Yancha Gal no Anjou-san

How can a single gal be so lewd?

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if you have anymore good panels on you dump it brother

All panels from volume 3 are good

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wew translations can't come soon enough

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This manga is like a shitty version of Nagatoro. The glasses kid is fucking annoying and the dialogue between them is awful.

Anjou is hottest though

the dialogue in Nagatoro isn't good either


Which one of them?

Anjou has better art, better characters and better stories. Only thing naga has is better development of mc and its not by much

yeah yeah, go back to your normalfag series where the best girls are the side characters

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The Art is great, is a Shane the Mc is such a fucking terrible character. Like there's self inserts, then there is this.

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both now

What the fuck are you talking about. He's actually a pretty likeable beta MC. Sure he has his beta male traits like never taking the iniciative and being whiny, but he's supportive of Anjou, stood up for her when their classmates were badmouthing her and made it clear he likes her and doesn't care what her past or her reputation might be. That's a much better written character than many harem romcom mcs out there.

A single redeeming page is not enough to build character. This isn't a harem, it's one dude and a girl. I mean look at the difference in art style. She is the focus with Glasses Blandman-san being one of the worst self inserts. His personality is literally "I liked the hot girl, asked her out and she said yes". He's not likeable he's bland. I'm sorry if you can relate to that but it's true. He is literally Bella from Twilight. Intentionally bland and totally inept and afraid of intimacy so mega betas can easily self insert and fantasize about the pretty girl in school falling for them. He literally betas at every little thing "what do I do? I don't know what I'm doing. We can't do this.". Their interactions are hollow and one sided. It's a shame because Anjou is a decent character and even a basic straight man nice guy insert would be better here

Well, if a guy does more chad things, it's harder to relate to him, you know?

That's... Actually kinda sad.

Wrong. He is a caring guy who tries to do his best but is afraid. He needs anjou to help him but he protected that girl in the train and showed his true self to anjou when he got sick. He sticks up to anjou when she is messed with and stuck by her when she needed him with her cat. He is also working in improving himself for her unlike the mc in niggertoro that doesnt change in his goals

Ok, chad. Fuck off back to /fit/ already.

Sad but true. I see threads "What a chad, how can I relate?" almost every day.

It's the hair.

And lips

Nice desu.

depends how intimate you are, many cultures/people aren't as touchy feely as americans/europeans. Also it isn't always appropriate to do it, at the end of the day you are actually gratifying yourself or in this case trying to get in her pants. Being there is enough, chads might be able to get into relationships but they usually don't keep them, often because they overstep boundaries and are narcissists which devalues any act of kindness they do show.