New chapter is out.
Neeko the NEET
Why doesn't she just get married to a rich nerd? She can continue NEETing (aka being a housewife) and all she'll have to do is let him use her puss puss
Coward who’s scared of social interaction and can’t accept relationships with other people
End dump.
God I wish that was me.
Why is her hair white, That seems unhealthy at her age.
Neeko is turning into cat lady.
>The dad gets to tap all three on the regular.
Mad jelly.
Why was mom jealous of Neeko cooking for her father?
I can sense that this series will turn into Yuri bait when the author gets desperate
Trauma from repeat childhood rape by the dad.
There's a timeline where Neeko is suicidal on top of being depressed and hikki.
That would require her to meet a rich nerd in the first place.
She already had this conversation with a high school colleague.
>He kept crying throughout the night
I have to lock my cats up in the bathroom when they do this.
That interview did a number on her.
>laser pointer
>catnip toy
>salmon or trout filet pieces until they won't eat any more
You need to tire them out.
If they're doing it during the night, it means I'm already trying to sleep and I don't have the energy to deal with it. Tossing them in the bathroom makes it quick.
Fuckkk I want to prone bone that ass
All three of these can be automated.
Laser pointer attached to a string tied to minute hand of a big clock.
Catnip toy is just there.
It's not that weird to talk to your pets
He's not her pet.
>she sees your dick
why are their knockers so huge holy shit
What a boring fucking manga.
They drink plenty of tawawa juice.
Imagine the smell
OPT material
There are litterbox products that suck up the smell. They clump the piss into pieces of concrete that are easy to shovel into a bag for disposal.
She should be naked, all the time
>hot big titted neet
pls japs pls
Lesbians can be hikkineets too, user.
You sound like her mom.
I can't deal with this. I'll pick it back up when i get a job.
Wait, she's not blonde? dropped
her fantasy marriage scene should've included a panel of her being bedded by her fantasy hubby
Have you seen her youtube channel?
She dyed it. Her flashbacks in HS have her hair color as black.
Stress-induced or something to that effect.
I don't speak moon so it's boring to me. Maybe if I did I could appreciate it.
damn, he's letting them rub his belly? What a weird cat
Is that not normal?
how long until she gets tons of friends, love interests and lives a fulfilling life as a responsible well adjusted adult?
>and this is how i met ur dad and stopped being a filthy NEET
>vote shinzo abe for emperor!
It's already been confirmed it ends with her suicide
aah right then it might be worth reading
You're mean.
I still would
while she's warm
Any cat I've tried that on has bit and scratched me
>young girl that isn't fat
Holy shit, alchemy from FMA:B is more believable.
How delusional is the author?
Mental illness doesn't care about how hot you are
Of my 3 cats, 2 of them love it, and the third gets a fighting/playful mood when I do it. We've also trained him to not pull his claws out during this, so he only swipes with his paws.
The neet part is cause she got severe social anxiety/PTSD from an awful job interview. As for the fat part, she's like 23~24 and only been a neet for about a year. Her metabolism should still be working really well.
Well she doesn't seem that mentally ill.
If you're a girl you literally have to take a 5 minute walk, that's it, that's how easy it is to get friends / boyfriend.
She'll go back to school and get a yuri-harem any time now.
The mangaka wanted a deep manga / anime like Kurosawa and NHK but realized only cute girls get attention.
Severe depression and social anxiety is mental illness
The last thing neeko needs right now is a guy pretending to love her so he can pump and dump. And she already has friends, remember?
This manga is way closer to reality than both of those.
>you dont have to do anything
>you got a house
>you are being feed
>you are spoiled
>everyone thinks you are cute
>if only i was a cat
the irony
Lowest IQ post ITT
I just wish she sulking afterwords was because the irony dawned on her instead of her asking why she's talking to a cat.
Neeko's manga gives a realistic depiction of anxiety disorder and general shit feelings you may get from being a NEET. Unlike NHK it doesn't seem to imply that "just getting a jerb bro" is going to fix anything. I actually misread and though the other manga mentioned was the masturbation guy, kurosawa is good, obviously.
yeah kind of a letdown
Thanks for the dump.
>horny faggots = boy/friends
Hello slut.
mfw she has a dream where shes tiny and is the family's pet with imouto and dad cuddling her but turns into a nightmare with giant mom putting her in time out ends with giant mom laying Neeko on her thighs while she gently rubs Neeko's stomach
She is one dropped letter away from losing her humanity.