Why didn't he just go the the psychiatrist?

Why didn't he just go the the psychiatrist?

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That'd be a waste of money

Mental healthcare is practically non-existant in Japan

why don't you?

Would you?

>ever leaving they room

Pick one. Going to see a therapist is the ultimate mark of shame in Japan.

yet still ends up with less school shooters and problems than america

and thrice as many suicides

>Bigger country with more populaton has more problems
>Somehow still has less suicides

The doctor would laugh in his face and tell him to ganbare so as to build and nurture his gaman.

He's an INTJ.
>Authority figures do not impress INTJs, nor do social conventions or tradition, and no matter how popular something is, if they have a better idea, INTJs will stand against anyone they have to in a bid to have it changed. Either an idea is the most rational or it’s wrong, and INTJs will apply this to their arguments as well as their own behavior, staying calm and detached from these sometimes emotionally charged conflicts. INTJs will only be swayed by those who follow suit.
>lindly following precedents and rules without understanding them is distasteful to INTJs, and they disdain even more authority figures who blindly uphold those laws and rules without understanding their intent.

because they kill themselves instead

What's wrong with that? Suicide never hurt anybody.

*jumps in front of train*
*scarring people for life*
*delaying salarymens train*
*forces the government to clean up your fleshy bits*
*makes the government send a bill to your loved ones because you decided to be selfish and jump out in front of a train*

>Suicide never hurt anybody
what are family and loved ones

>comparing those minor inconveniences to mass shootings
Wow, you're right. That's so much worse.

Why doesn't Yea Forums?

But I'm not. You're the one saying suicide never hurt anyone, which is false.

Good question

i do though

Because they have strict gun control and never had a gun culture like American.

>fucking hell, another suicide? another day late to work. my boss is going to be pissed!

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What is context? I was saying that in comparison to this:
Besides, I meant physically hurt people, not cause minor inconvenience to them.

>going to TheRapist

I have to, so I can keep getting neetbux

Because my problems are insignificant compared to the suffering in the rest of the world so i have no right to console myself and at the very least I should subject myself to suffering because those who are worse off than me don't even have a choice.

Shirou, is that you?

Nobody suffering gives a shit if you suffer or not. You're not helping anybody by doing that. You're just satisfying an annoying voice at the back of your head that doesn't know what it's talking about.

Where else am I supposed to get raped with complete confidentiality?

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They're in on the conspiracy (kinda).

Finish this sequence of events:

Man sees the world around him is rigged and twisted.
Man "Discovers" that it's all a big government-commercial conspiracy.
Man goes to therapy to help him handle these feelings.

What happens next?

A. Man is proscribed drugs to make him docile and compliant. (Diagnosed and treated chemically)
B. Man is brainwashed to become another drone (Therapy sessions to explore and correct delusions and disorders.)
C. Man is identified and captured by the agents of the conspiracy (Agoraphobic and paranoid delusions)
D. Anything the man knows and loves is destroyed or replaced by the conspiracy (Capgras + Paranoia = Truman Show. Alternatively, socially shunned for breaking Japanese taboo on exhibiting mental health problems.)

Paranoia is a bitch. Good luck trusting a medical professional who's one of three castes that can destroy your life with the stroke of a pen.

This show made me laugh when I was 16. Now in my mid twenties watching it just gave me anxiety.

You mean a psychologist who thinks he's a real doctor and somehow thinks its ok to prescribe central nervous system altering substances based purely on statistics.
Man can just see a therapist ... Oh wait that's what the girl was

Your guilt doesn't make things any better for them.

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psychiatrists are doctors that need to get the same medical degrees as doctors. psychologists don't and same with therapists

He cant get out of his house

Psychiatrists are also pill pushers. A therapist is just there to help you deal with your shit. There aren't many people in the world you can be completely open and honest with, that's what the rapist is for.

what they say about INT-T s?

>staying inside for years without any social contact is better than a couple weeks of therapy

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Americans are retarded, because they had a young country history.

>implying therapy solves anything for most peeople

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Oh gee, it's like Asian countries have a completely different culture than the West.

What do you want them to do? Katana shooting?

What was his mental disorder anyway? the main cast all seem mentally ill aside from yamazaki

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ik it's not guaranteed but it's a push in the right direction. You won't magically receive a surge of inspiration in the middle years of complacent nothingness nor will a cute girl appear to save you from your own hell.

Probably a mixture of extreme aspergers and add

Sarin gas attack

Did he even really have trauma to discuss with a therapist? He was just a lazy guy who did drugs.

in the novels he was using weed too, which can cause depression and anxiety. his psychotic symptoms fit with drug abuse. otherwise it was mostly anxiety, probably agoraphobia with panic attacks, that kept him from leaving his house. I don't remember if he had social phobia or other mental illnesses.
Yamazaki didn't really have a mental illness, he managed to do what he wanted to do. He was just a normal otaku.

He knew better to not trust the pharmajew

Fuck them. It's all their fault anyway

He's just saying the fact. Mental healthcare in Japan is lackluster.


you realize psychologists don't actually help people right?

it's a bunch of fucking nonsense. antidepressants don't help according to studies. the methodology of the netire field is equally garbage.

I'm not talking about psychologists alone.

is there some other sort of mental healthcare? are you shitposting?

>implying therapists help worth jack shit

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