Best Danganronpa Girl Thread
V3 was a mistake.
My girlfriend turned into the moon
The obvious choice
There is one right answer
The obvious choice.
Only degenerate males will disagree
The Ultimate Choice
Royal Blood is supreme
Ne ne~
Has anyone made a Virgin Detective vs. Stacy Sleuth meme yet?
Based and despair pilled
>liking a mentally ill bitch who failed her miserable plan
i thought shes the 2nd MC cannon love?????
Ikusaba Mukuro disguised as Junko is better.
Best taste ITT.
love maki
I love my gorgeous wife!
To be fair, you need a high IQ to understand V3.
Wait, so is this a Mikan thread? Nice!
Quick question, does talking with people matter or is it just for the skills?
Ah, a fellow man of Novoselic culture, I see.
Sonia Nevermind pleases old men for money!
Shit opinion checks out.
The price for spreading such untrue blasphemy shall be your tongue!
Can anyone answer me?
OP here. I feel dumb now for taking so much time to notice I post the wrong pic. Now the actual best girl on the pic
I guess only personality and design matters. This is Yea Forums, what other than waifu wars did you expect?
it doesnt
Yes and no, and yes.
Yes, for skills
No because skills don't mean too much
And second yes, because there are cases where talking to people gets you their backstory. Sometimes they give you insight on a killer's motivation. Others, like Mikan, change completely once you see how they really tick.
Seems like wasted potential desu.
Why can't I, for example, talk with my music punk rock waifu every day and then I'd get special interactions in trials becase we're close or something and she'd defend me when they accuse me or something like that.
I'm currently playing 2 but it was in 1 when I found it to be retarded.
I hardly talked to Kyoko and suddenly she trusts me with shit and I risk my life for her and she's suddenly my best friend.
>Tfw mikan will never break your legs or some shit, forcing you to depend on her for the rest of your life
Because you don't have any idea how game development works.
I actually add "tumblr" to all my files to piss Yea Forums off.
Because it would be almost impossible to implement. Let's say, you have either their approval or not. Between each trial, you can befriend (or not) some of them. In the first trial, you could have gotten approval of up to 16 characters. But it does not mean there are only 16 routes of the first school trial because you can potentially have more friends at that point.
If you befriended two random people, it ups the total count of routes to (16*15). Of you managed to befriend three of them, it changes the amount to (16*15*14). The most you could hope would be one special dialogue line, hoping for different outcomes of every trial would be insane.
Make room for best girl and my future wife (with our child)
Best girl is here!
>100 Monokuma Coins has been deposited into your account
V3's ending was fucking hilarious and Ouma's trial was great.
But you're wrong
NTR bait
Hungry athletic brownfu are best waifu
She looks like she fucks Producer guys
Thats not imouto or donut tan!
You're all losers
For me, it's Hiyoko
That's the kind of fake news you can get from trusting that useless detective.
My man-hating wife.
Naegi healing all of Sayaka's scars is what makes the relationship work, user. The deeper the fucked up shit she did, the better.
Tomorrow, is my wife Chiaki's birthday. Happy birthday, Chiaki.