Shingeki no Annie!

"The Annie threads shall continue until the hype returns" - An Anniefag that was off his rocker

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Other urls found in this thread:

>last panel

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Imagine a girl who help you from depression. Imagine a woman who help you at your lowest. Imagine a female that gave you a will to live.a imagine a person whose happiness make you smile.Now imagine that woman in historia position. Would you be like eren ?

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Just posting a remarkable who

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Shut the FUCK up about Annie!

Is this art intended to be incestuous? I want to know before I keep it on my phone

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Don’t reduce Annie to shoujo moe art

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All EZ is pure and cute.

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Hange will remind him his human side

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EG talk soon.

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What is this expression trying to convey?

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After destroying the world he’ll put all Eldians into the Infinite Tsukuyomi where Eren will get to live out his dreams of being butt buddies with Reiner

underlying feelings that may or may not be homoromantic.

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regret, sympathy, pity


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>tfw I never understood Mikasa x Annie
Explain why and how

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Lost girls, equals to eachother, and hot girls.

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Imagine the brutal, visceral, hatefucking.

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Based and MApilled

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AA is cute and canon.

RE is endgame tbqh

When will they meet again?

Unironically, soon.

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F2P collab

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Where is HISTORIA?

W H O ?

>dead thread 25 replies in

I like how the marketing is the complete oppsite of the manga.

Having hot sex with Ymir in the PATH world

This pic reminded me that I thought Mikasa has grown taller than Eren and found it hilarious. She looked tall as fuck right after their appearance in Marley.

Just type "EH is X' and come back in an hour to smell the ashes.

Stop being disgusting Ymirpedo

Does lolimyr having sex with an Eldian count as incest?
I am asking for a friend

>Zeke did this

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Dumb Piecktrash

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>annoying SJW dyke selfinserts as a +75 years old negro Trashmir and can't let Historia go
You are worse than Anniefags, let it go already

>+75 years
Dumb, Piecknegro

I remember you saying that you father fought in the first ww, you are just a failure who selfinserts as Shitmir and your only goal is for Historia to die or being a sad lesbian because you refuse to accept you wasted your time irl.

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How about EP is soon

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>made chocolate for Hanji during Valentine’s Day

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That wasn't me, Piecknegro. My father is too young to even have fought in WWII. Ymir is also 17. If she was 75 Ymir Fritz would have made her look like that when rebuilding her

Would Eren as a character approve of the last deeds recently highlighted by the media?
I personally don't think he'd approve the murder of civilians or innocents without an higher goal behind his actions, but then the Grim Reminder happened. But the victims outside the military were collateral damage for the most part.

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I just realized you have two ways to defeat Zeke in the new game
>Fighting him
>Flirt with him

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LM soon.

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What will you do, user?

Seduce him till kill him of course

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>"Hey babe, is that a banana in your pants or are you just happy to see me"
>It was indeed a banana
>He is willing to share half with me
>Afterwards, he offers me some condoms and advice on how to avoid STD and thots.

*steals your imouto*
Nothing personnel, Reiner.

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They are her golems, not her family.


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>next chapter
Can't wait.

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>said Eren would find him
>it was Hanjo
Keep going with the magic user

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Killing machine obssesed with dead people died. Human manlet will be born thanks to Hans.

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Based and cycloppilled

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the new zealand shooter reminds me of eren

I want Eren to lose control over his titans and accidentally kill someone (anyone except Hanji).

a cuck?

He will propably break into a maniacal laughting fit then continue moving forward until his enemies are destroyed

He said Eren not Shitmir

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How can he lick her neck if he has no fingers?

Sorry fujos, manlet stays with Hange

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Only scout I can see dying off like that is Connie. or maybe Jean for maximum pottery

>''thats right. im sure hanji values their life even more now because of moblits sacrifice. thats why hanji doesnt give up.''

This would have so much potential but unfortunately it will remain ambiguous/one of them will die, won't get my hopes high but they are really the comfiest ship

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Hold me here. So, on the new SnK game, you can either play as a Manga character or as custom character. Correct?

This guy is so hypocrite, he doesn't want Hange to depend on a man but then he contradicts himself.
Of course Moblit's sacrifice will always be important but Hange was always like that for losing so many people in battles, not to mention almost everyone sacrificed their lives in that battle.

LH will survive.

I just want to post comfy LH don't start more wars

yeah there's a story mode with the oc and a shitload of side missions you can play with whoever

What's next for him?

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I didn't want to start anything, honestly. It was just a joke. I'm sorry if it was too rude.

not until we get connie vs colt the ultimate dream match

>values her life
Literally just commited suicide, will be a miracle if she didn't take any bullet.

Is Falco an Ackerman or a Royal?

water is actually pretty good at slowing and breaking up bullets. its still a daring move but depending on the depth and speed of the river they have a decent chance


He's a Captain.

And a punch.

Can I kill Ymir with Historia? :DDDD

Brave, smart, loyal, cute, crazy but not too much. Perfection.

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>Erenfags are edgelords

post Zeke's fw Eren betrays him

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What's the best thing about Annie?

This manga used to be good, now all it's left is shipfaggotry

mental illness

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The chibis are cute. Wish they had just those alone

Whenever someone asks him the question related to his intention, Eren doesn’t answer it right away, he always distracts people from the subject, switches the subject of the conversation by telling another story and he tends to manipulate their mind with his words.

1) “Return to your family. Why leave yourself with nothing but regrets?”
“It seems you have your own about your family.”
2) “Do you not care about what happens to Historia now?”
“I ate the war hammer titan, I can leave here whenever I want.”
3) “What are you trying to do?”
“There’s nothing further removed from freedom than ignorance. I learned about the Ackermans there, too.”
4) “So do you support my plan for the euthanization of all Eldians?”
“4 years ago, something happened that open the old man’s memories to me.”

He keeps avoiding those questions above… It’s clearly showing that he doesn’t want to answer them and he needs to make up an answer while telling them a different story.

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Connie has to do something before he dies. I believe

Are you blind or something?

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Her sense of humour

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The world is too small for three big noses

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We need more Annie... and donuts.

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His death will be this something

Damn straight

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Hange and Pieck are the best alive girls.

Before death. He and Colt will become bffs

Reminer that Isayama changed manlet's scar side because he wants manlet's eye and Hange's eye to concide when they kiss.

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Eren peaked in Marley.

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>serbia strong starts playing

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Erenfags are pedos

Nice theory. LH is so comfy. I want them to kiss but ofc we will get only offscreen mouth to mouth.

Chadren only loves Historia.

erenfag here

death penalty for pedos, or at the very least slow castration via rope and rock

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I don't want his heart to be broken bros ;_;

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Betrayal soon

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*blocks the SL's path*

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Will she ever leave the crystal bros?

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Why did noble woman wear maid's outfit?

Do you mean hobo eren? because that's the best chadren

Probably sometime within the next 10 chapters. I assume all the warriors will come to Paradis and then shit will happen, and Annie will come out of the crystal when shit really hits the fan

Annie is...

The key to everything

t. Ymirfag self inserter

The promo arts, merchs are like alternate universe where Eren is separated with Historia and has a happy relationship with manlet and Mankasa

Yeah that shit has always bugged me

Plot twist: there are no friends

In anime EH relationships has just started. Eren didn't like Krista anyway. Honestly, you're a shame for normal EHfags.

Their relationship does not matter to the story anyway

Armin's wife.

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It's gonna be hard for me when that time comes

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aka Ymirfag falseflagging

They're still forcing Eremika like this and avoiding "Historia" as much as possible.
Shame on you

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>as much as possible.
They just don't want to spoil her name

Not him but Uprising is long over in the anime and they've already become good friends. Even if there's nothing EH related the lack of Historia merch is disturbing considering her importance in this season. It's all about EML (and a bit of Erwin for the ErwLfujos and occasionally Armin to remind people that he's part of the main trio), and it's getting old.

Her real name is a thing since season 2 which was two years ago, come on.

She is just not popular enough compaired to LAME. S2 also barely had any BRYH merch

Why? The name is revealed in s2

Kek the anime team are desperate for EM. Fucker are blind or something? Like seriously who the fuck think eren like Mikasa?

It has nothing to do with EH relationship. It's just that there's barely Historia merch or promo art

Best crystal

>alternate universe where Eren is separated with Historia
This part is true for the manga as well though.

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AM are not even popular.

The best girl!

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It's so odd they don't call her Historia here

I mean he never met her, even "Krista", in the merch

Anime merchandising mostly panders to fujos, it has always been that way


fujo like EM? I thought those retards only like LE and dislike EM

>all the shit is about to go down in Shiganshina
>Annie is not in Shiganshina
I still believe

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AM are both more popular than Historia

who the fuck is this? ryosuke takahashi?

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It's Kruger as a young lad

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Do you think Zeke will cry? I'm not sure I'll be able to control myself if he does.

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>Eren betraying Zeke is as obvious as Zeke betraying Marley was.

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What did Isayama mean by this?

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Nothing. Or your delusion at best

They do like LE only.

Say something nice to the warchief!

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It's finally time to reveal my masterplan... you see, a janny was once mean to me... so yeah basically I'm going to destroy my entire race with titan magic.

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Maybe Isayama should have made it even more obvious because apparently people still don't get it.

Ymir's chosen is so beautiful.

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Exactly. Sweet, young, blonde royal pussy would turn any angsty teen into a proud and happy man. In fact, NOT getting that pussy would make me act like eren. Farmer is a lucky guy

It was christmas and to calm fujos down.

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Unironically manlet is a better character when he is far away from the fujo shit. His parts with Mikasa were good, same as with Historia and now with Hanz could be interesting too

How does it feel knowing Flocke is more relevant and plays a more active role in the plot than most of your favorite characters?

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I agree


>Eren and Zeke about to Rumble
>Just as they're about to touch each other, Zeke recalls what happened so far
>Zeke finds something wrong in what Eren said
>Zeke connects the past events
>Zeke realizes
>Zeke sweats "no way it could happen, I'm just thinking too much"
>Eren says "what's wrong with you, my brother" with a smug
>They touch
>Zeke "nononono Eren, you tricked me"

It's gonna be K I N O

farmer keeps dreaming

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Only to get killed when he's done with his role. He has no future

Did Isayama say he's returning to the original The Mist ending or not?

Something tells me the manga would be a little different if it was in another magazine. Even manlet would improve as a character.

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Post the best fanart you have ever seen.

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Good to see they’ve simplified Annie’s design a bit.

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>Grisha's fw he spent his life worshipping Ymir but she chose to revive Zeke

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Ymir Fritz = Delta, by protecting Zeke she is protecting her mother aka Historia.

Will be more kino if in the last moment Zeke realizes something is wrong and escapes

Can't wait for Manlet to have 7 children with Hans.

>implying that manlet has got any opinion of his own on how to solve the conflict

Who the fuck is delta?

Erwin, Petra, Moblit, Farlan, Isabelle, Nifa and Kuchel Ackermans.

More Kruger when?

I'm pretty sure manlet would like to feed Zeke to Historia and if necessary Eren to someone else, then do the rumbling. Erwin would do the same.

He wants me to keep the cheque book warm

Hopefully soon. It's been too long

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He said he is progressing towards the ending that had been set before, but how he will go about doing it has changed.

I want his pov

Lmao fuck, wrong pic

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What other magazine?

NO, he has enough.

Thanks user
>He said he is progressing towards the ending that had been set before
This makes me hyped. World destruction imminent

a magnet to braindead waifufags

I hope it's not about initially planned ending where everyone dies. It's so boring.

I am still skeptic.
In 2017
>At first I explored emulating The Mist, but now you could say that I’m moving in a more peaceful direction, similar to Guardians of the Galaxy. I’m not talking about whether Shingeki no Kyojin will have a good or bad ending - I only speak of my own attitude as the creator, as well as differences in my methods of ensuring that the readers enjoy the series.

In 2018
>Isayama was described in the program as "bearing the burden of wanting to live up to fan expectations but I also want to go against them."

But Floch is one of my favorite characters

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Why is he so hung up on what fans want? If I were him I'd say fuck it and write exactly the ending I wanted. He already got his shekels


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>Angering fans
>In 2019
He will be dead in 2weeks.

It feels okay. I hate his current personality but he's well-written and consistent. I even kind of respect how he overcomes his personal feelings for the "greater good". He disliked Eren and obviously hated Zeke but now he puts his feelings aside and treats them with respect just because he wants to achieve his goal. Also I will greatly enjoy his death, I hope it will be long and painful.

After this arc, there should atleast be 1 more arc. If this is the final arc, it will feel extremely rushed.

The largest and most vocal portion of the fanbase only gives a shit about manlet having gay sex with either Erwin or Eren and one of those is already dead


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We know, Hans

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Annie is the best girl!

Seethe harder

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Who will eat Annie?

Whomever eats Annie shall be the next best girl.
So it's pretty obvious

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I rabu snk

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If he was so hung up on what the fans want Erwin would still be alive and Eren would have never mindraped Mikasa.

Hanji is so cute. I envy manlet.

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I'm not gay but he looks really good there.

Erwin couldn't stay alive. His existence would change story drastically since he would feed Zeke to temporary host and titanize Historia after her pregnancy without hesitation. Probably Eren would have to kill Erwin himself.

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Isayama made a grave mistake by not making Armin a girl.

>Floch and Gabi are two of my favorites
Literally a mountain of salt every month.

Well yeah that's my point. Erwin couldn't stay for the current story to work because he wouldn't have been so nice to try and look for other alternatives to the 50 year plan simply because Eren didn't want to sacrifice Historia, and the EMA split as we know it wouldn't have been possible either. But that's a decision that was taken while considering what would work best for the story, not what the fans would want.
Back in 2016 he was already talking about Mikasa's development not being satisfactory for the fans because it would involve separation from Eren, but we're still going in that direction regardless.

>Chad vs chad
>The need of the others(done properly) vs the need of one
That would be miles better than the cuck plan that Zeke came up with which is also falls into the need of others

Erwin would destroy Eren

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How could Isayama even satisfy the fans? There are no heroes in this story, either you fight to survive or not, that must be why Isayama is having a lot of problems with Armin, either he makes some blood or fight against Eren but then again fighting against Eren it's retarded because that's fighting for the world to destroy you.
Mikasa would have to support a genocider for EM to happen and Mikasafags don't want that. The conflict is too complex for nips, Eren has to become a destroyer yes or yes unless Armin convince EVERYONE to leave their resources and people alone

>Isayama made a grave mistake by not making Eren* a girl

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>Back in 2016 he was already talking about Mikasa's development not being satisfactory for the fans because it would involve separation from Eren, but we're still going in that direction regardless
It may sounds stupid but I think Mikasa's fans have to change together with their girl. I really hope EM split won't make them hate Isayama but instead will change their mindsets a bit and make them understand how unhealthy is Mikasa's obsession and that she literally lost her true self in Eren.

Isayama made a grave mistake by not making Mikasa a gi-oh wait

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>It may sounds stupid but I think Mikasa's fans have to change together with their girl.
Mikasa is your typical otome bland girl for bland girls to self-insert into so no they won't change, in their minds they think everyone has to love them without them making any effort to socialize.

Well, realistically, I think Erwin would feed Eren to someone else as soon as he would notice something suspicious about him. If manlet can defeat beast and 30 titans he is able to defeat Eren with the help of SC and some cunning plan. But plot armor would protect Eren of course.

Imagine the shitstorm if Eren is supposed to be female, and the gender of all other chars is swapped toom

We already have Historia. Eren is cuter anyway.

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Armin would be such a good girl, really.

>Eren is cuter

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I want female Eren so bad but I don't like idea of gender swap of everyone. I would like Mikasa and maybe Historia to be male if Eren was female but everyone else to stay the same. And I would want to see manlet beating up female Eren.

idk, I believe in them. Maybe when they see that Mikasa is happier without Eren they will understand.

and you got Gabi Braun, monke'sy paw bitch!

What the fuck is wrong with Isayama? Why didn't he make this real?

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Manlet beating up Gabi when? Unfortunately probably never..

We would’ve still got angst and mood swings.


How many more Ellens do you want?

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Soon. She'll become a reality with timeskip Gabi.

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Ymir Yaeger Reiss


I don't see the problem.

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How is EM any healthy? Eren rejects her and finds her annoying the darkest night...
Reaching out...grasping out...for a fleeting memory...

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I don't give a fuck about EM, but healthy ships is a retarded dumblr western concept that just doesn't exist in manga


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Reminder that he died in Liberio.

*with the Founding Titan's body altering abilities.

Attack Warhammer soon.

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Who will be Annie's new daddy?

Really don't want him bald.


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I don't think we'll have a timeskip

Yes, it's unhealthy. Eren sees Mikasa as sister, as part of his family. But when people grow up they start their own families and split with their siblings. Mikasa sees Eren as a family but at the same time she's romantically attracted to him and on the top of that there is ackerbond which isn't healthy all. Staying with Eren would be really sad for her. She should start to live for herself and distinguish sister love from romantic love. And btw I don't ship EH but EM is just sad.

Based Armin


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I doubt Eren not liking Mikasa has anything to do with dumblr, even Isayama finds EM bad for Mikasa.

piss his pants maybe?

maybe shit and cum?

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You should hate the manlet too for killing Erwin manletwhales

>but healthy ships is a retarded dumblr western concept that just doesn't exist in manga
LH is healthy and comfy. Healthy relationships aren't concept, they exist in real life so I don't see why they can't exist in manga. And anyway even if there isn't any healthy ship in manga it doesn't make EM any more healthier.

she is going to "punish" her hard

Attached: 048.jpg (1000x1000, 185K)

Attached: kl.png (500x427, 81K)

>3 fingers in


Attached: D8674638-92A3-4EF2-AE97-BE0B2CD71AC5.jpg (500x681, 110K)

>they exist in real life
>muh fiction is real life
That's the problem with your dumblrtards, that you can't tell fiction from reality anymore. I for one I'm happy that manga isn't plagued by sjw bullshit
what part of I don't give a fuck about EM do you not understand dumblr

Hisu missu Chadren

Attached: erens beautiful wife.gif (540x263, 1.35M)

massa misses padawan

Attached: annie teaching eren.png (702x624, 520K)

But EM = sjw because the man has to be with a woman he dislikes.

Why are you so triggered? You weren't forced to join this discussion. Isayama himself said that Mikasa's relationships with Eren is bad for her and they need to split so blame Isayama who shows in his manga examples of healthy and unhealthy relationships and how obsession over someone is bad.

Attached: 38075283_p23_master1200.jpg (650x780, 425K)

It hurts so good

Attached: Choke me harder mommy!.png (1062x1145, 1.42M)

>You weren't forced to join this discussion
>d-don't challenge my opinion
cry harder dumblr

is that a genderbend Mikasa or normal Mikasa? is hard to differentiate the two.

I don't know if I would've given this series a chance if the genders were flipped. But the only character I would want female is Erwin

I think it's regular Mikasa

Attached: 38149982_p5_master1200.jpg (700x800, 318K)

What? I just don't understand your logic and why you're triggered. You can challenge my opinion any time you want but just give some arguments. Relationships between people is important part of manga right now whether you like it or not.

>Female Erwin
Then who would father Neil's children?

You are the only one triggered EMfag

>I don't know if I would've given this series a chance if the genders were flipped.
How come?
>But the only character I would want female is Erwin
Good taste

Attached: da00be2c7819df34cc3a57ea1584b310.jpg (500x619, 50K)

EA was top tier, a shame its dead.

Attached: 32453245.jpg (540x540, 99K)

>Devil = Eren
> Apple = baby
> Krista = Historia

>Devil = Eren
>Apple = Baseball
>Krista = Zeke
Screencap this

I still believe!

Attached: I want to believe.jpg (910x960, 365K)

Krista isn't name from book. It's misunderstanding. Frieda just told Historia she should be like a girl from book.

Attached: 5211eb61d60c96957965da143342f5fc.jpg (564x365, 46K)

>using one of my edits
good times

Attached: 1502050899645.png (300x404, 246K)

I'm the first post you quoted and you're fucking paranoid, user. I don't give a shit about Manlet or Erwin, I just love the idea of a mentally broken man being used and betrayed by the one person whom he believed could understand his plight.

Attached: 1533592264979.jpg (121x180, 9K)

Well Isayama tried.

>the only character I would want female is Erwin
To each their own, can't say I see the appeal though.

Attached: bisky.png (602x800, 425K)

>that moment when EAfags don't consider EM a competition

>Relationships between people is important
And when did I say otherwise? I said that the concept of healthy relationships is western dumblr, and doesn't apply to any manga thank god, which you would know if you read any. Clearly snk is the only manga you read.
nice argument. I win.

Why would they? Even the author confirmed EM is a joke.

I want a doujin when manlet's penis ackerbonds with hanji's vagina

Attached: 685b2ca2b88f7d3f1f40023593a039fc.jpg (394x296, 35K)

Where my ELsisters at?

Attached: C-1eqMmWAAEpD2H.jpg (720x880, 62K)

Girl from book was explicitly referred to as Krista in the anime, can't see why any of the script writers would've added that detail without a push from Isayama.

Just wait one more chapter

My initial post was about how Mikasa should overcome obsession with Eren because it's bad for her and they her fans have to understand it. Where am I wrong? I don't understand why you're triggered and what you're trying to say.

I have to ask, why does the LHfag constantly spam their ship every thread? And why is there an ELfag here? These threads haven't seen this much autism in years.

Attached: D1pnjO1UkAE5oku.jpg (1200x779, 123K)

>With the last vestige of the human race threatened by unstoppable carnivorous giants, a brave young woman decides to defy her wealthy family and join the military to fight against humanity's enemies. But Rosalie Dumarque soon finds out that bloody sword fights with monsters aren't the only dangers faced by the Wall Rose Garrison. Can she earn the trust of her fellow soldiers, stand up to a corrupt authority, navigate a forbidden romance...and cut her way out of a titan's throat?

What the actual fuck is this

Attached: D1IB5kqUcAEgqnr.jpg (800x1130, 125K)

Why people challenging you means that they're triggered? I hope you're that touchy about your opinions in real life you child. I find your dumblr language ridiculous, and I told you why

Attached: D1XJnvIVYAUO0Ii.jpg (880x880, 122K)

oh god oh fuck put me to sleep

Attached: annie faceapp.jpg (1024x576, 214K)

*not that touchy

Nothing wrong with LH and EL just arrived.

>I have to ask, why does the LHfag constantly spam their ship every thread
Why do Annie fags constantly create her threads and spam her pictures? Why does LMfag post his disgusting pedo incest ship every thread? And there are more than one person who ship LH. So fuck off

Leddit is that way

Attached: 1452213298418[1].jpg (437x432, 92K)

>not the best ship

Cute siblings.

>Why do Annie fags
why do they still exist?

Manletwhales killed these threads.

No one talks about the plot and when I do the discussion gets over soon so I just post what I like. Every day a thread is not needed, plus there are other LHfags.

I just used word unhealthy and you became angry. You don't challenge my opinion, you are just triggered over one word. Maybe you hate Mikasa and are angry that she will have some development soon, I don't know.

Why would they? They live in an universe where they pretend that Annie is still relevant

Attached: 1478992834019.jpg (322x322, 13K)

I don't really like the idea of female Eren so that would've stopped me altogther

Eat a dick Erwinfujo


Which picture?

Endgame right here, brothers?

Because this place is infested by Dumblr shippers and everyone that isn't cancer left until the next chapter, so it's just the same few autists spamming their shit pairings.


If female Erwin could turn into a loli that'd be good too lol

Then just leave this place too. It will be much better without you.

But you are still here

Attached: ldia.png (686x867, 665K)

Ok dumblr. Go back.

Attached: truly legendary autism.jpg (1237x611, 138K)

LEfujo here. After coming here for so long I've grown to like this threads and the autism it produces. I rabu snk

suck my ass manletfujo

In the manga Historia says Krista was a girl from a book she read as a kid (which is followed by a panel of the book Frieda made her read with the girl, the devil and the apple). In the anime Frieda specifically named the girl Krista.

Attached: Screenshot_20190315-184859.png (2560x1440, 2.49M)

Even LH triggers people. Can you imagine what will be if EH is canon?

Attached: 50683090ca6893216749841f44f32208--drawing-tutorials-levi-ackerman.jpg (736x552, 70K)

EM was always dead, deal with it, EMfag.

Based endgamefag
>Sunday meme

I don't even have account on tumblr. But you probably visit it often since you're such a professional in recognizing "dumblr words".

Out of argument are we dumblr

Your only argument is "dumblr", which part of Isayama disliking EM don't you understand?

>I don't even have account on tumblr
Then make one, it's very clearly your habitat dumblrfujo

The only one who can't write any argument is you. Instead you constantly write some dumb "insult" like a child.


What part of me saying about 5 times I don't give a fuck for EM do you not understand? You can't read and suffer from paranoia, did you forget your meds?

So if I don't like EM as a couple and think Mikasa should life for herself then I'm fujo? Nice logic.

better what if besto EH is the real endgame

Attached: 1c567682b03e0a2e950ed57989fb4be5a2d241a0_hq[1].jpg (1024x766, 79K)

Are you retarded? The one saying EM is not good for Mikasa was Isayama himself, and her arc will be about she getting over Eren, unless you found a character repeting EREH EREH EREH fascinating you shouldn't be this triggered

we all know the strongest ship, don't fight this

Attached: the strongest ship.jpg (1280x720, 136K)


Ooh ok so you were the ErwLmod, now I understand this autism.

To be honest she just looked massive next to Armong, Kiyomi and even Eren for instance. Up until the official height chart dropped, I was sure she's like 6ft or so now.

Where did I even mention EM in my post, retard

Now I feel bad that I wasted so much time on conversation with her..



Attached: oof.png (187x159, 34K)

>the ErwLmod
ah it's you again, the guy with the obsession for that fujo. i've been telling you for months you guys should just fuck, so we can all be free from your sexual tension in these threads

Delete this

Attached: crybabylet.png (681x373, 394K)

>believing the erwlmod obsessed guy
I feel bad for your for being so autistic. poor user, not only you're dumblr, but also retarded, nice

delet this image

All conversation was about Mikasa and how EM is bad for her and that her fans should understand it. Then you intervened and started to.. To do what? I don't even understand your opinion and what you're trying to express.

You are so easy to spot.
>If you insult EM you are dumblr!
>Fuck anniefags for being waifufags

>Eren ordered his men to kill manlet on sight

But Snk is not your typical shounen, weeb. Mikasa moving on would be, so far, the best outcome for her. Unless you hate her and and just want her to remain like the most static and lazy character from the entire franchise

>dumblr dumblr dumblr dumblr dumblr dumblr
>ereh ereh ereh ereh ereh ereh ereh ereh
You know, you have a lot in common with current Mikasa. Maybe you will be inspired by her development and will overcome your obsession too.

Yes ErwLmod, you "win", but not EM.

I'm not falling for your bait asswipe, I didn't write any of those things

God so easy to catch you. Won't waste more time with you.

>But Snk is not your typical shounen
kek, it totally is
>your obsession
yawn. sorry being called out for being a sjw triggered you so much, just face it you're a dumblrfag

Post your reaction when the next thread is yet again an Annie! thread

Attached: Grisha has fully embraced Ymir.jpg (1079x1080, 307K)

And I said this like a Mikasafag.


Fighting for an abstract ideal >>>> Fighting for muh friends > Fighting for muh wife and child

Attached: 1547854548183.jpg (564x846, 41K)

I'm glad we both agree you should fuck right off you paranoid cunt

Dumb ErwLmod, just accept EM was always dead.

>Manlet killing Erwin
>Eren rejecting Mikasa
>Manlet saved by Hanji
>LH mouth-to-mouth soon
>Mikasa getting over Eren soon
>EH probably soon too
Poor ErwLfujo, everything she loves is ruined.

>muh erlwmod
>muh em
god you're boring, it's insulting

You're hopeless, retard.

Attached: 1552076313319.png (319x292, 37K)

>tfw I like LH, EH and enjoyed YH a lot in second season>tfw that means more suffering

You're retarded, it's hopeless

Attached: 15.jpg (500x330, 50K)

>implying you need to ship any of those to see that EM was always shit and killed by Isayama over and over
>muh dumblr
>EM will totally happen

Just very stupid YA novel. Don't even waste your time on it. It also goes against canon.

>fighting for my wife's and child's freedom

Top Tier Anti-hero trope

Attached: 1551897977483.png (379x371, 146K)

>EM will totally happen
which posts of mine was that? the one you hallucinated with your mental illness, dumblr?


Attached: chuugakkou 01.jpg (1366x768, 180K)

Attached: DzSirnuUUAEsrR5.jpg (1168x967, 120K)

So you agree EM was always dead or not? Because that what the discussion was about.

>implying you need to ship any of those to see that EM was always shit and killed by Isayama over and over
Post wasn't about EM. It was about how everything ErwLfujo loves is canonically ruined.


Attached: pii cheer.jpg (152x172, 16K)

Brothers right here, endgame.

Attached: Dy_JfZuV4AAk9NR.jpg (600x693, 49K)


Attached: D1p_Rz_VAAAoa1P.png (567x800, 212K)

Of course you retarded dyke. I said 7 times I don't give a fuck forEM, but your ESL ass cannot read and the best insult you have is to call me a EMfags because even you know you're an autistic sjw bitch talking about muh toxic relationship

Based remover of boomers.

Attached: 7.png (500x289, 124K)

>posts hansii

Except Isayama considers EM unhealthy. I don't even know what are you trying to argue, the fact that Isayama dislikes it doesn't make you dumblr unless you consider dumblr the creation of everything.

Attached: sleep.png (1213x2053, 2.2M)

Because EM is example of toxic relationships. And Mikasa will get over it. Isayama himself said that Mikasa will get development with which her fans won't be happy. You're a good example apparently. Poor Isayama.


So you complain about ithers posting ships and when there is a discussion about a character all you can do is repeat "dumblr dumblr dumblr"? Are you retarded?
SjW why, retard? Why should Eren be with a girl he doesn't like?

I just want Zeke to be happy.

Attached: 81.jpg (500x573, 73K)

>So you complain about ithers posting ships
kek I did not do such thing in any post, are you still hallucinating

It's just a word. Isayama gives fuck about development of his characters and toxic relationships with Eren is important part of Mikasa's development because she will need to overcome it.

That autism only comes from you ErwLmod. Manipulative roastie. Mankasa a shit and Eren dislikes her. Deal with it.

You're fucking weird

Attached: DzvT5QgUUAEI-Gd.jpg (1024x576, 77K)

>It's just a word
a dumblr word. and you keep talking about EM for what reason? Because you have no other argument than EM EM EM which I already said was dead and i don't care, to your sjw vomit

Stop crying and just say which word do you want us to use to define EM: shit? disgusting?

Stop replying to him. He's just retarded and trolling at this point.

Attached: Dt4prm2UwAAPAE8.jpg (700x700, 95K)

And you're a retarded fujo, cope

It's the ErwLmod, you should just ignore her, she is bipolar and a depressive person

Attached: Dt4iEu3VAAEVCEn (1).jpg (713x1000, 130K)

It's English word. I talk about EM only in context of inevitable Mikasa's development because Eren has been the most important person in her life for years. In Mikasa's head EM never was dead so now she has to get over Eren.

Attached: DrIR5HUXgAAof6e.jpg (903x1200, 150K)

Stop replying to the EMfag, she clearly has autism and anxiety.

>still going on about EM
maybe you're the one with the obsession. Em is shit because there's no development and it's poorly done, muh toxic shit is spiel for sjw mentally handicapped dumblrfujos like you

I swear I don't even understand your sperging

You just described yourself you suicidal poontang

>EAfat(pedo) samefagging again

Attached: 1473294360242.jpg (1024x680, 78K)

My mass murderer can't be this cute!

Attached: 73bc9123ed22f76e7d6372814ff0a7d0.jpg (467x427, 34K)

No need to confirm you are retarded, I already knew

Based ErwLmod revealing herself. Manlet killed Erwin, get over it


>gets triggered by one (1) word

Is this a new level of autism?

Attached: 92byl043edx11.png (324x323, 50K)


Attached: 9c1ea452e24067b27bc598c2b857894a.jpg (500x625, 83K)

>Manlet killed Erwin
And? Are you that much of manletwhale that you have to continually talk about it? Sorry manlet is a cripple now, I'm sure you'll live and find a new object to your fujo lust

Comfy LH

Attached: 9088e98fab0d8924e2a89076cf6e947b--levi-ackerman-shingeki-no-kyojin.jpg (544x533, 44K)

You dumblrfaggots should all gas yourself that's why

Endgame right here, brothers.

Attached: 17.jpg (500x459, 54K)

Attached: 1552406879336.jpg (640x618, 84K)

why not, cuck bort and reiner while we're at it

Attached: juza steals your bitch.gif (346x259, 58K)


Your behavior is UNHEALTHY

What does Bort have to do with EH?

Attached: 19 (2).png (1024x1536, 935K)

Eren loves Historia and Historia loves Eren

But at least I'm not a dumblrFAGGOT like you

This is Hajime Isayama. Say something mean to him.

Attached: 2 (2).jpg (409x400, 22K)

Attached: S90313-043544(1).jpg (720x994, 471K)


steel yourself mortal, for i am implying HEMA

Attached: jack ignorant scientists.jpg (1280x720, 97K)


>muh dumblr

You're retarded, but whatever helps you sleep at night.

Attached: 1552154213775.gif (400x225, 1.89M)

>fujos are seething

I can't possibly be more retarded than you manletfujo

floch "sub to pewdiepie" forster

>EMfag gets upset
My sides

Dumb fujo

Attached: Attack.on.Titan.full.1513359.jpg (620x620, 380K)

This didn't happen because Hange's beauty distracted him.

>manlet fujo
>Endless paranoia: the thread

Attached: 1552096009793.gif (815x815, 818K)

Attached: DPYPuWbUEAEVYsg.jpg (680x456, 29K)

>t. dumb fujo


Attached: Zeeke.png (338x477, 119K)

I would explode myself too to make Hans hug me and do mouth to mouth.

Attached: e542779391444da0a5d64818e702d92b.jpg (710x960, 91K)

Attached: shooter.png (929x1184, 878K)

we need the edit now

Attached: 73553304_p6_master1200.jpg (550x779, 197K)

Isayama said himself that Mikasa's obsession with Eren was pathetic, and we see examples of her depency being a hindrance for both characters more than once in the actual manga. Not sure why the word triggers you but that's a textbook definition of a toxic relationship i.e. one that's unfavorable to you and/or the other person involved because of your and/or the other person's attitude.

floch "say joy lane" forster

>then Keith sees Zeke's colossal dick and kills himself

>still talking about EM
A U T I S M. You dumblr have lost touch with reality

Did he deserve it?

Attached: D0y40bOVsAAeKmL.jpg (756x919, 83K)

>implying zeke has a dick

Half priced

Attached: 53001209-74C5-492E-A5F7-857A42FF3287.jpg (776x3552, 1.19M)

Yep, you're beyond triggered.

Attached: c74.jpg (1280x752, 224K)

I wouldn't say he was the biggest defender of Eren in the early days, but he might have been the most important.
I feel like they didn't need to outright kill him, Eren could have just had him held in quarters while they do what they need to do.. as a repayment of favor.

>''LHfag constantly spam their ship every thread''
>ignoring EA and EH
sasuga shitren self-inserter


Attached: 9F73E25F-6C95-4F25-838E-8FEA5CAC02D1.jpg (500x484, 46K)

>muh triggers
based safe space user

Attached: foo.png (926x395, 385K)



Attached: D1t4wtNXQAEMWYc.jpg (800x1200, 202K)

Based Floch knows he will miss so doesn't aim directly at Historia on purpose to hit her.

I don't have the font.

Attached: 344.jpg (1066x568, 470K)


Zackley wanted to get Eren in the shit machine, he never saw him as anything more than a weapon that should be disposed of in case it went out of control (which is what happened). And even beyond the that, the best way to bring chaos to the government was to get rid of the head of state.

Attached: Screenshot_20190315-200224.jpg (695x565, 234K)


Attached: D1t4xc6WoAA8ai9.jpg (800x1200, 240K)

Someone needs to do Floch vs Gabo

Attached: D1t4yJ2WkAAApr7.jpg (800x1200, 229K)

Those edits of kid Hisu being bullied always make me kek

Attached: 1533085077992.png (655x1442, 818K)

Welcome animeonlyfag

oh fuck

Attached: trash.png (815x782, 421K)

no, he was based as fuck, floch "viva las paid actors my ass" forster is off his fucking rocker for killing the homie

Attached: floch.jpg (1060x1060, 180K)


Reminder that MA is only for tender love.

Attached: 36122769_big_p6.jpg (1000x1000, 469K)

no, it's for hate fucking

Attached: 78666669.jpg (1000x1000, 204K)

what I don't get is how people always call Floch an asshole but never think the true reason hes that way, I think its because he took Erwin's words of having to become a demon to heart, that's probably a big reason why he is doing all that stuff, because he sees it as necessary to win in the end

No, it's for tender love that heals.

Attached: 39245941_big_p2.jpg (1500x1800, 1.7M)

>there are people who legitimately think that its Grisha in the final panel

>that heals.
from the last night hate fucking

Attached: 1539395698924.jpg (1000x1000, 137K)

Nah, just tender love making.

Attached: 1399251759997.jpg (850x897, 313K)

He was mean to Keith and to the SL moralfags so ledittors hate him now

That's just an excuse, the reality is that Floch is a weak bitch high on power and self-importance.