
New opening tomorrow

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Other urls found in this thread:!RNZVCS4K!oxrVBwi87xh2YdFBO8KN8dlCURhBeWT7KGSzAjd6Xeg!IMVAnRwK!o7zkBqew0aiRv9_8FSzCXA!DBp3FI5L!9YvXwrkr5oC9LZ9aWaNc353OMAospdN0R18lSnFUyD4

Can't wait

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>that time Reimi guest wrote a chapter of jojo

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Why would Reimi write such filth? Is it her fetish?

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Kino Aureo

In the last episode the OP theme will keep repeating for 24 minutes.

post best JoHo

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Are we going to get a third OP?

>part 5 ending is so boring even the characters fall asleep
you can't make this shit up

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why does Gyro have tits?

More than likely not. 2 openings that switch at the halfway mark. There wouldn't be room for another opening unless it's only for 1 or 2 episodes.

Do you guys like la squadra?

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Cute moment!

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when will the show get decent at least?

Because hes trans.

What will the new op sound like?

yes but never post that monstrosity again

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When the part 6 anime starts.

there are some really good fights coming up

When the part 7 anime starts

Ep 1

Favourite Tumblr theory


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Now this is some quality ship

Wait, so did Dio have the gay sex with Pucci?
They were sitting in his bed and Dio was shirtless
Straight dudes don't do that...

It's not gay because Dio isn't human.



Good, Fighting Gold seems like a parody of some kind.

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Giorno inherited that Dio charm.

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No he didnt, Mista is just that much of a faggot


where is this from?


part 6 ch 128 page 15

>14 y/o

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Does Giorno even exist in the sbrverse? Araki killed Diego twice

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Quick jojo history question, been trying to figure out the question myself for the past 30~ mins
>JJBA has been going on since the 80s ; national achievement japan loves it
>Got multiple spin offs / video game tie ins
>Made two OVAs (Phantom Blood / Stardust Crusaders) in 2000
>Hated by most people, including Araki himself
>Radio silence for 10years outside manga and a few other things
>Suddenly there's an anime in 2012 with the announcement of the PS3 fighting game
Does anyone know what caused the "spark" for David Productions and Jojo? Was there ever an interview that someone in David / Araki himself did that said "This is why there was no jojo, but suddenly jojo"

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25 anniversary

The SDC OVA was hated?

>pucci posting nigger
Opinion discarded

More like new opening for today if you're in one of the select few regions who can listen to it :^)


Nah, it's gonna be Fighting Gold until the end.


>Yang Gang discord trannies

it's fake, you cant even play the track

but he 's best boy

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Fighting Gold will always be the best JoJo opening

fight me

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25th Anniversary, it got a game for the PS3 and a budget anime from a no name studio, turned out the anime was made by fans for fans, turned out quite successful and they just kept going from there.

On the record, araki said that they’re like two friends hanging out on a weekend and shooting the breeze. There’s no homo subtext at all.

that's because it's not out in Western servers, user

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>not reading colorized


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If you didn't like part 4 you should just quit the series it'll never get good for you

>curbstomping a random during your stakeout

Low effort bait

confirmed or what?

I'm pissed we only got to see this stand in action once

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how did these retards get so far.

Narancia couldnt get through middle school

Why no Speedwagon bastards or legit offspring?

So japs can listen to it? What are they saying?

>Hated by most people, including Araki himself
>Radio silence for 10years outside manga and a few other things
ur mistake is ignoring the doujin game/manga community in japan and abroad
the 2hu community in particular was spewing jojo/hnk memes weekly during those "10 years of silence"
Jojo was a cult classic before it hit mainstream, and that cult never let the jojo tropes fade into obscurity


Because it's shit in every way possible except for animation?

He's talking out of his ass


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holy fuck where is the upload

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Only if you eat my ass.

I tried using japanese ip via vpn and it still wouldnt play
probably some epic shoops

>tfw no Karen Aoki gf to spend the rest of the Great Days with

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uwu *eats ass*!RNZVCS4K!oxrVBwi87xh2YdFBO8KN8dlCURhBeWT7KGSzAjd6Xeg

nice dolphin porn

It's actually the english version.

Engrish is so weird

For once my ass eating skills paid off


Not sure what to think. Need to hear the Japanese version.

agreed, need to see the visuals as well. though i do like the song itself, lyrics aside

>worst part gets shit openings

It's in engrish, not JP version, retard

this is pretty bad. I hope the japanese version is going to sound better.

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i can imagine king crimson scene skipping the opening scene starting from 2:24.

Someone pls upload to youtube or something, im on my ancient phone

Engrish sounds like shit but I really like the overall feel of the song. Can't wait for the JP version

You should know that part haters are desperate fags

The start was good but as it kept going, the ending started to lack a lot, but again this is the English version, so it could be just bad lyrics or just terrible English singing voice.

Is this actually it? Oh shit

English versions were a mistake

new ED will be gangsters paradise

Hope that jp version is better.

Reminder to wait for the jap version

you just know the part at 2:25 is gonna be a KC edit

Someone uploaded it to youtube

I love the tone of it. English singing isn't good though, if the japanese singing's good I can see this working well.


Anyone know when the nip version is leaking? The engrish is making me cringe.

I can't even make out the words so don't care if it's engrish - it's great.

Even with the english singing, this is, dare I say it... KINO

no its fucking GANGSTER

I like this more than Fighting Gold already

The first 30 seconds are unnecessary and will get boring. The song after that is great.

Engrish is terrible but I like the song, you can tell the jap version is gonna be much better

Higher quality audio in this vid,

>Engrish being a bad thing at Jojo openings

it's shit

Its good in small dosis

The full versions aren't always reflective of how the actual OP is stitched together, but I do like the opening 30 seconds. The violin leading into the singing is hype as hell too.

Sorry, i don't fight retards.

Song is good. Predict the visuals.

holy shit, it's amazing

no, YOU'RE amazing user

i think it will be kinda like CNBT that each ep will have some more visuals as the story progresses

3 minutes and 31 seconds of just this

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Music is fine but holy shit the voice sucks

but the real traitor is Giorno

No squadra

This might be worse than Great Days

No Fugo

Pic has to be in it

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Thats a given since GD is best op

I wonder how long and how much money they paid for this trash
what the fuck is going on over at dp?
this is the 2nd worst after crash
just give me some fucking breakdown idc if we have to reuse it



Keep in mind it's the english version. If the japanese vocals are actually good this'll be a strong OP contender. 2:24 and the reprisal after is fucking godlike.

Perhaps just the King Crimson face.

>after crash
ooga booga

crash and shouting tongue

The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

Crush (Actual censor seeing that theyre using the same ones from EOH) and Speaking Head (my guess)

Why do they even bother with English versions? Nobody likes them

Eng. Great Days > Eng. TR

I'm not sure why the fuck they bother doing English versions of the OPs. I only liked the English Great Days but that's mostly because of the chick that backed up the guy's singing.

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worst arc of the part tomorrow

Reminds me of an AoT opening honestly. I dig it, it's got a stronger feel to it than FG.

Higher quality here

I liked the my soul shines part from english Fighting Gold.

His voice is fine when he's not speaking terrible Engrish.

Anyway I can make out some elements of the song that I really like but it's hard to make out with the distracting lyrics.

Lol that intro sounds like a James Bond movie

I was thinking the same

I like you


I think I realised why

I only tried Engrish GD and FG once. Never again.

Let's be honest, this is by far the worst opening so far


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Anyone else think its a duet between Bruno and Giorno

"My fears gone after i've betrayed my god"
"only rage in my faithful world since i've betrayed my god"

Those lyrics make no sense with Giorno but make perfect sense with Bruno

Based future user

>worst OP
>with that kino 30 second opener

not a fair comparison

Shit opening, ugh, worse than Chase

Bruno is the real MC of part 5, after all.

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There's no way there will ever be a kino moment as Great Days playing with all the previous OP artists

Will we ever get a happy op again? Everything after part 4 is sad shit.

Who would be Dio's Hermes? Vanilla Ice? Bruno?

I can already feel the japanese version is going to be fucking amazing.

But chase is the best OP

Bruno is the MC. Why would the lyrics talk about irrelevant side character like Giorno?

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Bruno is such a little bitch for betraying his sugar daddy.

Calling it now
Best OP by the time the part ends.

this has potenial to be the best op of the series with good jap vocals and visuals

Maybe for part 8?

the first 30 seconds are kino
rest is eh

Nothing is worse than Chase user, nothing

You got it backwards.

2:24 sounds interesting

>Not liking 1:02
The backing choir alone is making this song, imagine how good it's going to sound in japanese

I think that part is where they're going to do something crazy in the last eps

>people unironically dont like chase
i bet they are the lind of people any loud muisc "just noise"

Why the fuck is there even an English version out this early, and how is it the only one available here in the west?

The way he sings the first part
sounds like it will be in the jap version as well, like in Great Days

dumb chasefag

This is probably the best OP with jap vocals

Got released on spotify for some reason.

Doppio in it?

>Started listening to batta because of that OP
It's not even grating enough to be called a pleb filter. I don't know how people who watch a show that jerks off music can be so bad at actually listening to music.

>TFW your right hand man eats himself with his Stand right in front of you after you revive him to kill the intruders in your house.

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I'm at work, is the new opening Chase 2 or Great Days 2?

>And makes a hole in your door.

Series filler list when?


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Doppio isn't important

Do not reply to Joshuposters

Golden Wind 2 but with more guitars

It's fighting gold 2.

It's more like Sono Chi No Sadame if anything


Doppio is the main villain

It's an amazing song, that's all you need to know.

>Character whose Stand reflects his slender, athletic build.
>turn him into an unhealthy fatass
maybe one day if you dial down on those hoho's, trannies.

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You must not be allowed to exist


There is definitely going to be an edited OP at the end

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GER will cancel the OP

>no squadra op
>carne and the other guard shitters are probably included in the new op
All of my keks

Imagine the fucking animation that'll play at 1:02 in the OP

I approve

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I like the guards aside from Carne

Neither was Fugo but look at him

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Beginning is pretty shit but it does get better. I prefer fighting gold but this is not bad either, It would be much better if the vocals were stronger

You know what, i take my words back, i actually like this song.

First 20 seconds play. Suddenly 2:25

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Japanese version is going to sound much better, engrish is always weird.

It sounds like 70s-80s prog rock, the vocals are a lot similar to Queen at moments

Hopefully you'll be right, the music definitely has more potential than this.

The 2nd OP will probably get a cool twist like Great Days got the Bites the Dust version.

>prog rock

In fact, you can already tell it's going to happen around 02:25.

Their early stuff can certainly fall under that category, like off their first two albums. It's mostly the guitar tones that are similar, like at 2:40.

I cant understand a single word in this song except golden wind and requiem.

queen is not prog rock you stupid fuck, its far too simple

What spoilers do you think they're going to put?

I got a traitor´s boner now.

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Eh, hardly.

I'm not talking about the pop shit they did in the 80s, only their first 2 (maybe 3) albums certainly had a prog rock influence.

Zombie Bruno


Spice Girl

if they put polnareff in the op I'm gonna be mad

no, theyll have her do a koichi pose until Notorious BIG.


I just want to see my razor boyfriend in the op, its the only thing Im asking for

>Guard Squad
>Spice Girl
>Diavolo face mold and split personality
>Sleeping Slaves

bros i unironically liked chase, what's so bad about it?

It's the worst Jojo OP but it isn't bad.

nothing, it matched the tone of the 2nd third of part 4 perfectly well.

Man why is Purple Haze so cool.
Why did Fugo have to get written out and not Giorno or Narancia

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.34_[2019.03.1 (1280x720, 130K)

I hope whoever drew this (even if ironically) stops existing.

People have an idea of how a jojo op should sound. Chase is kinda weird when you compare it to other ops, its something you expect from Naruto.

alright, ive listened to this again and this is 100% going to be the best jojo op. even with the shitty engrish and bad sound quality it sounds amazing

I know such a waste of potential character development and awesome stand gone out the window. Fucking Araki


MHA Openings or JoJo Openings?

MHA is fucking shit

bros, im playing this new OP on loop, its so good

Just wait for the PHF OVA

how much will anime only normies sperg out when Polnareff shows up

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This. 1:02 is such a fucking killer end to a song

just read part 5 and this was a ridiculous asspull

tho not any worse than jotaro being able to stop time or whatever the fuck happened with Kars and the Volcano

It's too edgy. But still pretty good.

waiting until the end of time

I'm playing it on loop while riding my BBC dildo, feels so good.


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No idea why araki wasted Fugo so much.

Abacchio was easily the most boring of the group and had the most boring stand

Holy shit, I can't stop listening to this song. I can't wait for the superior japanese version.

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Alright goys I have the jap version aswell. Should I upload it or wait till you see the whole thing tomorrow?

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How was it an asspull? We already knew that the one who gets the arrow wins.

fug i can't wait for doppio vs risotto

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Nah, Abbachio is based.
Narancia is shit and useless

he originally wanted him to be the boss's spy and giorno to kill him since he gained immunity against purple haze during the man in the mirror arc
couldn't do it tho since he was betrayed irl or something

how did his hair change

Please upload it!

No you don't

GER isnt an asspull

I don't know if I'm ready for green eyes anime Doppio

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Reminder that if Fugo stayed in as traitor he probably kills Narancia, and part 5 would have a better second half due to better character depth from others instead of only Bruno.

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i dont believe you, but i want it

It didn't, he has it gelled up and in a ponytail

I actually read part 5 thinking he was Diavolo.

I was semi-spoiled about king crimson fucking with time and the boss being a hidden member of the mob. Because his stand used time and he looked like a dick I thought Abacchio was boss

>New opening
>But clash and talking head is the next arc

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Does the hair bother you that much over becoming twice as tall and gaining pounds of muscle?

>Not liking Abba
>Not liking Moody Blues

na i meant fugo
abbachio's a cool dude

the "asspull" has a 20 chapter arc based solely around it

Hidden under his sweater

They could just have a guy in a wheelchair in shadow.

risotto negro lmao

Did he hide longer bones there aswell?

Some parts sound like motherfucking King Crimson, dude.

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So this is just the English version, right? The vocals are the only weak part.

Either way, I like this one way more than Fighting Gold.

Nero isn't black........

reminds me of

How the fuck is Jotaro stopping time an aspull when he was doing it from like half the fucking manga. Did you even read the D'arby poker chapters?

New opening here

>Nero stayed around to mourn his boys

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.40_[2019.03.1 (1280x720, 72K)

Upload it already, I need to listen to it.

I wish we got some sort of hint as to why Diavolo had a split personality. It's a huge thing to just leave out

Polnareff hinted at childhood trauma but it's never confirmed


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The ultimate identity protection

how does this fit so well
was it intentional

Holly shit new opening is gonna be pure hype in JP, i hate part 3 btw.

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it is outright stated he grows taller and completely shifts his body-mass to become more muscular. his hair changing isn't any less insane.

Not him, but i never believed that Jotaro stopped time before his fight with DIO, all that can be explained with saying that Star Platinum is just pretty fast

DID is formed from childhood trauma

holy shit lmao
always thought he used star platinum faster than his eye could see but yours makes sense too

shit taste

Star Platinum has a very limited range. How did it grab a drink from so far away?

It's literally the worst, retard


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Also this.

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Fuck off thats Chase

wrong, there are 4 that are worse.

Fighting Gold is the second best opening now.

Don't upload it.

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That's because he could barely stop it for a second.

name 1 (ONE) just one good thing about part 3
hard mode - no DIO

I wasn't going to upload it anyway, fuck fujos and fuck niggers. It does sound waaaay better. Also if you're not retarded you might be able to rip the song yourself.

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hol horse

upload it i dare you


>yfw no new opening

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not him but Polnareff

jackie chan

Yeah Diavolo needed a real backstory. It's weak to have a random psycho as your whole story's ultimate villain. Why was he so goddamn evil to begin with? He killed his mother and burned an entire village when he got found out. Alright so he had a split personality.. from trauma? He was supposed to have a fairly happy life from the tidbits we got. Maybe his mother abused him and that's why he offed her? I dunno, all of this should have been explained.
Also the split personality thing is weak, since Diavolo is the real one. So I assume he was a bitter kid that got abused and created Doppio to fool everyone into thinking he was fine while he was actually planning revenge.

And the most important thing not making sense is why he doesn't want people finding out about him. The whole part is set in motion because this guy absolutely doesn't want people looking at him yet he also wanted to become King Mafia on Italy and managed to do it developing one of the strongest Stands ever. I dunno, Part 5 is pretty filler but it sucks to know Araki could have expanded on him after the Godsend that were Kira and DIO (who had Phantom Blood as his backstory).

The humor and gags
The entirety of Vanilla Ice
i said please user

Polnareff and Iggy vs Vanilla Ice

will literally suck your dick for it

Better quality here

Here's the game itself (not the version I'm personally using, it should be easy to find a better download out there)!IMVAnRwK!o7zkBqew0aiRv9_8FSzCXA

Custom emulator build:
Alternatively, try

PS3 firmware (required to run any game):

.save file with unlocked characters:!DBp3FI5L!9YvXwrkr5oC9LZ9aWaNc353OMAospdN0R18lSnFUyD4

use this to play online multiplayer:

Here's a fix for the DLC issue (game doesn't start), but I can't guarantee it will work

Attached: 4K All Star Battle on PC.jpg (1920x3066, 3.47M)

This shit is obviously fake.

Hol Horse
D'Arby brothers
Pet Shop

Just on top of my head

I hated part 3 but the card game fight was really fucking good

The camaraderie between the Crusaders. Rewatched SC with my family and while they aknowledged it dragged on for some parts
>They STILL gotta face more obstacles before DIO?
it was still fun to see this band of guys exploring different cities saying little facts about the places they were visiting and shittalking Polnareff. It was like a mature Slice of Life anime, like Part 4 but this one was more adult.

Well I uploaded the english version.

Older D'arby
Younger D'arby
Old Joseph
Pet Shop
Vanilla Ice

>It's weak to have a random psycho as your whole story's ultimate villain. Why was he so goddamn evil to begin with?
>proceeds to praise Dio and Kira
Do you need to be spoonfed everything? If Diavolo's flashback also had a single line saying "but in fact, he was secretly born evil!" would that make him more likable to you?

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Did he actually do anything wrong? Think about it logically

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Did he actually do anything right?

I always thought that was the point. Its normal not much is known about a secretive guy like him, and whats known is confusing af.


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After everyone else already did.

Did they get aroused when they saw Avdol pounding Joseph's ass?


Of course you'd need to change the whole chapter so it doesn't sound that retarded. Part 7 had a nice chapter dedicated to Gyro's childhood. Part 5 could have suddenly started a chapter with a pink-haired boy talking to a dog that ignores him, then his mother does something bad to him so we feel bad for lil Diavolo, and once she goes away he murders the dog Araki-style. And some more stuff like that showing he was always a crazy kid until one day something happens (maybe a car crash?) that makes him split his personality and develop a Stand to save himself.

Araki is good with that kind of stuff. Of course Kira didn't need it, but that's because we got several chapters dedicated to living with Kira. That's fine too.

I'm so glad you're not a writer. Keep it that way.

No, it was just funny to them. I was the only one aroused and uncomfortable at the scene, apparently.



who makes these

Sissy slut.

Even if you don't like the song you have to admit the visuals for Chase are beautiful.

am i hearing shit or is that straight from the court of the crimson king

Chase is good

Japanese version leaked!

bros, I want to see it

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It sounds similar

lmao are the engrish versions always this shit?

They better keep Johnny's VA from ASB

You forgot to mention that Volume 62 cover is based on DIO's album cover Holy Diver.

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No since he's koichi

how do i 1080 atleast?

It's good, still prefer FIGHTING GOLD, but I guess that's because the vocals are not as good.

Recently reread part 6, god was that shit awful.I hope they animate it next year so we can get to part 7 faster

>had a good chuckle at Diavolo's diabolical daughter last night
>see this
>Fugo is now apparently Bruno's right hand man and Narancia is the one who stayed behind
Jesus fuck who do they have write this shit?

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Keep in mind it's the english version, japanese is tomorrow
fuck off partshitter


>reread part 6
Why would you do that to yourself?

>SBR folder got deleted
>no time for reread

I think they're going to run out of VAs soon. Well Abbachio did voice younger D'Arby so they're already reusing people.

Fugo is Bruno's right hand man though.


"pistol pal"

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Some right hand man
He didn't do SHIT the entire part outside BITCH
like a WOMAN.

The vocals are unironically the worst part of JoJo OPs
Except for Tommy


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why are the kkk chinese


user how many VAs do you think there are in Japan

They're 56%

Just finished part 6
Can someone explain to me? I'm a bit of a brainlet
So Pucci kept accelerating time until the universe restarted?
Somehow Emporio survived this by being on a dolphin??
Then they appeared in the new world just as Jotaro was meeting Jolyne in the visiting room, but this time she had a 2 year sentence for a different crime?
Then how did she get out in time to be in the same car as Anakiss?
Or did time just keep accelerating until Pucci was finally dead?

pretty nice

less than jojo characters

He is white but he is so inbreed it carried over to chinaman. PURE WHITE AND BEAUTIFUL.

A few dozen maybe

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Yes Dolphins are faster than Pucci
Yes as soon as he went outside green dolphin nu Jolyne was there for some reason

No wonder fujos prefer Big Black Cock.

basically universe gets reset with half the characters going to heaven aka a timeline in which they can be happy and the other half reincarnating in an alternate timeline

Every living being survives the cycle
yes everyone who was alive appears in the new world, everyone who died appears differently
After Emporio killed Pucci the universe reset gain and a different jolyne that didnt go to jail was there since pucci never existed

desu, sono chi no sadame is still my favorite OP, and only part 4 has let me down so far.

Nah don't get me wrong, this is by far my favorite part, probably tied with part 4. Jolyn was a fucking great Jojo and the stand battles were a million times better than the laziness araki displayed in golden wind. im just tryna piece it all together


Negroes not allowed.

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>After Emporio killed Pucci the universe reset gain and a different jolyne that didnt go to jail was there since pucci never existed
ohhh, so this is technically the "3rd" universe?
1st: all the jojo parts
2nd: brief part where we see them in prison
3rd: everyone has different names and pucci never existed

based. You won't find answers here since everyone else is a bandwagonning shitposter

Shut up retard.

Opinions on new op song? Also how do we know it’s legit

nero means black, you can't have that as your name unless you are

>6 has better battles than 5
This has to be bait.
You're right about Jolyne tho.


not feeling this one so far. i like how it starts, and then it's just alright.

holding out for jp version to change my mind

>Pucci accelerates time until the universe ends and restarts
>at this time, the universe is exactly how it was except that everyone Pucci personally killed after achieving Made in Heaven is replaced with a doppelganger who lives the same life
>Everyone in the universe will now know about their fate since they lived through it already, like if everyone had Epitaph on at all times but couldn't do anything to change their fate
>Pucci needs to reach a certain point in time to cement this but stops to kill Emporio first
>he dies, the universe restarts again but without his existence this time
>Jolyne is now Irene because the Joestar war against Dio is over

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aight that all makes sense
one last question:
does SBR take place in the 2nd or 3rd universe?

There was a kid that looked like Giorno before he went blonde in Jojolion

none its an alternate universe.

SBR is the 4th universe, not connected to the others in any way

It's the ENG version. Imagine if we only had Fighting Gold's ENG version.

Boys, we got a TRANNY NIGGER over here.

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makes sense now, thank you


>new rhythm OP inspired by "live or let die"


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Is part 8 protagonist Johnny's son or grandson?

you're gonna have to take a look at the incredibly complicated family tree to find that out

No, it's Yoshikage Kira.

Dude how fucking hard it is to read the fucking manga? Or just google it, retard.

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okuyasu's nephew

technically he's jonny's great grandson or some shit

I knew I was hearing that.

If we had Fighting Gold's ENG version at least I'd still like the melody of the song


all you speed reading zoomers got the jolyne, jolyne, jolyne, joooooooooolyneeeeee reference in part 6 right?

>Yoshikage Kira
>Not JOshikage
Araki is a hack confirmed

> Whole song mentioning requiem, fighting gold, traitors...
Nah it's legit

He's Jotaro Kujo too, so it's okay.

I can't wait for animeonlies to lose their shit when this gets animated

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SBR and Jojolion won't be animated for many, many years, if at all.

>some animeonlies will still be animeonlies when part 8 airs

I hope they make the scene when yasuho is wandering around town under the effect of tsurgi's stand trippy as fuck

>Part 8 airs
we will all be dead by then

recording now will upload.

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (1197x370, 79K)

You're late.


Part 6 didn't get good until Jotaro jobbed though

My guess is SO starts June 2020
The gap between DIU and GW was a lot longer than it was between the other series, so it may be even longer this time



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how come Dio had such ugly looking sons

I want to know who it is Dio fucked that Ungalo came out looking the way he does

Legal in the 19th century

Risotto standing on a pile of the corpses of his squad

Rikiel is cute

oooh that would be great

shuunen sa dakara I chase youuuuuuu

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Have you seen their grandfather?

just to cement the fact that they're le evil sons whereas giogio is the good one so he's qt

i didnt but thats really cool. which part was it at?

yeah, but araki still sexualised her.
in the 21th century

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goo goo fight
whoever has that stand only calls jolyne by singing her name like she's singing the song joline by dolly parton

New opening sounds really good. Much better than Fighting Gold. I don't even really mind the Engrish vocals though I'm sure the Japanese vocals wills till sound better.

Its the worst one actually

Jotaro vs D'arby

>what is Stand Proud

They're for when the dub catches up

Bloody Stream is the best anime opening of this decade, change my mind

It's top tier but I don't know which I prefer between Bloody Stream, Great Days, or tentatively the new one.

>Bloody Stream
>Great Days

Better than Chase

reminder that all discordtranny le ebin frog spam falls under extremely low quality

Not saying Coda's perfomance is bad, but the instrumental composition is what makes it a classic (was he any worse in Fighting Gold?)
Same for Great Days

The virgin Cruel Angel's Thesis composers
The chad Great Days composers

Official Ranking by Araki itself:
Great Days 9
Bloody Stream 8.5
SoNo Chi No Sadame & Stand Proud 8
End of the World 7.5
Fighting gold 7
Chase 5

What kind of trick are they gonna pull? They've already revealed King Crimson and its power so there's no place where it really makes sense to fuck with the OP

Fighting Gold was composed by the same person behind Bloody Stream, only the lyricist worked on Cruel Angel's Thesis

cruel angels thesis is shit, I have no idea why people love it so much other than the fact that mentioning it means they've seen DUDE EVANGELION THE BEST ANIMAY OF ALL TIME BRO END OF EVANGELION IS SO TRIPPY DUDE

Kill yourself.

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>there's no Japanese version and the Engrish is just the actual OP

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you first, pseud

The range is called "effective range" for a reason, the stands get exponentially weaker as they leave the range

I'd be fine with that. I doubt that's the case though. Mostly because the title of the song is in Japanese and we already know there have been openings with both Japanese and English versions.


Great Days is way too sugery and mild, it's meh, really overrated
Bloody Stream has the best musical composition and Sono Chi no Sadame is the most essential

Watch more anime.

25th Anniversary. It was a multimedia "event" that included the PS3 game, the first season of the anime and a bunch of other things like Jorge Joestar. If am not mistaking this "event" launched Jojolion as well.

Jojolion started in 2011, a year before the anime started. Maybe if the actual announcement was a year before that may be true. I don't know.

JoJolion started in 2011

I do, almost every anime since 2007 was basically trash anyway, and the osts are more bland than they were before. Even FMA: Brotherhood, although a better adaptation, has a soulless and shitty ost in comparison to the 2003 version


kinda disappointing desu, it's probably the best JoJo intro so far.

>Great Days is way too sugery and mild
That's exactly how I feel about Bloody Stream. It's just Coda talking.

And JoJo isn't trash?

New as fuck.

The Ku Krux Kran are a big time Asian Supremacy movement in Japan.

But it doesn't sound as mild and cute and gay as the vocals in GD, Coda has both velvet and more raspy parts in his vocals

I can show you my MAL profile, retard, if you want to, I bet I've seen more anime than you

ITS UP!!!!!!

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obviously no

Kill yourself.

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>we won’t see killer queen animated again for a while

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Anime Killer Queen looks a lot like the Part 8 one now that I think about it

I was reading old posts from when Jojolion started and towards the beginning people even on here weren't sure if Jojolion took place in the original universe, the SBR universe, or a separate one.

faith is JUST

You okay?

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post it


It's literally the catchiest fucking song ever made man, jesus fuck how is it so good

>josuke is kira
>koichi is a cute girl
>jotaro is a cute girl and also brother of kira
Araki went full Araki on part 8

Isn't SBR Kira is part Jotaro too?

Yes. Gappy is part Kira, who is part Jotaro, and part Josefumi, who is part Josuke and part Jotaro

Are we getting another preview image today?

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>jotaro stopping time is an asspull
>GER is an asspull
Based retard

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“GER is an asspull”fags are the worst kinds of people


yeah he's literally perfect for a frantic character like best jojo

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Johnny was never redeemed and ended the story the same person he was at the beginning change my mind

Sounds like the new OP is already better than Fighting Piss, but still, nothing comes close to Sono chi no sadame-Bloody stream-Great days trinity.

re read sbr

Attached: hair.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

I’ve reread it twice

this is my favorite moment in the entire manga

The characters are uncharismatic, their interactions feel forced and artificial most of the time, the stands are the most inconsistent in the series (next to part 6) and so retarded it can't be kino, the constant action is boring too and MotW formula often deranges the proper flow of the story (the pacing in the anime is also worse than in the manga). The arrow is intoduced too late, when we're like 70% into the story. The final fight is the dullest and the most anticlimactic one in the series and the ending is extremely underwhelming. Worst protagonist, zero chemistry with other characters. Worst antagonist (who doesn't deserve his cool stand), literally the beta cuck version of Dio. The humor is non existent (Mista has like two funny moments, that's all), the stakes are extremely low and I didn't feel any tension or drama, I also didn't care about the characters. And the only thing that's actually good about the adaptation is the music and sound design, which part 5 doesn't even deserve, because it's soulless trash and the worst Jojo part.

Get a brain scan

then you should know johnny had the best jojo development and saying he stayed the same till the end of the story is retarded. Is this bait?

why don't you like new op? it will only get better with jap language.

Jonathan's development >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Johnny's development

Someone whining about Johnny, Jolyne or Gappy's development is either a retard who is seeing what they want to see, or a retard fishing for (you)s and should not be responded to either way.

I like the song but ill judge the OP when I see the visuals.

Why didn't they just use hermit purple to find Kira?


Araki forgot
>inb4 headcanon

Based asukapost-poster

How did Jonathan develop?

honestly retarded. Jonathan went from being brave and physically weak to brave and physically strong. He died as he lived.

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I'm not that faggot but Jonathan went from being a carefree twelve-year-old who regularly acted like a childish little shit to being a grown man who was able to back up the convictions he had. His transformation is arguably the most dramatic of all the Jojos, but because of the time-difference it'd be fucked up if he wasn't.

Johnny and his development are still top tier and Jonathan is bottom tier, but Jonathan DID change a lot even if it wasn't as compelling as later characters.

From being alive to dead

More than Johnny

The only thing he did wrong is lose

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Tell him yourself


I fucking hate how characters in Jojolion are relevant for one arc.

the part isn't over yet

It might as well be. It's turned into a cuck show now.

Dumb cuckposter.

It's not, but it's sad that characters with cool stands like Joshu and Karera will never get a good fight.

How did Johnny develop?

lol you know yourself this isnt true.

Dumb cuck.


if yasuho's ex turns out to be an antagonist im hoping Joshu fights him, it'd be an interesting matchup for Joshu to fight his crush ex's lover.


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