Promised Neverland 127


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Other urls found in this thread:

How do we fix Emma?

is this some jewish propaganda?

Not all demons


How does this guy get by despite so bad at drawing human faces. Holy shit. He can't keep them consistent to save his life and yet persists drawing weird

*angles every panel

She's a girl unfortunately.

I can't believe this, she was supposed to go full doomgirl and instead she became...this. what went wrong?

This is boring, can we switch back to Phil's perspective?

she is retarded


Norman got neural nourishment at lambda and becomes based

Emma's lack of daily puzzles has her brain shrinking at an alarming rate

>This series was STEM propaganda all along

I want to put a bullet in Emma's head.

Pipe down, boy
Mangakas have a deadline to meet

>Norman we have to think about optics!
>you make humans look bad to demon normies you have to stop

How can Emma fucking soften after everything that happened
She's even more of a moralfag than in Grace Field. What a shitty MC

she's a sh*unen protagonist after all

she is reaching goku levels of retardness though...


I thought Emma was supposed to be smart, why can't she put up a logical argument for the life of her?
She could at least argue to bring them to the negotiating table when they're weakened or something. Pisses me off that her pacifist plan is going to work.

because women aren't logical no matter how smart they are, the author really understands how female mind works and the character of Emma is perfectly logical

Musica did nothing wrong.
Based Emma will save her demon waifu and they will become the new rulers of the world and spread COEXISTANCE among humans and demons.

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Let her face the consequences of her naivety
>fuck up Norman's plans
>he end up dying
>start a fragile coexistence with demons
>one day she gets home and see demons gulping down her child friends

consequences in a shounen? not going to happen


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Emma is right, but also not thinking far enough. They don't have to wipe out the demons as such, they just have to wipe out their society. If Musica can live without wanting to eat humans, and she managed to convince many others into doing so, then obviously it's a matter of perspective. Demons that have been eating humans for 1000 years like the Goldy Pond ones will obviously be resistant to change, but those random starving kids in poorfag village that probably ate shitty meat a couple of times at most? You can't say humans are their favorite food by default.

So basically Emma has to go full Che Guevara or fuck off.

Looking a bit unhinged there, Norman.

Nukes when?

Literally the Cislo face.
This is what Lambda does to you

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have demons breed her

Nah, goku is not that bad.
He does not act on other faith, but by trusting his own power.

He know he can stop Freiza if he miss with him, but she can't yet still have faith in him.

P.S: Goku don't give a shit about others, he live with jungle rules since he was a kid. Only Dub version act like a hero

At least made her aware of them.

In Gundam Seed Destiny, the MC aware that his choice will caused war in future. While Villain choice will bring over lasting peace.

Posuka is great. She's got this fun fantasy style and her colors are real cool.

Demon Lives Matter

super's goku is straight up retarded rather than the selfish cunt of dbz.

I know Norman is the one right but he looks like some crazy mothefucker in most of the panels.

Based Norman. I understand Emma's point of view but it's as always too idealistic, happy ending for everyone. And it's obviously what will happen, but with casualties from the human side, like when she had to choose to leave the little children at Grace Field.

Use the catalog.

>Norman is right but I don't like the way he looks
emma please...

Norman wouldn't speak in broken English.

Your point? Yes there was an anime thread already up, but this is a manga thread?

That is the exact opposite of Emma.

story >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>artstyle
you should know this by now retard. how do you think mob, one piece, or even umineko got popular in the first place?

One piece got a great artstyle though. And Mob looks way more refine and unique than OPM. Especially later in the manga. Again, so is Posuka's drawings.

I like the TPN art style, but art (including style) is a huge part of how a story is delivered in a visual medium. Dunno about one piece, but Umineko is mainly prose and mob has great panelling that helps make up for the ONE's drawing levels (and the anime has top tier direction and animation).

What a dumb post

Re read chapter one of one piece and original one punch web manga and come back to say that to my face again newfa

So where are the morons that were sure Norman would just drop his whole plan he's spent the past year prepping for, with a ton of people depending on him to deliver just because Muh Emma?

How do we fix her?

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There are consequences in shounen. Snk for example

Give her a demon waifu

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sell her body as a baby factory for pervert demons

the ensuing hybrids will connect the species, and fulfill her dream of peaceful coexistence

Snk isn't an example of consequences, it's an example of bad writing.

So going beyond simple hatred, could it be that someone at Lambda specifically manufactured this zealous mentality to kill demons? Like it's going to be revealed that Norman and the rest were given the clockwork orange treatment which is why they have this blissful feeling when killing demons.

The question is who because it's somewhat hard to imagine the Ratri's mastermined that since they really don't want to the pact to be broken. And Smee is dead but it could have been his machinations. Or maybe smee isn't dead and it's part of Norman's conditioning

>mfw Emma this chapter
for a character that has over 500 IQ she sure is written like a retard

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If humans kill demons as a way to stop demons from killing humans then aren't humans really just as bad?


>if you kill your enemies, they win
It's about survival, for humans to live, demons must die, how hard is to understand that?

I want to impregnate Emma while Norman watches.

The solution is to get her impregnated so she'll be useless while Norman puts his plan into action. That's his keikaku. Bemma making next chapter.

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>It's Norman who get impregnated.

Ray is endgame you damn plebs

Can we please go back to mind games and horror

Have a (You) you thirsty slut

I honestly thought they had some kind of conditioning with the JB translation of 124, but the official translation sounded more like a normal reaction. ("my nausea disappears" vs "my anger dissipates")
I dunno if I want this or not, their reactions are already understandable without conditioning.

Reminder ray x Norman is endgame with Shirai becoming the antagonist.

I want them to fuck so badly. I want Emma to lovingly cuddle him, lulling Norman into a false sense of security, before flipping him over without a warning and making him understand that the atmosphere has changed and he's about to experience loving in a way that he never has before. I want him to get extremely nervous but aroused at her assertiveness at the same time, knowing even if he wanted to he could never fight her small but strong body off and would have to accept anything she wants to do to him. I want Emma to pin him down despite it not being necessary and completely lick every single inch of him until he's begging, sweating, whining and making her feel powerful from her position above him. I want her to finally take pity on him and reveal herself before taking him in without warning once more, making him gasp and writhe beneath her. I want him to stay completely powerless as she decides at what rhythm they go and when he's finally allowed that sweet release he craves. Then I want her to kiss him lovingly and give him lots of tender aftercare, apologizing for being so dominant but telling him this is the way things are now and he better get ready to go again in the morning, to which he'll just give off a little pleased smile and pass out in exhaustion from the activity that's too much for his weak body to handle without lengthy rest right after.

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We're back now.
Emma is mind-bogglingly stupid so people are terrified that Norman will fail because of her.

What's with all the lewds recetly?

Just you, Barbie.

She's ever been like this, don't confuse your expectations with the actual character.

You no rike?

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Make her fuck things up for everyone and witness the consequences of her retarded desire to coexist.

Is this the point where Norman says "all according the keikaku?"

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Well, he is a genius.

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People released that if was okay for Posuka to lewd Norman, NE lewds were fairgame.

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Fuck off, Barbara.

>I dunno if I want this or not, their reactions are already understandable without conditioning.
That's where I'm at too, but since the somewhat vacant stare has been pointed out twice now I'm at least willing to entertain the notion that there's more to their hatred than just...being upset about being on the bottom of the food chain and horrific designer babies to boot. Even Norman was full on ready to kill Krone so him deciding to end the demons is within his character already with no other explanations.

>they've only been doing it for a 1000 years
>we can change them
how's that working out again?

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Hard to narrow down down to just few of the most retarded takes in these threads, even just sticking to the last couple of days.

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I got the winner for you.
>muh nazi Emma

This. Impregnate her and keep her at the hideout with Ray.

That was a meme though

>a meme
This is unironic whinning.

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I knew that at some point having a female protagonist will start dragging the manga down.

She would be the same character even if she had a dick. Norman would just be a faggot instead.

Not the author's fault there's low score speedreaders like the one who though Norman was dead last thread.

Funposting Nazi Emma is based.
Actually expecting canon Emma to be nazi is retarded
Yes, that includes Norman too, even 400IQ could save him from the dangers of waifufaggotry.

C`mon, Emma is just pulling good old Naruto.

>Norman was the one making all the Nazi Emma posts in hopes she'd jump on his cock when he revealed his plan to her
We cracked the code, boys.

*could NOT save him
>mfw post is awfully close to being 1488
Mememagic almost made Emma a nazi.

Chainsawman shows that you can have an actual non-moralfaggot protagonist in Jump
This manga would be golden if it actually went full blown demon genocide but it ain't happening

Delet system 32

>in hopes she'd jump on his cock when he revealed his plan to her
More like he unironically believed she was the real while isolated from human contact at Lambda.

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Chainsaw gonna get the axe.

Well, there's exceptions in anything but most of them would probably side with her.

no nazi emma, no nazi loli queen why we must suffer this way? oh wait we do have isekai'd loli nazi at least.

>norman not listening to emma even as she holds his hands
Has Norman defeated his waifuism for good?

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No, he's just realised that the imaginary version of his waifu is better than the real thing

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emma is garbage

No, notice how he doesn't let go of her hands even when telling her the truth. The arms outstretched until the chapter ends.
Norman's a dumb waifufag whore.

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>increasingly nervous man says for the eleventh time this month

He got desilusioned.

It's okay user. Nobody forces you to read it. No need to be scared.

No because demons are killing creatures capable of creating.
This isn't like us killing a cow that just stands around grazing shit, they're wasting a valuable resource.
However Demons simply consume humans and don't create anything themselves therefore we are justified in us destroying them

Are you kidding, he doesn't let her hands go and is pulling the BUT MUH EMMA'S DREAM card. He's more retarded than before.

Reminder that Norman hasn't actually changed much since Gracefield and has never been a "yes"man for Emma, he always just wanted to make her happy.

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What would you want them to create? Demon porn?

He grabbed her hand first, don't be delusional user.

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Didn't read it, just saw the toc.

This actually made me pity him. Poor guy is trying his best.

Something more than waste from eating humans.

>guides her hand near his crotch
What did he mean by this?

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this manga is worsening at every chapter

The manga is fine, it's Emma who is getting worse.

If anything it's getting better.

Shut up Barbara.

I want to beat Barbara to a pulp

The last 10 or so chapters have been the best since Goldy Pond started though.

If you can coexist with the demons, you can coexist with Barbara, Emma

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>Vehemently believe Norman will be reasonable.
>lel I'll kill Musica, Emma
What's his problem?

None? It makes sense from the POV of someone who doesn't know her. We like Musica because we know her.

t. Speedreader
Musica herself being a good girl is irrelevant. Her very existence threatens the foundations of his plan and puts everyone's lives at risk.

It's really time for some Emma's development. I wish Norman was mc.

Norman is still right. Even the followers of Musica's clan still want to eat humans even with the blood keeping their intelligence and form intact.
Sure, they will ally with the children to bring down their faithless and corrupt demon society and remove the promise, but could the evil priestess control her followers whom still desire to hunt and eat humans for pleasure?

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Writing in snk is much better than in promised neverland for example.

But Emma and Ray are vowing for her. She's just an alternative on the plan he's stubborn on.

No it's not, but I'm not going to argue with some snk landwhale. Fuck off back to your cancerous threads.

They're vouching for her but the problem isn't her directly, it's her blood. If she spreads it around and the demons just decide they wanna keep eating people anyway, it's awful for his plan because he won't have the trump card of them starving and degenerating.

>evil priestess
Her own internal monologue implies she'd pull the other's carpet for the kids. She supports Emma on a new promise.

Norman doesn't work as a shounen MC. Even now his motivations to move were all based off someone else's dreams. He's interesting as a character but unsuitable for that role.

I don't like these threads but manga is good. Ragetard

Even if they'd still want to eat humans, if Emma succeed in bulding the promise anew, there wouldn't be no human around anymore and they'd be forced to get used to it. Like, mamoth was once humans' favorite food.

Fucking snkfag get out of my threads REEE

Your thread? Fuck off

That episode was great.
Barbara literally did nothing wrong, apologize!

Nah tho.

That's assuming they even agree to a new promise and even if they do, that they won't break it. It's just too risky.

He would work much better than Emma imo. Her character is just so unrealistic. She's even beyond typical shounen peacefag-protagonists who want to save their friends, the world and literally everyone just because. The worst part that in the end she will the one who was right all along and demons will somehow coexist with humans in peace. But it's so stupid and unrealistic.

Hang yourself Barbara you fucking waste of oxygen.

For an MC to base off his dreams and goals off of someone else entirely would be pretty pathetic user. Norman works as support but the one with dreams is her and she fits the shounen mold. It's okay to dislike her but she's in the right eole for her.


Seems less risky than being caught in the crossfire of a civil war in the demon world. Meanwhile the need for humans is something the royals force into the common folk for power.

Fuck off Ray, your ship just crumbled apart in front of you.


I would prefer her not to be in this manga at all and Norman to be independent from his waifu obsession. She's literally a reason why I can't continue to read manga.

Yeah but even the village demons were dreaming of high quality human meat. It's hard to say if they'll just take a new promise and shut up.

he's going to livestream it

Norman will waifu Musica instead

Stop fighting you two.

>implying they won't eventually have hot make up sex on the desk to make up for it
You can lick his crusty cum off the table when they're done.

They'll know the pleasures of bacon in return.

But Norman isn't a person as naturally empathetic as her, his goals wouldn't even be the same without her. He doesn't work on his own well.

So now that we've all decided to kill Musica, does Norman unveil the rest of his plan?

Attached: Next Stage of Norman's Plan.png (547x551, 324K)

Emma already claimed Musica.

Emma would be supportive of her two friends, right?

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Ray is just pretending to ship NE, the truth is he wants Norman for himself

t. Vincent

I want Ray to hate fuck Barbara until she says NE is cute and canon.

It's actually exiting, since fucking Norman is going for the genocide. It's just Emma who irritates me

I can't wait for Norman to suggest to Emma that they solve their difference by procreating!

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Implying he will do genocide or at least some cool war actions. Emma will change his mind with the power of love.


Emma will get impregnated by a demon and usher the new race of demon/human hybrids whole Norman watches in despair and goes completely insane.

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Maybe in a doujin someday.


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Why is degeneracy like this allowed in WSJ? Twice in the same chapter? DP? This is disgusting.

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Good post

Zazie stole Barabara's phone.

If Norman even tries to send his stupid goons after Musica, they're in for Sonju viciously raping them right in front of her.

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>Sonju buttfucking Zazie while his waifu watches
Why is this so hot?

Sonju and Emma*



Emma would defend Zazie too. Emma is Jesus.

you are my friend aaaaAaa

>Sonju offpanelled the guard like no one's business
What does Musica feed this guy, seriously?

Does he bite her and drink her blood daily?

Norman deserves to have a better waifu
Emma is garbage

He drinks her blood and she drinks his other fluids. It's a good deal.

Fuck off already Barbara, nobody fucking likes you.

More like Emma deserves a better husbando than that 4head angsty faggot Norman. Fucking shipperfags.

He only needed to drink her blood once.
>Emma reaches Musica
>She has a red haired babuh demon


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>but those random starving kids in poorfag village that probably ate shitty meat a couple of times at most? You can't say humans are their favorite food by default
Just imagine poor human kid who eats only shitty meat and like one time in month at best. What are chances this kid will become vegetarian?

Kys Ray not even Posuka cares for you.

Norman could have had Ray but he doesn't deserve him.

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I want Emma to be its godmother!

how do demons reproduce?

Fuck off Barbara

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What's a good anime similar to this? Not Puella.


This is bad why?
My husbando is handsome!

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>The closest demon to Musica who is free from the need for human meet still desperately wants to hunt the shit out of them
>We can just make people stop needing human meat!

Emma is dense as fuck. Just because they don't need it doesn't mean they won't want it.

We know, Emma.

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>user roots for Emma and doesn't give a shit about Norman or his fags' autistic shipperfaggotry
Are you clinically retarded user?

>second NE lucky 7s this week

Benis in bagina.

Calm down, Musica.

Only naive peacefags or cucks can root for Emma. Or pedos.

I deserve that, I meant to reply to the post that one's a reply to itself. Shitpost ruined.

I think that's Phil. And he's right

>traitor rooting for Emma
Never ever

Sonju can control himself. Well at least up to the moment mutie kids try attacking.

You niggers need to realize that habits can be dealt with. Sonju for instance is just a war junkie living peacefully with his gf, who is the size of his arm.

See, you admit demons are people too.

Only fedora tipping retards and self-inserters root for Norman and want Emma to get with that nigger. She deserves much better.

Emmafag here and I want her to absolutely ravage the shit out of Norman until he agrees.

Fuck off, Barbara. Out!

>You niggers need to realize that habits can be dealt with
Then stop eating meat. It won't be easy. And main question why would you even do it? Why would demon stop hunting and eating meat? It's the same as humans smoking, drinking, hunting animals as hobby, enjoying their meat, etc.

How does Musica manage to take this absolute unit on?

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You are what you eat

Sonju is actually a good example, isn't he? He doesn't need to eat humans anymore but he's still dreaming of hunting and tasting them regardless.

>how do demons reproduce?
They find a way

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>angsty faggot
That’s Ray.

But i am not your mom.

I'm sorry user but you are absolutely his mom. Don't run away from your responsibilities and give your son a hug you asshole.

Ray hasn't been emo for ages now, he's a changed man and a pillar of support for Emma.

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Norman without the waifu obsession wouldn't be nearly as fun as he is now though.

He’s barely even a character you dumb Rayfag

Yeah, I loved how much he backed her up this chapter, like a truly relevant character to the situation should.

>Rayfags believe this

You sound just like her

*the REfag
Rayfag here and I want nothing to do with this.

Off course he looks evil, he’s a caricature created to make his perfectly valid POV look as ugly as possible because the author is a bleeding vagina.

"Norman without the waifu obsession" wouldn't even be Norman, just a logicbot.

>wanting not to end up being demon chow is angsty and faggoty
uhm okay



The author is a man and Norman isn't even being portrayed as exactly wrong, just blunt.

You have to admit they are people to acknowledge that they consciously make the decision to feed on human flesh and enjoy it beyond just requiring it to stay themselves.

It really does seem that way.

Not really. People see what they want to see.

No matter how much you try to force your dumb meme, Ray will always be there and act like a normal human being because he grew out of emo shit ages ago unlike your albino clone fag, retarded Normanfag.

>be there
Yeah and that's all he does.

He'll talk to her afterwards. Same thing happened recently when he observed the situation first, then talked to Emma to make her feel better.

Yeah, good job backing her up when she's trying to prove a point. She needs backup now not later. He can stop being a pussy and actually talk.

Emmafag here and I'm sorry but you do reek of desperation.

>Ray doesn't even say a word this chapter
>somehow turn the thread into an argument about Ray

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Women can’t handle politics.

Nigger, Ray figured out Norman's plan extremely quickly and is currently deciding what to do with the conflict. He doesn't need to bitchslap your sue into the ground every panel to remind us of how hopelessly retarded your obsession with that faggot is.

Name one thing Norman does that is emoshit
Imagine being this upset because with Norman back ray is treated as more of a background prop than ever. Get fucked.

picked up

>He can stop being a pussy and actually talk.
It's author's fault. He clearly doesn't know what to do with Ray and he was a pussy who didn't have guts to kill Ray meaningfully in the beginning.

I'm an Emmafag you dumbass. Your boy is still completely useless.

No wonder you like Ray, you’re an edgy angsty faggot just like him

>good job backing her up when she's trying to prove a point
Honestly, there's nothing to retort to in this chapter. Norman has the high ground here, we now know that the upper eschelon of demons don't even need to eat humans but do so out of pleasure/obligation/sport.

What Ray does this chapter is the best option; gather information and deduce motives.
>Ray doesn't even say a word this chapter
Reading at the speed of sound it seems.

>gets his flashback shafted in the anime while Norman's stays
>doesn't get to open his mouth in the manga
>quite literally bullied in the spinoff
Somebody's gotta give him attention.

You do realize that Ray can leave with Emma on their quest to do what they want anytime? They don't need to argue with Norman until everyone is blue in the face.

Literally would be satisfied with him just saying something like "consider Emma's POV" or something. That's all he had to do.

Apart from Sonjuu, Isn't the existence of goldy pond also prove Emma wrong? Despite having easy access to plantations/high quality food they still want to hunt and kill humans.
Bayon's whole flashback also says the same thing.

>this shouldn't be surprising
Sounds like even Norman is taken aback at how naive Emma is.

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>It’s the author’s fault my shitty Sasuke clone is a non character!
This is your brain on Ray

He suggested talking to Norman in the first place. If he suggested that then he should get involved.

Pretty much, yes. I get her POV but this smells like a bad idea.

Riiight. More like Norman is a useless ass drama queen. No one will give a shit about his opinion in the end. You know it, and your retarded Ray memes can't change the truth. Ray is comfy, on the right side.

This is why I think both Emma and Norman are being retarded and a solution in between somehow would be the best outcome. Problem is I'm not a Gracefieldchad and can't think of one.

>my shitty Sasuke clon
I'm a Normanfag, but this just isn't true user. Ray is bland and irrelevant now, but he was a great character in the first arc and not like Sasuke in anyway aside from his hair.

Tough. this issue is bigger and more complicated than Emma's stubborn desire for everyone to just get along. If they want to pursue any plan that isn't total warfare they need information and to understand the lay of the land. Managing information is Ray's specialty so it's more important to learn what is going on than it is to back pat Emma. See how he reacts next chapter is all.

So? Did you see his face? Ray obviously wanted to see Norman's reaction and learn more about his plan, user. If he thinks arguing with Norman is a waste of their time, he and Emma will act on their own merit. If not, he will actually try to talk to Norman's crazy looking self next chapter.

>on the right side
Correct. Like I said, I'm an Emmafag. But I can be on the right side and do nothing about it. If I see my sister or whatever fighting and I don't back her up even if I'm on her side then I'm a pussy.

>hides this dumb argument

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I'm 90% sure half of you have personal shipping reasons for this retarded shitflinging.

>ships peacefully
nothing personnel............. kids

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Ray deserves better Rayfags, he wouldn't want to see them tarnishing his ship.

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You're a fucking retard. Ray doesn't need to instantly bitchslap your sue every time he's angry with him. He initiated the conversation to share information and they got another retarded edgy tirade out of Norman in the end. Ray supports Emma and will do whatever is right. He'll walk all the way to the demon king if needed. Norman can screech and stare at them wide-eyed all he wants, no one gives a shit.

I know, he's the ultimate bro.

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>NE trips again

Ignore it.

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normal is the only reason i have yet to drop this series

So this is how she got high that one chapter.

Everyone is normal. Well, considering.

i can't believe i fucking typed normal thinking about norman. normanfags, amirite?


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>they got another retarded edgy tirade out of Norman in the end
What exactly is so "edgy" about Norman? Literally every character except Emma agrees with him.

Yes, it's author's fault he can't make interesting character out of Ray. Boring characters should be killed. But author is too pussy for that.

No, Ray pushed Emma not to hold it in and just spill her goal to Norman. Ray is gathering information as always. Neither of them knew just how far Norman is willing to go with his plan and seeing as Norman is deadset on eradicating all demons, there's no point in arguing with him.

Bets on how many more times this will need to get updated before the end?

How is this manga allowed to be in shounen jump?

Attached: tumblr_pntzae7WvL1w2dil0o1_1280.jpg (1280x591, 300K)

We should boycott it. It's too fucking lewd.

Is this panel one of the worst in the manga? From this all-capable genius Emma just looks like a spoiled retard pouting because she isn't getting what she wants. What a disappointment man...

Shit I just realised I forgot to change filename
>tfw 125 was just demons lewding Norman instead of NE

She's getting torn down though it makes sense that she'd look retarded. Just watch, she'll get her shit together later.

Sonju did stop. For the sake of belief, religion if you will.

The point is, these "demons" are not some animals. They are written to literally imitate humans and can change. There's also a very easy way to make their existence independent on human meat completely.

Instead of killing them all, just like with humans, only those utterly corrupt should be removed. The rest can live on in a new regime.

Doesn't he still wanna eat the next generation though?

I don't think anyone cares in here.

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Threadly reminder
True but you never know when someone decides to get triggered and the whole thread is derailed

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Sonju is kind of a nostalgiafag who misses the times they fought and hunted humans on equal grounds, like Lewis.

He's fairly docile though and most likely wouldn't mind a new order with Musica curing demons and humans being sent off in their own world, if the opportunity presents itself. As you can see, he and Musica are not exactly in a situation to act all cheerful themselves. Their kind has been through shit.

Emma isn't completely wrong, she is just letting her emotions get the better of her. She needs to retreat and rethink her plan, but her endgame is correct.

Genocide all demons and genocide all anime-onlys
Norman will cure Emma of her hysteria with his cock
world is a fuck, 1 million dead cattle children, final solution to the demon question now

Attached: 883485.png (500x500, 253K)

Best edit of the last few months. His smug expression makes it even better.

>Norman will cure Emma of her hysteria with his cock
>implying she won't cure his genocidal tendencies with her pussy instead

Attached: 5932.png (350x259, 114K)

>it's like a war
>but with sexual organs
>and consensual orgasms while holding hands
doujin when? why are there no doujin?
The solution is that they both screw like rabbits.

Appreciate what you have, user.

Attached: D1OUaRdUcAAETzx.jpg (916x1200, 278K)

Relieving all that tension in the form of fucking would unitonically help them.


>all that old posting about Emma hunting demons
>that one user always shitting about Emma fucked by demons and being their friends
>just one step from being canon

How are you holding up Normanon?

He just doesn't have any other adjective.
Emma doesn't think like a human. Even most SJW libtards would agree with Norman.

"simple hatred", they're eating humans... I could easily see this becoming reality though. Liberal feminine males like you, would probably allow such a thing to go on because they wouldnt want to be racist.

Yeah, Sonju and Musica are victims of politics and corruption but they do not act utterly jaded despite all they've had to suffer. Sonju is loyal to Musica and the latter is still trying to achieve peace.

Fine because I know it's not actually real no matter how much you try to bait me.

Attached: emma358.png (361x144, 30K)

>Even most SJW libtards would agree
Dunno about this, but most black people I've seen on twitter seem to be very pro-Norman compared to the white people.

>their introduce a demon love interest

what if that happens? or hell, go full /u/ and have Emma licking Musica cunny.

>>their introduce a demon love interest
>El Demano?

You’re going to get BTFO like you did with Goldy Pond and every other arc
Ray will continue to be irrelevant and Norman will take over as MC again like he pretty much was in the first arc

Man, Norman and Emma are into some kinky shit.

Listen, I know I'm plenty autistic but even I'm not autistic enough to fall for that shit. That being said, fuck off for describing it that way.

Attached: emma252.png (318x319, 91K)

Why is this allowed?

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The only characters who know of Norman's true intentions and agree with him are literal overgrown retards, user.

His borderline insane insistence on eradicating an entire race via a keikaku only he and his 4 lambda dumbasses unironically think will work, even killing Musica who is the actual messiah for humans and demons in this scenario, is edgy.

hey I am only saying possibilities, Emma sure is acting retarded her in the name of peace, and knowing the usual shonen development, a ending with a Emma and handful of halfbreeds is a possibility.

And then anons complain about NE lewds. They're asking for it.

No, it's fucking not. If you want an autistic rant you'll have to try harder than that.

Attached: emma395.png (268x517, 95K)

Norman’s plan is correct, even your faggy husbando Ray said it was correct

I for one can't wait for Overlord Musica's new reign when she becomes the new ruler and savior of all demons. Then she and Emma can forge a new promise

I just want Musica and Sonju to have cute little vegan demon babies

>No, it's fucking not

user, when was the last time a shounen actually went with the genocide route if they can communicate with the enemy? and Emma being the MC and spouting co existing talk, is clearly is going to that way, also remember that as premium good, she is essential for the demon dark go birthing plans.

Attached: farewell m'lady 2.png (502x739, 309K)

Promise will be made when Musica impregnates Emma with her giant demon futa cock

You're going to get btfo when no one gives a flying fuck about Norman's nazi fits he took offpanel ages to come up with and Ray and Emma go on a journey to secure peace. If Emma keeps flailing because Norman being such a faggot is surreal to her, Ray will drag her to do shit like he dragged her to speak up and bitslap Norman again.

t. Emma

Attached: farewell m'lady.png (598x774, 355K)

You're trying too hard. I'm not impressed. Take a page from Philanon's book. Now he could make me seethe.

Attached: emma416.png (195x250, 44K)

shame Lewis isnt around anymore to be the one doing the fucking.

That's not how you do it, you have to give detail on Emma taking in bodily fluis and getting molested. Learn with the masters.

Now you two can fuck right off.

>forgetting Lewisanon

c'mon Normanon, you should remember your old pals.

>this is what Rayfags actually believe

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Why are you indulging him in the first place?

Norman: "We need to wipe out the demons who hunt and kill Humans. ESPECIALLY THE ROYALTY"

me: "okay, onboard with this"

Emma and Ray: "Hey remember Musica? The demon girl who has never eaten a human? What's up with her?"

Norman: "OH SHIT! She's alive! She's got blood that can make it so that demons don't have to eat humans anymore"

Me: "Great! Now all we have to do is kill the royalty and those sadistic hunters, put Musica in charge, have her use her blood to cure demons from having to eat humans and then have her place laws against humans being eaten by demons!"

Norman: "OOOOOOR.... We can just wipe them all out"

Me: "You just admitted to a solution to a problem. In fact, you KNEW about the fact Musica has been trying to do this for 700 years"


Me: "I hope your plan fails and backfires on you big time"

That's the problem with Norman's plan. He's ignoring the obvious solution for his mass genocide.

EXACTLY. That's the best solution that isn't extreme. Although they will have to wipe out the royalty and the sadistic hunters too.

Attached: the_promised_neverland__musica_manga_colors_by_amanomoon_dbzzru8-pre.jpg (843x948, 131K)

I dunno about that other guy I just think Musica x Emma is cute

Ray literally pointed out a huge hole in Norman's plan and looked at the guy as if he was crazy when Norman suggested killing Musica immediately after learning she's indeed alive.

What is this sick joke of a post?

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>tfw no Falsetto
Why has Peanuts user forsaken us?

He disappeared never to be seen again.
Fuck that..

>Emma gets cute demon waifu and Norman gets used by Lord Giran
Its not fair.

I'm just talking about what I'm thinking

Coping with the fact that Norman is an edgy faggot leading an actual bunch of irrelevant and equally edgy muties who'll be forced to repent while Emma and Ray do shit that matters must be hard, Normanfag.

Greentext like a normal NEET like the rest of us.


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>no Bemma either
Did he die? What happened to him?

Is this comment copy/pasted from another site or something?
Did you even read the chapter? Norman's whole point was that just because the demons don't HAVE to eat humans doesn't mean they still won't because they enjoy it too much. Look at fucking Songju.

>He disappeared never to be seen again.

call this a fucking coincidence, but I stopped reading the manga for reasons, and I just marathoned what I was missing, now I am back. is cute to see I am remembered.

>He was killed in his sleep after NormAnon tracked his IP and brought down judgment for besmirching Emma
ftfy bro

It's been like that ever since they escaped from the house

What's the matter, don't like interspecies yuri?

I sperged out a lot after you were gone. Don't think I lost my will to fight.

Attached: emma364.png (324x379, 101K)

and again, put musica in charge, have her give her blood out to make sure that the demons don't have to eat humans and then make laws that prohibit demons from eating humans.

A demon who eats a human then will be executed on sight. They forfeit their life in exchange for sacrificing a life

Norman's literally answered that hole in the last two pages, speedreader.
That plan would only work if EVERY demon accepted Musica's blood. But there's very clearly a lot of demons who would hunt humans regardless, even Song-juu.

All that has to happen is Musica gets installed as the new ruler and passes an edict forbidding the consumption of humans, punishable by death

Bros, this thread is becoming wholesome again.

>those digits
Neverlandbros confirmed cute and happy family!

Attached: Happy.png (263x494, 150K)

ANd again, kill the royalty and sadistic hunters, put musica in charge, have her give out her blood to stop the hunger for humans and then place laws AGAINST demons eating humans.

Again, Musica is beneficial to the solution

>responsible for all the kids, even edgy suicidal Ray surviving and escaping the house in the first place
>responsible for hundreds of cattle children being liberated and saved from demon food daily
>edgy faggot
Did Ray getting speechbubble'd in the reunion chapter really fuck you up this hard?

Attached: n457.png (265x252, 66K)

With some exceptions of course.

Did you miss the whole part about a new order?

Demons never knew a life where all of them do not have to bend over before corrupt nobility and eat humans to keep their BRAIN POWER and STATUS. Sonju spent centuries following Musica around in exile, eating turkey and vegetables, and communicated with the kids without a hitch, he's not gonna jump through realms just to eat human meat.

thats good to hear, there is a lot of material now, after all, Emma is basically a demon lover now, before it was all about rape, but now, I can easily talk about Emma actually liking sucking some big, long and tasty demon cuck, on her own will, because "muh peace", imagine having to calm down some demons nobles during a negotiation, I bet she can show them her techniques now, the ones she learned while Lewis was playing with her.

How is Norman so fucking based?

You're still the same fucking cunt as before, aren't you? Still fucking lewding Emma and on top of that
You're making mistakes too now. Fucking terrible.

Even the creepy cousins are welcomed.

That's if musica would even want to do that.
Remember she asked Song-juu if they should capture the cattle children and bring them back to the farms to guarantee their safety

There's so many knots and holes in that plan it just isn't feasible, especially considering they're running on limited time with other cattle children still getting shipped out daily - including Phil and the others.
Norman's plan is the most ideal for now.

Don't forget the office. Never forget the office.

>A demon who eats a human then will be executed on sight. They forfeit their life in exchange for sacrificing a life
And who imposes these rules? They need to take down the existing system first, and Norman's plan is the best way to achieve that and relies on the chaos produced by demons degenerating. His group doesn't have the power to impose that on the demons.
That idea is probably endgame in some way, but there's no clear path to achieve that right now, and in the meantime, Musica's existence is very dangerous.

Disagree, Mimilaa and the (angry) REfag can hang.

He's best boy.
Even if that truth triggers the lone Rayfag here, then so be it.

Attached: norman a cute.png (806x752, 388K)

Based Normanchad.

Attached: chadman.png (539x623, 191K)

I mean poaching laws is a thing in real life, that's probably the angle they're going for

Because he has superb taste. Ginger lolis are the best.

>You're making mistakes too now. Fucking terrible.

what can I say, I am out of practice, a little rusty thats all. But hey Emma sure inst skipping blowjob day, I hear she tries to take a gallon of demon semen, back home everytime she opens her "store" on a demon city, just 5 bucks as always.

He's both soft and edgy without the worst parts of both types.

>yfw you realize the threads are split between 50% Normanfags and 50% Emmafags

Attached: guess where this goes.png (706x410, 266K)

the promised day has come!

but Norman is an Emmafag

Barbara is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

Attached: norman_tip.png (598x774, 137K)

Yes, but who makes it law?
Like I said, it's probably gonna be what happens (probably with a new promise/7 walls), but as it stands there's no way to force the demons not to eat humans.

I fucking hate you, you're still making mistakes. I don't fucking understand why you find pleasure in doing this anyway, what the fuck did Emma do to you that you decided to come back and taunt her for shit she didn't do?

Yes, and?

Attached: 67543.png (441x455, 114K)

>everyone's grown out of their edgy phase ages ago
>even Mr. I Won't Tell You My Name got over it fast
>Norman only grew edgier and acquired a bunch of irrelevant edgy team mates
Normanfags are truly desperate, ranting about how "brilliant" his shitty plan is, because in reality his only purpose at this point is to fucking infodump shit and get over himself. Pray he gets to speak with the vastly more important Musica at all, before Emma and Ray do again.

I want to see them destroy each other and only Ray left alive. And, possibly, Musica. Ray and Musica. Yes. Now that's a patritian all-inclusive ship.

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That's because she's been trying to solve this problem for 700 years! She's been so beaten down due to all her comrades being killed and eaten that she's losing hope.

She's been at this a lot longer than Norman, Ray and Emma have been.

I wouldn't be surprised if long ago Musica's clan were pacificsts and that the Royalty used their naive nature to wipe them out.

Destroy each other in bed, you mean? That's what Ray would want!

Emma left

Attached: Ray_Cap_32.png (429x391, 91K)

Fucking stop with the "edge" shit, it's literally only you.

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>Yes, but who makes it law?
Did you forget that these guys have a fucking King/God/whatever and worship them much like humans do in their own culture? Appeal to them or make Musica the new savior goddess.

B-but we must save the demons!!

Ray x Musica
U-unf... sorry Sonju.

>for shit she didn't do?

hey, I am pretty sure she really sold herself for $5 in the past, ask the goldy pond party, there was a reason she was soo fucking popular with them, everybody wanted her, I cant only imagine how much demon cock she took while there, how many meals seasoned with demon semen, using demon piss as shampoo and more. Fuck Emma, you slut.

You sound more desperate than any of them with the giant walls of text made of suppositions. Just drop it.

>just appeal to them lol
How? What reason do they have for complying?
I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but as it stands there's no clear way to make it happen while Norman has a clear plan for his idea.

Imagine how fucking devastated Ray would be when he ends up with the girl, his friend hating him and his ship entirely destroyed. Truly, his life is a tradegy.

Attached: The-Promised-Neverland-029-032-Image-3.jpg (414x203, 15K)

Good thing this is a shounen mango and they will make up happily and make him a happy shipper. He survived for a reason, user!

Nah, it's not just me. Sorry I openly don't give a fuck to commend your shitposting about Ray, or Emma's "MCness", or Norman's one tru plan when he's just an edgy faggot waiting to get fixed.

Norman will never hug you, Ray.

Attached: file.png (1213x883, 759K)

>Good thing this is a shounen mango

Attached: 28e4c60835d366cb5a7537624e60d2cccd013275_hq.jpg (1024x747, 192K)

Can you fucking stop? Stop. I've had a few peaceful months of loving Emma without any interruptions or people trying to get her name dirty by spouting lewd nonsense that never fucking happened and never fucking will happen. Stop trying to ruin my fucking day by shitting on someone so truly pure that she even pities the things trying to fucking eat her. Shut the fuck up already. It's fucking pathetic that I'm even actually falling for this, I know and everyone knows it, but you just genuinely make me seethe beyond my own comprehension when you talk shit about her.

It's obvious it's just you though, you have a distinctive way of putting things.
I have no idea what the fuck you're on about anyway. I like all 3 characters, Emma's ideal will win out in the end, but Norman makes good points as everyone in universe acknowledges. It's not a black-and-white situation, you don't have to hate any of the characters.

Norman is the one that pleases demons for favors, not Emma.

Attached: 1550862673577.png (640x828, 459K)

What exactly is that image supposed to prove? Injuries make it a seinen now?

Attached: 6543.png (413x380, 236K)

>Norman never died

>What reason do they have for complying?
Gee I dunno, actual freedom. Why wouldn't they want to leave independently from humans when they have an ace like magical blood up their sleeve. If their current King doesn't want to do that, even though he reached out to Emma, then make Musica their new queen and savior, which is easy given her abilities and disposition.

It is you though. You seem mad people prefer Norman. Just move the fuck on.

I get some familiar vibes from this new Norman.

Attached: nothingwrongman.png (540x296, 143K)

Unironically neck yourself user. It hurts saying this to a Neverlandbro but it's a neccesary evil.

Norman is actually 100% objectively correct, but since this is a shonen manga, he will give in to what Emma wants, and Emma will somehow manage for the demons to stop giving up their habits and to live together in peace with the humans.

You both are missing a shipping joke ya goofs

Are you seriously this upset about the Irrelevant Ray memes? It's all in good fun you fucking pussy.

I guess this explains why there's so many of you Rayfags on tumblr, you're all sensitive babies.

>that never fucking happened
how are you sure about that? we had some small timeskips, it could happen during them, just Emma "experimenting" with her growing sexual drive.

>never fucking will happen
wait for "we can coexist" part, half breeds incoming.

>someone so truly pure that she even pities the things trying to fucking eat her
by eating them back? if you know what I mean.


Can you guys shut the fuck up and let the rest of us enjoy the Lewisanon vs Normanon battle? It's been months.

Blame hunterfags for not understanding what demographics are and spreading the meme on Yea Forums
You keep missing my point
>then make Musica their new queen and savior, which is easy given her abilities and disposition.
Fucking HOW though. You need actual power to enforce the law, and demon degeneration is Norman's main trump card (along with the civil war).

Huntermumblers always fuck it up.

Norman is my favorite character and there's nothing any of you fags can do about it.

Attached: n3528.jpg (400x533, 33K)

It's a shame Norman will end up being convinced by Emma to try and walk hand-in-hand with the demons.

I'm not indulging you because you and I both know you're fucking shitposting. Don't pride yourself in making me think that you have any valid fucking points because you don't.
Everyone knows Emma is pure in every sense of the word and no amount of what ifs from your disgusting little fantasies is ever going to fucking change that. Just give up already. Shut the fuck up.

He's not any less based for it.

That puppy face

>enjoy the Lewisanon vs Normanon battle? It's been months.
It's even more fitting now considering the how strongly Norman wants demon genocide.
As a Normanfag, Rayfags are bros on Yea Forums, it's just that one retard that's easy to spot because he can't stop using the same buzzwords in every post.

You poor thing

Attached: nothingwrong.jpg (500x381, 206K)

Norman a cute.

You seem mad Norman is canonically an edgefag who's one purpose at this point is to see light thanks to Emma and Ray.

I couldn't care less what retards like you prefer, I've seen the threads and anyone who puts this faggot on some pedestal while crying about Emma's idealism is an actual retard. It's genuinely hilarious. You nazi Normanfags gotta move on. No one actually cares about his plan.

It's not a shame because the plot will make it the right decision.

The canon irrelevancy, anime fuck ups, and spinoff bullying were enough - Ray deserves better Rayfags

Yeah, isn't the videofag a Rayfag? I'm pretty sure he even said he loves the Ray memes. It's literally one seething guy.


>anyone that disagrees with me is a Normanfag

Attached: 5.png (1800x1578, 199K)

>all these people hating on emma
are you guys serious?

Attached: 11 (2).jpg (180x464, 38K)


Attached: NE1.png (1920x1080, 1.15M)

I'm an actual Normanfag and I support Emma's plan too. What now?

Attached: D00LWjnUYAEdcmY.jpg (1024x1024, 113K)

Anyway, Ray is irrelevant.

i've ldisliked emma since the beginning of the manga, but somehow she got even worse.

I love Emma, I just don't always agree with her.

Normanfags shitpost about both Ray and Emma. They also unironically shit on the manga instead of just dropping because they are underage.

It's honestly unreal how cancerous the threads became once he came back and revealed his edgy plan.

If cows or chickens decided to rise up against us, would they be justified in killing us all, just because there are a few humans that refused to eat them under any circumstance?

Nah. I like Emma. Too many basement strategists here. The girl just wants to keep musica and a bunch of non-human children alive. As far as the manga plot goes it's not that different from keeping some cattle children alive.

Funny how you're literally the only person complaining because people don't like your ship/favorite character.

Attached: 1542328315513.gif (664x600, 146K)

Me too. I just want her to tenderly love him into submission.

>all this shitflinging and falseflagging.
Oh, sorry. I thought I was in the Neverland thread but must have entered the bokuben one by mistake.

we tend to look at how realistic things can be even tho that's weird to expect from fiction.

in a real life situation, no one would be thinking like this,
it's the same as that missionary who wants to christianize some remote island.

stupid ideas ending in death

It's not surprising for the most part considering she is being depicted as naive, but I'm shocked at how many people seem to have thought she'd be okay with killing Musica.
I think she will be forced to grow up a little and compromise somewhat by the end of the arc (despite her ideal of coexistence being right).

Attached: D1OA9DXU0AAvOwY.jpg (670x1024, 90K)

People are falling for (masterfully done, I must say) bait and not even realizing it. I thought we were better than this.
If we all collectively ignored it the thread would be better. Hide the posts you niggers.

She's just wrong. Idealistic to an actual fault. Sadly, we've got bleeding heart faggots here too, who will cry about Norman being so cruel to the poor demons so I guess Emma's nature appeals to someone.

>in a real life situation, no one would be thinking like this,
I don't mean to make it political, but.. I'd say that's wrong.

>Don't pride yourself
please, I am not that egocentric, why would I pride myself about speking about a slut daily life? I just spreading the news, after all, she our little $5 whore, isnt it? I wonder what kind of training she was doing with papa lewis all that.

We had like four threads in a row. The others were good but eventually quality was gonna dip no matter what.

>tenderly love him into submission.
Based. I'm also good with rough fucking into loving demons.

Attached: D1FanqGWwAAqnPX.jpg (806x1200, 111K)

Have her companions brutally die in from of her and let it be entirely because of her naive ideals.

Get your facts straight. She's worth $10 and not a cent more.

It seems to be mostly that one user bringing the shit though. I don't even want to call him a Rayfag because Ray deserves better.

My sides. I don't have any ships, you manchild, and my favorite character (Emma) is universally liked. However, you do realize your shitposts are confined to threads of 150 people max?

Normanfags who pretend he's apparently turbo relevant and "totally right" are hilariously deluded. He's edgy just like his fags and will get fixed just like Ray was.

Isaac Newton's supposedly said as his last words that he was glad he'd never had sex because god.

That right there is the smartest person that ever lived, IRL. When they say that you stand atop the shoulders of giants he's the giantest giant that ever gianted.

Even the smartest people can believe the most stupid things.

You mean the dead guy? That died thanks to her? Yeah, I wonder how that fucking went for you. Sucks, doesn't it? That no matter how much you fucking shitpost she'll still be pure and there's fucking nothing you can do about it. She'll still be the Emma she always was, a bit naive with it fully being part of her charm. Kind hearted, loving and perfect. Sucks for you that you can't change it and all you can fucking do is cry about it in shitposting form. Yeah, I bet it sucks for someone who liked a shitbag like Lewis.

>She's worth $10
>doubling the price

I guess she is truly offering some premium services now, I guess some BDSM stuff and recording are now accepted, who know what other kinks she has developed now, maybe doing it with feral demons?

>who pretend he's apparently turbo relevant
What's the pretence, he's literally the most important character next to Emma despite being gone for half the manga. Who else is there that has the amount of plot relevance he does?
>He's edgy just like his fags
Please stop using this buzzword over and over and try actually making good points
> will get fixed just like Ray was.
Literally nobody is denying that. We all know Emma's ideal is endgame.

yeah , let me rephrase it
people would be thinking this but
if they are actually thinking rationally, they'd drop it

the reason why people hate Emma is for a "smart kid"
she's being too compassionate and irrational
being emotionally driven without adding all the stuff that's been going on.
if anything she's selfish and greedy.

but that's the charm of the series itself, everyone's acting as a counter balance for everybody else

Uh-huh, I'm sure! Just like you believed me when I said I was an Emmafag. I'll buy it.

You know, I'm actually glad this thread is dying. Last three were fun as fuck but this just turned into garbage.

>That died thanks to her
he died like a hero, a death by snu-snu is a hard and long one. Amazing Emma was capable of running him dry, show how much she loved riding him that day.

>she'll still be pure
she stopped being that a long long time ago.

>Kind hearted,
she even lets poor demons do her for free, blessed souls.

> loving
her acting is convincing, I hear some demons even confessed to her.

could use bigger tits, she is lacking paizuri in her curriculum.

>Fucking HOW though
Reveal the truth to the kids Norman is trying to lock up in his barbie house, unite forces with Musica and Sonju, who have a far more overpowered trump card in her blood.

We don't know if the current King is in pinch himself but if, say, he's just corrupt, Musica is a far more desirable leader for the demon masses.

>last three
All the threads have good and bad periods, this thread isn't any worse than the ones yesterday.

For the love of god quit replying to him. We were fine before you indulged him. Just let it go.

It is though user. The last ones had much less shitflinging.

Your series is now a normalfag magnet. Cherish the comfy threads you had when The Promised Neverland was still relatively obscure, because those are over.
t. former TGfag

>unite forces with Musica and Sonju
What the fuck user, Sonju literally wants to hunt down humans. Not even gonna bother addressing the rest of your comment.
Yeah you're right, I'll stop.

I just finished the goldy pond arc, I started reading last night.

I wasn't expecting the story to go this direction at all, I hope it can keep up the pace or even top this arc.

What is even the point of fighting about this
Norman's gonna get healed with pussy and Emma will win
Who cares

B-but we've had so many comfy threads post anime. It's literally just this one.

I like that slightly ugly, rough style. While very different, it reminds me of stuff like early Naruto and Bleach.
It's got soul

>I hope it can keep up the pace or even top this arc.

user I...

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Fellow former /TG/fag who mourned the downfall of those threads.
I thought we'd be fine as the anime doesn't seem to be hugely popular on Yea Forums, but thinking about it TG manga threads were still good up until sometime between the end of original manga and when :RE started and the readerbase exploded.


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>Norman's gonna get healed with pussy
Norman confirmed to be into used goods.

Because life is effort and I'll stop when I die.

Remember, he probably jumped straight from the where the anime left off.
He has no idea what manga GF arc was really like.

He's the used goods, he's the one giving body fluids to demons. Poor Emma.

Yeah. Turned to shit around the time the TG anime finished/Root A started and the Re manga was in its earlier chapters.
Original TG manga chapter threads were comfy as hell, later on it turned into waifuwars and clownshit garbage.

Norman is not any more relevant than Ray or fucking Yugo, you retard. Emma's ties with Musica and demon god are what drives the plot. Norman is merely getting his long overdue character development.

>Literally nobody is denying that.
Except cancerous normanfags, edgefags, who've been shitposting about Emma's "unhealthy" influence and Norman's "incredible" plan for weeks now.

Hollow Emma is so cute!

>like early Naruto and Bleach.
Huh, I didn't like those manga art styles but like TPN a lot. I liked late TG/early RE art a great deal too (when the scan quality was good enough that you could see what the fuck was going on at least).
Except for inconsistencies like Emma's ear, (which don't bother me a huge deal), I don't get what there is to complain about the art. For a weekly manga, it's probably one of my favourites.

Cutest ship, how can NE even compete?

Attached: cute and canon!.png (821x1033, 376K)

isnt more accurate to call her vizard?

I'm talking about a more general impression of incompleteness, roughness, that somehow makes it look fun and interesting. It's the same when you look at a pencil draft and compare it to the super-clean final version.

By being main characters.

But Emma was being raised to be a mama, and we know what demons do with a mama.

You mean with Isabella? She's their cumdumpster because she fucked up. They don't diddle little kids.

Yeah, that's true.

That's exactly how I remember it too. They were actually great when the anime was airing (when the animefags fucked off) as the scanlations had finally caught up and we were at the most HYPE part of the manga and there were no ship wars just suffering and funposting.
>tfw recently went on an archive binge of the old threads I had bookmarked including PANIC threads
It's scary how much the thread quality dropped during :RE. It makes me hope not too many animefags pick up the manga after the anime ends.

>Cutest ship
Objectively incorrect.

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I don't understand how you can genuinely come to hate any characters in this manga unless you have some retarded shipping reason, I'm guessing it's the latter since this guy keeps repeating that Norman is an edgy faggot in every tryhard post he makes.

Attached: norman_very cute.png (1280x720, 320K)

>story >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>artstyle
Well, that's a problem, because TPN writing it's pretty lazy too

The thread quality dropped alongside the series quality.
But that aside, somewhat obscure series definitely have better and more fun threads than popular shows.
In fact, I remember when scanlations were infrequent and not in chronological order- it made things a bit weird, but the threads were great.

Hmm, it seems more stylistic choices than "incomplete" or "rough" to me. Like one's art is more what I'd consider to fit that description.
Also, I hope you all read the official scans when they come out, some panels look much better when you can see them clearly.

Isn't it obvious Norman will plow her? I've always thought it was obvious?

Sonju is with Musica and he has successfully practiced 'veganism' and restraint for hundreds of years despite the hard life they had, their folk getting killed and persecuted by the nobles. He's not some goddamn barbarian immune to change. Even if he were, they just need to unite with Musica then. It's not rocket science.

>Not even gonna bother addressing the rest of your comment.
Didn't expect you to, you're way too dense.

Dang. You got me. Can't argue with that.

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Yes. But shitposting is fun. Norman x Musica while Sonju watches!

>The thread quality dropped alongside the series quality.
First half of :RE had some great material though. Tower arc was mostly great. Though I think threads were better around then, so you have a point.
It was mainly the explosion in readerbase that made the threads shit though, that's my point.

This is a bad shitpost because Norman is weak as shit and Sonju could probably kill him with a pinky.

Oh yeah, I agreed.
But it feels like when the series dropped in quality, even the few good posters that remained either left or started shitposting as well.

Alright I got it
What if we murder 99% of the demons, but take a bunch of children and raise them in isolation in small areas.
Maybe like a farm.

Then when they grow up we murder them!

>post yfw Norman will be the villain and Emma will win and create a better futute for both demons and humans with friendship.

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That'd be correct yeah. I started on chapter 30ish because I figured the anime went over most of it.

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But what if Musica forbids Sonju from acting and makes him watch?

What if we only murder the dumb ones

Villain =/= Antagonist.
He can play the role of the latter but he isn't the former. Bad post, user. Shame on you. No reaction for you.

Dude, Sonju would fucking destroy Norman by sneezing anywhere in his vicinity. Musica is for Sonju and Emma only.

If Sonju got the chance to do that it would be a part of Norman's keikaku and he would win though

Why would she do that to her husbando?

Pretty much everyone thinks that the goldypond arc was a dip in quality, you probably enjoyed it more as anime escape arc was worse.

Rayshippers are mentally ill and are banking on Norman being some insane villain who Ray will kill or something.

>for Sonju
>and Emma
Not based.

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Because she knows she has to go along with Norman's wishes for the betterment of her people.

user, I would rather take a bath in hot oil than read that trash.

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>Not based.
>no wanting Emma dream of peace and family be real

user please.

Peanut brain:
>demons are the enemy

Galaxy brain:
>government is the enemy

Free Musica blood for demon poorfags. Fuck the Ratri.

Musica is for Norman.
Sonju is for Emma.

>Implying the average brainlet has the capacity to differentiate between the two.

It's exactly because of that that Emma will give those two her blessings and become the godmother to their extremely cute and vegan demon babies.

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Nice. Rayfags are good, Rayshippers tend to be retarded and not understand any of the characters.

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Yeah, but the problem is that there are still enough demons (like Sonju) who wouldn't need to eat humans but still WANT to.

The fuck are you talking about. Emma's interactions with Musica were cute as fuck. They'd be the greatest girl friends.

Do people seriously draw this and think any of this is in character?

kek this is actually gold
"What's wrong with you, Norman?"
Norman smirked, and then his grin reached even wider, until he finally let out a laugh. There wasn't even a hint of joy, just a coldness hacking away at his friends.
"I was doing it for you, Emma. Dear Ray was going to destroy my genocide plan, and I plan to protect you from him. You don't have a choice to go to the seven walls, because I won't let you head to your death."
The whole time Norman was talking, he'd been stepping closer and closer to the pair.
The jump was spontaneous. His hands reached for the gun in Emma's hand, as well as to pull her away from Ray.
The shot rang out, clear as a bell.
Norman stared at Emma, blank in the face.
Before collapsing into the floor, a bullet through his stomach.

>Godmother Emma
>usually the one taking care of the kid while musica and Sonju are busy
>comes to see the kid as his own
>hey kid wanna /ss/

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Yes, girl friends. Not girlfriends. /u/ is a sin.

You keep saying this shit when Sonju is only eating chicken and Musica's pussy, interacting with humans just fine.

If humans fucked off to their own world while he and Musica get proper freedom in theirs, he'd only be happy.

Don't ruin my wholesome headcanons user.

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I put a space in there for a reason.

>Musica's pussy
Based Chadju

It's fucking hilarious how easily it has Emma kill Norman and then just get over it like "oh well, he was in the way" though. When canon Emma struggles with even killing demons.

He clearly said that the only reason he isn't devouring humans is because he wants to hunt them, not just have them be given to him on a plate.

But, Emma doesn't give a shit about Norman! She loves Ray and Ray loves her and they'll definitely end up together!

>Emma mourns him for two years and dreams of him being alive
>kills him with no problem later
>people somehow give this kudos

Attached: angery.png (181x363, 57K)

He outright says that he really, really wants to eat humans again and can't wait until the become wild and free so he can hunt them down. He doesn't want them to fuck off.

Well, technically speaking, she's lived for so long thinking that he's dead, she might have stepped over the threshold of grief already.

Cute and canon! She's gonna disembowl Norman and eat his guts like spaghetti on her date with Ray!!!


He also clearly didn't have any trouble communicating with human kids normally and he joined Musica whose religion only makes it harder for him to eat human meat.

He's not controlled by his fucking taste buds, user.

Her reaction to see him says otherwise. She herself said she wished so many times for him to somehow still be alive.
Either way, even if she'd resolved her grief she still got him back, she wouldn't just be going "guess he needs to fucking die".

wow, getting close to being demons themselves there.

That's what I said. He doesn't even need to eat, he *wants* to hunt and feed on human flesh, and he's waiting for the day when he'll be able to do so freely. For the fun of it.


'k, so
The latest video is going to take some time because reasons. You'll see.
Would you want to hear a reading of this fanfic?

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Are you criticizing my headcanon? You're triggering me you ableist fuck.

>Have her companions brutally die in from of her and let it be entirely because of her naive ideals.
It already happened at the start of the GP arc when she tried to save everyone and two children died. After two pages of depression she moved on as if nothing had happened.

I have a question: why do so many of you fags shorten names of your dumb ships, like "NE."
Are you guys AoTfags?

user please no. At least read something good. That one fic with Ray being fucking done with them is short and bretty gud. Not sure if anyone knows what I'm talking about.

Yes and? Just because he can control himself doesn't mean he doesn't want to. And his stated goal is to have the humans free enough to live in the wild, eating the ones he comes across currently won't make that more likely. He's not going to help them make a new promise or fucking off to the human world. He wants to overthrow the royals and have humans free, but hunted by the demons.

>why do so many of you fags shorten names of your dumb ships,
because it's 10x easier to write and everyone still knows who you mean.
Idk if snkfags started the trend, but its not bad just because its them

Why type Noremma when you can just type NE? It's quick and easy.

You know what's more fun? Taking revenge on the nobles whose lapdogs he routinely kills whenever he runs into them.

Sonju isn't, like, obsessed with eating humans at all. He acts completely normal, he's following Musica of all people and he's not beyond change.

To be honest, I wanted to read something that was absolute garbage just for shits and giggles.
Too bad I still wince everytime I remember that Inuyasha crossover.

Makes it sound more autistic I guess. Like it's some official fanclub.

Sonjuu is like the second most "good" demon we've met in the story and he still craves to hunt down humans.

But you'll have legit to god underage shipperfags thinking you're serious and expecting content out of you.

Is it the one in the coffee shop?

You sound deluded to be honest.

Emma is just being incredible naive tho. I don't hate her but I can see why people can be fed up with her character at this point, she more than anyone should understand what demons pose to humans. Hunting is in their nature, they won't stop unless forced to. It feels like the whole Goldie Pond arc was for nothing, her not agreeing with mass murder is understandable but being so against Norman and his motivation feels forced.
We have seen her try her darnest to "save everyone" more than once and her failing everytime, she should understand by now that sacrifices need to be made, she is also unawared of things we the readers are, like Sonju's real motivation on helping the cattle children.

Yes. I don't remember what it's called but it was funny.

Why not have both? Take revenge on the nobles, remove farms, have wild humans he can hunt. There is no reason for him to help them past overthrowing the nobles and removing farms.

It means he can adapt to change. If he were as hellbent on eating humans as you think he would've left Musica a long time ago or even killed her instead of following her and her religion, which only prevents him from eating humans. He even sees what she's doing with the 7 walls and he doesn't mind.

It's funny because Ray is a literal NE shipfag in the spinoff manga

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Same. I honestly want the awful NE one posted ITT narrated to hear how ridiculous it sounds.
I think most NEfags know that one.

Remember Musica wanted to capture the kids and return them to Grace Field to get a reward, note that Sonju only saved them in the off chance they would run off, become feral, have children so he could hunt them. Both Musica and Sonju follow the same creed.
So far they haven't met a single demon who thought of them as anything but food.

Which one? The pasta?

>It means he can adapt to change.
But why should he? You have given absolutely no incentives to why he should change his mind. He has been with Musica for a long time and his lust to eat humans hasn't changed. You're just saying he should change his mind and goal just because.

Spinoff Ray deserved better. He tried to help Norman out so many times and he doesn't even wanna hug him on his last day.

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Hm, I think you sound deluded. Denying Sonju has layers and isn't wholly defined by his past habits is like claiming Norman is beyond help now, would never cooperate and Emma's only option is to kill him.

I want Emma to kill his cock alright.

Shit I meant the awful RE one. I want to hear EVIL Norman
The pasta was good.

I'm going to say this with as much honesty I can.
Who cares?
I do the videos for the sake of shitposting with you guys. Otherwise I'd put ads on the videos or start a patreon or some other dumb stuff.
On the other hand, I kinda wanted to narrate my Ray/Anna story after the anime ends.

You've got multiple people pointing out why you're wrong and still you insist you're right.
I have to admire your stubbornness at this point.

It's your channel, man, do what you like at the end of the day.

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It prevents him from eating shit he didn't caught or kill, they are basically forest people living off the land, it doesn't forbid him from eating humans, just cattle. Musica doesn't mind the eating of humans either, she wanted to sell the kids off first time she saw them.

I want to do something you guys will enjoy, too.

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Because they'd be changing the entire world as they know it.

You keep throwing these really damn stupid why's. Ask yourself why Sonju even follows Musica when she goes against everything he supposedly wants and being next to her puts a giant target on his back. He's not obsessed with meat.

Remember they both warmed up to the kids immediately after. I suppose not, because you can only memorize one page a year and stupidly believe characters who are clearly written in a dynamic fashion, are static instead.

>Denying Sonju has layers
Yeah no, he has a religion that prevents him from eating cattle children, he still wants to eat wild humans. That's it. He has never ever shown any inclination to change his mind on that front or help out humans just because.

>Because they'd be changing the entire world as they know it.
And yet again, why would he bother changing the world into something else but just overthrowing the current rulers and nobles? Sonju wants to go to the old ways, when his religion was accepted and he could hunt humans. You have not given a single argument whatsoever to why he should help humans escape. Him not being obsessed with meat doesn't give him any reason, motive or incentive to help them. He would still prefer meat. He has no reason to want humans to fuck off. He just wants the current rulers and nobles gone.

animeonly here. Please tell me she doesn't believe there are good demons. That would be the icing on the cake. I'm already getting fed up with her

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>Ask yourself why Sonju even follows Musica when she goes against everything he supposedly wants
But she doesn't? Musica wants the nobles overthrown and for people to follow her religion. Sonju wants that too. What has that got to do with helping humans escape this world? That however, is actually something that goes against his wishes, since he wants them to be free in the current world so he can hunt them.

You know whether there's a samefag or there's two idiots who can't comprehend that characters can develop when they already have exhibited that in the story, it doesn't matter. You're not just wrong, you're plain stupid.

And the only humans available in their world are cattle. Joining Musica only makes it harder for him to eat human meat you think he craves so much it just controls his entire character. user, are you mentally deficient or something?

You're not giving them a reason to develop. You're saying these can develop. Not why they should. Anyone can develop. But if they don't have a reason then it doesn't make sense.

Read whatever. We'll watch it, probably.

He literally expressed his desired to hunt humans again as they parted with the kids, Musica warming up to the kids I understand but Sonju just wants to hunt again. And regarding Musica, we literally don't know what making a new promise entitles, Emma is riding on that but it's still unknown to us and the characters within the story what will actually happen.
Just as Norman and Ray confirmed last chapter, the making of the promise by the royals and the whole cattle system was put in place by the royals themselves to control the masses not by some kind of affection for humanity.

Are you really so mentally constipated that you don't understand that if Sonju were beyond change he would've never followed a religion that forbids him from consuming the only type of human meat they have, or a person who wants peace with humans? He's not defined by his taste buds.

And their one opportunity to change the world now is by uniting with cattle.

I ask you the same thing user, are you mentally deficient or something? He is an avid follower of a religion, he wants to hunt humans the biggest game, not eat cattle. I think YOU are the one misunderstanding his whole character.

She's not wrong. She meets helpful demons.