10/10 Anime

Is there ANY Anime, Yea Forums can collectively agree on is a 10/10 without having contrarians saying XY is "average" or even "bad"?

Attached: FMA.jpg (452x299, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:


boku no pico

Not fma

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Nope. New here?

Eromanga Sensei is a fucking masterpiece

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he's asking Yea Forums , not /wsr/ or all of the website

Am I low-level trash if I only recognize Eva and Berserk?

>Welcome To the NHK
Fucking lul at the idea of people even thinking this is anything above a 6/10

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Jojo ( but your opinion counts only if you've seen it whole )
The Tatami galaxy

>without having contrarians saying XY is "average" or even "bad"
You don't understand that word, they don't think it's bad they make themselves think it's bad so they can feel different from others.

Probably something like Uchouten Kazoku.

>Am I low-level trash if I only recognize 2/9 of the biggest entry level anime there are
Pretty much

Stop fucking lying to people about your shitty ass pedoshit anime you enormous fucking loser.

No u


I once watched all of kaiji in one day but I didn't think it was that good after he escaped the boat.

Death Note but only until L gets killed

Sure, a lot.

I have yet to watch any 10/10 anime, so no

>eva fag
>perfect taste

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t. filtered brainlet.

The whole anime's plot works itself into the viewing experience as well, you have to endure hardship and suffering to come out rewarded at the end

You're entitled to your own opinion even if it's wrong. Dice game is the best arc out of the ones in the anime.

Lurk 2 more years before you post.

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Space Brothers


>Is there ANY Anime, Yea Forums can collectively agree on is a 10/10 without having contrarians saying XY is "average" or even "bad"?
Fundamentally impossible.

>Hey dear FBI agent would you please write all your colleges names on this piece of paper
>sure what could go wrong

>My husband died after revealing his identity to a high school boy and I should really someone important
>Hi I am a High school student would would you please tell me your secrets
>please please

what a great show

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That's either garbage-tier bait or some serious speed-watching.

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honestly one of the ugliest anime girls ever conceived. her design pisses me off so fucking much

There was a Kaiji hate thread the other day.

The Yotsuba anime

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>serious speed-watching
To tell Light her true name because he told her that he was part of the investigation is just retarded.
I watched that part twice since I first dropped the show after that dumb scene
Also nothing L does makes any sense, at least after he revealed Lights living area. He is probably the most overrated character in Anime.

No but I think everyone can agree OP is a favgot

can we agree that this Anime/Manga is awesome

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Yeah, with 1 contrarian samefagging and going "But where's the actionnnnn"


I'm pretty sure this would only be possible with anime a couple of people have seen at most.

>To tell Light her true name because he told her that he was part of the investigation is just retarded.
Why? No one knows about the death note at that point and the setting replicates the real world with the exception of the death note itself obviously. Why wouldn't she introduce herself? Why would some Japanese teenager pretend to be a part of the investigation to wring a detail as pointless as her name out of her? Honestly, imagine being too dumb to understand anime.

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I've never watched a 10/10 anime, I'd know it if I had as it would stand above everything else as perfection.

The only time I've ever encounter a 10/10 was the Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou manga, it's not just great it's perfect, I've read plenty of other great manga, berserk, dorohedoro, punpun, yotsuba etc. but among them YKK still clearly stands above the rest and that's why I know it's a 10/10, an anime has never done this for me, highest I've ever rated is a 9/10.

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>Why wouldn't she introduce herself?
Her Husband died because he told him his real name and kept it a secret form his boss. That is the only thing she wants to inform them about and the reason why Light kills her. Your true identity is the most important thing... how could you miss that.
Literally the only thing people know at this point is that Kira needs a persons real name to kill him/her.
Did you forget the part where L let Light kill that prisoner on life TV.

Go watch the Anime again, after that you will realise that it wasn't Netfix's fault, there was just so substance to work with

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death note is the SAO of the last decade. The only difference is that to this day these pathetic fanboys praise their edgelord show to this day.
At least some know that the second half sucked

They didn't know about the Death Note yet are you that dense? Oh my god you're embarrassing.
Do you want it spelled out? They didn't know Kira needs names.

>Her Husband died because he told him his real name and kept it a secret form his boss
How the hell would she know that? And why would she jump to the conclusion that names have something to do with his death? Like I said, the setting mimics reality for the most part. She's a normal person and a normal person would not suspect some weird voodoo shit as the cause of death for their loved ones.
> Kira needs a persons real name to kill him/her.
That's something the investigation team suspects. I don't remember if the FBI knew that too, but it's perfectly reasonable to assume that the FBI agent may not have shared that relatively minor piece of information with his fiance, or that she didn't take it to heart, because like I said she's a normal person and normal people don't believe in this sort of shit.
> Netflix
That explains everything. Sasuga streamfag.

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>as it would stand above everything else as perfection
Even though 10/10 is the maximum score I treat it as 9.5+ considering we don't use fractions of a point.
I'm not sure I'd have any 10/10 either if it had to be completely perfect.

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>How the hell would she know that?
There is a scene where they talked about it. Do you not remember the Anime. Tell me what she wanted to tell the police and why Light had to kill her.
>She's a normal person
re-watch the Anime

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>fooly turd


Gurren Lagann is a 10/10 without a doubt.

Every anime that gets praised will have contrarian faggots shit on it just for the sake of it. That being said, I have yet to hear anyone say anything negative whatsoever about Barakamon, and I'm convinced that it's actually a perfect anime.

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FMA is alright. Brotherhood is a shit, don't fall for the meme. There is no such thing as a 100% opinion on Yea Forums because there are always contrarian trolls. But some works are liked by the majority here, so just lurk around and you will find them

Leave it to ballfags to shill in every thread they can

Shit didn't even have pantsu.

>Ball can't be moeshit

Send that commie bulshit to chinkland.

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I didn't dislike Barakamon but I still think there were 5 better shows in that season alone.
It was just about alright, and I feel that most of us thinking something is at least alright is the best agreement we'll ever get.

Hero academia is definitely a 10/10. It's worth the time.

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Haibane Renmei


Nah, I think it's a 7/10.

As much as I love Haibane Renmei, it is exactly one episode too long. The pacing would be much better if it was trimmed down to 12 episodes instead of 13.

Himouto! Umaru-chan season 1

death note desu

The only answer to this is HxH and this entire thread should be instantly deleted for anyone even SUGGESTING otherwise

pic very related
and berserk 1997
there are a couple more but these are the two on my mind right now

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>No u

That's why this discussion is pointless. I say Barakamon is perfect because I can't think of a single thing that's wrong with it, and I've never heard anyone air a legitimate criticism of the show. But that doesn't mean that it's the single most enjoyable show ever made. There are plenty of anime that I like more even though I think they have problems.

Trigun is pretty great. Im also a huge madokafag but I know there are a lot of contrarians waiting to jump at it.

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If you mean which ever one the spookster was from. I was honestly sick of it by then and dropped it not even halfway.

Any of you have secret magazines you love? For me it's fish and fish tanks

is there anyone who dislikes this masterpiece

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Doesn't exist. Even great anime like Madoka or Eva get shit on mercilessly, and rabid fans don't help their image (especially with Madoka)

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Code geass

get fucked

>no Legend of the Galactic Heroes
baka, Yea Forums

Why was he so hot?

Kino's Travels come to mind as well as pic-related


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gunbuster is the peak, all has been downhill since


Daicon IV

There aren't 10/10 anime

>The Twelve Kingdoms.jpg
From a time when isekai anime were not trash.

Based and nenpilled



>Double amputee child
>So hot


Ashita no Joe
Lupin III
Most of Ghibli movies
Ping Pong the Animation
Also everyone on Yea Forums fucking knows deep down that Eva is a 10/10 but they just don't want to admit it because it's popular

Not anime, but The Last Airbender is probably the closest that I can think about something that is collectively liked by everyone. Death Note, perhaps, but the manga is superior.


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>actual great anime
>jojo, hxh and gurren lagann pop out of fucking nowhere
nah, sorry bro

those are the best shonen anime out there, what's wrong with including that

Hokuto no Ken and Dragon Ball are still the best if we are talking battle shonenshit

Stop trolling, Kino's Travels was one of the worst anime of 2017.

Only the first row is 10/10.

The original was great though.

this could be it

Since a part of this thread is already about DN, I'm just going to ask a question that's been on my head for a while.

Why the fuck does Light almost always kill people through heart attacks? Wouldn't it be significantly better for him if they looked like accidents? That way it would take more time for someone to notice what he's doing, if at all

Fuck you, Sagiri is a lovely maiden

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this, there really are none. everyone has different tastes and some are brainlet enough to have multiple 10/10’s, but everyone is entitled to their own special snowflake opinion.

go back to r*ddit

Nope but here the ones I consider 10/10
>Cowboy Bebop
>Princess Mononoke
>Spirited Away
>Code Geass
>Casshern Sins
>Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
>Madoka Magica
>Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki
>Kill la Kill
>Mob Psycho 100
>Made in Abyss
>Girls Last Tour
>Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho
>Hakumei to Mikochi
But those are just 10/10 to me. Expecting anybody else to think just like me is rediculous which is why this whole thread is rediculous. Just an excuse to bait people into argung with eachother ironically and unironically depending on how much they buy into objectivism.

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Wouldn't call it 10/10, but it definitely ranks up there as one of the best. But the people eating the tanuki seems to be a dealbreaker for some, or I would assume it's one. The whole story and cast has so much charm to it that I forgive it for that, though.

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>good list so far
>everything after NieA_7
user, why?

Its efficient at the start and honestly its borderline impossible for him to get caught irl. Also he wanted people to view the killings as an act of god in a sense, so it makes sense to a) have a consistent and recognizable murder method and b) have that murder method be pretty much impossible outside of supernatural means. In real life Light would probably have never been caught unless he slipped up in front of his father or he revealed himself to the world.

>complaining about everything under Niea_7
>not that he considers Niea_7 a 10/10

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The most contrarians can muster against Bebop is to call it the anime for people that hate anime. Which is honestly true, but it is still damn good and I'm not gonna hate something good because retards like it for the wrong reasons.

I haven't watched it myself yet, but I saw some hate for it recently complaining about it going nowhere in the whole of its 99 episodes. It wasn't on Yea Forums, but I'm sure a few anons share the same opinion.
Yeah, pretty much. This is just a dumb thread.
Should be worded more like "what's the most collectively loved anime on Yea Forums". And the anime that come to mind would generally be the most popular anime that contrarians would pretend to not like, for reasons unknown to man.

I can understand that. Niea_7 is really comfy

I can't think of any reasons to dislike Princes Kaguya.

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There were a few shitty filler episodes and I'm sure a few people that read the manga weren't feeling the terrorist arc. I myself loved it and I was on my way to considering it one of my favorite anime of all time until the last minute of the final episode. What a truly shitty way to end the anime.

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All good anime is anime for people who hate anime because when you mention the term 'anime' everyone immediately thinks of mediocre seasonal plastic soulless garbage

Forgot a fucking 's'.

Apparently lots of brainlets on Yea Forums dislike this movie. Every Takahata anime except for Grave of the Fireflies is an ultimate pleb filter

FMA is not a 10/10 you retards, in what world is a slightly better than average shonen it a masterpiece

Not fma for sure but fmab was one of the best things anime industry have to offer, saying that as someone who watches that shit since 90x.

>Is there ANY Anime, Yea Forums can collectively agree on


> but fmab was one of the best things anime industry have to offer
Seriously watch more anime. And I'm not even one of these retards who say stuff like Cowboy Bebop isn't that good

Trigun was 6\10 considering that it wasn't a very good adaptation and animation was average. Its like berserk anime but not that shitty and actually enjoyable.

>Its like berserk anime but not that shitty
Wait what. Berserk from 1997 is fucking great you moron. And that's coming from a huge Berserk fan

>Shitty animation and drawing that can't even remotely compare to the manga
>Fucked up plot with random shit they came up on their own that wasn't in the manga skipping things that actually was there
>Slow and boring pace with shitty directing
Yeah, no. It was stale and blank, the only thing I really loved about it was OP and ED songs.

It's not a 10/10, of course, but regardless of your opinion, it's one of the best and most beloved fantasy adventure anime ever made. The cast is great, the story and twists are fantastic, the animation is amazing throughout, the OPs/EDs are all lovely, and the magic system is done extremely well. The only things that keep it from being a 10/10 are the comedy tonal shifts and the overall tone not being as dark as the original anime.
What other fantasy adventure anime do you consider better that come close to or surpass all the qualities of Brotherhood? I'm not going to call you wrong, but I'd like to know what you'd consider better.

why hasn't this received a live action adaptation?

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Oh yeah also some of the OST was pretty good but that's about it.

Is it some kind of meme or are you people genuinely like that trash? Pretty sure that's supposed to be ironic.

>"Original" being dark
Fucking lol

>No dude it's TOTALLY a 10/10 masterpiece

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Because I loved it. Everything on that list is something I genuinely loved watching.

But you don't need to compare it to the manga. Background art by Shichiro Kobayashi is absolutely amazing. The soundtrack is also great. And I don't remember the pacing being too slow. Once again, Berserk is unadaptable so you don't need to compare this anime to its source material, you need to view it as its own thing.
>What other fantasy adventure anime do you consider better
Well, I don't know what anime are fantasy adventure.

Rurouni Kenshin/Tsuioku-hen is literally perfect.

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This and Texnolyze

Are either of you going to give an actual reply or no?

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If there's anything that lacks critics on Yea Forums then it's also massively unpopular. Like, I've never heard anyone say anything bad about Wanwa or Wonder, but these are artsy short films only a small group of people care to watch. If there's anything popular enough to have Yea Forums "collectively" watch, there's guaranteed to be critics. The only thing I can think of which is both popular and (very close to) universally liked is Yotsubato, and that's not anime.

>But you don't need to compare it to the manga.
Yes I do, because it was supposed to be an adaptation. Its not an original work.
>Background art by Shichiro Kobayashi is absolutely amazing.
They were alright but I won't call them amazing, manga have so much detail in them, anime did backgrounds in completely different style which I don't like. I understand they won't be able to reproduce manga style 100% but they could have been at least made general art style and feel similar to it, instead they went with some generic 90x trash, especially on characters.
>Berserk is unadaptable
Its a hard challenge to adapt it but I believe its possible with the right team that have much passion toward the manga, years of experience on AAA titles and a huge budget, just look at how good hellsing ultimate was.

Not them but FMAB is shit, tone is inconsistent as fuck and the magic system is so boring, undefined and underutilized. It's a good shounen, but that's about it.

Doesn't worth it spending an hour or more explaining how "dark" and "mature" the first shitshow was.

I enjoyed every second of N_7. That's what I consider to be 10/10 series. I laughed at all the jokes. I related to a bunch of the characters. I empathized with what some of them were going through. The music was awesome with all the low bit rate western stuff thrown in there. The animation had a rough goofy charm to it. I liked the weird injection of Indian culture and the odd criticism the the show made about the Indian caste system. I just loved it. What else can I ask for from a series? How could I not consider that a 10/10?

watch anime for at least two years before posting

>My husband died after revealing his identity to a high school boy and I should really someone important
and how would she know that? She never told him

>That nitpicks
Learn to analyse the show and make actual arguments instead of ITS DUMB AN SHEEET, SO DUMB ITS DUMB! STUPED!

I don't think you belong here if that's true. Go familiarize yourself with anime more, there is no reason to be here otherwise.

>Its a hard challenge to adapt it but I believe its possible
Just google 'Berserk manga' and open up images right now and tell me how the fuck it's adaptable. I believe that the 97 anime is literally the best we could possibly ever get. Berserk only works as a manga. I mean the 97 anime also works but it's different. I love it a lot, it's a solid 8/10 for me. Especially the background art

Yu Yu Hakusho anyone?
Hellsing Ultimate?

No anime adaptation ever looks as good as the manga but art quality isn't the only criteria they should be judged on.

>collectively agree
>without having contrarians
This is literally impossible be the definitions of the words, you beady-eyed fag

No not 10/10, 10/10 is way too specific and too much of a statement. Yea Forums can agree on anime being good or great though. Kino's Journey for example is almost universally praised here. It isn't universally considered a 10/10, but 95% of the board would rate it 7/10 or higher.

>not even FLCL
nigga what are you doing

>We can use this power to transform life it's self!
>"Yeah that sounds great but I'm just gonna make rock towers hit people"



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>how the fuck it's adaptable
Well you clearly have zero knowledge on art so I don't know how to make it easy to understand for you. There are general things that define style, you can tone it down on details a bit but preserve the original shape and image which fags that made that old anime haven't bothered at all and just slapped some generic_anime style on it because it was low budget and nobody actually expected it to be successful, also it was 90x, anime industry was chaotic back then.
I agree that its the best we would get for berserk but it does not make it good. Its 5\10 at best

he is right you know her story makes no sense. The FBI guy told her about the incident in the bus. They (FBI agents) were told to hide their identity under all cost from the suspects and he didn't report his revelation.
She worked for the Japanese special forces or something. She was no normal citizen for sure. If you watch their story one more time ... now as a grown up ... you will realize that a lot of stuff in Death Note makes no fucking sense. And I am just talking about the first half. The second half is pure shit. sorry

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Well what's left then? The story is there and so is the atmosphere

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Both cool, but hell no, not even 8/10.

>No anime adaptation ever looks as good as the manga
Have you watched like 10 titles till now? While extremely rare there are plenty of anime which was much better than the manga in terms of literally everything.
>t art quality isn't the only criteria they should be judged on.
Definitely, but its still major factor anime should be judged on since anime is a visual form of story, not a book.

this is one small brain post.

>Well you clearly have zero knowledge on art
Wow slow down there smartass. They actually tried their best by using as little animation as possible. There were lots of still images in this anime but they look gorgeous. If you disagree then you are just a contrarian
>I agree that its the best we would get for berserk
See you are even contradicting yourself because you said that it could be better in your previous post
>Its 5\10 at best
If it's 5/10 then I don't know what's a 9/10 for you

>not even 8/10
Sounds like you don't really have any troughs or opinions on things that's why nothing is ever good to you. Typical animefag


Honestly there will always be contrarians on anything popular. But i think the most beloved and significantly popular anime I'd have to would be Evangelion. It's by far the most talked about having threads almost every other day non-stop ever since Yea Forums began. It also has the most varied discussions, some even include speculative interpretations and analysis. Most of the criticisms are usually just bait or scare enough that when compared to large and devoted following it has here on Yea Forums it probably is the closest we can get to Yea Forums's favorite or 10/10 anime.

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>tried their best by using as little animation as possible
That's called being a cheapass. Drawing were not that complex to refer to such methods.
>you said that it could be better
But I never said we would get it, nobody in the industry have balls to take risks anymore and project that expensive are a huge risk if it fail in sales which is highly likely considering how small anime industry actually is, there won't be enough sales to pay for that even if the anime would get good scores and overall would be well received.
>If it's 5/10 then I don't know what's a 9/10 for you
I could name things but I am pretty sure you would shit on them just to spite me, also I doubt your ability to judge and analyse things.

could you please point out any mistakes? I obviously need your help to recognize its greatness

I totally agree. Eva is the anime of Yea Forums actually just like Yotsuba is the manga of Yea Forums

You sure people actually like it? It feels like they are doing it just to fit in. Its popularity is overestimated.

>I am pretty sure you would shit on them just to spite me
I would never do that
>I doubt your ability to judge and analyse things

That's retarded

Anyway its pointless to argue. You like it and that's fine, you see some great things in it personally but objectively I won't call it 8 or 9 out of 10.

Glad that we have an understanding! You know it's hard to judge things objectively if you think about it. Everything that we say always reflects our preferences so it's almost always subjective

Why? Pretending you like things that's expected you would like by the community you try to fit in is common for people, same goes for hate. Considering how mainstream anime have become and how many newfags are there I dare say eva popularity is hugely bloated and its mostly newfags imitating shit. I can't imagine actual fans arguing about Asuka vs Rei for 10-20 fucking years.

Its hard but you could do it if you pay attention and notice when your personal preferences kick in and cloud your opinion on things.

>I can't imagine actual fans arguing about Asuka vs Rei for 10-20 fucking years
I'm actually so tired of this shit I think both of them are good now, no joke. I think that it's a logical consensus that all Eva fans come to

This is a very clear sign of newfagism since you would know that not liking something is the more commonplace mentality, since Yea Forums in itself serves as a contrarian approach to social media. If you wanted to fit in you'd call me a newfag redditer and compare Eva to naruto for being so shit.

>since Yea Forums in itself serves as a contrarian approach to social media
I find it funny how anons hate on Eva, Lain and stuff like that just to be contrarian but at the same time the entire board is flooded with shonenshit and KyoAni threads

Wasn't it obvious from the start? Why should they ever be compared?
Well I never spend much time on Yea Forums over the years but the imageboard I finally had to flee from to here is populated with nothing but newfags imitating shit they read on the net about the board. Its like they created some kind of "true user" image in their head and try follow it thinking that's how it works here. Are you so certain its not the case with eva threads?

user isn't just one guy, those are all different people

And most of them are tasteless plebs or people who can't form their own opinion on things, yeah. Pre-2000 threads are the only threads on Yea Forums where I can feel safe and that's until some newfag comes in and talks shit about Utena or Eva

You sound like you can't stand people criticizing shows you like. I myself am not very fond of Utena. I like it well enough but think it has a lot of problems. Some other people see these problems as intentional to convey what the director wanted through the series but even if I think of it that way it doesn't make it anymore enjoyable. The fact that this post starts with

>And most of them are tasteless plebs or people who can't form their own opinion on things

And continues to shit on people for criticizing well liked shows seems pretty contradictory to me.

Yea Forums is arguable somewhat different simply by the type of people that use it and the culture. A good way to see whether Yea Forums or any board likes something or whether something's good is taking a ratio of how poplar something is and how much Yea Forums shits on it. The fact that Eva is so popular on all anime areas of discussion, and the comparable minimal hate threads it receives is evidence of its appeal on Yea Forums. Also, I can't be unequivocal in this statement as such realms of debate are so subjective in nature and lack any evidence to claim to be most certainly true, but i would say that what the majority of Yea Forumsnon's see to be the image of how they should act is to contest and rebel the norm of what's popular even on Yea Forums. The more something is talked about here the greater proportion of hate it receives in it's threads. The exceptions to these would have to be works that are not only beloved by existing members of the board/site but also appeal to those would gravitate towards using Yea Forums in the first place. An example being Evangelion. Despite it's saturated place on Yea Forums new and old fans still discuss it, because despite it's popularity, Yea Forumsnon's forgo their more common contrarianism in favour for their enjoyment of the show. I'm not claiming Eva is perfect or that all Yea Forums users love it or showed love, it's just that out of all popular anime, it is the one that seems to be the most beloved on Yea Forums.

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My darker-complected human.

This is an impossible. A single contrarian can just say but everything is average or bad and nothing is 10/10.

What seems more reasonable, going to talk about something you like, or talking about something you don't actually like in an effort to try to fit in, on an Anonymous image board.


No, but a 10/10 manga exists that was inspired from a 9/10.

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