Moomins thread

Proceed to discuss all things Moomin

Attached: father son bonding.jpg (1280x916, 304K)

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"Hurr durr not Yea Forums"

Moominvalley is dope though.

Attached: Muumilaakso.S01E03.Maailman.viimeinen.lohikäärme.1080p.WEBRip.mkv_snapshot_14.17_[2019.03.11_02.43 (1920x1080, 1.89M)

En hyväksy.

Attached: 1531485845992.webm (280x236, 149K)

Attached: angery snuf.png (1920x1080, 1.54M)

This new show looks so soulless

Don't bring that soul shit here.

Attached: Moomin paint.png (1920x1080, 966K)

But it's blaphemy

Only thing that's blasphemous about Moominvalley are the sidemouths.

Attached: Muumilaakso.S01E02.Kevätlaulu.1080p.WEBRip.mkv_snapshot_05.44_[2019.03.12_21.45.44].png (1920x1080, 2.4M)

so there's a little anecdote about me
when I was a kid, and there was happy hippos boom in kinder surprise
I thought that moomins
were actually ahahaha
HIPPOS!!!!! look, they so similar to hippos ahah
I want to die

Snufkin is the best boy

Attached: music.jpg (354x286, 15K)

why was his dad such an asshole

Attached: 8nhWeEq1u3td9.png (1280x835, 458K)

Is this a moomin?

Attached: 4e7d647b1e84d4bbdcbb9b3f268406e9.jpg (888x841, 81K)

I don't remember Snufkins dad being like that. Far as I remember he was just lazy.

I need more moomin reaction images

Go beg for them on Ylilauta with google translate Finnish.

God I only remember him from the 90s anime. Was he an asshole in the comics?

where can i read the manga?

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Don't mix Rick & Morty shit into Moomins

Just read the comics.

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She also illustrated the Swedish edition of the Lord of the Rings.

Attached: LOTR by Tove Jansson.jpg (303x436, 153K)

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Attached: siivet.jpg (301x225, 30K)