Bungou Stray Dogs

Season 3 PV is out.

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Hopefully it's better than that awful movie

>S3 PV
>Most scenes are old.
What did he mean by this ?

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Bones' worst production fuck up of 2019 unless they fuck MHA S4 more.

Kenichi Suzumura cast as Katai Taiyama

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>rewatched the prequel arc after last thread
>tfw we'll never see anything that kino from this series again

Who knows, maybe they'll adapt more of the ln stories as padding.

>Lucklife is doing ED again
Take my money, Bones.
HYPE for dostoevsky keikaku being animated.
>maybe they'll adapt more of the ln stories
I'd be happy with an OVA like they did for the Kunikida x loli subway ep.
Just rewatch the same four episodes over and over again like I do.

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It wasn't that bad. We got a Chuuya vs a fucking enormous dragon fight.

How much will they be adapting?

Also Kyoka and Atsushi being cute together but yeah overall the movie wasn't very good

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Doppo looks like such a chad here

You know, you're the only user I've heard call him that. Usually people say kunikida.
probably not as far as "changing heartbeat to communicate in morse code." might end with dostoevsky being caught at the cafe and going to prison.

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I've already forgotten pretty much everything about the movie.

tl;dr dazai keikaku doori. also atsushi got raped as a child and the main villain was literally sanetoshi from mawaru penguindrum. also kyoka was useful.

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So s2 left off after the fall of moby dick... now we move into dostoevsky and the rats/russians. I wonder how far they'll get.

Was subway loli a one-time thing?

Yes, it was just ova based on the manga sidechapter. If you like loli you wouldn't want her to be with a stick up the ass guy like kunikida anyway.

I want a subway loli of my own...

Jared Fogle?


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They never get her cup size the same. Sometimes she looks like a b cup sometimes a fucking d cup.

I wonder if she has the ability to cut her breasts off and then heal them but alter the size they grow back to.

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Don't say degenerate things about yosano
she's probably just a b cup and sometimes wears padded push-up bras to look more oppai
ranpo's eyes are always half shut so she can't be subtle

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It's a valid question, who knows what the full potential of Thou Shalt Not Die is.
I want Yosano to butcher me then tenderly heal me back.

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What's the significance of Euler's formula?

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she's into ranpo ?

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I'd be surprised if we see the Hunting Dogs this season. Cannibalism arc is the most natural stopping point.

It's the most "beautiful" formula, of course someone like Kunikida would like it. Especially as a former maths teacher.

This, I can see them ending on Dazai/Fitzerald catching Dostoyevsky.
That'd be an amazing final scene.
Should leave us with enough time for 2-3 self-contained story episodes.

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Did you even watch the anime? Yes.
Probably. Everything after that is too messy and it's not even resolved in the manga yet.

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Man they just can't catch a break.

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In my defense, it's been a while.

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Meant for

>tfw share Kunikida’s hairstyle

Do you also have a notebook of your ideals?

>Government Hunting Dogs
How many factions we have in the series again?

Friendly reminder that this is written by someone that clearly has only read the Wikipedia pages of the writers they're allegedly basing their characters on.

Hunting Dogs
Decay of Angels
Armed Detectives Agency
Order of the Clocktower Knights
7th Circle
Special Ability Department

is that Kunikida?

>Enokido is going to die in fujo hell

It is not.