Dumping new chapter. Many charming Mona-chan faces this time.
But first is color page from previous chapter, love this art-nouveau aesthetic.
Shishunki Renaissance David-kun
I completely forgot about this series.
New chapter, it's also about Narcissus, I must let you know.
It's pretty good
He is really diligent guy, would fangirl for.
And just as you thought Mona just can't become more beautiful...
David's occaasional pussy-slaying activated again.
End of chapter. Those snail-clow captchas nearly driven me insane, really.
Couldn't get past the first chapter because of how unfunny it was.
Does the humor get better?
Meh. Yes but not that much. It is a ecchi manga after all. Only thing it keeps me reading it are the SJ and art references.
I hate it when best girls are introduced just to lose but I keep watching. am I a masochist?
Guess I made the right choice then.
Humans grow through suffering, so best girls become best because they are suffer, tha'ts just how the world are.