Shishunki Renaissance David-kun

Dumping new chapter. Many charming Mona-chan faces this time.
But first is color page from previous chapter, love this art-nouveau aesthetic.

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I completely forgot about this series.

New chapter, it's also about Narcissus, I must let you know.

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It's pretty good

He is really diligent guy, would fangirl for.

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And just as you thought Mona just can't become more beautiful...

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David's occaasional pussy-slaying activated again.

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End of chapter. Those snail-clow captchas nearly driven me insane, really.

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Couldn't get past the first chapter because of how unfunny it was.
Does the humor get better?

Meh. Yes but not that much. It is a ecchi manga after all. Only thing it keeps me reading it are the SJ and art references.

I hate it when best girls are introduced just to lose but I keep watching. am I a masochist?

Guess I made the right choice then.

Humans grow through suffering, so best girls become best because they are suffer, tha'ts just how the world are.