Would Capcom ever commission another DMC anime?

Would Capcom ever commission another DMC anime?

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If they do, I hope it features Nero. I always find him cooler than Dante.

Sons of Sparda arc is over. All the could do is a Sparda prequel since Nero is getting DMC6.

I'd prefer if they could just re-do the dub. They never let Reuben do more than one take on a single line...

ya marijose, deja de chingar con estos hilos

>Nero actually being competent and doing good business alongside Nico per ep
>comes home to Kyrie every now and then

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>Kyrie is just a phone

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>Saori Hayami gets another easy paycheck for Kyrie

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Look dude, I watch 99% of my stuff subbed but DMC ain't one. JYB's Nero is so fucking good.

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I would never prefer DMC subbed user, but if another anime did happen then the dub would come far later. JYB defines Nero.

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The English voice cast for DMC is just so fucking good, to the point I haven't even attempted to hear how the Japanese version sounds

I don't like Japanese Dante at all but Kouki Uchiyama as V makes a lot of sense.

This. People always say "sub over the dub" because they prefer the authenticity of the original voice. In DMC's case, since the franchise' inception, the English voice has always been the original audio (even in the Japanese releases up to DMC4 vanilla, the games only have ENG voice), while the Japanese audio is actually the dub.

Did Itsuno cast him intentionally?

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That part wouldn't be nearly as funny without the "I'll take that" at the end.

Don't forget when it pans to Nico and she's doing the pose

Griffon is a very precious sweet baby boy.

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Nah fuck that bird. He was looking for ways to kill dante since they met.

His hat is alive.

Isn't there a Netflix one being made?

Gonna miss those critters...

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Dead weight

Hopefully they will make him more upbeat than he was in the first anime.

no. crazy would drain to much money to animate.