ITT: Self insert shows

ITT: Self insert shows

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bro that's me wtf

that's literally me

which one of you faggots are OP

Attached: neon-genesis.jpg (2000x1385, 585K)

Literally a smaller version of me.

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Attached: erehh.jpg (511x403, 57K)

both of you are braneltes
this is literally me

Attached: 31268423.png (249x348, 214K)

Literally me

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-11 18-44-48.jpg (290x441, 29K)

Anything where "I was just a normal x, until I found I out I am the great great great grandson of the Arch Demon ninja prince of the alien Grand Duchy of Uranus"

Dude why did you steal my idea you fag

Attached: om.jpg (225x350, 31K)

>he's so cool!
>he has powers!

Attached: literally me.jpg (225x225, 9K)

name a single high school series(based in reality) that's not self insert. good luck to you.

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why are you posting my picture on Yea Forums dude srsly not cool desu senpai

I My Me Strawberry Eggs

THIS is literally me

Attached: thatsme.jpg (180x280, 10K)

man how did you get a picture of me did you hack me dude? what if we are twins, cause that was literally me

>all these underages
a super otaku with a perfect normalfags disguise outside room.

Attached: Yutaka-hasebe-51683.jpg (400x620, 175K)

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Attached: literallyme.jpg (1252x1252, 131K)


Attached: cute.jpg (210x240, 18K)

you look like a massive faggot

That go toubun guy


Gamers Rise Up

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Chads Rise Up

Attached: ultimate.jpg (720x406, 129K)

Garou is the most chaddiest Thad

Attached: me.png (1800x1080, 2.25M)

Bizarro world gang weed

Attached: hea27sx2ljd21.jpg (695x900, 468K)

Literally me.

Attached: 779a5aeef39fc0e343160ef964bf64bd.jpg (225x350, 24K)

Are you me? Because is definitely me

can you please beat me up?

this isn't me but enjoy these thighs

Attached: 1551918337215.jpg (5934x4081, 1.73M)

thank you, i am enjoying them.

This is me
I have many husbands

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It really is.
Pic related, literally me.

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every shounen ever made is a self-insert

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This meme needs to die.

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I like it

i'm literally lao yang

This is literally me.

Attached: Me.jpg (250x167, 10K)

Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu

Attached: Vampire Gabu Alt Outfit.jpg (1240x1754, 307K)

His only power is sealing but it requires to befriend the target for it to work.

thanks miki

Attached: just_to_suffer.jpg (1280x720, 328K)

Tomoko is more or less me irl.

Attached: 1540676294269.png (596x502, 256K)

If were handsome and buffed you won't be on Yea Forums

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I think I am in love, marry me

>Self insert shows
>implying self-inserting is a feature instead of autism

Wtf, are all of you my boyfriends? Because she is literally me.

Attached: Mai.jpg (1500x1086, 193K)

my brain is one part tiger one part dragon

Attached: 9d4c3637-8bbf-4e9e-a8fc-33e63fec0b96.jpg (400x600, 48K)

Implying writers don't try to avoid triggering the autism of the autists they're pandering to.

ITT: dick insert shows

Attached: 1539898914223.jpg (4075x5920, 2.58M)

So he's actually a pretty boy? I would have liked it more if he actually had a facial deformity or looked like an ogre

>implying self-inserts aren't the most common narrative tool of any decent show or game

holy shit i'm not the only one who remembered that show

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