We'll see you in the new world

>we'll see you in the new world
>never seen again

Attached: Gin_Anime_Infobox.png (281x471, 193K)

so where is he

>implying he’s not in the Wano prison

Did he really say "new world" or Grand Line?

Oda forgot all about him

>implying he's not Im-sama

Grand Line. But a piece of trivia is that around the same time Zeff first mentioned the name "paradise".

Reminder that Krieg Pirates are the only pre-TS major antagonist group to never have a single member of theirs appear in either manga or anime after their original arc.

>implying he isn't the regent of Raftel

>having to make up dialogue

Honestly I think Oda just included Don Krieg as contrived reason to have Mihawk appearing.

Dead. Remember the poison

I agree and disagree, I think Mihawk was there so Oda could setup powerlevels coherently by having the first real world class pirate introduced wipe out a small army easily on top of having a well needed character establishing moment for Zoro.

It was a genius move since if he didn't people would have been claiming DBZ syndrome.

He's with Blackbeard

Maybe Don has the antidote somewhere on him?

Oda hates niggers

Would be kino if true.

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>not trusting that Goda will deliver with him

Did you guys really think Gin would reach the new world? They struggled just going into the grand line, he's probably at the bottom of the ocean now.

>They struggled just going into the grand line
That was just bad luck of meeting Mihawk. Krieg and Gin were fairly strong. Krieg in particular was the hardest Luffy's battle before Crocodile (not counting Smoker).

As you might have learned, as long as it is off screen anyone can get everywhere they want.

Krieg wasn't just a hard battle, strictly speaking he actually won.