Why was she left to rot in some dungeon at the end of the series?
Why was she left to rot in some dungeon at the end of the series?
Cause hollows are filth
she was left as a cum dump for later.
Because kubo is a bad writer
I dropped it when Ichigo attacked Aizen from behind and Aizen had a completely bullshit magic shield just for the spot on his neck where Ichigo attacked.
Didn't she get killed by the ice shota? Or the old master dude?
I know the old master dude fucked up her underlings but left them alive.
Kubo forgot tm
Why did best boy die
She's fine. She's ruling over HM with Nel.
He had guns in a sword manga
Yeah but he had a loli too
a good loli at that.
beams and projectiles are ok
if they come from a sword or a bow
or you're a Sternritter that turns into an immortal infinitely duplicating chicken
brown girls is a meme fetish
Yea Forumsased and red/pol/ed
you need to go back.
She isn't 3D, you cunt.
Is Hueco Mundo now basically run by mostly woman now ?
The information I got seems to show that the survive Arrancar
are mostly all female
yep thats it i think im going to spank it to harribel wish me luck
This guy is still alive. Also, the three jobbers at the entrance are alive also.
No, and it's easily proven by the fact that there are no rape dungeon doujins.
is that the manga with the depressed guy who just goes on a fuck crusade?
Someone, please post Bleach waifu tiers