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Kaiba reminded me of Little Prince

A thread died for this

It looks great on purpose, tastelet

Are you the same gut of the Devilman thread?


those all look good tho, pleb

I liked Ping Pong. Rest are trash.

You probably think that Tadayoshi Yamamuro improved


What do you expect from a useless fucking hack?

>unrefined shit
yea right. his upcoming movie looks less shit

>any piece of garbage that's not "generic" is good
the generic meme needs to die a painful death

It's basically the little prince drawn by Tezuka on LSD after watching Evangelion.


But he’s right

So like aeon flux and one piece?

one piece looks good now. aeon flux was just a mistake

he's not though. honesty, why praise this shit when typical "generic" anime look much better?

Kill yourself retard

Distinct art is always preferable to generic art

>unique = good

But why? That mentality seems retarded to me when, like i said, I think typical typical stuff looks much better no matter how much of it I see. But art is just anything. Isn't "creativity" or the like just an obstacle that hinders artistic freedom. Yuasa's "works" are especially questionable.

Distinct doesn't make it automatically good.


How did Ping Pong look bad?

Strongest OP of all time.

I watched Kaiba twice and I still don't get it. All I know is it didn't leave a positive impact on me.

It's unrefined and lazy.

The more unique an art style is, the less it panders to the preconceived notion of what art should be like in the mind of your average anime fan. That is why a unique style is important.

Maybe it is refined because it is dealing with a coarse set of emotions? Maybe the coarse style and dialogue are part of the story that are designed to make the audience a little uncomfortable and heighten the drama?

It was a bold choice, can't call it lazy.

>can't call it lazy
It is lazy, boring shit. It's not actually difficult to produce.

Do you people even know what you're talking about? Ping Pong was faithful to the art of the manga.

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The difficulty comes from making the choice
And no I don't know what I'm talking about I've only watched it

That "argument", is completely retarded. I don't subscribe to this stupid notion that typical anime are bad.

Faggots like are mentally ill. If you have a formula that's entertaining, sick with it. Imagine praising literal shit over something good just because it's unique. If typical jap animation looked like ping pong say you faggots wouldn't care if it was good or bad and would hate on it all the same.

>The difficulty comes from making the choice
That's not difficulty. There's plenty of more average looking shows that require more work than this shit.


Kemono Friends, as an example, has a distinct art style which I don't think is preferable to normal, hand-drawn art. So no, while I'd say it's often the case that district > generic, it's evidently not universally true.

anime art style > Yuashit trash

Nowhere did I say that typical anime was bad, I was simply saying that the ones with a unique style are more useful as art.

Ok austic engineer fag consider it like loading risk and cost onto the pre-production.
>show cited for having unique aesthetic
>average looking

This but unironically. I'd rather listen to a unique good song then a generic good song. In the same way I'd rather watch a uniquely good anime then a genericly good anime.



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>anything without clean sterile linework is bad
What a pleb you are.

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it looks good though

why is it that when a good style becomes popular it becomes "bland", this shit needs to stop

clean linework is the best though

>it looks good though
No it doesn't. Stick to your SAO general, teen.

>Isn't "creativity" or the like just an obstacle that hinders artistic freedom.
read that statement slowly, out loud

Attached: 1551660613730s.jpg (125x104, 3K)

>X artstyle is invariably better than Y regardless of execution

>clean sterile linework
>X artstyle is invariably better than Y regardless of execution

>I don't know what's stylization or what actually constitutes as bad
Here user, pic related, this is actual bad art. What you have is a sever case of "if it's not moe then it's shit", wich is retardation level 7.

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no. i just don't subscribe to your bullshit mentality that ugly, lazy shit is better because it's not "bland"

ping pong legit has some of the best visuals of any televised anime series.

Not all clean linework is sterile, though.

that's not what says


"Dude wtf I can't fap to this how can you call it anime" is the absolute pinnacle of normalfag opinions one can have towards anime

yes. art can be anything including not unnecessarily creative

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>if normalfags have any opinion, regardless of what it is, it's bad
ok retard

>I'd rather listen to a unique good song then a generic good song. In the same way I'd rather watch a uniquely good anime then a genericly good anime.
agree with this part BUT what about a "generic" good song rather than a unique bad song? "generic" is obviously better

>calling Ping Pong trash
this one is good you tasteless pleb

You don't actually know what "bad" is, you just don't like something and then say it's bad and think you're so smart without even knowing shit of what bad actually is.
>generic is obviously better
And the retardation just keeps coming.

I agree, but I don't consider these anime bad, so it doesn't really apply.

thinking something is generic is often the shittiest possible opinion. just showcases autism

Shut the fuck up normalfag

This but Panty & Stocking.
Can't bring myself to watch something that genuinely looks like it belongs on late 90s Cartoon Network.
I'm in my twenties for fuck's sake.

>doesn't get how kaiba's art style is in direct reference to the work of tezuka the grandfarther of anime.

Tezuka's manga looks like shit on purpose as well

>I'm in my twenties for fuck's sake.

boomer detected

his manga is in reference to western cartoons like disney.

without disney there would be no tezuka style, without the tezuka style there would be no anime as you know it today.

think what you want of his style be he is responsible for this board even existing


Tezuka's style is pretty simple in his earlier work, but it's certainly not ugly. His later manga like Buddha have some beautiful artwork.

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I'm just trolling

I like his early style, it reminds me of Fleischer/30s Disney

Yeah, it has aged well.

no you


when did it become Yea Forums's job to sport the absolute dogshit of opinions?

>But art is just anything. Isn't "creativity" or the like just an obstacle that hinders artistic freedom
As if this thread reeking of Yea Forumseddit wasn't already bad enough.

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nice non argument


I don't think I've ever seen someone so quickly, loudly, and unquestionable expose how much of a tasteless shit-eating bunyuck they were.
Did you just get shat out of your mother like this or have you been practicing?

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I wasn't even try to make an argument, just pointing out how retarded you were.

Good luck with your thread tho, with all the "yikes" "boomer" "based" , "cringe" and other retarded Yea Forums terminology and talking points.

It's not my thread. I'm just the guy that bumps it to see you fuckers seethe.

Based Bait Bumper.

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It's not bait. His work does look like doghsit.

Based Bait Bumper.

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there we go with the Yea Forumseddit shit again.

Honest question. Why dont more anime try doing differing art styles? They all seem to be a derivative of a similar style with differing stylistic changes here and there.
Shows like Usagi Drop, Tatami Galaxy, PPtA, and PSG are the only exceptions that come to mind.
Is it just for financial reasons?

>If you have a formula that's entertaining, sick with it.
>If you break formula, it's bad!

I was going to write a wall of text to explain this somewhat complicated problem but i'm too drunk for that, let's just say it envolves globalization, intellectual incest and anime increasingly becoming a regurgitated parody of itself.

>Why dont more anime try doing differing art styles?
because other styles are shit and aesthetically inferior

>intellectual incest
Go kill yourself you braindead retard.

>You shouldn't have a formula that's entertaining, or that you stick with
>If you break formula, it's bad!

user don't be weeaboo. Even in modern anime art style has it's problem like not drawing noses anymore or adult women don't look like adult women anymore.

Why should you stick with it? Why can't anime have different things and not just otaku pandering anime.

Noses are ugly, wasn't the removal good? We have large beautiful detailed eyes. The beautiful part of the face is accentuated. Japan doesn't have a "problem", this is how the anime style was developed in the first place.

Because it's made for ungrateful fucking westboos like you.

Right back at ya.

>Because it's made for ungrateful fucking westboos like you.

>Noses are ugly, wasn't the removal good?
Noses made those character look more human and now they just look like aliens.
> We have large beautiful detailed eyes
They don't need to be huge though.
>Japan doesn't have a "problem", this is how the anime style was developed in the first place
That doesn't mean it is good thing
>Because it's made for ungrateful fucking westboos like you
Now you are just being mad that there are people who like different art styles and i can say that there is plenty of japanese who enjoy different artstyles in anime or manga.

Not him but
One by definition cannot be a westaboo if said one is western.
>Japan doesn't have a "problem"
It does, it's becoming a increasingly stagnated, not to mention the possible economical inviability always creeping around the corner.

All in all your autism is reaching ACK levels.

>That doesn't mean it is good thing
Doesn't mean it's a bad thing either. I hate this mentality that everything needs to be diverse or original in order to be good.

>becoming a increasingly stagnated
This isn't a "problem". In my opinion this is great, everything will always be done in the usual beautiful style.

>All in all your autism is reaching ACK levels.
Your "ACK" boogeyman doesn't exist you retarded crack apologist.

if you want to talk about sterile, let's talk about his 0 degrees of shading. it makes everything he does look like cheap digital vomit

This. I fucking hate that cancer.

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>It's another "anons don't understand expressionism" thread

>not liking ugly, cheap dogshit means you "don't undertsand expressionism"
We understand what it is but we don't like it.

>This isn't a "problem". In my opinion this is great
If you think mass produced effortless regurgitated shit with borderline no artistic merit is great and stagnation of a visual art medium in writting, aesthetic and directing isn't a problem then i have nothing to say to you. It would be like trying to teach quantum physics to a retarded tribal african childsoldier.
>Your "ACK" boogeyman doesn't exist you retarded crack apologist.
Seek help user.

The more stagnated the better.

stop samefagging.

This but unironically.

>effortless regurgitated shit with borderline no artistic merit
Oh I didn't say this, don't go putting words in my mouth.

>It would be like trying to teach quantum physics to a retarded tribal african childsoldier.
I just don't hold your retarded opinion that stagnation is bad. If things are good then they're good.

This but ironically.


What a fag


Ping pong is good despite looking like shit, i wont blame anyone who doesnt like the artstyle, but the story and characters make up for it, though then again, you should just read the manga o watch the movie version, since you get the same story but with better visuals.

>The more unique an art style is, the less it panders to the preconceived notion of what art should be like in the mind of your average anime fan. That is why a unique style is important.
This. Also not being interesting in any way is proof that they aren't pandering to the lowest common denominator's tastes since they aren't pandering to ANYONE's tastes, and helps the average anime fan stop expecting things like entertainment out of art. That is why a blank screen is important.

Yea Forums in a nutshell

Post modernism is crap. This is all that needs to be said about pseudo "art" fags and works

looks like ass lmao

Kill yourselves.

Then what are you doing watching anime? That's only marginally less kiddy.

>Yea Forumsnigger in denial

He needs to work on another collaboration with Kenji Nakamura, they are both spinning their wheels creatively and not living up to their earlier works.


What's wrong with Kaiba? It's clearly going for a Tezuka-esque style and it isn't ugly at all.

itt: People who don't like anime and want it all to change to pander exclusively to them
Yuasa and other unique art styles are good and deserve to exist
But the "generic moeblob stuff" also deserves to exist.
Anime is for you as much as it is for the otaku and "weeaboos" you fags hate so much
Let everyone enjoy whatever they want or fuck off.

>since they aren't pandering to ANYONE's tastes
>we made a product for no one
So it's useless shit them?

>and helps the average anime fan stop expecting things like entertainment out of art
Anime isn't plain art though, it's a form of television entertainment.

>That is why a blank screen is important.
You're insane.

I think you're responding to sarcasm

He's just a dumb-ass contrarian, don't expect any logic behind what he's saying.

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>hasnt seen kaiba
kaiba doesn't look good and it's cheap shit.
t. not OP
>inb4 OP

You wouldn't know good art if it was fucking your boy pussy.

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Ironic post

that's shit though. that's fucking shiit. i watched it a few days ago too and tried to like it. sao looks better than this shit.

Point proven, plebs filtered, etc.

i'm tired of the fucking yuasa meme. his works are cheap and look like garbage

>t. hates lineart animation

>user gives his honest pinion
>...f ..filtered
Please faggot. Dororo, Mob and Slime, from this season, easily mop the floor with this disgustingly overrated trash.

Yea I do but his works are lazy and cheap in general, I know becaus i've wached them. Especially Kaiba. Lackluster production values.

the only time he had the opportunity to improve its art, but no! he had to keep the shitty disgusting art from that also hack manga. screw yuasa.

Isekai nigger spotted. Just wear a sign around your neck that says "I'm a shitmuncher."
>I don't like lineart animation but here's my opinion on this guy's work who uses it exclusively
Yeah, of course you don't like it.

How can people shill this garbage? It's even more boring than Liz to Aoi Tori and it looks worse too.

user? Dorothy’s nice backgrounds and decent character designs, but that‘s it, Mob has great animation but that‘s not what the thread is about and slime looks just like every other fantasy anime of the last decade. They can‘t hold a candle to Night is Short by any stretch.

>Isekai nigger spotted.
>HURR all isekai are bad
Fuck off, it's a passion project.

>Just wear a sign around your neck that says "I'm a shitmuncher."
You should change your username to "Please be patient, I have autism."

This is why Tabletposting is bad kids.

Yea fuck that flat garbage. Well at least it's not as ugly as a gold era Shitney film.

Go back.

Nice arguments. Also slime is a well made but generic production of one of the most popular Isekai franchises out there, how is it a passion project?


No on esaid they were bad, just that these other anime have a place and are better than your moeshit

>how is it a passion project?
>slime is a well made
If you've been following 8-bit for a long time you'll know that this is their most impreessive prduction yet. You can tell by how much effort they put into the visuls and by how much they avoided using cg.

Typical anime is irredemable trash, almost anything where moe is a selling point is trash.

I don't even care for moe. Don't particularly like it, don't particularly hate it. I do hate that retard's view on stagnation being inherently bad and insane autistic moe haters.

Right now kinda due to overproduction but not if this was 2002.

>not being barrel-tier CGI filled shit now qualifies as a "passion project"
What a time to be alive.

it's not an artstyle choice. It's clear that this guy just can't draw a straight line.

Nice to see my grid in a shitposting thread.

Dude, high production values don't necessary make an anime a "passion project". It could simply mean that it was expected to sell a lot given the source material so they they got more money to work with and/or did their best to ensure that.
Speaking of 8-bit, their upcoming anime Hoshiai no Sora has a far higher chance of being an actual passion project (since it's Kazuki Akane's return to TV anime after a decade and he will write and direct) and of actually looking great (if he still has his webgen connections back from Birdy and Noein).

Attached: 220px-Hoshiainosora.animekeyvisual.jpg (220x305, 21K)

I hate when faggots on here act like everything is trash just because they don't like it. Glad to see no one really pays them any mind, but it is an obnoxious and frankly stupid stance to take on an anime board.