru.png (1400x988, 2.31M)

New ED

Attached: shot.png (1280x720, 2M)

>he sees your dick


Whoever leaked it and no one believed you, I’m sorry. Also, I hope you didn’t have to suck too much dick.

new ed is modern crusaders by enigma

It's not like it's a big deal anyway since Spice Girl barely gets used and isn't a huge spoiler nor that important of a stand. It's just weird to me how they'd go the extra mile to hide Echoes and don't do the same for Trish.



new ED is garbage

Wasn't there an user that predicted the new ED to be modern crusaders only to be called a faggot? It was in one of the previous threads today

wait, so we still dont have doppio's official VA? nice.

TEAM OJJO got dat double Giorno for the extra OP

Echoes act 3 was in chase and barely shadowed

That was Doppio. Tiziano's voice actor is Tsuda Kenjiro.

Well to be fair, he was acting like a faggot.

Production issues.

new ed is great, we got a sexy ass guitar solo



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Thread's up you can apologize to him

>new ed fags were right
please dont let phftards be right


Half an hour more

Diavolo and JPP will be the surprises.


Squalo - tomoaki maeno
Tiziano - tsuda kenjiro

so just like the first one


TsudaKen feels wasted in Tiziano.


>from 3 openings to 2
>full spoilers to minimize the amount of possible additions/alternations
Just how much budget did they lost for this season? What the fuck is going to happen to part 6?

Half an hour

At least he got a little shadow.

Attached: WdLmKXFZDB.png (300x250, 43K)

Honestly though, who gives a shit if this arc looks terrible. It really isn´t a good arc at all.

OJJO has all of the surviving Pasione members, so...

really digging this song.

Fuck, how did I not recognise Kaiba. I knew the voice is extremely familiar

Squalo sounds manly as fuck

Oh, the voice of Kaiba, Overhaul, Atomic Samurai, Hanes.

i love both tsudaken and tiziano, but i agree. wanted to see him play a more important character someday.
still hot though

but how does emperor crimson work?

Just like babyhead, shitty arc completely carried by ost and directing

Oh cool, thakns

Who will have the dub up first?

Post your best enigma song

zoomers wont know

This. His voice is sexy

I’m surprised they put a hype ED out this time.

>Production issues.
But wasn't this part delayed to escape the production issues?


It has actual emotional weight behind it instead of sounding like an over the top meme song like the others do. The people who whined about it liked the shitty PS2 CG openings too.

I think this season and last had similar budgets, t hey are just allocating more to actual episode instead of op/ed

I only knew Enigma's first album.

This is pretty good too.

Animeonlies are going to think Doppio is a girl aren't they

So it was definetly doppios voice last ep

The little high note at 1:15 sounds really bad.

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Opening sucks

if you like the english version you are probably retarded

Seiyuu confirmed


Yeah, it really does. I wasn't too fond of Fighting Gold either.


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Protect him

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New ED >>> New OP

what? it sounds fine

YES. Based.

>TsudaKen feels wasted in Tiziano.
>wasted in Tiziano
Nigga he played Bruford. Now THAT's wasted.

Gang for some reason demonstrated absolutely impossible level of barinletism in Clash/Talking Head arc.
How the fuck they didn't understood that Narancia was under stand effect.

>Carmina Burana and Jojo together
that's a weird timeline that we live on

He deserved better


Isn't this the softcore porn anthem?

Don't look back
The time has come
All the pain turns into love

We're not submissive, we're not aggressive
But they think we can't defend

Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive
We have the power to face the future
Cause we are the fighters
Just fighting for our rights

They're accusing, like always without knowing
What is just fiction or what is the truth
They have no mission, they have no passion
But they dare to tell us what's bad and what's good!

Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive
We have the power who'll face the future
Cause we are the fighters
Just fighting for our fights

Attached: 1552658258595[1].jpg (800x448, 31K)


>that subtle KC effect before the chorus in the op
fucking based, best op in the series so far

its been a looong ass time since i read part 5 what's the church flipping part at 0:50 of the op referencing again?

This tbqhwy


faggots kept expecting part 3 teir op, dp are doing the op themselfs now instead of outsourcing it to the studio that used to do it; they kinda got cucked out of it becuase the studio blew up because of the jojo ops and got jobs like ninja batman. So the second op in part 4 was the first mid season op change that didnt switch parts and was a tonal shift from the first chunk of part 4; and pissy fags cant handle change, i think its for the better with what they have, it would have been cool to keep having cg ops but its not like the new ops are terrible, just different

Doppio isnt actually going to be purple is he
Fucking dp

I fucking knew it.

Who will have the dub up first?


Animation teetered between quality and very good. Also, a lot of people had to warm up to FG (like me), so I think it should be the same for this. And if you don’t like the ED you have no taste, end of story.

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>They have no mission, they have no passion
>But they dare to tell us what's bad and what's good!

damn... incels rise up...

Second half was fine but something ungodly happened the first half

DP is better

Yeah those gays are pretty ungodly

There will be a counter jihad kuffar

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Viz owns rights to everything JoJo in the West. Luckily, they're doing a good job with the dub, minus the names.

>Doppio has no freckles
Worst adaptation

What's wrong with purple Doppio?

god i wish that were me

>worst part
>two worst ops confirmed

Nothing, they are autists

Based part 3 hater


Part 4 is still the openings king, doesn't it?

>asked about enigma, posts DP

>2nd best part
>2 best ops
thanks DP

If animeonlies actually like this retarded fucking arc then they'll eat up even ger

They might update the OP in the coming weeks like they did with Great Days.

How come none of them could see that Narancia was in danger? I thought these guys were supposed to be comrades who understood each other?

Glad to be alive, this is one of the best timelines

Attached: 1488164630735.png (584x752, 980K)

Chase exists so no

nobody unironically listens to enigma, DP is timeless
cry me a river fag

>alright part
>2 decent ops
This is fine

>best anime adaption
>best op
>best ost
keep seething part 4fag

Quod per sortem
Sternit fortem,
Mecum omnes plangite!
(since Fate
Strikes down the strong man,
Everyone weep with me!)
Nunc obdurat
Et tunc curat
Ludo mentis aciem,
(first oppresses
And then soothes
As fancy takes it;

Attached: enigma.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Predict the dub names. I say it's going to be Crash and Talking Tongue.

Nigel Uno as Joseph was a lot of fun.


it has best visuals and song that this new op

Already confirmed Crush, dunno about TH though

Have you no good taste? You probably liked that I Want You bullshit too.

The song was good but the visuals were not really that greats. Fighting gold was better

Holy fucking shit taste

I want you was great you faggot, fucking Chase ruined DiU' good track

Chase wasn't even that bad. It was a masterpiece compared to this new OP

So OP's visuals are not finished? Or why else they would show a fucking recap with reused frames for half a minute

Probably gonna be some King Crimson fuckery there.

it will probably change as with all openings

Full opening has the winding timey wimey sound effects already

Do people not like chase because of the song or the visuals?


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They won't fix it. People said the same about Giorno and Mista being the only ones animated with their stands in Fighting Gold but it never changed

I think so, they did the same shit with Great Days. DP just doesnt learn.

I think Fighting Gold was better overall. There's no part this this OP that really hypes you up. In fact, I can't even discern something of a chorus.


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Holy shit

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I fucking loved Iggy's dub voice it made me wish he had more speaking moments solely because of it

He does have freckles. Look at a picture with better quality.

The song, visuals were ok

A little bit disappointed that they went with the EOH color palette for Doppio. That in combination with the different voice actor leaves no trace that might suggest a split personality. Even with the dumb shit like Doppio completely changing his muscle mass when transforming, the pink was the single visual cue that he was related to Bossu. At least give him green eyes like Diavolo and Trish nigga

Attached: 1550858933966.gif (700x699, 372K)

>They like the same fucking boring, uplifting song in a depressing part the entire damn time
You guys also brain dead with that insurmountable shit taste of yours. Absolutely pathetic and inexcusable.

Better then the Japanese voice, honestly.

How the fuck was this episode in house it looked like it was outsourced to Korea again

Bomb went off at DP HQ, they had to finish animating in a roadside shack.

He's literally revealed to be the boss immediately after his first appearance, it's not really required to make his design hint at it

People don't like Chase because they have shit taste.

Chase is one of the best OPs in the entire series, just beaten from the top spot by Great Days and Bloody Stream. The Visuals are great and the music is a massive change in tone, especially for this series.

Attached: DzkZR8AUwAAjQPs.jpg (1200x675, 81K)

Post yfw there was one Jojochad in that mosque that didn't get to watch the new OP and ED.


Maybe they will change Diavolo's palette to be similar? I don't like when they're implied to be two different entities

i think they're equally funny

>boring, uplifting
Edgy. Go read poetry and cry about it.

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Except that it's technically NOT a split personality. iirc it's explained as literally two DIFFERENT souls in one body so it sort of makes sense

>"Part 5 is only one season. There won't be two ending themes."

Attached: clown.jpg (1280x720, 578K)

I mean, they are, they have separate souls

Doppio's color palette might be OP only.

defend dpro

Attached: QUALITY.jpg (86x125, 2K)

I do not like Chase but I respect you for showing that you do

>unironically complaining about the animation in fucking clash and th
Give movie quality metallica and I'll die in peace

So did you like the episode and the new opening?

Nice find, user. This single frame redeems all the quality we have to get through

That is totally uninteresting though


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Split personality in jojo is described as having two souls

is it not gonna be on crunchyroll?


>picture for ants

I expected it to be bad but not this bad

Attached: 4.jpg (709x1024, 204K)

19:00 you fucking retard

perhaps if you posted an image that we can actually see

>the most obviously spoiler filled OP yet
>music is supremely meh
and it's still not Gangster's Paradise

Attached: 971.gif (320x234, 2M)

His soul probably split when he used the arrow

I extremely agree with you.

It's also shorter and more on point than most OPs. I like it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahoujin Guru Guru (2017) - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.35_[2017.09.19_21.43.13].jpg (1280x720, 112K)

I respect you for not throwing shit, like a fucking autist. You are free to like and dislike what you want

Sure, it was a massive change in tone, but it's also not very enjoyable to listen to, as it is discordant and repetitive.
It fits the arc, which is good, but its still a bad song.

wait is that supposed to be the last panel of the manga with giorno and the window in the beginning of the OP?

chase is shit because it's sounds like a generic shonen anime OP

I'm fine with it. They're saving budget for Volare Via I hope.

>caring about animeonlies
they wont even get the spoilers

What the actual fuck is that.

Attached: FuckI'mStillAlive.png (731x556, 749K)

It's up

Theory: DP had the recap because they made this ep before deciding to do a recap saw how QUALITY the ep was and realized they couldn’t do that shit for the rest of the season.

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They probably won't even watch the opening because they're pathetic pussies who don't understand that spoilers objectively improve your enjoyment

so does the new OP


Name a "Generic Shonen anime OP", which sounds anyway similar to Chase.

Mate the two souls shit is just Jojo science explaining the disorder. Turtlereff literally says a trauma causes one soul to break apart.

I'm not saying it needs a hint in the foreshadowing sense. I mean thematically I guess? Can't think of a better word for it.

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Such a good boy

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-15 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.png (960x540, 833K)

I wish the visuals were more stylized like Fighting Gold, but otherwise pretty good. A little underwhelming in tone, though.


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I always thought Chase sounds similar to Blood + openings

Why does Naked Silver work better as a Part 5 OP than the actual Part 5 OPs?

I agree that the op is very Discordant, but that definitely suits the tone in that current arc. And about being repetitive I assume you mean the repetitive "Chase you", well it only lasted for around 15 seconds in the OP.

I can definitely see how you can find it repetitive, but I personally enjoy it.

>best boy will start rotting soon
I want to save him

I wonder how they'll pull this off animated
It's one of those moments that only really works with still images because the dialogue doesn't take up time

Kaiji opening 1.

But like P3's stuff was fantastic. I loved the shadows of the swinging pendulum and it was subtle enough that it doesn't reveal anything if you don't know anything.
This straight up shows Giorno grabbing the shattered arrow and stabbing himself with it. No they don't know what will happen when you do that but for fucks sake that's like showing DIO bringing down the road roller halfway through the season in the opening.

How badly are the animeonlies going to be disappointed/bewildered when Diabolo is revealed?

>kaiji is a generic shonen
also that opening kicks ass


>new OP + song have a linear progression
>when characters die they’re gonna be skipped over as if they never existed

what a timeline to be in

why does the op song sound like some shitty local garage band

It just uses generic Italian instruments. Haha pizza spaghetti sound = italy

>generic shonen

Attached: 1524315475197.png (334x483, 208K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-15 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure(1).png (960x540, 1.02M)

Because you go in expecting the Godfather and end up with aging punk rocker

Both Kaiji openings are classics

At least they didn't show Polnareff.

It's James Bond you dipshit.

Everyone in part 5 looks like a thot. Doppio is one of the thottiest. Diavolo is of course going to be the thot king

They showed reused stuff for 5 seconds. Everything else was new.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-15 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure(2).png (960x540, 1.07M)

I'll never understand this retarded opinion. JoJo is a shonen series and Chase is excellent for what it's meant to represent.
Kill yourself, redditor.

Attached: CvDVEZnVIAEAN5A.png (730x900, 479K)


>reused stuff
Believe it or not, that's all newly animated.

Attached: 1470925306402.gif (449x420, 1.92M)

Bossu actually dresses sharp in suits most of the time. It's just unfortunate that in the finale he got stuck in Doppio's slutty wardrobe.

Because it was fucking neat

Slavic JoJo when?

But stopped to put on his lipstick


>tfw seeing the finger twitch

On topic your post is completely accurate.

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based Ghiaccio poster

Only the animation, the ED is a better song

good gangsta's paradise doesn't fit part 5 at all


No but it would be funny, and the previous ending theme didn't fucking fit at all either.
As the outro to the last episode it would be incredible.

Based High Quality

This new ED actually fits Part 5 better, look up the lyrics.

I liked the horny ed

>reused frames

It fit way more than gangsta's paradise

Are you guys happy that DP bought a new song for the ED, our would you guys rather they saved that money to use in the episodes itself? I am kinda torn about this.

How do we go from this...

Attached: Chapter_537_Cover_B.jpg (1560x1200, 824K)

I want to do the fuck with Trish

No Polnareff in the OP, not even a little suggestion

Attached: 1550451886539.jpg (1280x1360, 1.03M)

To this?

Attached: notorious b.i.g.jpg (1920x1080, 459K)

Animation problems have nothing to do with money unless they were paid pennies, that is a common myth. The problem usually lies on scheduling and production issues.

where do you guys watch the newest episode, masteranime got took down

Subs anywhere? which isn't crunchyrollfags

except jojo is soft seinen

It'd be a pretty massive spoiler. And even if you try to cover him in shadow or something, no one else has hair like that.

BruTrish/GioTrish fags btfo

Blood dripping

its up on horriblesubs

How can they modify this opening? I don't see it. Unless they get rid off the recap parts.

You mean HxH. JoJo is hard shonen.

Attached: DBj6ufGUQAAyij2.jpg (1200x1014, 208K)

Jojo isn't a generic shounen

Hey the opening shot looks great, even if the manga's is better by a long shot.

What's Talking Head called?
Could just show his lower body in the wheelchair

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-15 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure(4).png (960x540, 825K)

I don't think Chase is one of the absolute best OPs in the series, but it's definitely solid. I like it especially because it shifts DiU's tone from mostly getting to know the new setting and characters to focusing on the shady shit that's been going on in the background with Kira. Plus the music and visuals are amazing.

The best you could do is probably show his eye in his eyepatch or something but people would still probably figure it out somehow.

Trish looks so good with white hair


Doppio doesn't have green eyes. So that's the eye transition they'll use.

Attached: doppio.png (901x636, 799K)

Wow the OP is literally the worst OP in the entire show so far.

Attached: [HorribleSubs]_JoJo_s_Bizarre_Adventure_-_Golden_Wind_-_22_[720p].mkv_snapshot_02.15_[2019.03.15_18. (1280x720, 855K)

gay, also Tiziano is staring into my soul.

Put a glimpse of Silver Chariot sword, hist new eye patch, hell, even the fucking wheelchair.

Why would Tiziano need to call Squalo with a phone? Why would tiziano take time to say each sentence (The way Doppio talks in the manga)? Why would he say that he has orders "straight from the boss"?

Talking Mouth

jojo became a seinen series once it moved to ultra jump

>based Abba holding Coco Jumbo so it wouldn't be left out

It was the damn hand that had blood dripping followed by "SKIP"

Is this the actual color scheme for Doppio or just some swap?

was that him ? Why ?

How can Doppio take time to say each sentence in voiceless text

What's the ED called?
It has parts of O Fortuna in it, by the way.
The part starting at 1:38 in particular.

Yes, but we're talking about Chase and Part 4 here, user. Keep up.

Absolutely Based

I definitely agree though, I'd probably place it 3rd or 4th on my rankings of the OPs. And like you said the music and visuals are stunning.

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Because that's what he did in the manga

>We'll never get Silver Chariot with a light behind his head casting Silver Chariot Requim's shadow

>not End of the World

No seriously why would someone not be able to breathe without a tongue

I wait the opening animation changes next episode, I get having a "recap" but I would prefer something else, recycling anime shots feels lazy

The part with the dripping blood skip has a slight credits text distortion which also shows up in 2 other scenes after.

King Crimson is probably gonna fuck around in those parts

Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town and Sono Chi no Sadame are also generic shonen anime OP, you're just either too young, or never watched old shit. Either case your opinion is retarded.

Modern Crusaders by Enigma.

You said jojo is shounen series you didn't specify part 5

Do you think that Trish/Mista/Giorno have threesomes after the events of part 5? Do they make Fugo watch as a punishment for leaving the gang?

He did that as a like warning signal that KC was activating its powers. They wouldn't be able to remember time gaps but they'd be able to see suddenly more blood drips on the ground from where he stabbed his hand.
It was pretty kino.

I believe you, but what was he doing with the blood ? I don't remember it at all

It matched the tone of that part perfectly so you couldn't be more wrong.

>Sono Chi no Sadame
It's a fucking ballad, how is that generic in any way, shape or form?


>Blue Hearts
>Generic shonen
You best be baiting.

What was left of his tongue would roll back into his throat and hed choke.

>Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town and Sono Chi no Sadame are also generic shonen anime OP
Post 5 OPs like CNBT and Sadame.

>End of the World.

You get a (you) for that, but dont expect more.

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Objectively wrong, since End of the World exists

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Apparently he's never heard of a watch with a second hand

Jesus christ, what the fuck was that opening

>there will never be a Bloody Stream or Great Days-tier opening ever again

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The "...." after each sentence.

>Not Stand Proud

Literally post 1 op similar to them

Squalo's left arm tho

>Polnareff actually having a rather smart plan for once.

Getting crippled really must have helped.

It's not bad, it's just the worst Jojo op.

Yes and yes.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 22 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.15_[2019.03.1 (1280x720, 50K)

> animeonly fag

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Araki just wanted to subject Narancia to more humillation and make Giorno smarter than anyone again

Those lips...

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-15 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure(5).png (960x540, 1.03M)

Post a OP that sounds similar to Sono Chi no Sadame, seriously.

What makes it worse is that it followed Fighting Gold, which had an enormous amount of foreshadowing and subtle stuff that would even take a few watches for some non-anime onlies to get.
That bit with Trish in the same pose as Diavolo was great, and there a lot of little thematic shots with everyone.

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>there will never be a Bloody Stream or Great Days-tier opening ever again
Good Great days was shit and the best version wasn't in the anime

I want to see a gif similar to the Polnareff DIO one where Diavolo activates KC and cleans up all the bloodstains

The opening doesnt spoil anything if you didnt read the manga, only trish's stand.

This is why i fucking hate people who started reading the manga after the anime came out, you faggots are literally THE cancer.

Yes but Trish is the one that watches.


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nah, I read the manga 2 years ago and I'm up to date on jojolion, I just don't remember the parts that well now, I do know GER resets Diavolo's deaths for the rest of eternity and that Narrancia dies by falling into spears while being in Giorno's body

There is no such thing as a bad jojo op you argumentative faggots

I can't believe Giorno is fucking dead

*remember instead of know would be a better choice of words, my bad

>Doppio isn't Tetsuya Kakihara
They didn't even try

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I guess the whole series will be just two parts? Couldn't they fit it into 3?

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Trish having a Stand is not a big deal since they already knew that, they haven't shown what it does.
Doppio vs Metallica is a spoiler (Animeonlies wouldn't know who is the guy fighting Risotto tho) and the Arrow.

I dunno, The Roundabout Path was pretty quality since they blew all their budget on horse animation

Alright thank god

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They say losing one sense heightens your others.

this holy shit

Everything has been god tier


That's not true though

Hope it's a swap but I doubt it. I liked the green eyed Doppio edit some user did in a previous thread.

But there are relatively bad OPs

Best ed since roundabout.


You mean his right

It's weird how well the lyrics to Gold fit the other parts
>It's only two years ago the man with the suit and the face
>Love is like a high prison wall
>You could leave me standing so tall
>You've got the power to know

You sound like a bitch. Who the hell wants some chicka cherry cola after a character's emotional death?

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He used the amount of drops to realize when King Crimson's been used.

>a fag who started reading the manga after the anime came out saying the word animeonly.

Oh boy, here we go again..

>everyone (even fucking Buccellati) is suddenly retarded to not get that something must be wrong with Narancia after getting his tongue bitten and being attacked by a stand, even specifically telling obvious lies

Watching everyone be retarded except for Giorno is the worse

>tfw the leaker from few hours ago was right
Holy shit, I'm so sorry I doubted you, wherever you are

Here's your JoJo, bro.

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New OP sucks. The visuals are nice but the song itself is some buttrock early 2000s shonen garbage

It's hilarious how little shadow bossu looks like him

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 22 [720p]_001_3212.png (1280x720, 759K)

How can two separate people both have the worst taste possible?

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Chad jawline like his dad


Is that the angriest King Krimson has ever been?

...Are you implying loosing his legs enhanced his common sense?

What kind of retard drinks while eating soup?

Attached: [HorribleSubs]_JoJo_s_Bizarre_Adventure_-_Golden_Wind_-_22_[720p].mkv_snapshot_09.02_[2019.03.15_18. (1280x720, 1.17M)

He looks like Giovanni from Pokemon.

Attached: Giovanni.jpg (1400x700, 43K)

To be fair part 5's time IS nearing the 2000's

If anything every new Jojo follows the music it's time is based on

And losing your legs isn't losing a sense it was a joke user.

Attached: fuckingdoit.jpg (720x811, 51K)

He looks like Formaggio

you don't know what buttrock is

gib spicy tits

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 22 [720p]_001_2838.png (1280x720, 799K)

>some buttrock early 2000s shonen garbage
Perfectly fitting for part 5 then

>this stand is so fucking dangerous that Narancia instead of attacking it when it goes for his friends simply tries to prevent them looking into water

why is everyone so stupid this episode


What are you, a buttrock expert?


Attached: part 5 ending.png (989x572, 600K)

Switching between cold liquid and warm liquid is patrician. I always order a coffee and ice water at breakfast restaurants.

There was a leaker?Shit, I missed it. In what thread?Can't find it.

New OP felt totaly without power or punch.

Why is she so gorgeous

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 22 [720p]_001_2876.png (1280x720, 472K)


user you are autistic

Based, I always drink juice and coffee for breakfast

>abbachio's partner morphs into moody blues because he keeps reliving it

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 22 [720p]_001_2726.png (1280x720, 1.03M)

Fuck yeah it is. Cold and warm liquid is comfy

>that smug No. 3

For having a food preference?

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drinking two different shit at the same time is autistic

We know, Mista

Yes user thank you for pointing out the joke

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 22 [720p]_001_2839.png (1280x720, 965K)

Your tongue swells up then you can't breathe with a blocked airway

god. blu-ray when

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wow fukken gay

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We know, Bruno.

Sono Chi no Kioku >and the rest of the openings are all equally hype and very fitting for their parts. I can find no reason to dislike any of them.

End of the World > Bloody stream > Great days > Sono chi no sadame > Uragirimono no Requiem > Crazy noisy bizarre town > Fighting Gold > Stand Proud > Chase

Prove me wrong

This is the first episode I think actually needs a blu ray redraw

Very quality subs right here.

Attached: nice subs.png (1920x1080, 2.94M)

I'm sorry for wanting a new op
Can we get fighting gold back?

They really love the left/right divide thing don't they?

Wow... It's almost as good as Chase.

You have a strange definition of autism.

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So is it possible there are more guard squad members than we get to see
Because bossu really didn't want to let loose Cio and Secco but thought they were the only ones who could get the job done

I could see that stand being useful when making deals, signing contracts, interrogations also and shit so I can see the Boss wanting to have that ability by his side constantly. But for bodyguarding? Yeah, no

Hi thebkaine

Choosing to fall for the bait here

We cannot prove you wrong, because it is your opinion and taste.

However what we can say is, your Taste is shit. End of the World is not a bad opening by any means, but it is not the best fucking opening. It is definitely not higher than Bloody stream, anyone could tell you that. Also Chase > End of the World.

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Kong Crimson.

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We know, Narancia

trans rights


He probably has several stationed all over Italy, or wherever he travels. The rest either couldn’t get to them in time, or had inappropriate stands for the job.


Agreed. I understand why it is the way it is, and DP has generally been pretty good with this part all things considered but MAN oh, MAN. This episode doesn't look all that great overall fellas. I don't mind minimal animation and I don't mind some poor drawings- but the combination of both throughout this one was pretty quality.

You can tell they at least got their better people on the second half of the episode, but even then there are still some questionable. Pic related

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Literally sounds nothing like Sono Chi no Sadame

Try again

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If it targeted anyone else they would have figured it out in 5 seconds.

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>tfw you get your boy squalo to take out some traitors but he brings his dumb boyfriend with his shitty stand

trans rights

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It doesn't sounds like it at all.

For some reason they animated Narancia flailing around while lying extremely well, but literally nothing else.

Incidentally get Ichiro Mizuki to sing it and you'll understand.


He's still got the spooky irises.

The best things happen only once, user

I can only hope they're dropping the quality here to save the budget for future fights

Spoilers aren't as bad as people say. Animeonlies will not understand shit like the OP showing the last panel of the manga or Giorno getting GER.

I wished they showed Polnareff's wheelchair tho.


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the hell is wrong with king crimson here

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 22 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_23.12_[2019.03. (1920x1080, 355K)

>the best version wasn't in the anime

>the song itself is some buttrock early 2000s shonen garbage

> Outting a reddit user
> Simultaneously Outting yourself as a redditfag

How can someone be this Autistic?

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It's from the alternate universe where Diavolo sees Trish and his fatherly instincts kick in and he decides to reform

Is that the happiest Epitaph that has ever existed?

You tell me.

Attached: [VentoGiusto] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind 22.mkv_snapshot_00.08.00_[2019.03.15_13.43 (1280x720, 908K)

He's happy :)

We know, Diavolo.

OP3 will ; )

Ok, YYH's op does fells similar.
2 ops =/= Generic tho, it's the opositte.

Right hand is the donut punch. Left hand is the karate chop. It's what he does to Zipper boi, whose stand can be seen below him.

looks like hes driving a car.

>Everyone below King Crimson on the pillar dies
Oh wow that's so subtle DP you fucking hacks

Why is King Crimson among the hero Stands in the ED?

We know, Giorno

They wouldn't know about GER but now they know that he will get a powerup from one, they probably will think that is similar to what happened to Kira.

Why is KC so happy?

He's a good boy

they are ranked by power

How did you know this?

you mean this?

Attached: 1550988521485.png (600x849, 564K)

It was amazing. 2nd best ED

Doppio is a good boy.

>New OP is a fucking recap
Are you fucking kidding me. They better add some new visuals the coming weeks.

>they probably will think that is similar to what happened to Kira
But it's literally identical to what happened to Kira.

And how the fuck did I quote a post from 10 years ago?

Wait, the fuck is this from?



No it isn't
Requiems are unbeatable, BtD was defeated by an 11 year old


>Browsing reddit and then posting about it when I make a similar post
Actually disgusting. Please leave and don't come back

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Kira got hited by the Arrow again and got a permanent third abilitty.
Requiem arrows have to pierce the Stand, totally changes it and are probably temporal, Requiem stands also aren't controlled by the user.



Finally Giorno will die. He was too smart to live. Sadly gang will die soon after because his super brain powers were solving most mysteries.

It's not just about sounding the same but having the same structure. The beginning instrumental intro for the title card is a very generic thing, for instance.

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Well, the Requiem arrow is introduced by Polnareff as a way to get a powerup to defeat Diavolo.

It's really not an important spoiler.

I see what you men, very bombastic and masculine. most shonen music is either faggy shit or female vocals, other anons are retarded

Attached: diapero.png (3032x1396, 1.64M)

AHAHAHA holy FUCK that was bad

worst part worst OP

One of the best EDs yet and the only ED better than the actual OP.

me after seeing end of the world

Is DaviPro gonna attempt to answer why boss didn't just use Polpo's arrow?

please delete

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new OP isn't that good visually, but the track itself is much better than fighting gold

We know, BIG

Reminder to read the HnK manga instead of the anime if you want to get into it

me after seeing crazy noisy bizarre wall eyes

>tfw still thinking about the one page from a Abbacchio gender bender doujin that I saw years ago
I can't find it anywhere, bros

this post is the true man's world

Wrong type of arrow.
You need the special one with the beetle.

Nobody knew about requiem before polnareff

this will be the last op for part 5? i thought Polnareff would appear in the somewhere in the OP

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which ones you use?

He does appear, the blood dripping. They probably didn't want to spoil his presence completely.

Is this the first ending by an artist directly referenced previously?

I like the new OP

I mean, they went ahead and spoiled Doppio, Spice girl, the final fight, how it ends and where it's placed; adding just a random shadow with long hair wouldn't have been as bad

Attached: polnareffland.jpg (960x540, 57K)

diavolo didn't know about that in the first place

Not "previously" but the band that made Part 4's ED was referenced years ago in part 6.

Depends what you mean by "previously". I Want You was by Savage Garden, which is the name of the carrier pigeon in Part 6.

Well yeah but in this case it's bizarre having to change the name Engima because of copyright only to later literally use that artist's song

>Giorno/Mista/Trish weren't helping in part 6 because they were too bussy stealing ideas from Disneyworld to make Polnareffland

That's true, I don't know what to tell you.

Only the subs change the name, you can literally hear they pronouncing the name of the actual band in the EPs.

>Well yeah but in this case it's bizarre having to change the name Engima because of copyright only to later literally use that artist's song
You retard, you know they didn't change it in the Japanese audio, right?

It's the same company

I mean in the west
It's not like the ending is censored

What the fuck are you talking about? They didn't change the name in Japanese, only in English.

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But they did change it in English

Because David paid for the ending. Enigma agreed to having their name used there. Is it that hard to grasp?

Those aren't big spoilers.
Animeonlies wouldn't a clue of who Doppio is or what the fuck he is doing in the OP, Trish was already shown to have a stand, how it looks is not important.
Polnareff being in part 5 is a big deal considering how popular he is and is something worth keeping as a secret.

Yes... what does that have to do with the Japanese anime?

Attached: you dense motherfucker.png (243x200, 70K)

It's made by the same people

You think Giorno and Jotaro meet between part 5 and 6?

Yeah, Jotaro ORA'd the shit out of him while rescuing Polnareff, that's why we never see Passione again after Part 5.

David doesn't dub the anime, nor do they sub it.

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The eyes of heaven interactions are unironically top tier.

EotW is based from beginning to end. Name one reason for your shit opinion.

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What's it like being this retarded?

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Are you guys really this dense? The sub/dub aren't some bootleg fan production. It's official.

I like this design better, he looks like an actual mob boss.

But he's not hot