>character used for 90% of the advertisement doesnt appear in season 2
wew lads
Character used for 90% of the advertisement doesnt appear in season 2
one (1) episode of eye candy vs 12 in the first season
the doujins on this show make her seem like god tier waifu material, but is she really?
>eats a LOT of trash
>still god tier body
>le quirky personality
pretty and solid imo
>season 2 actually got better when she left
who saw that twist coming?
Except it didn't.
>entire cast used for advertising dies in the first episode and stays dead
Ga-rei first episode reactions were something special.
If this thread survives we will get more Saya doujins.
It's fine coconuts belongs to coffee anyway.
Candies are for children real men eat salt and rocks.
>salt and rocks
Lol, this child actually salts his rocks. Eat them raw like an actual man.
What if the rock I'm eating raw is salt?
uhh...sweaty, real men eat pussy
Then you should perish.
what's like a bait and switch but good?
Wrong real men plow boy pussy.
>a doujin nailed the ending better than the original manga
Wew indeed.
flat girls are cute too user
which doujin is it the one where coconuts gives her the candy wedding ring
Pleasantly surprised? Happy ending?
>>character used for 90% of the advertisement doesnt appear much in the manga
>character used for 90% of the advertisement doesnt appear in season 2
Oh boy this is going to be a hearty kek
The fact that Ebino will never get doujins saddens me deeply.
Hotaru is a cool breeze on a warm summer day.
Ebino is by far the best girl. The others are trash teir.
I have ejaculated so much semen to Hotaru
Yeah it was weird how she was gone for most of that season.
me too
Coconuts should forget Hotaru and go for Hajime.