5Toubun no Hanayome

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Other urls found in this thread:


My wife

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My wife

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My wife

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My wife

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My wife

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OFFICIAL 5Toubun no Hanayome Best Girl POWER RANKINGS

1. Miku
2. Ichika
3. Yotsuba
4. Raiha
5. Itsuki


999. A pile of shit


9999. Nino

Attached: 1550190970539.jpg (1918x1783, 514K)

>best design
>worst personality

Why is it always like this?

Attached: 1530677499372.png (722x1062, 963K)

>generic tsundere twintail ribbons
>best design

Attached: 1550797617983.png (816x720, 2.24M)

>One thread gets pruned
>Shits out another one
Sasuga, Mikutard

So her power level is over 9000.. I knew it.

Raiha > quints


I'm just a sucker for anything with a butterfly theme or motif.

nino a shit

Just take a goddamn break

Quite a beautiful bride. Sorry about the low quality of the vid, that's how it was when I found it way back when on Twitter.

Attached: Bride Nino.webm (500x688, 1.46M)

How to kill a series in Yea Forums, the thread.

What do you mean?

The classical anime effect. If the anime airs for a kind of popular series, shitposting is tuned up to 11. And it never goes back.

This but for me it's ribbons for some reason.

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Is it true that Nino becomes full dere? That's a shame, I want her to step on me and call me pathetic, then she would tell me to apologize for being such a waste of oxygen and she'd then spit on my face while explaining how I don't even deserve her saliva


Fuutarou is literally my husband

God I wish that were me

We know Nino

Yep, she's going at him like a starving lion

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We know, Nino. We know

>actually liking ribbons

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>1/10 no Hanayome
Here's your 5toubun killer bro

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These pathetic faggots still like Nino.

Gross. You'll get what you deserve.
For Masochist only
Great Lover, Great Wife, Great Mother
For Tomboy Lovers
The Default Choice, she's ok.

Can Negi sue this?

I wish Nino would break my nose and force feed me my own blood with her toes.

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Yes I do

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Oh yes. Plese abuse me more.

Attached: DyJawHfU0AAfgy4.jpg orig.jpg (800x1100, 83K)

>Great Wife, Great Mother
She hasn't displayed any of those qualities

Remove Nino and Ninofags


I actually find these threads of much better quality than Kaguya threads. They seem to be full of crossboarders, and I love Kaguya.

It's true that the manga is entering the final arc?

She's done with that. You like deredere now.

It just clicks with me. But the genki does it

Full of redditors you mean.

My wife Nino is sexy.

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>Another Nino orientated thread
Every thread is a Nino thread thanks to the combined efforts of her fans and obsessed rent free detractors. Not that I am complaining.

>infamy is good


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She might drug you, but she's no Shinka, user.

She'll abuse me if I ask her nicely

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Yeah that's what I wanted to write but I believe we're forbidden from saying that word.

Kyoto'll be the climax of the manga and uncover most of the mysteries, but it's not likely the final. There's still the graduation and I don't think Fuutarou will falls in love that fast in just 1 arc

Anime only fag, do they all dye their hair? I frequently see an image from the manga where their loli forms all have the exact same shade of pink.

5toubun is like 500 times better than this

She has that bitchy attitude and the kind of friends she has support this.If I were to approach her, she would definitely kick me in the balls while her friends lauhg and call me creepy, and I would love it.

You do realize that kids hair color changes as they grow up?

I knew a blonde kid whose hair changed to brown as he hit puberty. Before that, it was pure blonde.

>I don't think Fuutarou will falls in love that fast in just 1 arc
He apparently started to fall in love from one kiss

The Ichikafag damage control the past few chapters has been amazing.

But he'll start thinking about love now that Nino and Ichika have bombed him with it. All his deal is wanting to be needed by someone. What better way to reach that goal than by getting a gf.

user, please. I'm in public.

We embrace our girl getting more aggressive and awesome though

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wut ? what is this ?

I don't think hair color changes that much though. And aren't they supposed to be identical quintuplets?

That goal is his curse. The bride will be the one that will make him drop it because he doesn't need to prove himself or earn being necessary for her

But Ichika is a nutter and Nino isn't that far off either. He is in for over the top jealousy, controlling behavior, and emotional outbursts if he picks one of them.

I love Rena!

Nino is our girl.

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I have such a huge thing for messy girls like her. And she strikes that rare balance of being messy, but with passable hygiene.

>Different hair color in monozygotic twins can happen in two ways. If the twins separate before the genes for hair color are expressed then it is possible that they will express differently. They both still have genes for hair color from both parents, the same DNA, but the could each express the color from the other parent.
>The other way is through a difference in how pigment is distributed through their bodies. This could be caused by a defect in one twin or developmental differences while in the womb - common in the crowded space occupied by two babies at once. This difference is usually a difference in shade.

Canonically they all have the same hair color. they are colored differently for color pages and anime to distinguish the quints easily.
Look at the first color page where we see the bride (ch 1) and the last color page, it's the same color hair I think

>Passable hygiene
user, I...

Fuutarou-kun, Uesugi, okinasai yo, Fuutaroooo, UEEEESUGIiiiI-SAAAAAN, Uesugi-kun, okite?

Well she's not really messy in the story.
Ichika is the closest of what you would call "messy"

Ichika deserves to win
Fuck Nino

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Either different hair color is non canon, or everyone is colorblind.

Yorokobi mo

>Ichika deserves to win and fucks Nino


Sisters don't do that

Your wife is already dead, Maruo. Stop being a faggot and move one

If I win the Fbowl, will I get to fuck Nino?

shut up Takeda.

Takeda is for Miku, though

Kanashimi mo

Stand user:「Nakano Nino」

Stand name: 「Love Train」

Stand power:「No Brakes」

「LoveTrain」never slows down or stops. Anything in its path is swept up, pushed out of the way or obliterated. Once summoned,「Love Train」can only move in a straight line towards its user's object of affection.

[Anata sae/spoiler]

Swap Miku and Ichika and you're good.

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What if Ichika pretends to be the real lolikano and tattling that Rena was Itsuki os that long lost reuinion wasn't real but the one she is having with him now is real? Or would that be too OOC?

choo choo motherfuckers!

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have the scans been posted or was today all imageposting?


Why can't we just love both Ichika and Nino?

>train that will soon crash with no survivors
Someone will have to draw a trainwreck soon

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she'll try to do something with this, it's obvious.
But I don't think she'll disguise.

The anime was a bump in the road this time, threads have gone visibly downhill since final exams at the latest. Probably earlier than that but that was the first time I noticed how shitty things were at least.

user, the raws are available since monday, and there is a WTN already. imgur.com/a/ntvJ16G here if you want.

For the mangadex translation, wait thursday-friday.

Crashing straight through Fuu-kun's heart

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Oh goddamit. After the faggotry that was the last thread, the last thing we needed was another one.

he says while bumping the thread

Mods deleted one thread in between too

I'm tempted beggining Bokuben.
It is a good story at least ?

>yfw this arc ends with "I love Isuki"

Only read it for Uruka. Maybe Sensei and Rizu even though they don't get much screentime

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It is worth reading if you like silly antics and not much deep into it. I like all the girls.

It's pretty much standard fare. I stopped reading it because I've already read enough like it to not get much out of it rather than it being horrible. It's good enough.

So Go Toubun = Structured plot
And Bokuben =Episodic harem
is that it ?

Yeah. I guess, the everyday is a party fits Bokuben more while this is korean soap drama.

tfw bokushit sucks so much that they have to hijack our threads

>while this is korean soap drama.
And Fuutarou is the main heroine.

Nino would be a boring option to win

Why is there so much hentai for Bokuben, and practically nothing for 5Toubun ? The first one is much more popular or what ?


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Toubun gets the fanart and Bokuben gets the doujins.

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Honestly? Don't. It's not salvageable anymore, it's just episodic cliches and everything turns back to status quo one chapter after things happening. The MC even cancelled his VIP reco

while Bokuben is much more fan service than Toubun who is not very strong on this point... strange

I don't know. But even pre anime announcement, 5toubun got way more fan art than bokuben. Maybe there's a connection here.

I'm reading it for sensei but I'm not invested at all.

Attached: yotsuba_nolewd2.png (1536x1652, 878K)

Everyone talks about that sensei character. Is she so much of a good character/love interest or what ?

I believe in you user-san!

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She is cute and a sensei, that's your answer. She doesn't have a chance at all for the very same reason.

These are indeed official miku a best

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This pic must be protected from those that will despairify it.

She has a great backstory
figuratively and literally

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She has pink hair like the quints.
She's the least comical out of the main girls.
I'd go with sensei>senpai>washboard=shortstack>Uruka.


oh, looks like bokuben has much more fan service than Toubun

Looks like Yotsubro already thought of this by using a background in the bubble. Not that it really helps since it can be easily changed, the best thing is to ignore despairfags aka shitposters

Do you really expect a series like that to survive without fanservice?

Who has the highest yandere potential? We really should have another girl interact with Fuutarou.

Why is Nino the best? Why can't the other sisters compete even tho they have the same opportunities like her?

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Why did Negi empower the despairfags? He could've given Yotsuba a happier chapter, but what we got was more material for them.

Nino is a shit and worst girl though. She's about to get BTFO by Ichika for good

It will only make her redemption the more sweeter in the end. Even if she doesn't win.

ffs, who is she ? I saw her everytime in these threads...

>He could've given Yotsuba a happier chapter
But he also could've give her nothing instead.Which one do you prefer?

Go back to /meta/

I think despairfags are hopefag extremists.

Yui Kashii from Hajimete no Gal.

here is a cute Yotsuba; Say something nice about her.

Attached: Dz7AQReU8AE6oPw.jpg (605x680, 81K)

You look so cute when your face is twisted in heartbreak and despair!

It's fair, Yotsubros. She deserved to be Rena and she deserved to win.

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Hi Exert.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Go-toubun no Hanayome - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.01_[2019.03.07_16.26.51].png (269x414, 155K)

Stop with this stupid meme.

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>She deserved to not be Rena and she deserved to not win.

Attached: 5Toubun no Hanayome - Ch.70 - The Responsibilities of the Class Representative - 18.png (1426x2048, 955K)

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>but I understand how you would feel a little jealous
What did Rena mean by this?

Well, TECHNICALLY who is Lolikano is still up for debate, so Yotsuba may have an avenue there. But as I said before to you in a previous thread, Itsuki has ALL the lolikano linked to her (charms, 'necessary to [subject]', 'set an example'), so if there's a singular Lolikano that Fuuts met, then it's gonna be Itsuki.

Which means the only way Yotsuba has a chance is if Fuuts met multiple lolikanos in his trip to Kyoto. This is the "Yotsuba met a kid while they were young but Ichika made friends with him first" clue, but even that may be a red herring, since what I get from the WTN scans is that Ichika has NO IDEA about lolikano/shoutaro that Itsuki has to spill the entire story to her.

Believe me, I tried all sorts of mental gymnastics to put Yotsuba as lolikano (as you say she DESERVES it), but there's just no way of doing it despite multiple rereadings. She's still best grill in my heart, and Yotsuba/Fuuts is still my fanon ship, but I personally just don't see any way of her winning in canon.

The anime is nice.

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The only mental gymnastic left is to have Yotsuba ask Itsuki to pretend to be Rena. I don't believe that. It's just over.

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don't know, i don't read it yet.
Look, Toubun don't have much fan service and no problem...

>replying to a triptard
Oh, dear...
She learned the importance of them from Fuutarou
>'set an example'
She just repeated what Fuutarou told her a few pages earlier
>'necessary to [subject]'
That's the only one that works, but can be explained in multiple ways
>Ichika has NO IDEA about lolikano/shoutaro that Itsuki has to spill the entire story to her.
What? Itsuki has no idea Ichika has the photo

Negi... I don't feel so good

Attached: yotsuba-dontfeelgood.jpg (580x823, 83K)

Why does Negi hate Yotsuba so much?

Remember to keep your doors and windows locked, anons! They say the Yotsubear is constantly on the prowl, looking for vulnerable, defenseless people to bear-hug!

Attached: yotsubear.png (390x670, 248K)

anons, do you think ichika recognizes who is Lolikano on the photo ? And who is the boy next to her ?

I miss you, Exert. Come back to /meta/.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Go-toubun no Hanayome - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.20_[2019.03.04_16.26.30].png (752x704, 474K)

Most likely. She probably knows who lolikano is since the quints cam differentiate one another.

Bruh, everyone hates Yotsuba. She has the most annoying voice. My ears cringe when she yells UESUGI-SAAAAAAAAAAAN!!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Go-toubun no Hanayome - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.13_[2019.02.28_16.23.47].png (507x719, 407K)

>Ninofag displaying his shit taste

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Seems like she does recognize the pair. If either the "they all met the same day" or "rena=/=lolikano" theory is true then Ichika is the one in the photo.

Attached: yotsuba_despair4.png (668x567, 256K)

He's a retarded shitposter, but he's not wrong about Yotsuba's voice being grating


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Despair Yotsuba is like a calming aroma.


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Or maybe there are more than one Lolikano (i'm rooting for that theory). Nino has a feeling of déjà-vu after all (maybe it's because she already met shotarou, or because she inconsciently recognises Fuutarou, don't know)

Which manga has Nino and Yotsuba and which doesn't?

Yes. That manga is dead.

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what is that manga ? seriously

Best duo. Magnificent taste, dear friend

Bokuben, it's one of those mangas that copied the Go-toubun because it's a new hip fad.

>She has the most annoying voice. My ears cringe when she yells UESUGI-SAAAAAAAAAAAN!!
Alright, Ninofag. This is the ONLY time I'll ever agree with you.

Or you can instantly tell that Shotarou is Fuutarou

She can always pull the chihiro route.
Or when all 4 other toubuns compete for his affection Fuuts can turn around and choose the one who's been on his side since the beginning.

Attached: yotsuCTF.png (402x402, 83K)

>It's been you all along, Yotsuba!

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1/10 no Hanayome. It's probably drawn by a KOfag to put Toubun down because KO can't do it on its own.

Speak for yourself. I love Yotsuba! Also, I don't think a Nino fan has the right to bash on another quint's voice too much

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does anyone have the "Next time Negi" Yotsuba image ?

I want to fuck all the sisters. Polygamy is the best!

>implying Uesugi, OKINASAI is any better

That was also annoying. Fuck anime and FUCK Nino

Miku quints of truth. thank you bald old men.

Nino is worst girl


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Shut up, Ebata

You think anyone is going to disagree with you? Nino's voice is garbage. She's not yelling constantly at least

Yeah. Not that retard, but while I've gotten used to Nino's voice, I still hate it. She should sound much older than that.

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Garbage voice for a garbage girl. I see no problem here

Aaah. I suddenly have this mental image of Yotsuba pushing Fuuts from behind.
> Stop pushing me, what's your problem!
> Just go with it, and don't look back!
> What do you by that? And -
> ...
> Are you crying?
Not good not good. Depressing delusions are not healthy.

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Don't call me a retard, fellow Ninobro. It's just my personal opinion.

Would Itsuki fall for Fuutarou if we convince her he is made completely of ham.

no, you are retard

You were acting like a retard while expressing your personal opinion, though

don't give up, here is a cute yotsuba

Attached: yotsuba_cute3.jpg (675x900, 117K)

Ichika was a mistake.

no u

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Ichika is a miracle faggot

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It's true. The manga would benefit more if she didn't exist.

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Blame the fans, not the character. Besides, Ichika may be a cunt right now, but she could get better if her arc has proper development to change things.

>don't give up
Never. I'll be hopeful till the final chapter.

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To be honest I'm not gonna be mad if any of the quints win.

Who am I kidding? I would rather see any of them win except Ichika.

Attached: miku will never have an animated cup sipping moment this season lmao MIKUFAGS BTFO.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

>Snake Ichika posing as Miku
Nice try.

She's literally the one making the manga interesting and exciting right now though.

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If Miku wins, I'll be okay.

If Itsuki wins, I'll be happy.

If Yotsuba win, I'll be meh but okay.

if Nino wins, I'll be shitposting all day laughing at you niggers.

if Ichika wins, i will kill myself.


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You will kill yourself as soon as Nino loses, Ninotard. Which hopefully will be very soon and based Negi won't disappoint.

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My heart says Miku, but my brain says Nino.

I miss potato faces

Eww, ESL-kun likes my girl.


Suddenly I want Ichika to win.

I don't

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Remember when I said that she didn't deserve Yotsuba's kindness?

>worst girls crossover

Scratch that. I don't want to know you

Who are the best posters in this thread and why are they Ichikafags?


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Best girl has the best fans. It's a natural combination

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You know what this page means, right?
How can she settle everything? Where is this confidence coming from?
Nino is the kisser.


Who have been following toubun threads since the early days?

Who cares about waifufags. Talk about waifus instead.


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rare meekoo

Is Miku wearing her headphones the most significant character development any of the quints have gotten yet?

We Ninobros are all bros so we deeply care about one another.

Attached: happy nino.png (632x652, 809K)

Or the Asa.

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No, that would be Itsuki not eating 10 times a day

Glad you agree

edit some burgers into the box

>Miku not making into top 5

It's over Toubun Bros...

i don't want to see Nino win, but I'm convinced she is the kisser and the bride.
If Yotsuba don't have any huge developement, i can't see anyone but Nino kiss Fuutarou

>look at that loser
>I can't believe I lost to the idiot
>this is awkward
>holy fuck it's my hubby xD
>hello secret lover

Attached: 977i.jpg (436x296, 66K)

What's with Yea Forums hating on Nino? I'm fairly convinced that Toubun thread posters are divided into two groups, those who hate Nino and those who love her.

Itsuki is going to win. It's insane how Ninofags have successfully managed to delude themselves into thinking anyone but Itsuki can be the bride.
At least it will be so fun to make fun out of them when the time comes.

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Attached: thé24.png (218x442, 87K)

Yea Forums has always hated bitchy tsunderes

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For the past 459 days

Ninohaters are animeonlys and they refused to read the manga.

>but I'm convinced she is the kisser and the bride.
Only delusional Nino fags say this, nice try.

don't take it the wrong way user, i don't hate Nino. It's just she's not my best girl, so I prefer if another one wins. But it's okay, i love them all

Attached: quintuplets.jpg (1280x1224, 333K)

You gotta try harder than that user.

You realize that Nino has been saving MC's ass since chapter 20, right?

Yea Forums doesn't hate Nino, Yea Forums hates Ninofags. Nino is just caught in the crossfire.

Actual, real red herrings from Negi
>someone in the bush
>ichika's injuried leg
What else?

The bride

She also drugged him twice

THK is not Yea Forums.

Only Ichika's injured leg actually counts at this point in time. The bush thing is the same as all the other not-red herrings, anons reading too deeply into a situation to push their agenda and not so much as trying to read the intent of the writer.

Did the design of her headphones change at some point? I notice that the cups have a less circular shape in later chapters. Copyright issues?


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Miku's headphones were RIP when she jumped in the river.

>The only mental gymnastic left is to have Yotsuba ask Itsuki to pretend to be Rena. I don't believe that. It's just over.
Itsuki said that "Rena" is a secret that she hasn't told anybody about to Fuutarou and considering how troubled she looked over something that happened at Kyoto, it's fairly safe to assume that something like Yotsuba requesting help from Itsuki did not happen.

>muh boogeyman

What? So people are reading in to deeply about there being no eavesdropper?


Adorable. I want to loop this infinitely.

after they all plunged into the water, his headphones brokes (chapter 50, old one, chapter 51 new one)

it's because of her daddy issues, the more papa dislikes fuu, the more she likes him
>papa hires Fuu to be their tutor
she hates him
>papa is about to fire him
she helps him
>he quits and berates papa
she likes him
>papa says he hates fuu
she starts to fall for him
>he takes her away in front of papa
she confesses
and now
>papa recognize his achievements and hires him back
what will nino do when she finds out about this?

Regardless of Nino's meddling, Fuutarou was fated to fail the first time. The girls just weren't fully adjusted to his teaching at the time of the exam. I doubt any of the other quints would have had the balls to lie to Papa like that.

Miku will win

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Negi get a new sponsor from audio technica

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Well future Maruo hates Fuutarou so much he doesn't even want to attend the wedding. What does that mean?

And you're right. Some anons will desperately cry out that you're delusional, but it won't change the truth

I don't even hate Nino, as she's my second favorite. I just find her fans extremely insufferable in every thread.

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Hi, THK.

user, she's waifu-bait.

Attached: oh.png (618x844, 139K)

Red herring IS the intend of the writer to mislead the readers

>the more papa dislikes fuu, the more she likes him
By the way, she started to fall for him before Papa saying anything about Fuutarou. I don't really don't know where you got that from.
Also, she never knew he berated Maruo.

>Miku will win
user, just save yourself the despair and give it up.

And Fuutarou looks past that and feels grateful for the positive things she has done for him.

>tfw your favorite headphones never show up in chinese cartoons

Attached: Grado-SR225e.jpg (1365x2048, 257K)

Wrong direction user. People were reading too deeply into the idea that there may've been an eavesdropper in the first place when the more obvious answer was "something inconsequential shook the bush as is common in stories in order to set the direction of the scene".
Not that I guessed that it was Itsuki myself, I was wrong and assumed Rena and Lolikano was the same and that it was a mystery girl showing up, but the eavesdropper business got way out of hand when Rena turning out to be Itsuki ended up being way more obvious than those hoops we'd have to jump through.

The reality is that Negi's a competent writer and a lot of the guessing around here makes the assumption that he isn't. If there's a red herring, it'll be done like the Ichika one where it's put up on display and the hints are there that it's a misdirect like he did with that one. There were anons who called it out when it was happening, I didn't think that far ahead but I just know well enough not to overthink things.

You guys repeat waifubait like it's supposed to be an insult

He's shitposting

>THK with random IRC that stopped by on occasions
>Yea Forums
Claire has always been top 3 regardless of that noise.

Does Nino have BPD? If she did everything would make sense

bipolar? I don't think so.

It's supposed to wake you up from dreaming too much. It's not used as an insult, but to kindly point out "one" reason she'll just end up a loser.

Nah, she's just a woman.

>assumed Rena and Lolikano was the same
It's still very much possible thag this is thr case

Forget it, Snakefags don't care about the nice things Nino has done nor the positive development that has won hearts and minds of many people that far outweighs "drugging" that brought no harm and was quickly water under the bridge.

not true, I'm a mangaonly fag and Nino is absolutely awful. The fanbase for her is twice as awful. Take as an example >dislikes Yotsuba
>admits he's going to just shitpost if Nino wins
now multiply the shitposting by 50 since that's how many Ninofags there are.
All Nino needed was to randomly start beating up Fuutarou and she's be right in the "bitchy annoying Tsundere whose only quality is her looks" category.
Let's not forget the two (2) times she drugs Fuutarou.

It's really not an insult, user. A character that we refer to as "waifu-bait" is just that--not necessarily made for the protagonist of whatever series they're in, but favorable to the majority of fans. It doesn't really matter what happens to Miku at this point because the ending won't significantly alter fans' opinions of her.

Attached: violatingthenolookrule.png (484x379, 138K)

Find me one romcom where the nice and shy girl/dandere/kuudere wins.

user, drugging someone is a crime, she should be in jail

Fuutarou hates Nino, though

I guess the eavesdropper was a red-herring in regards to who Rena was. I still guessed correctly since the clues were pretty much in your face, with Fuutarou's comments about Rena sounding like Itsuki and his conversations with Itsuki.

You didn't need to reply two times more

>Forget it,
Exactly. The only way to get rid of them is to stop giving them You's

>two more times
You wish.

So much this. Nino is objectively the worst girl and Ninotards are cancer.
Watch how they'll call you muh Ichikafag though to deflect

Attached: 1544071674403.jpg (494x533, 50K)

Fuutarou doesn't even seem to care the drugs since he managed to joke around about it.
Kinda funny how people keep repeating it when only Fuutarou's feelings on the subject matters.

>meh but okay means disliking now
>bitching at based Ninobro who's having fun and a good time
Nice shitpost.

There is no no worst girl, it's Ninofags who are horrible, not Nino.
You need to love each quint equally, even if you can have a favorite (fuck you negi, you hate Yotsuba, it's obvious)

In all fairness, Nino would have been a very unsafe bet to make during the early chapters. She could have easily been bitchy for much longer, have a change of heart at the very last stretch of the plot, and begrudgingly accepted Fuutarou's position as the tutor. Now that's actually competing--and barely making any mistakes, at that--it's pretty interesting to see how far she'll go.

He's going to remember the drugging the moment he turns her down.

You didn't have to agree with yourself, obvious Snakefag.
Another worst girl. Sasuga.

What a huge faggot you are

>proved 's point
Calm down, THK.

>bitching at based Ninobro who's having fun and a good time
He's a retarded shitposter.

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>and barely making any mistakes

Attached: 10.jpg (1080x1538, 354K)

I'd fully support Fuutarou if he wants to press charges but it doesn't seem like that's the case.

For doing what?

She's a bitch in the anime, but gonna start reading the manga so hopefully she gets better

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Go-toubun no Hanayome - 06 [1080p].mkv11.jpg (1920x1080, 250K)

>everyone who dislikes Nino is a snekfag
I like Yotsuba, never cared for Ichika other than the "Sink myself harder than the Titanic" thing she's doing.

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I want Fuutaro to fuck me

>Nino gets to have an excuse to be alone Fuutarou
Negi, you hack.

That was my first reply to you, though.

Attached: THK at his finest.png (1366x467, 152K)

For shitposting?

>I can edit (You)s
congratulations I guess

Fair, but it's just a gift. Ichika needs those points much more than NIno does at the moment.

>implying he isn't going to avoid her at all costs

Gr8 phoneposting.

You mean funposting. Do you have a stick up your ass, user?

ctrl f Nagi

What a garbage thread.

Man, it feels so good to see Ichika beating Nino's ass to a pulp. Can't wait for the final blow.

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thank you for your contribution

Kinda pointless since editing (you)s is easy as fuck.

I hope you enjoy the manga. I do recommend starting from chapter 1 cause I feel like the anime skips a moment here and there.

What board is this and why should we care?

I see you're a shitposter too.

>Nagi is a Ninofag
Wow. I doubt most people here are old enough to know about her though.

That's the same ninofag we're talking about

You don't even know what that word means. Protip: things you don't like don't equal shitposting just because.

sure thing

The groom too

Every group on Yea Forums that identifies themselves with -bro are absolute cancer beyond the likes of any -fags.

What? SCIENCE girl was the only good girl along with imouto.

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She's still a cunt in the manga user
Anons are just memeing here when they say she gets better

filenames, style of posting, the girl from hajimete no gal

Nope. Futaba a shit.

Holy fuck, is last thread still not enough for all these meta shits? General was a mistake

Not seeing it. How the hell would you even know, anyways?

Let's talk about best girl Ichika then
What is the next step of her master plan?

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I though we will have one day without general.

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This is what happens when fags try to contain autism in one thread instead of letting multiple threads for a manga/anime stay up.

o no

Snapping Nino and persuading Miku out of the bowl

Attached: 1550186328491.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

What do you mean by this? It was the autism lamp present.

>What is the next step of her master plan?
Crashing the runaway train with no survivors

This better not awaken anything in me.

She will disguise as Rena and tell Fuutarou it was her all along.

Die with Nino and Miku and let Itsuki have an easy win

Based Onee-san looking out for the youngest quint.

o yes

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You were close to Miku quads but no, Futaba confirmed a best

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the earring chapter of Nino, an hint or a huge red herring after 77 chapter for you anons ?

>not investing in NinoCoin

Buy low sell high bro

Attached: my wife.jpg (1242x1890, 259K)

>Nino would have been a very unsafe bet to make during the early chapters
Only if you didn't see it coming.

Attached: nino stock.jpg (630x148, 19K)

How about Miku quints?

Attached: miku quints of truth.png (806x85, 5K)

I want to believe it's foreshadowing, but my mind's telling me to ignore any type of bride hint like that.

Still not as high as Miku stocks tho

Attached: 1549557752055.jpg (1920x1080, 176K)

That's okay, I put a little in MIKUsoft but NINOtendo all the way bro!

For those you buy high and stagnate

That's why it's an investment, user.

I'm not balding though

> month / day / year

Investing in Miku will give you no return. She literally done nothing.

>tfw the first Ninoposting dates back before chapter 20

You Ninofags are fucking insane what the fuck is wrong with you people

Attached: ninofags.png (2188x976, 318K)

it's funny because every red herrings currently lead to Nino imo.

>Miku is more popular but Ninofags are more active
This has always been true and no matter how much they spam they'll always be less popular than the other quints.

There are more Ninofags than any other fags but Miku's.

It's even mind boggling that there are people who likes Nino pre-confession.

there is 50+ chapters left to change that user.

Negi new tweet : 今だけ読めます!
カワードクロスワールド - 春場ねぎ / 【五等分の花嫁】春場ねぎ 新人賞作品 | マガジンポケット
episode: pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/10834108156640490564

probably the likes of Houkifags

Miku is great design-wise and most people like her from the start. I doubt that can still be changed

That was dumped here about half a year ago, but with shittier scans. Hope he releases his other one shots in good quality.

That's just one of his older oneshots.

Attached: C4s3sBuUEAEwJ0D-orig.jpg (1488x1136, 221K)

Reminder that in chapter 92, new Nino will have the same amount of screen time as classic Nino and will overtake her afterwards.


He did the art but not the story right?

>implying Houkifags exist

That was Rengoku no Karma. This is Negi's OC.


It's funny because even in his old works, you still recognise his gimmicks (angles, expressions, etc...)

He should just go back being an artist instead, he's not that good at storytelling.

I forgot the threads where the one-shots were dumped in. All I got was this.

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I want to kiss and fug Miku

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Coward Cross World Mahou Shoujo Kongouyama Tsuyoshi Ura Sekai Communication Vampire Killer is on dex

Sakurasou? Saekano?

Alternate Pixiv link for MSKT pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=62470608
Rengoku no Karma is also on Dex but it's incomplete+dropped.

I'd read it

Attached: 62470608_p37.jpg (1663x1171, 1.13M)

What? Why are you saying this?

It baffles me how popular Toubun is despite being inferior in every way compared to Kaguya.

someone will fall for that

>previous works involved supernatural or fantastical elements
>his famous work is just a normal shoujo family drama
What did shit taste mean by this?

Sakurasou, doen't work : first girl/main girl rule

God, Miku gas such a cute design. I love her so much

It means we're getting a fusion end

I fell for Nino despite disliking her in the beginning

>Yotsuba is 4d chess they say
>But it's actually itsuki that 5d chess from the begining

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Yotsuba will kill herself out of depression

Yotsuba will never be resurrected on Easter Sunday.

Kinda odd that they keep baiting here.
Must be blu-ray sales.

Pouting Miku is second best Miku

it's not inferior, it's different.
Kaguya is an original work: the risk is to not please to everyone
Toubun is a classic soft harem/slice of life drama, well writen and good pacing, good art
two series who'll mark their time by different means : original success and classic success

>Replying to it

This is not the kaguya thread

Itsuki looks fantastic here.

As bad as this place is, at least it hasn't been overtaken by a reddit majority. We can only thank the QUALITY anime for this.

This is not a seinen

It’s a shoujo.


Preview pics of next episode


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worst girl
best girls

God I wish I were in the middle

FUCK Nino.

Wanna lick Itsuki flabs

I wonder if Negi can make an ending that changes the way people look at harem genre. Romcom harem series, especially those set in modern day and can't write harem end, usually have shit tier or absurd ending and make most people just want to forget about them. It'll be really hard for Negi to write a satisfying ending

Oh, he actually looks frightening here.

As long as Nino doesn't win it'll be satisfying enough.

Negi doesn't have to prove anything. Authors should just write the stories they want and it's been a nice ride if you ignore the waifufags here that only care about the ending.

But, from what we've seen we know that he's good at writing and planning. Considering he understands the importance of an ending, we may actually get our first satisfying non-harem ending. I think TWGOK came close even though it messed up the plot, coming to the girls it sort of ended well.

Wish he expanded on Chihiro Katsuragi relationship, though.


praise the sun

I can't believe Negi just killed off Yotsuba like that.

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Yotsuba was already dead.

>Goddess Miku meme finally catches on a year after I tried to start

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So what was the reaction? Wasn't there for the gook and ant threads.
Fucking called it.

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RIP Yotsuba.

Negi is a smart and creative guy, it is evident from reading even a few random chapters of the manga. For example, how he turned M.A.Y, introduced 5 chapters back which looked like a gag bit into a plot point. I've high hopes for this but that only because I'm not a waifufag and would like as long as it's a satisfying ending.

You seem obsessed

Just smile and let it go.

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So Ichika got away with sabotaging Miku just like that?

But how will Yotsuba recover?

>Wasn't there for the gook and ant thread
Threads are easily accessible these days.

Ichika is a pure maiden who did nothing wrong

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There's nothing to recover.

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By winning the Raihabowl. If Itsuki wins the Fuubowl then there won't be any competitor left

She doesn't need to.

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Same. I really liked how she turned around as a character.

By eating more Miku's delicious bread obviously

Attached: micookie.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

I bet Ichika'll think she can get away with it and keep abusing the disguise, but Fuutarou will find out in the next time

You can when it's the truth but with moderation.

Pretty much how Nino got away with comitting major fellony.

Sounds like absolute shit but now I really want a Battle Academy starring the quint Fuutarous, where each of them outsmarts/beats their opponent in some wayno Femtarou, even though the design is good
I just want to see 5x Fuutarou, he's such a cool Character.

Who knows, people assumed Nino would never bring up the whole "Ichika was supposed to distract their dad" bit and she called her out for it.

It's not cheating if you don't get caught.

Ichika will disguise as Rena and Fuutarou will see through it.

He is probably gonna question why she is here in Kyoto and thought she was saying goodbye forever. Then from his line of questioning, he will see through the disguise.

Obviously Negi drag it out so he can do more drama

>Yotsuba misses the entire field trip arc due to food poisoning from Miku's food.

I love how Takeda managed to get even gayer in this week's chapter when it wasn't even about him

Just as planned.

>Thinks Negi drags shit out when Rena got revealed this early
I wish he slowed it down instead.

Miku won't do that to her little sister

Attached: peek2.jpg (84x121, 7K)

Some people simply don't speedread and could actually understand the character.

Sabotage is a strong word.

Sukidesufag on suicide watch.

People shouldn't assume Ichika is going to do something bad in the next arc.

/y/ ftw


and now she has another knife to stab Rena/Lolinakano in the next field trip

You can just say Itsuki.

It’s happening

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This. Ichika will think shotarou is someone Itsuki liked and she'll try to give her advice.

The raws have been available since today, fool.

tsunderes get my dick hard, I don't know why and I can't help it

>no. 4 by tweets
>doesn't appear in any other list
Well that sounds reasonable, unlike those BD sales predictions.

Those "predictions" doesn't include movies.

Funnily enough, #5 on sales

Negi can't keep getting away with this!

Attached: IMG_20190313_163411.jpg (2048x1536, 467K)

I wonder if he does it for free.


He did it for one pair of ATH-WS990BT. The slut.

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Could I interest you in purchasing a bridge? Or a story about a scorpion and a frog?

Attached: hiss.jpg (845x1200, 477K)

Chapter 75 was one chapter. We have 76 chapters that show she is a nice girl.

Face it, there is no basis to thinking she will be out of line in the next chapter.

Does he use one? Not just own but actually use it.

Who knows? Though he probably picked one up to use as reference.
That being said, ATH sure was lucky as fuck to have triangle as their fucking logo.

Ninofags should be lined up and shot

Chapter 75 was the second time she intentionally screwed over one of her sisters. And we don't have 76 chapters of her being a nice girl since she was also causing problems in the festival and field trip arcs.
It's more like we have 40 chapters that show her being a nice girl, 25 chapters that show she's got some bigger problems, and 10 chapters that show love has made her into a cutthroat.

n-no thanks

Attached: 3488588.jpg (665x1014, 105K)

I fucking hate you scums for memeing Nino into popularity


"scum" is not a pluralable word try scumbags instead

>there is no basis to thinking she will be out of line in the next chapter.
Except for maybe Yotsuba telling us that that's her real self.

Kill yourself subhuman ninochink

Her toes are so absolutely sexy

She obviously can't say that Yotsuba requested help or someone other than her knows about "Rena", especially if Yotsuba is Lolikano.

I'm neither a Ninofag nor an illiterate subhuman like yourself
"scums" is not a word

>memeing Nino into popularity
Nothing of the sort, I just knew where Negi was going.

Does anyone have the collage of Miku's tights from the manga?

It doesn't get a lot of focus anymore apart from the beginning.

That's okay user, I just want my search for it to be over

You know what's mean? Pic related

First draft TL done

Attached: file.png (501x430, 111K)


Time to make an early thread.

Fuutarou doesn't look so good

By the time Negi is done with his manga, they'd wish someone did that to them.

Yeah because he had all those clues and he still got duped by Ichika

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Fuutarou's color blind.

Attached: 13x.png (1115x1600, 2.49M)

Might as well say 'everyone in this manga' instead if you still insist on that retarded shit of yours.

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Glad she got rid of her ahoge.

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Now imagine Mikufags smashing their audio technica headphones when Miku loses. Great publicity for both

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best sisters.

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W-watch those buttons

Can't wait for when Ichika will fuck Yotsuba over

She can't fuck over someone who isn't in the race.
Yotsuba wins again.


Attached: 8.jpg (1426x2048, 2.49M)

I never get the appeal of Miku

>cheeto hands

Attached: illust_73658154_20190313_062140.png (2500x2547, 3.12M)

Because you aren't Fuutarou

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Miku is a likable character design but that's all about it. She is kawaii uguu borderline moeshit character.

Come on

Oh, I know.
I meant again and something worse than stickers

Ichika wouldn't do that now that she's older.

What kind of suffering will Yotsuba get in the kyoto arc?

>Ichika is the first to know all the quints' secrets, except Yotsuba
Coincidence? I think not. It's all according to 4D chess
Inb4 she doesn't have anything to hide ;_;

Fading into the background

Yotsuba can't refuse.

How would we feel about Onee-san if Yotsuba was lolikano and Ichika took that identity from her? Like Ichika convinces Fuutarou that Ichika was the girl he met. I would like it, it'd show her resolve and aggressiveness.

>yotsuba brought back ichika to her initial parameter settings

How far will 4D chess go?

>Ichika is the first to know all the quints' secrets
And next she will discover that other quint managed to snag Fuutarou first kiss.I guess that just the fate of Ichika to be just a trail-follower.

>1/10 no Hanayome

why would anyone like ichika when she doesn't even know how to keep her room clean?

No more than being irrelevant like usual.

>We must fight until only one remains.

Attached: Masked Rider DESPAIR.jpg (1054x1628, 831K)

What if Yotsuba is using Ichika to ruin Nino and Miku?

Oneesan will never do that.

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I don't follow the rider franchise so spoil me. How does it end?

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>The chad manga
>The virgin anime

> midriff

Attached: 1542724960470.png (760x706, 778K)

Any reason why 5toubun became so fucking popular? The only recent romcom I can think of that sold as much as it was Nisekoi, which was WSJ. At this point last year it was just WSM most popular romcom.

I read the next chapter. Itsuki end confirmed.

>Supposedly popular
>Anime deeply phoned in
I don't get it

Anime is only used for promoting.And they succeed even with low budgeting.
BD sells,merch sells and manga get sales boost

Ponytail > twin pigtails > long hair > short hair

Attached: 1552205879173.jpg (1400x1400, 1.26M)

Nino is the bride, though

What about long ponytail and short ponytail?

The concept with quintuplets is really good, since the potential winner is there from the start, and Negi doesn't need to introduce unnecessary female competition later. The flashforwards also assure the reader that there will be a winner, no bullshit ending. (Let's not bring the harem or open ending discussion here). The "filler" is almost non-existent. Fuutarou doesn't make me mad as a shit ton of harem MC's.

oneshot > long (ribbonless) > short (ribbons) > long (ribbons) > ponytail (short) > bridal > pigtails > ponytail (long) > sidetail > short (ribbonless) > bun

Attached: 1539633258263.png (466x651, 230K)

>long ponytail so low

Whenever I see it I think of grabbing it and spinning her around mario style

This doesn't matter when potato>all.