Stop right there, perp! This is a bust!

Stop right there, perp! This is a bust!

Attached: D1WdcdEWsAAukCV.png (640x480, 349K)

>Editing Dirty Pair
I love expansion, but this is heresy.

You make my wife Kei and I sick. Delet this.

Attached: images.jpg (259x194, 11K)


>expansion fan who also appreciates and respects the Lovely Angels

Attached: manofculture.jpg (600x537, 34K)

Would you prefer to date Kei or Yuri?

The left edit is cool, the right is a little much.

Somebody milk her quick, she's gonna blow!


Kei is best girl

Why not both?

But in all seriousness, Kei.

They're really best as a package deal

Kei all day every day.

Attached: Kei_OVA_Movie_Flight_005_Conspiracy.png (622x900, 307K)

It's the future. They probably got a pill that wears off.


Attached: Yuri.jpg (640x480, 43K)

mokkori bust

Attached: anime-city-hunter-1.jpg (1366x768, 107K)

That can't be Flight Kei, the tits aren't ballooned up

I love the flight balloon tits

Attached: Dirty Pair Flight 005 Conspiracy v2 [E0213732].mkv_snapshot_24.23_[2019.02.16_23.55.23].jpg (648x480, 63K)


god i want paizuri from kei

Attached: [Exiled-Destiny]_Dirty_Pair_TV_Ep26_Subbed_(158C2F8F).mkv_snapshot_12.54_[2016.06.16_19.15.24].jpg (640x480, 41K)

>[mooing intensifies]

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-01-04-18h57m39s78.png (720x540, 721K)