Zombieland Saga

which baka zonbi would you settle down and start a family with?
>hurr durr they all have rotten wombs, especially Lily
no they don't, nothing is rotting we have seen from the entire first season that their bodies are capable of complex processes like crying, sweating or blushing.
there is ancient chinese magic afoot that suspends entropy and allows the body to function normally, so yes. they can be the mother to your children

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Other urls found in this thread:


What an awful OP

I would say Sakura, but Kotaro already has a claim on her, dagnabbit

With my cute wife Sakura, we'll restore Japan's birthrate together.

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One step at a time, Inui.

Well, to be fair Lily can't have a rotten womb because she has no womb

S2 when?

Next year.

u-ur an awful OP

How do I refill my semen fast? I wanna jack off to Saki-chan.

If you lick up all your semen it goes back into your balls so you can use it again

You can't breed with dead people you baka zombie!

Saki or Junko!

maybe even both

Junko, so I could listen to her singing to our child in her golden voice

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Kotaro’s really done it now

Is there a nude version of this pic? Asking for a friend

he's been breeding them all

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there's something really weird about all this but I can't quite put my finger on exactly what it is

Thread rez for my wife

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You fucking newfags to the idol side of otaku culture don't understand you should not sexualize the idols.

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Okay but what if I don't give a fuck about "idol culture" and I just enjoy the show because of the characters and the music?

Pregnant zombies is an impossibility.

zombies are impossible
chinese magical zombies with all their faculties can totally get preggers

Haven't people been attacked over sexualizing idols?

Junko ez. Pure showa era wife.l

I wanna shower her with my love!

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Is Tae a MRF?

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You are a perfectly straight guy. Would you rather kiss or give Lily head pats?

Attached: __hoshikawa_lily_zombie_land_saga_drawn_by_shiunga315__003f772805cf9316d71a21ab91e6b80e.jpg (800x800, 549K)

Would she want to eat the baby she has with you?

I'd rather squeeze her heart

The gas chamber.

Buy Lily an ice cream, give exactly two head pats, and say good bye.

I have never watched the show, but I find this zombie boy attractive, so I wouldn't mind kissing him.

only acceptable answer

>pregnant zombies

no, Tae would be protective and quizzical of her belly and then never leave the babies side

Why two?

That just seems about right. Three pats would also be acceptable though.

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This thread is sad.

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like Ai on the inside

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I going to fill her insides with happiness.
If you know what I mean.

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Hasn't she suffered enough?

you're going to make her pregnant?

You're going to feed her chipotle?


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innocent 29 year old toddler

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Dumb wota, go back

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>You will never have a toddler-like zombie cuddle against you and let you give her head pats while you sleep.

Why live? Life is meaningless...

How can a 29-year old retard be so cute?! What manner of sorcery is this?

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ancient chinese secret

I would impregnate Junko

You have to go back

k but like, Lily would be perfect for creampies you have to admit

Not even Yuugiri?

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>tfw nobody gave this piece of paper when I went to Ueno
3D Japan sucks

do not sexualize Tae she is for cuddles only

>Not sexualizing Yuugiri.
Literally imposible.

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>literal prostitute
Impossible not to lewd her. But for me it's Junko

Well, she is also a prostitute in everything but the name.

Fuck off with your “pure idol” trope

We need Tae to dock with Sakura. Yugiri already got docked.

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Greet the good morning Saga

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Oh come on. not this pic again. it's painful to see this pic.

Who would buy that? It would be depressing going into your living room and seeing that which you cannot have in full detail everyday.

There seriously aren't enough official pics of them as zombies... Really defeats the purpose of the zombie gimmick...

Tae is a fucking stick in that.

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it's a good thing idols are just corporate whores and aren't actually real people

Wait for halloween

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I think the main problem is they just can't think of anything that works so they just go with zombies on major holidays as the theme... I hope we get an easter zombie picture.

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I don't think Japanese are much into Easter.

thats a shame

she's so perfect

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Yuugiri in that sweater is so sexy.

True. As does Saki in that tracksuit.
But the real question is: What happened to Tae? Why is she so short and flat in that picture? Or is it just the perspective?

Is she ever not sexy though?

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Why is Yugiri wearing leather pants?

I just realized that Junko and Sakura are preggers there too. What the fuck.


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That's a cute Sakura-chan.

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I wish I was that bike.


>I wish I was that bike.
The yellow or the blue one?

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CUTE! Someone translate pls

>1:Thank you Kotarou-san
>1: Kotarou-san?
>K:Quick, go to sleep, baka-zombie


Sleepy zonbis

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It's shit, they made Tae flat, and Sakura small.

The unholiness and perversion of Nature that represents an undead pregnant?

a/ give me pictures of Saki chan that i can fap to

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You don’t need to sexualize them, they do that themselves when they’re busy getting railed out by fat old producers.


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That's a fat zombie butt

Argh god damn it I can't believe I missed out on buying the tickets to the Zombieland Saga live screening, despite being in Japan all week.
It's this Sunday but the ticket sales have closed.
Fuck damn it.

Haha imagine being in that building while Sakura's big butt slowly bumps into it haha

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I would have one last fap before i die

How will their first reunion in season 2 be like?

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what does her milk taste like?

Wait, are there more?

Not much, not really a show that caught on in the giantess community


Someone has a great view of ai's bottom...

>Does literally nothing
>Best girl
Is it possible for others to learn this power?

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I sense autistic frustration from that face.

None, it's just speculation. But there's no way it would be BEFORE next year.

It could be in autumn or winter. Depends on how much priority they give it.

I can't believe people hate Lily.

Believe it.

Doesn't matter what filthy gaijin think.

Lily is cute

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The only people who hate any of the girls are those who think that hating them makes their respective favourite appear more positive, for some reason. It's those people who start waifu-wars and fanbase-wars in here.

Agreed. But Lily isn't a girl.

Still no reason to hate him. Or Romero for that matter. All the zombies are great.

I mostly hate him because he keeps being shiped with Yuugiri. And that means that people keep putting him in pictures with her. I just want my Yuugiri pictures without Lily in them.

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U mad bro?

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No point in keep antagonizing him.

Well. I only said it because that one guy brought it up.

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>Hair biting

Just having a laugh

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Get a load of this

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Would have been funny if Yuugiri did that in the actual show and Tae tried to copy it.

Well if we finally get her backstory in season 2 she might get more pics with Xu Fu.
Don't know if you prefer that.

Him and every other man able to afford her

I'd prefer having more pics of her either alone or with any of the zombie girls.

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>A necrophilic gaijin and a rotten egg
Yeah, that sounds like the kinda nuclear family Abe wants.

>heart-shaped puffy vulva

There is also the chance with more Yuug/Junkers.

You would not get aroused by zombie's decaying, smelly body?

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Dead or alive, I doubt any man could resist Sakura's lewd body.

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Why is she so nervous about being naked?

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How this didn't happen to Tae's uniform at Saga Rock is beyond me

>Tae has no sense of modesty
>wouldn't stop dancing until someone in the group noticed

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Did they fix the QUALITY in episode 7?

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Sad thread

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Just let it die and we try I another time again.

cute egg

>you will never tease Saki by offering the five foot nothing womanlet upsies

I need kotaro dancing gifs urgently

>hfw you princess carry Saki around the house while teasing her about carrying her outside in public for everyone to see

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Happy now?

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Saki blushing at being girly is the best shit I swear

>you could pick her up and watch her struggle to escape until she finally gives up and lets you carry her around


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I want Saki to chide me for making our son a wuss but then cooing over him and kissing his boo boo anyway hypocritically

Not sure how well that would work out

If I crawled inside sakuras vagina would I die?

Yes eaten alive by the giant fetus maggots.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga - 08 [1080p]_2.webm (1920x1080, 2.3M)

Every night I go bed depressed because none of them are real and so I cannot literally sleep with them in my arms...


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It would be extremely painful

For who?

She's a very big girl.

For you

I want to raspberry Saki's tummy

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Dont sexualize my son!

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>tfw no REmake 2 mod where you play as Kotaro being stalked by Takeo Go for the heinous crime of making his son cry

I want to poke her belly button!

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I'm convinced Takeo's design is intentionally based on Mr. X.

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Doesn't even remotely look like him.
Takeo's just a stereotypical Yakuza-looking buff badass.


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I would a lily tho

Is it time again? You best vote for THE LEGENDARY zombie herself.

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Did my part

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me too for both Tae and Bocchi

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Sauce please?

for my cute wife Mei

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How is Tae so fucking adorable? I don't get it.

Just comes with the territory of being legendary

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No. Three head pats is clearly too much

Would Saki even be a good mother?

she would be the best mom

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Junko is the kind of girl who will be in distress as the guy she has a crush with could easily pass as her grandchild age-wise

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She's not *that* old. It's an even more distressing chronological proximity: Tatsumi-san's old enough to be her son.

*young enough

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How does Sakura manage to idoru? She's dummy thicc and the clap from her ass cheeks keeps drowning out the music and singing.

>She's dummy thicc and the clap from her ass cheeks keeps drowning out the music and singing.
And that is wrong .. how?



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Her genkiness grants her idol powers

Is she really that genki?
We saw her doing nothing but lying around.

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I wanna grab Ai's bandage-covered onions!

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Ai smells like onion confirmed

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What is she seeing?

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Ai has layers like a parfait

Ai is love.

Ai mai me Strawberry eggs~

Girls like her create mama’s boys

Saki would be like Stacy's mom.


if you remove the bandages the skin that's left is flaky and peely like the skin of an onion

How so

I'm a eggfag and i just finished fapping to Saki.... i'm conficted

>fapping to any of the girls
they are not for lewd except for Yuugiri I guess but I still don't feel good about it

Mariage with Yuugiri!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.13_[2019.02.17_18.33.00].jpg (1920x1080, 118K)

I've fapped to Ai, Saki and Sakura so too late

>not for lewd
Go away. You're not one of us.

Based and Eggpilled.

I've fapped to them all except Saki, she has such an unattractive personality.

Justify yourself.

>Fapping to personality

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Violent bitches aren't fappable. Ai gets a pass because burns are hot

>Violent bitches aren't fappable.
Looks like someone hasn't read the original Ghost in the Shell manga.
>tfw no fluffy haired chuuni gremlin gf

>He wouldn't tame the agressive biker using the power of love and dick
Big gay

What do you all want to see for a 2'nd season?
This might sound wierd coming from a Yuugirifag, but I don't actually want to have a backstory episode for her.
What I do want though, is a Yuugiri episode where they do a concert with Japanese folk music like Rin' with Yuugiri as lead singer.

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an episode centered around Kotaro's day off

>it's just about him eating at Saga's restaurants
>we don't even learn more about him as a person, he's just going to Flavortown
>like the manga

an R-18 ZLS

>I don't actually want to have a backstory episode for her.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.22_[2018.12.22_12.19.36].jpg (1280x720, 142K)

I don't think she needs one. I like her as the mature motherly character that's mostly in the background.


>tfw no Saki gf

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>>pregnant zombies
can zonbie get


Tokkou dance Tae is best girl

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I don't like this feel

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>tfw you and your zombie wife will never find a nice suburban home together
>tfw you and your zombie wife will never spend your days getting into sitcom shenanigans trying to hide her zombie-ness from your pesky neighbours

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Can someone tell Yugiri that bras exist

>hide her zombie-ness from your pesky neighbours

I think you'll need to worry more about hiding the fact that she's a teenager

Can you not


>Yugiri that bras exist
What is a bra sexist?

Guys please. There is nothing left to discuss. This is becoming very /ksg/ like.

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>There is nothing left to discuss.
Then why are people discussing things?
And you obvously dismiss the live event this weekend as "nothing". So maybe, if you don't want to discuss, you should just leave these threads to those of us who do.

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I think we still have a few thousand threads to go before we reach that point, though a break would be good, I'd just like to hear a S2 announcement first

Then let's discuss how sweet Tae's pee tastes.

At least post the rest.

How did such a good show produce such shit threads?
It's like a general comprised solely of babby's first seasonal waifu. The post:poster ratio is always at least 3:1, and you keep forcing them into existence despite having nothing to talk about.

>The post:poster ratio is always at least 3:1
What's bad about that? would you prefer a 1-to-1-ratio like in Darling-in-the-Franxx-threads? 3-to-1 means that some people are having a discussion, instead of it just being shitposts. (Admittedly, 4-to-1 or 5-to-1 would be better.)

Only Sakura, Ai, and [Spoiler]Masao[/spoiler] are under 18 tho.
It's perfectly okay to marry Junko, Yuugs or Saki.

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No, what it means is that the same small group of people are spamming the thread with the same mindless waifuRP every thread, repeating the same things endlessly, and saving it from page 10 when it's about to die a natural death, like with any cancerous general.
No healthy thread consistently has a poster ratio like this.

> they can be the mother to your children

Attached: 1552679554355.jpg (1920x1080, 113K)

>No healthy thread consistently has a poster ratio like this.
Yes, healthy threads do have a ratio like this. Are you literally retarded? If it had a ratio any higher, that would imply that rarely any discussions happen, as everyone just comes to shittpost and leave again. Look at the kinds of threads with ratios of 1-to-2 or ever closer to 1. If you really want that, you are truly a moron.

If you're so sure about that, attempt to impregnate the egg so we can know for certain.

Saki is the cutest 40 year old i've ever seen

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I'd let that cougar pounce on me.
If ya know what I mean.

>you will never have a bike dyke cougar senpai
>you will never go picking up chicks at bars with her
Everything is pain

It seems really important for these people that everyone gets to hear what body part of their favorite corpse they would sexually violate for the 15th time this week.

I want to tickle her tummy

I want to fuck Yugiri's inverted zombie nipples!

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>tfw no eternally 19 gen x biker gf

>Those legs

You know they're actually skinless and burned a good ways down through the muscle, right? Not like this makes them worse.

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I really like Saki and her relationship with the other characters, she's like a cool older sister.

Post Ai feets

Even if nothing major is announced on 17th, that doesn't mean there won't be S2. They will definitely announce it within this year.

Stay positive!

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>she's like a cool older sister
Unless it comes to Yuugiri, who she just respects as an equal. It's nice to have those more "real" relationship dynamics in the group, where each of the girls (and boy) fill more than just one consistent role.

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*girl (male)

>Even if nothing major is announced on 17th, that doesn't mean there won't be S2.
Unless they plan on releasing it this summer, I doubt they'd even announce it that soon. Could be, but half a year in advance would be a bit early.
Let's wait and see.

they were talking about Romero obviously

Attached: 1551689808099.jpg (850x646, 72K)

No, we weren't. And we are just one person, not royalty either. So no need to "they" us.

I wanna see pics of the Sagas doing wholesome things together in their jammies like this, but with the moe filter off.

>No, we weren't.
I know, I was joking obviously

even with the moe filter off, they're still cute

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I want to hug them

I want to impregnate a zombi idoru

Oh boy!

Attached: Cute boy.jpg (880x1500, 88K)

Cute dead burn victim lesbian

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Where is chikaeposter?

does anyone have the webm of Risa-chan doing the Chikae?

Show is a commentary on how idols are treated in the industry. Weeks still fawn over them. Way to miss the point

She fucking botched all of the Chikae. Tanechan made me sad

Sakura's wife is so cute

You have to go back

no u.

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I hope she won't accidentally eat the food

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I feel like that would be more of a worry with Tae

That's why they have her bus tables, plenty of table scraps

thats why Tae is bussing

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Cute dead Eighties celebrity

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When Tae was chasing Sakura in episode 1, did she just want a hug?

nope, they all thought she was dried squid

What are they saying here? They talking about tits?

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>Sakiposters and Junkofags aren't killing each other
>thread is boring and dead
Really makes you think

I don't see any oppai in there
>Nue Yugiri

Still not about breasts

>restore Japan's birthrate together.

Attached: N-NANI.jpg (150x150, 6K)

that's a っ, not a つ. it's to indicate a sudden stop

That just makes even less sense then. So it's just them saying, "hey!" back and forth?


There's something really, really wholesome about this image that I can't put my finger on.

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Skinless friend not having to hide who she is.

It's pretty rare to see her smile outside of performances, she has resting *tch* face

Do you expect something else between those two? They never talk with each other

Either Ai or Saki

>she has resting *tch* face
I see what you did there

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is everyone asleep or did you all get lives?

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I guess its just me without a life... haha

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still my favorite Saki webm

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Is Saki's song out yet?


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off to bed, hope someone links to the event tomorrow

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I got you user have a Saki

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The only answer is Tae.

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We in there lads!

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>does literally nothing
>implying she wasn't the MVP from start to finish

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I think she is awake, she's just...

Sakura got a job here because it's where Ai-senpai works.

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I really like the art in the first panel.

Wonder how Junkers would handle being decapitated. Frightened and humiliated by the reminder she's dead?

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Excited about potential S2 news coming tomorrow! But even if that doesn't happen, I still believe it will be announced within this year!

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I'm more concerned about how Yuugiri will handle it.

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Freezing up with flashbacks to her hanging. Then Lily rushes in to try and calm her back down, because she's a good daughter (male).

It might be something of a sore subject with her.

Would you?

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Help her discuss treatment options for spider veins? Sure

No. She belongs to Kotaro. (Literally.)

Under what legally binding contract?

>Under what legally binding contract?
The usual hostage/captor contract. And legally binding revival magic.

>revival magic
But that's Xu Fu who did it, not Kotaro.

Bartender guy is into Yuugiri. He gifted Sakura to Kotaro.

>Girl says one nice thing to you during highschool
>Devote your life to her
The producer is beta as fuck.

>The producer is beta as fuck.
Yeah, he's basically a 4channeller.

Attached: Baka Zonbis.gif (600x338, 2.07M)

>independently wealthy
>master composer and lyricist
>can effortlessly seduce women and men alike despite his immaturity and raging autism
>keeps the knowledge of the masters of practical effects from being lost to time
>acquaintances with a 2000+ year old immortal sorcerer
>finds happiness and fulfillment in the happiness and fulfillment of his oneitis and her friends
Meanwhile, you're just farting around on a Malaysian queer literature BBS. There's the real blackpill for you: you /could/ make things better for yourself, do everything you wanted to do when you were young and optimistic, but you don't want to because it's too hard and people you'll never meet might call your effort cringey. Stop being such sad cunts.

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If we get a S2 of Zombieland saga it would be nice if they would dare to make saki canon gay, like it felt implied in the current one but not outright. Kinda disappointing since Lily is explicitly a transgirl. Mappa has been kiling it with LGBT rep so I don't see why not.

This but unironically. And with Cornflakes as well as Pony.

Hey now, they don't BELONG to him, they just have nowhere else where they're safe. It's a symbiotic relationship, he gets to save Saga, and they get to not die (again)!

I'm not even sure they can be rekilled. They're some Return of the Living Dead-grade bullshit zomblers.

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Are Cornflakes and Floof in any particular animus' or mangos' styles here? Because Shrimpo's Hidamari/Meguca.

Ai is 90's and Junko is 80's style I think

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>like it felt implied in the current one but not outright.
No, unless you're a /u/tard, nothing "felt" implied.
And making any of the girls gay would just be pandering to certain audiences.

>Lily is explicitly a transgirl
No, he isn't. Fuck off.

If I could just get slapped by Yuugiri then my life would be complete.

Yes *she* is. They don't have to use the exact word to demonstrate that she's trans.

Again: Fuck off. Your attempt at trolling is extremely transparent.

>dies due to being shocked over male purperty.
>doesn't want to grow up to look like her dad.
>picked out her own girl name, hates her deadname.
>is literally presenting as a girl 24/7 even before becoming a tv star.

Sounds like a tgirl to me.

No, we're not arguing this shit again.
Stop pushing your stupid political agenda on children, retard.

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Does anyone have the collage of Sakura's recap of episode 7?

is this a screentest off the bluray or something?

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>tae's leg flying off

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Saki stumbling around seemingly drunk is very cute too

Why are they all so drunk?
Especially Saki and Junko.

Tae really puts effort into those kicks

I dunno about Saki, but Junko's been drinking straight vodka since noon.

There's no way that's true, Kotaro was bonded to Sakura, they surely were at least friends and close ones, because Yomigaere lyrics are written specifically for sakura to cheer her up from her depression, and the only way to know her situation before dying was knowing her rather than sharing two words

Oh my God, how can someone fall for such obvious bait?

It's the Sakifag, he takes every single blatant bait every single time.

The sort of autism that makes a man genuinely angry when someone says Saki looks sorta like Rainbow Dash.

Junko is definitely the kind of girl that would be a functional alcoholic.

Calling out bait is not the same as falling for bait.

But at least she knows that popping your own head off so you can eat yourself out is just going down the path of ultimate disappointment and self-destruction, unlike all the other Sagas. Well, all the other Sagas except Lily, but that's because Lily's an innocent loli (male) who doesn't know anything about sex stuff.

If you keep replying to him it doesn't make any difference since he has your attention.

>You'll never be a Japanese Shogun and invite Yuugiri to your chamber.
>You'll never get to treat her as if she herself was royalty.
>You'll never convince her to settle down with you
>You'll never know the joy of her smile.

I want to fuck an egg!

The Shogunate was on the way out when Yugiri was born tho. She was a smol loli when it ended.

>Not keeping alive under your banner
Where is your romance user?

Yes, Inui-kun, we know.

Who's ready to hear Junko's angelic singing tomorrow? Will she dominate the stage again like at Saga Rock?

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Let's hope she's not as horrible as she was last time.

no she will sound like a drowned cat like at cygamesfes

Electroshock therapy.

That was just first-time live nervosity. I'm sure she'll show why she's the star of the group.

>Keeping a failed system around just to fuck a girl

You don't need to be a fucking shotgun to do that. It's enough to be rich. She maybe even pity fucks you since her generosity has no bounds.

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>You don't need to be a fucking shotgun to do that.
A shotgun? True, I don't see what a shotgun can do that anyone else can't. But, let's be honest, being a shotgun would be fun.

It's a fucking typo and you know it.

But think of the fringe benefits.


Pretty sure it's Boku no Pico, user.



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Looks official, goddamn

didn't work on Ai

Not yet. Keep on trying and it will.


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>I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda.


>tfw Sakura will never be your wife irl
>ywn be Taes Daddy
Life is suffering


Since none of the other girls had memory loss, I bet the stream of consciousness between dying and waking up was pretty fucking weird.
>suddenly extra crispy, absolute agony
>know with your last flickers of thought that you're dying
>suddenly wake up feeling kinda okay all things considered

>put your head through the noose
>the floor gives way under you
>for a split second, something feels off
>the crowd gasps as you lose all sensation below about halfway down your neck
>keep falling
>land on the floor
>feel the ground shake a bit as your body lands behind you
>the last thing you see before you finish blacking out is the gawking spectators mortified by the ruination of what was supposed to be a mildly pleasant hanging
>wake up looking at a nice ceiling
>you can feel your body again
>put your hand to your neck out of confusion

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so, it's like waking up from a really bad dream... except it was real

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Yuugiri had, and continues to have, a hard life
it's a good thing she has such a good attitude and just takes shit as it comes, waking up in the distant future and not understanding anything about modern culture would be unbearably stressful for a normal person

the opium helps

Yuugiri must've seen some shit. This is likely not Kotaro's first attempt at saving Saga

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>This is likely not Kotaro's first attempt at saving Saga
Now I'm imagining Kotaro starting out a long-ass time ago with only a couple zombies and slowly reaching the ZLS idol plan after hundreds of failed attempts to save Saga. He wipes their memories every attempt and that's why they never mention the failed plans.
yes it's only a joke but it WOULD explain how Yuugiri's body was so well preserved and why Tae's brain is so fucked up

Imagine them meeting again in 2018 with Egg not remembering anything from before she died.

and without Saki recognising her

>implying Pony could ever forget that freakish egglike head

Dumb python.

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Are still-sapient zomblers sexual beings who have needs? And if so, be completely real with me, no memeing: could you potentially find it in yourself to oblige, or would shit get all Silent Hill 2?
I know this seems like a question for /tg/, but still.

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all stitched up

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dead bunny

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mummy jk

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everyday halloween

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It really depends. Like, I wouldn't with Tae or Lily, that would just be wrong. Whatever Ai might get out of it could be overpowered by the pain of skinless lovemaking. Anyone else though... sure.

>dat silent hill cosplay


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Fuckin ace. The best part is having a clean rip of the zombie background vocals.

Junko best vocals

I would cum endlessly into saki’s rotten womb.

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they can't sing

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we pretty much figured
the three best are Maki-chan, Asami-chan and Minyami
the problem is that Maki-chan seems to have had stage fright or something at cygamesfes, or maybe she is just not great live

The only one who really sounds problematic in that autotuned studio version is Kinugawa Rika (Yuugiri's seiyuu). And even that's only because the instrumental track is lowered to a level where you can hear the voices very clearly.
The rest of them sound reasonably good. Of course, that's not saying much about their actual abilities.

Lily is nineteen now, so fucking her isn't a crime

Every hour is Tae hour

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Still can't believe they don't make twinkies in Saga

would you want to? I would

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Is the event happening now or not yet?

This performances list
- Adabana Necromancy
- DEAD or RAP!!!
- Atsuku nare
- Mezame returner
- Fantastic lovers Iron frills 2008 กับ Jellyfish Iron frills 2018
- To my dearest
- Tokkou dance
- Yomigaere เพลงเต็ม
- Hikari e
- Flag hatamekasero

Any new info for season 2?

Who's got the best signature?

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why no link?

Hard to say since those signatures seem to be for ants


Kotaro must be a god tier smuggler if he can get opium into Japan

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Tae unironically

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As shame Yuugiris signature has no Kanji.

I like Sakura's, Saki's, Yuugiri's and Tae's.
Sakura's because it shows her individual character and is creative (notice how the "ra" grows into the heart shape enveloping the whole thing).
Saki's is simply badass, elaborately stylish and has great characteristic flavour text (notice the "yoroshiku").
Yuugiri's for its simplicity, that still retains a rather individual handwriting.
And Tae's because it's legendary.

Ai's looks rather messy.
Junko's is too orderly, like from an elementary school child, and trying to be what was considered "cool" in the 80s by using romaji.
And Lily's is, well, age-appropriate, but too cutesy for my taste.

I want to fertilize the egg!

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Calm the fuck down, Saki.

You are not gonna post the rest?

Nice high-res thingies. Thanks!
Wonder where the uploader got them.


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>Ai's looks rather messy.
Ai is a seasoned modern idoru, she cynically knows it doesnt matter what she writes
>Junko's is too orderly, like from an elementary school child, and trying to be what was considered "cool" in the 80s by using romaji.
>And Lily's is, well, age-appropriate, but too cutesy for my taste.
they're still fit for the characters even if you dislike them.

>they're still fit for the characters even if you dislike them.
True, they do fit the characters. But the reason I dislike them (the signatures, not the characters) is that they seem less elaborate, less creative when it comes to describing the characters, than the other four.

There needs to be more giant Tae-chan art

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So, how's the concert been so far? Has Junko's seiyuu improved at all, or is she still too self-concious?

I disagree, there is thought placed in theirs too.
Junko is definitely a product of the 80s and hers fits perfectly for a westaboo of the era.
Lily is a literal child obsessed with cuteness.
Ai is a cynical modern idol.

we'll have to wait for vods because nobody has linked to livestreams


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Hope we'll get proper scans of those.
And too bad they're missing Tae.

Do I overlook something? They also miss Saki and Yuugiri

That's probably because the uploader didn't take shots of their pages. The thing is that they are definitely in the group shots - but Tae (Mitsuishi Kotono) is not. Which makes sense, considering she's also not in the live shows. But still, it'd have been nice to include her.

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Iron Frill

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ugly bastards ftw

soft egg

cute egg

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Those three are the only ones that matter


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Fuck you, all baka zombies are precious.

Those were all I found on its official twitter.

The show could've worked and probably been better off and more focused narratively with just the three of them, honestly.

I need the audio! Now!

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With just those three it would have been a clichée idol show. Pretty much all episodes like episode 6 and 7, which would have made for an entirely uninteresting experience. If you want to make an argument for the show being better without some of the characters, it would easily the Ai and Junko who dragged it down.
But, really, no sane person would even try to make such an argument, and that you do tells us very much about you.

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Cute. But Kawase Mari, again, looks as if she'D rather be elsewhere.

Imagine the smell of that venue

The lady to the left is showing us the awful smell, poor woman.

>poor woman
Indeed. She clearly doesn't want to be there, performing for those ... disgusting ... fans.
Why do they always have to put her through this?

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I was talking about the other poor woman; the one behind the other poor woman...she's clearly covering her nose and mouth

any news of season 2s

Oh, you're right. Well, we can at least assume that she chose to be there, admidst all those otaku.

I want to see their live performance in person but I don't want to be in that crowd

^sadly, that's the sacrifice one has to make

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The show clearly had a much larger cast than what it could handle for its runtime. Two of them got no development or substantial screentime at all, and Sakura (the supposed main character) got noticeable sidelined when they went to do random episodics for the other cast. With just the core three they could've done a far more streamlined dramatic arc that would tie the whole show together as a coherent whole instead of feeling like scattered episodes with a hasty final arc. And aside from Sakura, Ai and Junko are by far the most relevant to both the idol element and the theme about second chances and tragically failed ambitions.

I wonder how the live tokkou dance sounded

>Ai and Junko are by far the most relevant to both the idol element and the theme about second chances and tragically failed ambitions.
Which is exactly why this show needed less of them. This is what every idol show out there can pull off. But Tae, Saki, Yuugiri and Lily/Masao elevated it to something far better.

>This is what every idol show out there can pull off
I've yet to hear about another idol show having people brought back from the dead to amend their regrets.

>having people brought back from the dead
That's not what I meant and you know it.
Every idol show has characters like Ai and Junko, with conflicts like theirs, a theme of outgrowing one's doubts (or regrets) and learning to work together as idols.
It's certainly not what made ZLS stand out.

None at all.

It was fun as hell

Saga live, though.

Next live in Saga

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>Next live in Saga
The is no life in Saga. Saga is dead and abandoned, devoid of all vitality and culture.

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>It's certainly not what made ZLS stand out
Well no, but it needed to have those tropes because tackling classic idol themes but with a zombie twist was the whole point of the show. It could have been a much more memorable take on a tried and tested formula but it didn't seem to have the confidence to try too hard, instead opting for more comedy which is fun but forgettable in the long run.

> that one woman
I wonder how she survived without be suffocate

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Oh, believe me, ZLS won't be forgotten that easily. It did pretty much everything right.
What you are suggesting leaves it with what episodes 6 and 7 had, and with no episodes 5, 8 or 9. And in that case, it wouldn't have been nearly as successful as it was. I know that I certainly wouldn't have enjoyed it much, and we can assume neither would have most people in these threads.

Damn ... why couldn't they have had Tae in the background. Would have made that pose so much better!

Ironic episodes 6&7 pretty much seal the deal for the success of the show in nipland that when the show popularity skyrocket surpass Gridman

Old Iron Frill was a surprise

Oh, come on. It ceratinly wasn't down to those two episodes. I admit that they did draw idol-fans, thus added to the success, and certainly shouldn't be dropped from the show. But they were the most trite and boring ones. It's the other episodes that actually illustrated the "soul" of ZLS. A show that was able to build a devoted fandom that's made up of more than just the typical idol-otaku (who would readily move on to the next franchise). A fandom who grew to love even the most minor side-characters. That's what made it special.

For people in the west may be but that is the reason why Junko and AI are the most popular characters in nip instead of Sakura or Saki

7 is good, 6 is quite boring. Tbf the setup episode (6,11) is quite bad at storytelling

>that is the reason why Junko and AI are the most popular characters
They are popular with idolfags who buy cheap merchandise, yes. But not even that much more popular in those circles than the other girls, despite what some people want us to believe.

I want to see Franchouchou in Budokan

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Confirmed or not?

They could afford to put all of these on the stage. But not Mitsuishi Kotono. What a shame.

Yes. Details announced later.

She is too old and I bet it is too expensive to has her wander around aimlessly in the background about 1-2 hours without she getting bore too

They consistently vastly outperform the others in polls, merch sales, and amount of fanart. It's clear their fans are both most numerous and most engaged with the show in Japan. The idol fans are who made this show the success it became.


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Define "vastly". There are no official polls, the merch for ALL the girls sells out. And fanart is a piss-poor way to gauge popularity.
The only thing you can claim is that their merch sells faster, not more.

There is official poll tho and pics that show Junko and Ai merch always sold out first

>There is official poll tho
No, there isn't. But feel free to link it.

>always sold out first
Hence why I said "faster", but "not more".
And pics can be very deceiving, especially when they are posted by fans to support a certain narrative.

>muh narrative
You seem particularly desperate at denying the idol side's massive popularity in Japan. Hell, the ludicrous disc sale boost after ep 6-7 alone should be enough proof for anyone.