ITT: Lusty Cakes

I don't know how she does it but she gives me a boner even when she's fully clothed and being a caring (future) housewife.

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Really glad this got picked up again.

I'm pretty sure that's not a "cake" by definition.

I wasn't sure what she'd classified as to be honest. She's 28 and unmarried but that's because she's a widow. I doubt she could be classified as an obasan either because she's still fairly young, at least by my standards

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Can lesbians be cakes?

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A Piyo Piyo miboujin

milfs > cakes

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both are great

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Two will always be greater than one.

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And 3?

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It's shit

she's using old hag magic

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>purity fag denying his true feelings
It's OK to admit you love her user

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She needs to make him into a teen daddy.

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Yuri has a younger sister as well

Elementary schoolers are for being cucked by old hags. Prove me wrong.

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I would be fine with that ending.

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I won't, cause its the truth



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What about elementary schoolers who end up dating their hag teachers once they're legal?

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Also acceptable.

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>please marry used good hag widow!
yeah no

She's perfect

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user she completely sees him as a kid.

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I dunno man, feels like she's starting to think about the long haul in the chapter that just got translated

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Which chapter is this from?

It's from ch 21, the one where her friend comes over for drinks

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If she doesn't end up with him, I hope she just go the lesbian route with her.

Aunty in a kimono

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Is there a sauce for that comic, or is it just a parody?

I editted the text but yeah it's from the manga
It's just a nightmare Rui is having unfortunately

Might as well be reality
> Rui offers to send him nudes
> Doesn't give a a fuck
> Wonders what Yakumo will be making tomorrow

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>It's just Ogata-san
>Goes straight back to thinking about cake


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I remember this chapter being seriously fucked up in terms of art

That's from the soumen chapter isn't it? Kind of wish that chapter involved a soumen slide
Also never tried soumen but what's the appeal to them? Cold noodles sound kind of disgusting to be honest.

tags: age gap, christmas cake, yuri, vanilla

> she completely sees him as a kid.
This chapter hints otherwise

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I don't get how the artist can keep this series art consistent but his other series art just went straight to shit

You mean the one about the brocon sensei? Eh, I didn't bother reading too much of it. The love interest is kind of shit compared to Yakumo. She's got a really generic blonde chick look and the fact that her main defining trait is that she wants to fuck her brother is kind of lame.


> Not wanting a three way with Yuri and Yakumo-san

It's a summer dish.

Having a slightly suicidal herbivore cake in your carnivore life might not be the best idea.

>be me
>typing Yakumo to the chapter 40
>people are seem to be not very happy with it
>every chapter they are complaining about the story being boring and repetetive, no romance, no progress, art becoming worse with every new chapter, etc
>our translator finally says fuck this shit and leaves
>almost year passes
>this thread

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one of the most disappointing manga ever read. Teases you with nice mulf and possible seduction and then litterally nothing happens.

Its fucking delicious. All about the sauce and the THICCness of the soba noodles. Spoiler, best if "flat"/"square" cut

meant broth.

> No progress
I'm up to ch 41 so far and it feels like it progresses at a decent pace. Feels more like it's building towards them developing feelings for eachother over time and hooking up once he's legal.
Pages like
really hint that Yakumo is moving on and developing feelings for Yamato and chapters like the Night Pool one show that Yamato is taking an interest in her as well.
People are probably bitching just because it doesn't just immediately jump into "YO LET'S START DATING AND FUCK!" like 10 chapters in.

What about an executive officer dating a yound coworker?

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Was there anyone complaining outside of Yea Forums?

Not if they're married.

doesn't this bitch still love her dead husband? the poor boy is only going to be heart broken in the end

Well, yes. Batoto, mangachan, mangahere and god knows where else it was published.

Imagine being so autistic you don't understand that people can eventually move on after their loved ones die.

Really? Well, I never partook in any discussion of this, but I can't understand why people would complain considering that it's way more of a simple SoL than an actual romance, even then it's only been 40 chapters, full on romance stories go on far longer with no development.

It's also not a weekly manga like Komi, it's mostly monthly, sometimes bi monthly, so this is why we have something around 48 chapters in 3-4 years

I'm not going to read this until i get confirmation they actually get together. Some mangaka don't seem to have to balls to do it.

What I really don't get is how people can think there's no romantic development when you get shit like this early on in the series. Yeah a lot of it is SoL stuff but it's punctuated by chapters where they start getting closer and thinking about things to do with each other down the road. I mean shit, in the last translated chapter she's already thinking about what it'd be like for them to be close when he's an adult and joking about being together with him once he goes pro as his "personal nutritionist" (I might be looking it in too much but I've got a feeling that can subtly be translated into housewife).
It sure as shit beats the hell out of Amano Megumi where it's been like 300+ chapters of nothing but the cuck MC pining over a middle school crush he's barely had any interaction with while Megumi pines over him.

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My favorite scene

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Also this

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And this

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And that
>mfw a cunning oneesan supposedly gives him a pantyshot and calls is a side dish because she knows he will be fapping to it for a week

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Eh, she doesn't really have an interest in him. She just wants to help Rui steal him.

But at least Rui will never win, and thanks God, she is worst girl

Ah, I forgot. People also compared Yakumo-san to Kono Oneesan wa Fiction Desu without an end and made claims it ends exactly like that

Eh, I'd say it's more comparable to Koi to Utatane in that it's primarily cutesy SoL romance with ecchi stuff and hints of romance thrown in here and there. Kono Oneesan is a lot more blunt and upfront with its ecchi content.

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Did they fuck yet?

I don't like this bitch. How could she so easily forget about her husband and fall for some kid?

> easily
Did you even read it?

Nah I'm guessing it's gonna be like this manga where they don't fuck until the very end

Assuming you aren't larping, I really appreciate the work you guys do and really like the story, slow though it is. Thanks man, fuck the haters.

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a fucking shit