>Fish-Man Island is shit
>Dressrosa is shit
>Whole Cake Island is shit
>Wano Country is shit
Why does this manga keep getting worse?
>Fish-Man Island is shit
>Dressrosa is shit
>Whole Cake Island is shit
>Wano Country is shit
Why does this manga keep getting worse?
Because Oda died in the Tokyo earthquake.
Say something nice about this guy
>Why does this manga keep getting worse?
Because your taste is shit.
One piece is should have been ended in the Battle of Marineford
Because the story has dragged on for too long.
Creativity runs dry, passion dies down, and contracts he's legally bound to probably only make it worse.
It's not an adventure anymore that's trying to tell an overarching story that the author is passionate about, it's a merchandisable self advertisement that's supposed to go on almost indefinitely so long as it's making money.
Sperg-tastic post.
I think the editor in charge of the color palettes died along the way.
I don't believe Oda approves of these neon and bright inappropriate colors to be used on his characters.
It makes me sick because they'r always the exact opposite of what you expect.
What happened to the soul of One Piece?
WCI was the only decent timeskip arc
True, but the ending was kind of disappointing it was like he re-used the end of imperdow in some ways
>Come to a new island
>Someone (preferely a Princess) cries because of Big Boss of the arc
>Crew beat small bosses
>Luffy beats the Big Boss of the arc
>Everyone is now happy
>Leave the island
>Come to a new island...
You forgot about the unstoppable force plot device.
>Alabasta was fun let's remake it 5 more times
op is shit since time skip
-flanderized characters
-inflatable doll women
-literally a disassemblable toy robot to sell merchandise
-soulless drawing
-clusterfuck-panel pages
-asspull after asspull
-formulaic af
-repetitive arcs
This did not happen in whole cake island
You forgot a giant tower/gauntlet obstructs them and the city is firebombed.
Dressrosa, wano
>cooking mama was the punk hazard thing.
Lets run for almost 50 chapters
Even if oda end up, I bet that they would do an op next generation thing.
Weak bait
shut up subhuman
not a bait. It's really keep getting worse.
Oda's too creative for his own good. We don't need 1000 characters in every arc.
There is no princess in Wano.
That'll be Hiyori, or Komurasaki, or both.
>jeremy again is spamming catalog instead of just post in one one piece thread
I love this edit.
I actually think the manga still has plenty of soul, or heart, or whatever you want to call it. Plenty of humor and characters that feel written from a genuine place. What I think is missing at the moment, which I think the image you posted illustrates, is any real gravitas or genuinely cool moments. I don't know if the powerlevels just got too high or something, but something as simple as Zoro beating Mr. 2 (i don't even remember if that was Das Bones number anymore) and growing stronger as part of a fight feels pretty rare now. Or, maybe it just isn't portrayed in as cool of a manner as this fight was. I still like the series and look forward to it every week but I definitely think it got less "cool" after the timeskip. Less weighty moments in the fights. I don't know, am I just saying a bunch of bullshit?
Eh I feel like we're pretty close to the end. One Piece was written in such a way even early on that it could go on for years and years so even if it obviously partially exists to make money I don't feel like its longevity is arteficial. If you want to say the quality of the arcs has gone down over the years then I think you'd be right, but I don't think it's a trashfire or anything. Just a little predictable maybe.
Even if that was all false, the core cast has been boiled down to caricatures. They may as well be mascots at this point.
The problem with One Piece is the problem with most Shounen in that the infinite line of guys that just happen to be stronger than the MC keep predictably keep coming and knocked down with seemingly no end.
I know Yea Forums hates it's food analogies but I would like to link manga to food specifically milk , the longer you keep it the worst it gets, Naruto took 14 years to fucking end and while most of Yea Forums seems content with it even continuing on to Boruto, it was still a slog and almost didn't make it to a point where majority view the end or story as a whole in positive light now think about that 14 years and compare it to the even older OP, One Piece is bad because it's overstayed its welcome.
Sanji has always been a massive pervert. Zoro is bad at directions. Chopper is cute. This has literally always been the case outside of their first character arcs (or even 2nd when it comes to Sanji) and people are having nostalgia goggles for characterization in arcs they probably haven't read in years.
Like any complains you have for Sanji in Wano can be found in Alabasta or Water 7.
>these neon and bright inappropriate colors
Yes, Dark Piece should be coloured all black and purple
And that's exactly what's wrong with One Piece at its core, it keeps rehashing these ridiculous character "flaws" without ever attempting to develop their character. They behave and act the same since the early chapters, that's why also most of the side characters are more interesting than the SH's.
>The problem with One Piece is the problem with most Shounen in that the infinite line of guys that just happen to be stronger than the MC keep predictably keep coming and knocked down with seemingly no end.
People who don't read OP need to stop making this "point."
>Fish-Man Island is shit
I agree
>Dressrosa is shit
Parts of it were but as a whole the arc certainly wasn't shit.
>WCI is shit
Opinion discarded.
>Wano Country is shit
The arc is still building up and has yet to reach its halfway point. Calling it shit when we've only seen like 10% of it so far is ridiculous.
>It's not an adventure anymore that's trying to tell an overarching story that the author is passionate about, it's a merchandisable self advertisement that's supposed to go on almost indefinitely so long as it's making money.
It's always so funny to see anons lie about easily provable facts. One Piece has reached its endgame, with the main crew finally meetin gthe pirates we have been hearing ever since the early stages of the story and finally working on getting to the treasure that is the title of this manga, and the author is excited to be finally drawing it.
Nami and Usopp had other shit going on that mostly died for rehashed gags. Zoro used to have a broader range of emotions and actually make hard decisions. Chopper as he is now is nearly unrecognizable visually and in personality from the character on Drum Island, and not because of development.
There were members of the cast who were simpler than others, sure, but now everyone is basic as fuck and has no real conflict. They don't play off each other well anymore. They don't grow as people or have miscommunications. They're archetypes that say their lines and move on.
Komu was just a random whore who died.
>Opinion discarded.
You don't get to walk away from all the nonsense of WCI. Luffy has always survived because of plot armor but that arc was arguably the most egregious form of if ever in the series. And it was a cluttered arc on top of it since Oda hasn't learned his lesson from dressrosa.
>implying Weevil isn't a great plot twist
When did Oda go around killing randoms?
Wano people have colourful hair, that's why Zoro has green hair.
I dropped it when they started running from Hawkins.
Great argument, you really showed me
Same thing that wasbUssop x nami shit
>Nami and Usopp had other shit going on that mostly died for rehashed gags
Like what? Outside of their major arcs?
Nami was a greedy bitch in every arc after Arlong and was given depth again in a relevant arc like Fishman Island.
Technically Usopp's arc is still in the process of being completed. Or did you not get why he developed Haki in Dressrosa.
>Zoro used to have a broader range of emotions and actually make hard decisions.
Right, like in Zou and Wano, the two most recent arcs.
>Chopper as he is now is nearly unrecognizable visually and in personality from the character on Drum Island, and not because of development.
It is development. He's less concerned about how he's seen by others and put his focus into getting stronger to help Luffy. He's shown romantic interest in mink women, to contrast how scared he was of Nami when he's first introduced in the series. If you're a fightfag he was able to hold back Big Mom a few times in WCI, something Luffy was incapable of.
>There were members of the cast who were simpler than others, sure, but now everyone is basic as fuck and has no real conflict.
So you just didn't read WCI or something, right.
>Nami stabbing her own hand with her back facing the fishmen is the same as Kyoshiro clearing gutting Komurasaki in front of everyone
>gutting Komurasaki in front of everyone
Sure user. It used some other method but still a fake death
>and was given depth again in a relevant arc like Fishman Island.
Fuck you. Fishman Island was an insult. There was more nuance to her in fucking Skypiea, where she wasn't even a focal character.
Blood transfusion was really cringed
I never got the sense that WCI was cluttered compared to Dressrosa. There were a lot going on but it all connected and kept going in a quick fashion. That and it led to really plenty cool moments that brought some SOUL back to OP
>editor in charge of the color palettes
Is that job in the same branch as idea guy?
WCI wasn't cluttered. Hell if anything it lacked flashbacks.
>OP’s opinion is shit.
Grow a better taste.
I am currently reading through OP for the first time and Dressrosa is a slog
How fucking long is this arc?
Weekly this had to be almost two years
Imagine being such an apologist that you refuse to acknowledge even a single criticism about a manga might be fair.