What do you call this again? I can't remember
What do you call this again? I can't remember
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are right girl's boobs yellow?
a phase
Boring romance. Yuri is always a 100% snoozefest and they all play out the same
Absolutely cute.
The purest form of love
>they all play out the same
You need to watch/read more
/u/ faggots all know women are weak to dick, can't beat the dick, now kindly go back to your containment board and kys faggots.
An American greeting.
>>they all play out the same
>You need to watch/read more
You know I’m right, yuri probably has the most boring, overused plots
I love this scene.
No, it's French.
How come the French greeting is so based?
Chemicals in the water.
eh, meant for Have more cute frogs
THIS is pure love. Facts.
I'm a yurifag but I absolutely agree. They're either predictable drama-fests or all-fluffy and I don't really like either. That's why I like series that try something different a lot, even if the end result is medicore (Akuma no Riddle, Kannazuki no Miko).
If you really are a yurifag you should try reading more manga instead of going just for anime. I'm not a fan of stuff like Citrus either, but it's in manga form where you will find variety instead of mainstream media. Don't forget how niche yuri still is.
Didn't she fucked her brother?
But I read way more manga than I'm watching anime. There's barely any yuri anime, I'd be limiting myself way too much. I'm just bad at finding good yuri stuff though since they aren't really that popular and most recommendation threads are shit.
>They're either predictable drama-fests or all-fluffy and I don't really like either.
Sort of how the majority of romance series are, yuri or not.
Some of the most praised straight romance series here are full of shit characters and drama as well.
>Sort of how the majority of romance series are, yuri or not.
Not arguing about that, but I vastly prefer romance as a sub-plot (albeit a well developed one) to another genre like action or mystery. Mystery + romance is probably my favorite combo - Hyouka, Tsukumodou Kottouten, HakoMari, Gekkou, stuff like that I like the most. Typical romance is nice from time to time but it gets stale pretty fast since there's only so much new stuff you can do in a SoL setting.
Based and purity-pilled
It's a shame that most series with yuri as a sub plot rarely fully commit to it.
LGBT propaganda.
Yeah, same with games. Lots of JRPGs with all-female casts but they never go beyond subtext.
Into the trash it goes
At least in Flip Flappers case we have interviews showing the yuri was genuinely a theme and not just people reading too much into it.
I suppose the difference between a kiss in the last episode or not wouldn't change tons overall, but would at least mean you don't need to rely on external material to class it as yuri.
That's called a bra. Don't worry, if you ever manage to undress a girl, you will learn what it looks like.
Haters of all men.
I kinda understand how yurifags feel with that
>all those times I got baited with cute couples in animated JRPG openings but there was literally nothing in-game
Fuck you Tales
peak male wish fulfillment vanity
The German greeting is depicted somewhat erroneously. They are way too close to each other.
A sin.
Fun times.
Oh no!
I really liked it until the dragon turned into a girl. Wholesome bestiality is the cutest thing ever, faggots are overdone by this point.
Yaoi is slightly better.
Nah, Monster girl yuri is great.
I wish that was true, maybe one day yuri will be less of a niche. But for now I'll still have to do my best to support the artists I like.
It has less girls though.
It gets a lot of anime. Human-monster love where the monster isn't anthropomorphic and doesn't have a human form isn't really a thing.
You are one boring guy.
Welp, less yuri won't make you get more raw bestiality, not much point in putting a niche against a even smaller niche. I imagine that kind of stuff to be more popular in the west, thanks to the furry community.
Monster girl yuri is quite rare, Bocchi Kaibutsu is pretty much an indie webcomic. Although, thanks to support from fans we're getting our very first Beast Girl x Beast Girl yuri anthology, maybe great things will come in the future thanks to it.
Do you know any artist that make the stuff you like? Do you support them? That's the most important thing.
A slide thread.
>furry community
Furries are anthropomorphic.
Boring shit
Oh, excuse me then, I don't know much about it except from what I see around the website with those ponies and stuff
>girlfriend invites you to her house
>think you're gonna get some
>turns out she just wanted to hang out
this shit almost gave me diabetes
Yamada is too precious.
I always thought furries were animals that look a lot like humans or humans pretending to be those fictional animals. I don't know too much about it either, because physically anthropomorphic monsters aren't my thing.
>The purest form of love
A yuri story ruined by straightshit.
>2 JK kissing
That's a normal romance. Not even forbidden.
last year we had YOI
this year we have nothing
if Yaoi is so more popular than Yuri how come it gets so little adaptations?
she was about to get some
but boxblocking mom stopped her
Pure love.
(You) ree
many call it ghey
me on the left
A phase
before their marriage.
fuck off hetfag
Now kiss.
>/u/ faggots all know women are weak to dick, can't beat the dick
Of course women can't beat the futa dick
Men are the ultimate inferior gender hahahha get fucked faggot
nurse drug addiction with shitty plot
>nurse drug addiction with shitty plot
So, NLA?
What's this?
Read the posts above yours.
This VN was kinda disturbing. What the fuck are those bad ends.
>850 resolution
>suspect sample
>look for full resolution, hoping it will have less jpg artifacts
>full resolution is 850x850 too
Now I feel stupid.
But at least there's less jpg fuckery.
What are you talking about, two of them are totally good ends when you think about them.
Futa is not a gender.
I like yuri subtext far more than actual yuri. Why is that? I'm not homophobic or anything.
Futa on female is the natural evolution of yuri.
There's a lot more subtext only in anime so more chances for a good show.
YagaKimi is one of the few full yuri anime I'd rate above most subtext ones, and would probably rate it as the best romance anime I've seen. It's a shame it seems quite rare to get yuri romance anime.
At least manga has a few more decent ones.
is futa on male the evolution of straight then?
The future and procreation of love.
Superior taste
They turn on with every kind of porn, even primate porn.
Man, CGs for that VN are hard to find
Who doesn't?
Futa on female is actually the natural evolution of heterosexuality.
Yuri is above the merely natural, it's a miracle.
Where did you get that? Is there a zip that has all those CGs?
it's not purest unless theyre lolis
But lolis are not yet ready to bear the responsibilities of child bearing.
Surely there must be at least one high school girl in a good relationship.
bretty hot?
hai maybe desu, do yuri grills even have children?
That's because it's a niche genre and you can't make a regular good romance story without people focusing on the gay part rather than the plot.
Just like how it's bot easy to just make a main character, let's say a superhero, gay without people focusing on his sexuality than the job he does.
It's not about Yuri per se or the fact that they're both women. Unless of course you want some porn instead of romance and you can't get off without watching dicks too.
>Ywn be a cute girl in a yuri relationship
You don't want to be a cute girl in a yuri relationship.
You want to be a cute eternal loli in a yuri relationship.
Being cute for a few years and then spending decades reminiscing about it is not pleasant.
And it's the best taste unimaginable.
No idea, but it definitely didn't come from a zip.
the purest form of love
It's not purest unless one of them is a nazi.
Here you go:
1) imgur.com
2) imgur.com
3) imgur.com
4) imgur.com
5) (2/3 futa) imgur.com
I can only get into yuri when they're all raping eachother. None of that boring flowery shit.
>can't find the series where those lesbian twins lick mayonnaise off of the designated rapebait
Strawberry Panic sequel when?
I played Girls Frontline for a bit so this is a really interesting doujin, except for the very last part, the futa one, I have no idea what the fuck is going on there, maybe because I don't know those characters well, but the Negev x Kar part was cool.
I don't think they could ever create another girl as sexy as alpha dyke Shizuma.
>doujins drawn by Takano Saku, Mira, or Comaku
don't forget
>Ayane/ayanero taicho
Mira is my hero
Don't forget Homura Subaru on your balanced diet, calcium is key.
Not really into his tentacle stuff, even if I'm a lactation fetishist.
Same, but I only remember a single tentacle manga by Homura actually, all the other full yuri stuff is pretty nice.
Tapestry was great, I want a chapter 3, even if nothing important happens on it.
I personally want some more of the gyaru x boiling water-chan couple
Are we living in the golden age of Yuri?
The futa is Mengele
True love
We're feeling like it's close but we're heading towards it.
We need to bring alpha dykes into anime again.
looked like mengele twin experiments to me
You mean 2nd age of Golden Yuri.
one true love
No, it just ended.
>No, it just ended.
It's just getting started user
That which makes pitiful weeaboo incels seethe with impotent rage.
If you close your eyes, you can hear Chihaya getting raped by another girl.
And you're laughing at yourself?
Which Chihaya are we talking about here?
Degeneracy. Pretty simple.
The flat one
the tried and true best form of love.
>You want to be a cute eternal loli in a yuri relationship.
This is a subset of being a cute girl in a yuri relationship, so actually I want both.
>Being cute for a few years and then spending decades reminiscing about it is not pleasant
Sure, but it's better than never being cute.
I'm laughing at the absolute state of this board. Forget about America; Trump is the worst thing that happened to this website.
I hope it dies forever
The fuck? The World one? That wrapped up years ago.
When are these two going to fuck?
>The fuck? The World one? That wrapped up years ago.
It's the one where a girl has an ability to stop time for 3 minutes but another girl and future love interest is immune to it
Holy Shit! Fragtime is one of my all-time favorites. Yuri that isn't about yuri but an actual story. Also quite lewd.
Is it abour lesbian playing shooter games?
Holy fucking awesome.
This series is one of the best yuri out there.
It's not too long, so there's no doubt they're going to adapt the whole story. It doesn't drag itself, and there's no love triangle nonsense either.
Guess I have something to reread now.
Isn't it kinda strange to adapt a manga that's already finished?
More like Fagtime, amirite?
Nice one Tougou
It was a webmanga that ended 5 years ago and wasn't even that popular in nipland. I guess someone really rich wanted this made.
Uh this sounds kinda suspicious, Maybe it will be a short
I don't like lesbians.
Free public execution in Saudi Arabia.
probably a movie or an ova like kase-san
Oh right, i got that one from Yea Forums's archives. I'm afraid i don't know where to find all cgs, so all i can do is play the VN and screenshot them myself.
There is next to no female on futa. As in, a woman using a strap-on a futa. Nor is there many cases where a futa puts on a strap-on for two at a time. This one did. I was surprised. Such a shame yuri doesn't really have penetration that much.
You still get raped to death either way.
Sauce of the name?
Tribadism is actually penetration.
They are okay as long as they don't use earrings.
A no from me, Dawg
Are they even gay? They're not even holding hands
You know what I meant.
Technically... technically, you could read Roman's in a way that it does preclude women from fucking women. It specifically says that men fucking men is unnatural and that any woman performing unnatural acts is also bad. Which could be linked to include homosexuality. Then again, pretty sure Romans say 'it's a sin for a man to lay with another man like a woman' which could also be twisted to mean 'it's not a sin unless the man has a vagina' and since men don't have vaginas then it's not a sin. Isn't theology great?
They're sisters, you degenerate. Eventually, they might start to desire for each other's bodies, but handholding is out of the question.
Why is there so few mother x daughter manga where they actually end up in a relationship with realistic progression? Doesn't have to be porn or even ecchi. Just be nice. Only one is 1 & ½ and I have a horrible feeling it'll end with 'btw you're adopted so it's OK'.
This has been one of my favorite yuri manga for the past two years, but no one ever knew what I was talking about because it wasn't translated (speaking of which if the translation still not complete)?
Either way, fuck the fucking fuck this is pleasantest of pleasant surprises.
>Only one is 1 & ½ and I have a horrible feeling it'll end with 'btw you're adopted so it's OK'.
How do you even come to this conclusion, her mother and aunt even say multiple times how she resembles her late father, not to mention the blood ties being mentioned all the time.
I dunno. Just got a feeling. It's so rare in fucking hentai let alone regular manga that I just keep expecting it.
>oh your father was with another woman and got pregnant and then she died giving birth and I looked after you
Or something.
>translation still not complete
m8 it's been over for years now
Your Light ~Kase-san and Morning Glories~
>very next page says 'She wants to commit sin'
READ THE BIBLE. It only says laying with a man as if he was a woman, as a man, is a sin. Women performing 'unnatural acts' could be linked to the whole 'don't fuck animals' bit.
It's a good manga with actual growth and some, not unique, but good enough social commentary without it being preachy.
Three dykes, one in denial.
well, if you are following the series you would know that she isn't anymore
>READ THE BIBLE. It only says laying with a man as if he was a woman, as a man, is a sin. Women performing 'unnatural acts' could be linked to the whole 'don't fuck animals' bit.
Honestly it's even more clear than that. The Law of Moses (which isn't binding on Christians anyway) has separate prohibitions for male and female bestiality but didn't bother doing that for homosexual behavior, which is only prohibited for males. This cannot be an accident or oversight, because God does not make mistakes. Romans 1:26 is the closest the Bible ever gets to condemning female homosexual behavior and even there the verse about males explicitly states it's about homosexual behavior while the verse about females doesn't and is more plausibly interpreted as being about male-on-female anal sex. None of this should be interpreted to defend 3D, of course.
Yeah that's it, as I said, unnatural behaviour. Which could be fucking animals, anal or urethral sex. Fun stuff, really. Also pretty sure most western nations didn't consider lesbianism a sin because... reasons. I can't remember why. I think it might have been a Class S type deal. Practice and all.
>It was a webmanga that ended 5 years ago and wasn't even that popular in nipland. I guess someone really rich wanted this made.
And someone in the English side because there are actual English tweets as well
cause she's japanese
Any other answer is wrong.
>A strangely charming tale of adolescence
/u/ btfo
didn't know the killing bites mangaka is a /u/fag
Because that's degenerate.
You know the manga is finished, right? /u/ already knows how it ends.
Killing Bites is furry lesbian sex.
To the Romans the distinction was pretty important though whether you took it up the ass or put it up another man's ass.
The former was considered gay. But the latter is laying with another man like with a woman.
>God does not make mistakes.
Even back in the middle ages people were smart enough to recognize the bible as having errors.
>he didn't know
what the fuck did i just read
They're not jewish.
I really feel I shouldn't like this, yet I do.
I feel like I should like it, and I really do.
A masterpiece.
Kissing is the purest form of the purest form of love.
No, tribbing is. Kissing is just crude and unnecessary.
Killing Bites peaked too soon.
im a lonely man in a dark sea and Yuri is my lighthouse
Was that a futa Mengele? Did Futa Mengele creampie them? Epilogue went full on wild.
I mean I liked the manga, but fucking why?
Yuri is more trendy than back then.
>those russians
No, she pulled out, then peed on their faces.
Why are these hands touching each other?
A phase.
Holy shit
It was stuck in time.
The best yuri doujin is here
1) imgur.com
2) imgur.com
3) imgur.com
4) imgur.com
5) imgur.com
Yurichads spoonfeedme some good-ongoing yuri mangas to read
No such thing.
Already posted
Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja
Tensei Kyuuketsuki-san wa Ohirune ga Shitai
Not lizard. Not gay.
What happened to twintails?
brb moving to Saudi Arabia.
Homura Subaru confirmed lesbian muslim activist
That's going to last for tge rest of their lives.
Fuck off, Truck-kun. This is not the isekai thread.
Now I know why /gfg/ is called the 1 IQ general.
>this thread
god I need more yuri in my life
That's gonna be a short.
bloom into you
Akarui Kioku Soushitsu
Futari Monologue
Otome no Teikoku
SQ: Begin W/Your Name!
Oddman 11(parts are yuri)
Goshujinsama to Kemonomimi no Shoujo Mel
3 minutes.
Is that true? I mean, it's a short manga, but I wish we could get this at least in movie format.
no, that's the mc's power she can stopped the time for 3 minutes. this probably going to be a movie since it would be too short for an tv series and too long for an ova like kase-san
>expecting people to get the joke
you fucking cunt
Now that would be a bold artistic choice.
I've been bamboozled
>2D lesbians kissing on the silver screen
Can you imagine the fury among the fans if the time stops were omitted "because cameras can't capture stuff that doesn't happen within time".
Please no. By the way who should voice the girls?
D lesbians kissing on the silver screen
It worked for Kase-san's anime run
I would be so fucking mad
it's 40 minutes of completely normal comfy SoL in a school environment, 3rd person pov, no time fuckery in sight
until the last ep when MC suddenly runs down the halls and yells about her and her girlfriend stopping time and doing lewd shit
credits roll
Kase-san's success is why I think Fragtime is getting an anime
based lebanon
Anime fucking when
all the bible verses condemning homosexuality always specifies male homosexuality
𝘖𝘳 𝘥𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘥𝘰𝘮 𝘰𝘧 𝘎𝘰𝘥? 𝘋𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘥: 𝘯𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘪𝘮𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘭, 𝘯𝘰𝘳 𝘪𝘥𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘯𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘥𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘯𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺, 𝘯𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘴, 𝘯𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘺, 𝘯𝘰𝘳 𝘥𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘬𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴, 𝘯𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘯𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘯𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘥𝘰𝘮 𝘰𝘧 𝘎𝘰𝘥. (1 𝘊𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘴 6:9-10)
Because back in the good ol times nobody gave a fuck about female sexuality.
T-there is more, right?
Koran only specifies male homosexuality also.
𝘘𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘯 (7:80-84) - "𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘯 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯: 𝘺𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘦𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘴.... 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘢 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 [𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘦]
God is a yurifag!
Welp, Deus Vult.
Nah, she was going to do it as a service to her dying bother but then the other girl cracked in and see them so they didn't get to finish the event before the bother died.
You can type italics on Yea Forums now?
Non-consexual sex in the missonary position user
you always could
based quint
manga name?
Should have ended with that. Elza x Hitomi was nice.
They're special Unicode characters, not just italic text.
ou can use several types of fonts
L̵͙͚̰͚̖̻̘͉̥̇̂ͅỉ̴̡̛̩͙̳͉͇͚̮̈̓̇͑͒̈́ḳ̶̡̨̱͉̤̳̈́ͅe̸͉͆̏̉̽̇͝ ̷̧̛̥͚̱̦̝̐͊̌́̆͘͠t̷̮͋̽̏̃́͂͗̐̋h̷̦͆͋̐͌̆i̵͙͔̫͌͋́̿͛̈́̋̈̃ṧ̵̨̢̛͚̣͙͕̜̫͌́͐̏͘͝
Lesbians win again.
God is an hypocrite.
What else is new?
>Goshujinsama to Kemonomimi no Shoujo Mel
>Futari Monologue
But God is gay. God suck my dick everyday.
If balls don't touch it's ok.
oh oops
>What do you call this again? I can't remember
Homosexuality? Degeneracy? Immoral same-sex activity?
>Futari Monologue got canned
RIP,it was like old watamote but gayer.
Play FGO.
Really? Terrible news for me, I was enjoying those gay eldritch abominations
A sin, they will burn in hell.
It has 100 chapters, scans are still on chapter 32.
>Homosexuality? Degeneracy? Immoral same-sex activity?
>What do you call this again? I can't remember
The only good thing about yuri is the proactiveness of the main lovers. They actually pursue their relationship. Besides that, yuri is a very stale genre.
true love
>Wholesome bestiality
Jesus christ these people.
Based. Thank you.
High culture.
So will everyone else.
Same for you too
as much as I liked frag I think there are better mangas to animate
more like
>Because back in the good ol times nobody gave a fuck about females
Fu-fu anime when
>The only good thing about yuri is the proactiveness of the main lovers.
That's not true.
That's why most yuri stories lead to nothing.
thanks YuriChads
>Tensei Kyuuketsuki-san wa Ohirune ga Shitai
need a new chapter now
yuri is such unbelievable trash
its fanbase consists of trannies and purityfag incels
its narratives are boring and stale
its settings pale in comparison to even the dullest hetero romcom
please go back
But it has double the cute girls, forbidden love, and melodrama out the ass. That's just about everything I like in romance.
>it's narratives are boring and stale
>'b-but my generic harem 660404560 is totally a different thing than the last!'
Miss me with that shit hombre.
Leviticus has commands specifically about female sexuality, though. Leviticus 18:22 is the prohibition against male homosexual behavior and then Leviticus 18:23 separately prohibits male and female bestiality.
I prefer my yuris bit older than highschoolers. Bonus points if they're coworkers
>Not Shion x Yayoi
Nigger what the fuck are you doing
Fuck off kid.
OL Yuri is the best Yuri bar none.
Best post on Yea Forums right now
Picked up.
Get the fuck off my board
>that ending
Jews ruin everything as usual.
Whatever furfag.
I'll never understand how a straight christian male could get turned on by two girls doing things together. It's the most boring thing ever and on top of that it is fucking gay.
>year 2019
>being straight
>all these atheist trash in my yuri thread
Fuck off, Yea Forums is a christian board.
I won't support faggotry on any level. Your yurifag shit is for losers of the highest degree. It's pretty close to being a NTR fag.
They're designs were so good. Nice colours. Violet eyes are goat. The weight of the buttocks is a surprising animation. Love it. Such a shame they're step-sisters and they don't actually do anything. Yuri cock teasing is lame. So is subtext.
> can't get turned on by two cute girls
> straight
Like even when I was a mega perverted that got off on a lot of disgusting shit, I couldn't wrap my head around why people find yuri a turn on. I see them on the same level as footfags.
Yea Forums is and always has been peak degeneracy. /pol/ really is just normalfags with a stupid hat on.
I like both yuri and feet and armpits
You gay, son. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
>and they don't actually do anything
Are you sure you aren't looking for a h-doujin? Citrus went pretty far in the fanservice, tachibanakan is probably the only one that goes further.
It's not about getting turned on it's about the sugar
>yuri and feet and armpits
Godly taste
The bible is the Word of God. So in context with that post, user is right.
Yeah the people who hate it and want to enslave and torture children, what other arguments do you have?
It's not only about getting turned on.
Honestly, I want more gay girls in space.
>The bible is the Word of God.
Through the filter of a human writer.
Medieval thinkers approached it by assuming the bible to be correct about things until it was proven wrong.
Like Earth being flat. People knew that was false.
Learn how to use WAIT.
You're being a retard, user. We are discussing whether the faithful should believe what's in the bible, not everyone else.
>wholesome bestiality
You've got it all fucked up my man.
Bestiality is for rough-fucking, mindbreak, and non-reproductive nakadashi.
Lesbians are for femdom (consensual, gentle, preferably romantic) and sensual frottage.
I'm talking about Christian philosophers.
Give me a non cgi round earth photo.
I didn't realize it worked on animated gifs desu.
Did you also not know that Yea Forums produces jpg thumbnails?
>the bible is the word of god
>except when it isn't
>dude, trust us
The bible was written by humans. Influenced by God, yes. But not actually-written-by-God, like the original 10 commandments.
...leave me alone anonymous.
The Earth has since been flattened by British mages who found the round world to be too complicated for English captains to navigate.
Runa is a criminal
>Runa doesn't do what The Man tells her to do
I'm not seeing a problem.
It's in the bible, lesbianism is the way to heaven and that's not only abou how great lesbian sex feels.
Celestia 1 x Makai 0, reminder that debirus are for bullying. Sataniaposters BTFO
She's a rapist and netorared her sister
I don't have a smug enough picture of her with which to reply, user.
I thought you were referring to her not wearing a seatbelt.
>tfw not a girl
>tfw no yuri gf to kiss in the rain
why live?
>in the rain
It's like you're asking to get the Japanese cold and die.
Her sister has like, a hundred girlfriends, it doesn't hurt to share one girl
Takako was different
Sorry, onee-san, can't beat the C
I'm just kidding, Runa and Takako are my favorite pair after pre voice change Nanami and Yuna
Exquisite taste.
Mine too, but I just love lolidom yuri too much.
Homosexual behavior.
Girlfriends went further and that's not a H-manga. Went afk so didn't see reply. I'd like something like Shoujo Sect again.
Yeah Runa & Takako are my favorite too. Eris/Shizu and Kitajimas sharing the 2nd place.
Dragon is NOT a furry. Kill yourself.
At least read the comment chain.
Whatever, nerd.
Truer words have never been spoken
This is the absolute mega best
Yuri, what are you doing in this thread?
I love yuri because I despise males.
>the usual shitposters are here
Welp, it was a fairly nice thread while it lasted actually
Well the thread lasted over 31 hours so I'd say it survived fairly good
No need to die yet, ignore shitposting and keep the yuri love going.
finally, some quality rape and mindbreak
Woman on woman faggotry.
Just a simple reminder that yuri can survive any calamity.
It's not a turn on for your dick, you silly little monkey. It's a turn on for your heart. You truly are a hopeless degenerate if the only thing you can imagine romance has to offer is an opportunity to fap.
based nee san
yuri is best served as side-dish.
Based Moominposter
Happy Sugar Life if you like oneeloli and psychological horror
>ywn read the super cute and wholesome Moomin doujin series by Itou Hachi.
>ynw read her new OneeLoli yuri manga either since scans fucking never
why live
How's your katana?
loli-on-loli yuri is the purest thing known to man
Those two are just too cute together, their date episode was great. I'm glad the artist decided to keep pairing them.
New Mai Hime series when?
This. I'm fine with most types of yuri, but I'll always love loli/loli best since girls are at their cutest when small and petite. It's the ideal body.
Patience, young padawan.
why are they such rapists?
I'm more attracted to older girls, but loli yuri does have it's own adorable charm. It's so rare but great when we get a cute couple like that, I would love to read more manga about girls falling in love at a really young age and growing up together.
Pretty good, how's yours?
Maho is truly one of the most patrician pretty cures.
So... two yuri animes confirmed so far?
fragtime and??
the interracial musicians
That's your problem
It's up your mom's ass
But it's romantic.
That's just someone shitposting we literally have zero information about it
That's not confirmed yuri.
A better show to point to would be BLACKFOX, but that's been in production limbo for a while.
This probably will be high yuri pandering like Princess Principal, I'm way more excited and hopeful for it than that music anime.
/u/shit is boring. first of all it's too formulaic. the main girl is always some wimp who doesn't even seem like a dyke who gets seduced by some female prince charming who's actually a near rapist. you can't self insert and it's too tepid to enjoy voyeuristically. you basically never get to whatever lesbians consider sex and half of the time the entire relationship is made up in /u/shitters heads.
What if it ends up not being yuri?
>production limbo
Not anymore, production resumed at full force recently
Nothing happens and we wait for the next yuri show.
Love potions are not rape!
Everytime 3hz made an all girls show there was some degree of yuri pandering, considering the moderate success of Pripri I find it unlikely they'd stray from what they usually do, well that said it's not impossible it's het just unlikely
They literally are
MC a cute, can't wait.
She doesn't look like a dork and that worries me
I hope this cute girls doing cool things with 3hz never ends, it's been a really enjoyable ride so far.
She looks genki, chances of her having a dork attitude in some form are quite high.
Anne, your show is tomorrow
No, she looks cool and genki, not a dork, I'm literally shaking right now
Love potions are just how they sell date rape drugs to female customers.
She dual wields, that's pretty dorky.
>no all-girls battle anime next season
oh no she's hot
What about Strike Witches?
Yeah Strike Witches seems like the only yuri related thing next season, at least there's something
It's a short and doesn't have any battles.
Still doesn't convince me
Wait, really? I was expecting this:
Watanabe himself is pushing a relationship for both girls for this series.
Ah, now I saw it
My mistake
Let's just wait and see, I will be personally not watching this since yuri with a black girl doesn't interest me and if it isn't yuri then an anime about music doesn't interest me either.
Embrace the interracial love, nee-san.
There's Bocchi
I have no problem with brown-skinned girls but if she's literally black with disgusting crispy hair and the other features I just can't find it appealing
this thread was created and perpetuated by mentally ill transbians
Bocchi is /u/ culture, but not really yuri.
The threads will also be absurdly awful, Bocchi doesn't deserve all the shitposting that will take place.
Eww no
Nah, just some shitposter calling it yuri making a resident mentally ill retard go on a rant about yurifags for the first 4 threads or something
>Not anymore, production resumed at full force recently
Well there's a welcome surprise.
We will have some shitty otome anime first
Ah right, the 3hz collaboration with PA. Works.
Did they confirm a date for A3? Last I checked it still had 0 news since it was announced.
>not yuri
Pick one.
>you can't self insert
Maybe *you* can't…
I kinda feel like it will come first
*like it will come soon, sooner than Blackfox
Well, Black Fox is still announced for 2019 at least.
And I feel like you're a huge faggot, faggot
What the fuck dude that literally came out of nowhere
don't reply to his autism
>in yuri there are no balls
can't be gay
>another yuri shilling bait thread on Yea Forums
when will these yuri fans learn they have a whole board for these kind of threads.
Mecha also has it's own board, and yet they are still allowed here.
Sexy and beautiful
yeah but mecha doesn't make bait threads like this. they actually talk about a show or a character from a mecha show or the themes in a show.
not just making threads that purely just want to discuss mecha in general when they could go to the board for it.
Im glad someone knows
Yes do they we also have pokemon threads despite a board for it, now fuck off.
the pokemon threads actually discuss a specific aspect of the pokemon anime or manga.
answer me this what yuri anime or manga is this thread specifically about?
There's also a Homo thread, drawfag, and buyfag despite there being boards for it
but those threads are about specifics
homo threads on Yea Forums are about discussing Yea Forums shows or manga with homo themes or even characters from manga and anime with homo themes not just about talking about homo stuff in general because then it's just lgbt or yaoi
same for buy and draw threads they are discussing specific anime and manga things to buy, draw, and request.
this thread is just here to discuss yuri in general not even a specific point about yuri.
i have never even watch citrus or bloom in you but a thread about the anime,manga, or a character from those would have been better than this shilling yuri thread
You must be a troll or either dense.
Oh, you're right
Just report the thread and I'm sure you can convince the mod with your wisdom
i'm not a troll i'm just very disappointed in yuri fans resorting to shilling on Yea Forums
>homo threads on Yea Forums are about discussing Yea Forums shows or manga with homo themes or even characters from manga and anime with homo themes not just about talking about homo stuff in general because then it's just lgbt or yaoi
>same for buy and draw threads they are discussing specific anime and manga things to buy, draw, and request.
There's nothing specific about any of this, how old are you? You seem really dumb to be an adult or to know anything about homo threads
>homo is a "specific" subject but Yuri isn't
Enough, friend. You're not making any sense anymore now that your bias is showing so clearly.
Yea Forums is not a containment board, so every Anime and Manga related subject will be discussed here. It's not a safe space for anyone either so we all have to deal with people that like things we don't. Lastly, this discussion we are having right now, this is actually off-topic, this is not a meta thread we're you can whine about what you want to see or not on Yea Forums. So I recommend doing the same most do, ignore and hide threads that are not of your interest or try your luck with the mods.
...but are always more attracted to female humans and not males, males are just there to give them money and an easy life.
Go back to
>doesn't see how it's not specific
>never said Yea Forums was a containment board or a safe space
>never said yuri discussion should be banned from Yea Forums but that it should just be specific
>never even uses Yea Forums why do all yuri fans claim Yea Forums or /pol/
How old are you?
some were from 20-80, why do you ask?
Do you function like a normal person? Do the people around you ever comment on how dumb you are?
I'm actually pitying you if you are an adult because I can't see someone like you ever leading a normal life
Stop replying to the broken ESL autist and go back to talking about Anime and Manga. Yurifags need to learn to ignore shitposting more and just enjoy talking about the stuff you like.
I ship my imouto with my onee-san, its great. My dick explodes whenever they go bathing together
>homo threads on Yea Forums are about discussing Yea Forums shows or manga with homo themes or even characters from manga and anime with homo themes not just about talking about homo stuff in general because then it's just lgbt or yaoi
>this thread is just here to discuss yuri in general not even a specific point about yuri.
user stop shipping family members
If you would've heard the noises they let out of the bathroom sometimes you'd understand why I started
>points out how thread is bait shilling by op for yuri for yuri's sake
>with op pretending not to know what yuri is so that people respond with posts calling it bad or good and just talk about non specific yuri discussion on the wrong board
>get attacked for it by yuri fans for calling this out
>only reason this thread hasn't been deleted is because it's vaguely pro yuri if it was a thread pulling the same stunt against yuri it would have been deleted/pruned a long time ago
He's neither high or a kid, that is a literal poor retard
Say that to be face and not online and see what happens.
>with op pretending not to know what yuri is so
Did you figure this one out all by yourself? Wow user I'm really proud of you
I'll miss that so much, waiting 4 month will be hard, but at least there's some nice all-girl action manga around.
>actively completely misses the pointed of what i was saying to just throw insults
i miss when Yea Forums was not like this
Neat, but now the fan translations will stop, I'll still buy it thought, while I wait for the anime adaptation.
i doubt viz would catch up that fast
was there not a thread made about this instead of shilling?
Can you imagine the eternal /u/ butthurt if part 2 of that garbage was never finished and all they got was the het incest cliffhanger?
>>actively completely misses the pointed of what i was saying to just throw insults
>>completely misses the pointed
>>the pointed
>>i miss when Yea Forums was not like this
Oh you poor mentally impaired soul, this isn't your parents home, people are actually meanies to each other here, I'm so sorry
okay i'm going to make a tread to prove my point.
Yes go make a ''tread'' my very smart oldfag friend, make me proud
Please do not post rape on this pure board.
Anyone else think it's kind of crazy how popular Akane x Rikka got?
They have over 1000 pieces of fan art. And ~200 pages of doujin (all translated).
That's A LOT for a one cour anime.
I'm kinda angry at how popular it got, there were better anime to get yuri art that season
Not really into Gridman, but I hope that gives Trigger some ideas, maybe they could make a full yuri anime in the future.
I've been thinking about checking out the show, they do look cute together.
You never really know what's going to get viral.
>trigger see this and decide to do a full Yuri second season
that would kill me... with laughter
It's a great show. But fair warning, it banks on you having knowledge of the original series which SSSS is a sequel to. At least in regards to fully understanding it. Because there are certain things that also hint to you which you'll only get if you know how stuff works in the original.
Where is this meme even coming from, hachimitsu has completed several licensed manga because it'll take 2 years at the very least before the official release even catches up to the current point of the scanlations
when yuri threads are allowed to run rampant on this board for the sake yuri and nothing else it really shows how the quality of the board has dropped
Having you posting on this board says more about its quality than any yuri thread ever will, you poor poor retard
anons like you are the reason why after /po/ and Yea Forums, Yea Forums is slowly turning into the next worse board.
How did the paper hurt you retard-kun?
You got to be the most pathetic anti-yurifag I've ever seen, we have retards like you shitposting yuri anime threads to death all the time, but you are one special kind of idiot. See and move on with your life.
yikes! watching Yea Forums becoming Yea Forums is painful
That's an impressively organized and extensive RikAka folder.
Props to whoever manages it.
Jesus, EOP was a mistake.
I just can't muster any will to dislike you anymore, seeing someone as dumb as you reaching adulthood makes you an overachiever, congratulations retard-kun
we truly are living in the worst timeline, i'm not even an anti yurifag i just want to see some quality from Yea Forums about Yea Forums discussion but i guess anything i say or do won't help so all i can do is watch as Yea Forums becomes the new Yea Forums