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Hatsukoi Zombie Chapter 160
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>Ebinofags decaying corpse finally put down
You are next evefags!
I see why Tarou's Dad was told that the First Love Zombies are demons now
>she can fake her appearance (all those fake sparking) but not her personality in that page
Last page.
>Only way to make Eve not best girl anymore was to turn her into a manipulative thot
Fuck Ibusuki.
>more fucked up than a mixed up teenager on tumblr
haha nice
Thanks dropouts.
thanks, dropout crew.
also, when is next Witch Hat due?
Typesetting is being done now, so depending on my own turnout (WHA TSer is the redrawer), I say between this weekend and in 6 months. But most likely before next week.
Also, I got Chio-chan scripts, so expect that next week too.
what the hell happened to her though? seeing herself in that love zombie cloud must have radically changed her
Because you're a fucking asshole
Fucking this. Unless this is some part of greater plot, changing Eve personality is a big fuck you to Evefags
I thought that it was censored but Tarou actually never imagined her naked
Oh shit
This is the real Eve since 10 years ago. She's been a broken heart zombie the whole time.
She saw her true self in that cloud. And it seems that part of her personality took over when she became a full broken heart zombie after listening Ebino confessing
>Fuck Ibusuki
I would like to, especially her boipucci(female).
thank god I was not a Ebinofag
>ebino never had a chance
>eve was the next best best girl
>turns out she was a manipulative cunt all along
I hate when authors throw all other girls out of the window in favor of the designated main girl ending.
Yes. With a fucking cactus.
The plot would've been 10 times better had Ibusuki were indeed a boy and still crafting for tarou's dick.
After reading himegoto, ibusuki is not gonna get a happy ending imo. But she may get a kiss so Eve can be puf oír of her misery.
It was goddamn obvious that they were going to get downgraded in the lastest chapters if the main girl didn't get better
Still, the MC is a fucking idiot so the other girls "losing" isn't that bad. Except this time for Eve, sadly she is going to dissapear.
I'm not into traps or anything like that (in fact, I hate that), but I do really think that making Ibusuki an actual boy would have been better. And they would have become best friends near the end and help each other with the girls they like
Are there really people who were rooting for Eve?
They should have just had an arc that solved the eve zombie. Then 100 chapters of fixing other people's problems. Honestly, the first half of this manga was really comfortable and sweet. Too bad this arc went on forever. IMO I'd end it in the cave.
She can be anything but she will never be real. Fuck Eve
Its the same people who have "waifus".
Ebino is too good for this shitty manga
>fat tits
>fat ass
>nothing inbetween
>too good
She is also a tomboy with a nice himecut fringe and a cute ponytail.
Evil Eve just shot herself in the foot just now. She just show to Tarou that Ririto is a girl
This chapter show us the normal Eve is dead and all that left is a worthless fake. Hope our dumb main character see that now.
>sporty girl who spends her time training and doesn't own any girly clothes so had to borrow some from a friend to go on a date
she's pretty tomboyish, having gigantic tits and ass doesn't preclude her from the that
Eh I prefer my tomboys slim and muscular, not lumps of fat.
No one even mentioned her looks. Being sporty and being oblivious to your femininity doesn't make her a tomboy, if anything she's an oneesan. Being 'one of the guys', hanging out with the guys, roughhousing, being generally crude makes you a tomboy none of which describes Ebino. Playing A sport doesn't make you a tomboy. Having short hair doesn't make you a tomboy. Being genki doesn't make you a tomboy. Being a fucking tomboy makes you a tomboy.
I'd assfuck Ibusuki, not gonna lie.
This. You faggots watering down the term has ruined the entire tag and now I have to sift through a bunch of bullshit to find proper tomboy smut.
I wanna see your face when you realize this was the real eve as she has been a Broken heart zombie all this time.
She's practically built for it.
If that true, I would say she a great actor, because she was able to not show her real self for just under 160 chapter
I hope Truck-kun visits Tarou
Man, imagine how tight her asshole must be.
fucker can't get a happy end, if he does author is a hack.
He's so pathetic and only brings misery to others.
He's known for almost half the manga, he's just in deep denial about it.
It's hilarious because his shitty personality is consequence of the curse HBZ Eve placed on him. Eve ruined half of his life and Ibusuki the other half.
Basically a story about a boy and his tulpa.
>Ibusuki being honest
>"Hey tarou i'm actually a girl. Btw, i love you"
>manga end with Tarou going out with Ibusuki while Eve disappear since she got her love fulfilled.
This Author is just being dumb.
Made for milking dicks.
This nigga Tarou is fucking pathetic.
This. The author is a special kind of retarded, no wonder it never got an adaptation.
I dropped this ages ago, but is it true the author went full IS on the girls? Why does everyone hate Eve? Is this manga still a piece of shit?
She was literally happier to lose the bowl than to not take part in it.
and force some other poor innocent world to put up with him?
Ebino would have a happier end if she ended up with this dude
What do you have against nipples, Taro, you shit?
>Is this manga still a piece of shit?
There's a good reason why translations were so behind.
This series cemented my hatred of reverse traps.
>literally built for fuck
How does no one can see this sexy girl's butt behind her ikemen mask
I'd everythingfuck Ibusuki
Thanks for the dump.
Also, the shitstorm will be at the same level as TWGOK ending, no matter who wins it will be a cheap victory.
user still doesn't get it
Except titfuck.
My only regret about this series is the lack of Ebino doujins. It never got an anime adaptation so her chances of getting some are sub-zero.
>having a waifu is now a bad thing
fuck off Yea Forumseddit
Tulpa and waifu are very different
This fucking this. This like literally an ass pull “O MY JEZZLOUS ZOMBIE” and ibusuki is the worst fucking girl. She has no character development. Shes keep acting like a victim the whole time and expect tarou to give her the dick because he feel sorry for her. Right now shes doing the same fucking thing, run away and act all victimized so Tarou would care about her
Author doesn't seem to realize how obnoxious Ibusuki really is. A literal drama queen.
because he reminds you of yourself?