Press F for trigger

Press F for trigger
2011 - 2019

Attached: trig.png (1920x1080, 32K)

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what now?

Not really, usp is going. Bankrupt but trigger is probably going to survive along with the other studios. Don't know why Yea Forums has a massive stigma against trigger.

If you were around when Trigger was becoming a thing, you'd remember that everyone fell in love with the original LWA OVA and legitimately believed Trigger would save anime. Then they didn't, and Yea Forums will forever be booty blasted that they cucked themselves with their own unrealistic expectations.

>then they didn't
they saved it with Inferno Cop. literally a christmas miracle.

Turning Girls was enough to consider Trigger one of the great saviour studios of anime

>it's another episode of seething veg/koanitard being jelly of literally the best studio ever
I understand.

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Only Trigger and Sanzigen will survive.

Trigger length saw that comming, anticipating USP not being able to support them anyore, thats why they were prepared and picked for the last works shows where they actually don't have to do anything - Gridman and Promare, where its all 3D instead

USP isn't going bankrupt, Yamakan is. But
he is just gonna get thrown out by GSC, who will forcibly take over and finally finish turning USP into their IP factory

Terrible falseflag.

>they saved it with franxx

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franxx isn't even better than ninja slayer.

>they saved it with gridman
FTFY you 15 year old

gaijin did all the tweens for this garbage

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What happened?

He's trying to take down everyone with him.

Most good anime have gaijin staff you retarded contrarian

have gaijin saved anime?

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POP Team Epic is the only one. In every other, gaijins like Bahdi were shit.

wait did usp drop trigger? lmao they deserve it. They haven't made anything good since luluco

USP used to be Ordet, Trigger, Sanzigen and Linden, with GSC as parent company. Each studio held stake in the joint company. Yamakan was the CEO of Ordet. Being a piece of shit, Yamakan filed for bankruptcy because Ordet is literally dead, so USP as a whole might go down. Not the individual studios, just the USP partnership. Trigger had become GSC's favorite, and earlier this year a GSC-related producer because Trigger's vice-president, so they're likely going to become GSC's main studio going forward. Sanzigen has always been relatively successful because they do CG outsourcing for a lot of companies. Linden just does shitty manga adaptations. Ordet is dead.

Is that why you posted the screen of an episode with animation direction and plenty of KA from one of Trigger's staff members?
You're trying too hard. Bahi was in Space Dandy.

No, USP itself is disappearing.

He is trying to avoid all responsibility and try again to make everyone else pay for his mistakes. But he can't take down GSC.

>Bahi was in Space Dandy.
Which was crap. What are you trying to say?


Did Ordet even produce anything? Can't remember ever seeing that studio's name anywhere. But the last Yamakan thing I remember was WUG and that was ages ago.

>enslaver is going bankrupt

What did he even do? How did he manage to fucking kill USP alone?

A short film called Flower, Black Rock Shooter and WUG.

Lucky Stars Hunger sisters
Black Rock Shooter OAV and TV

Because he was probably embezzling money.

So WUG actually was the last thing he did. No wonder the studio is kill.

Possibly he took the money of the company to run his own crypto currency scheme.


>Don't know why Yea Forums has a massive stigma against trigger.
As if. This place is swarming with underage nigger shills.

Rewatched Kannagi recently, what a fantastic show.

Trigger is the only studio keeping anime alive.

Trigger saved anime with Kill la Kill and Gridman.
ditf was the funniest trainwreck to watch in a long while.
Kyoanifags gtfo

Press S to spit on NIGGER's grave.

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Can you hear me, studio with the Three Strikes?

it's ok, trigger has patreon. Tumblr trannies will feed them.

Neck yourself.

...but ..but after the franxx trainwreck and the shitman flop people have ralised it's a scam. the Patreon's lost steam. it's making like only 8k last time i checked, it's gone down from 10. What we gonna do triggerbros?

Trigger shows bring forth the worst normalfaggotry and ironic weebs to this board.

fucking beggar studio. they deserve it for making a mockery out of Japan's principles. There are plenty of younger and more capable studios like 3Hz who don't need to beg for money. They're younger and you never see them asking for handouts

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I usually don't wish ill to people who actually do something nice with their lives but having Trigger going bankrupt and closing would be worth just and only for the tears of the obnoxious Triggerfags. Holy shit, the breakdown would be glorious.


>There are plenty of younger and more capable studios like 3Hz who don't need to beg for money.
Yeah, instead they resort to selling out making fujoshit mobage adaptions while their passion projects get put on hold indefinitely. Truly inspiring.

Cómeme la mondá, sjw.

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Wrong, Kill la Kill was terrible in its own right and Gridman was trying so hard to be super serial it ended up being horrible unironically.

When did anti triggerfags are become even more delusional and annoying than trigger fags

Good. Riddance.

A good lesson for anyone thinking that gaijin pandering and filling anime full of west-shit will save you.

Not really though. They've already done a passion project. Flip Flappers. GGO was also great with how it implemented cost cutting cg, non intrusively. Also they hand drew dancing animation in a time where every bastard studio just lazily uses cg.

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Wait is that all they did over more then a decade of existence? Those were all pretty much failures. Although Kannagi was completely the author's fault.

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Fuck off ESL.

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WUG turned into an actual, unironic Idol franchise and was making great bank, so I think Ordet was just living off the royalties until Yamakan got a little too touchy feely with the teenage girls and got axed from the project. Failing to find a new funding source after that fiasco is likely what drove him to file bankruptcy now.

Being esl is better than being a faggot like you

triggertrannies are the worst thing to happen to this board

Fractale was great and pretty much the only ghibli-tier anime. Not their fault it aired in season with Madoka and flopped financially - it was still an great show, very well animated and directed.

BRS was good, but there actually lot of achivemet of Sanzigen for 3d and, irony, Imashi who was involved in choreography.

Senyuu is great, but thats not huge achivement.

WUG Movie+TV certainly left a mark despite being notoriously cheap. Sadly the next movies/season sucked (but they were already without Yamakan).

Its good studio, but just as trigger, one which pretty much unable to do anything on their own without cooperation with others (they did mainly with A-1 too). It there was something to be named as their legacy, then it`d be this in the end

Time to face the facts.
trigger got BTFO'd so hard by franxx that they will never make an anime-original again.
go ahead and screencap this

No worst thing happened to this board was people complaining about fans of anything, just go create your own safe space and live there

>this is the state of triggerniggers

Are you faggots in here at least enjoying yourself? Cool beans. Carry on.

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REASONS THEY ARE BETTER THAN TRIGGER (as if you needed reasons but ok) :


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based, des

Yea Forums is saved!

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This is the state of pathetic anti triggerfags that thinks they're making a point

And after FlipFlap bombed horribly (883), which didn't surprise anyone since despite the passion it was a hot mess as Oshiyama wasn't remotely ready to debut as series director, they now are about to adapt a fujoshi mobile game while their other supposed passion project, Black Fox, keeps getting postponed. Naming 3hz as an example to follow makes no sense.

Please, please kill yourself.

franxx is not Trigger original. They were litterally just hired and paid outsourcers, their creative role was limited by Imashi storyboarding.

Gridman was partially "theirs" (but not really since tsuburaya actually had all control, 3d was by Graphinica and instead of Trigger directly, USP parent company was involved in financing it).

Promare is once again not their project, but XFLAGs, with them not even doing any animation for it (since its 3d duh).

The only time they could have lost money was Kiznaiver, but that's been a while ago

>Trying to tag with @
Lmao get out

Sorry, KyoAni does not make TV anime anymore. Just movies.

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Nah, Yea Forums is doomed.

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I love kyoani but i would be sad if trigger died


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Promare isn't 3D.

where is the bunker
but at the same time i wanna stay to watch

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>Promare is once again not their project, but XFLAGs, with them not even doing any animation for it (since its 3d duh).
Promare will have plenty of handdrawn animation. The very first PV reavealed was a cut by Sushio himself. They're also part of the committee.

>he doesnt know

Trips of truth. Nigger cultits BTFO.

There's no where else to go, and that's why it really sucks.

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my wife rikka is cute!
she saved trigger studio!
say something nice to her!

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Yeah, you clearly don't.

>say something nice to her!
She makes for good gag lewds

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Get the front?

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not him, The only sakuga will be characters and maybe foreground objects. It's going to be garbage.

Just kidding~

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Good now I don't have to be disappointed with their TV flops and I can raugh my ass off as they shove 10 millions filters up Miyzaki's bitter old ass.

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I suggest you to get your eyes checked. Even many of the mechs in the trailer are handdrawn.

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where did you get that picture of Violet and Gilbert?

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Here are all the new Gridman Line stickers if anyone wants them.

Attached: [email protected] (370x320, 30K)

>Yamakan kills Trigger
Did Kyoani really need to kill Trigger?

Thanks user

Hello digibro.

>Don't know why Yea Forums has a massive stigma against trigger.
Because anyone who praises the studio also admits that they are crossboarders or other kinds of lowlife scum. Which isn't surprise.

Trigger World no 2nd season? RIP Kuga :(

I believe the mecha's are 3d. They just move in a way that is inline with Imaishi's style. so there is little to no difference if they were 2d. They're likely to have 2d animation for big moments anyways.


Watch the scene again. The mechs and the fire (?) they're standing on are handdrawn, as it's clear from the way they come into the frame. In other sequences it isn't as obvious what is CGI and what is not, which itself is a testament of how well it was implemented, but here it is.

Was Yuuta into bondage? Mmh..

nigger are the beggars of the industry

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they want their gibs me dats


it's so pathetic, they betrayed the dignity of their country. literal cancerous rejects of the industry

I don't really buy it. There's something about the way they move with the camera that makes me think CG. And it looks like the characters inside the mechs are CG as well. I'll have to see it when its comes out to be sure. But you are right that everything is blended quite well.

Oh my God what a fucking retard. Why Yea Forums is full of delusional morons

Just when I thought I'd completely eradicated that massive fucking faggot from my brain, you bring him right back in. Fuck you, user. No really, fuck you, user.

Based Yamakan, taking down Triggernigger.

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>mfw I unironically enjoy his content
not that I'd want to share breathing space with him, mind you

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The only Trigger series tumblr liked and cared about was KlK, the association is weird. Tumblr in general is heavily cartoon centered, not anime centered.

Let it die already. #YangGang2020

Yea but nigger are the cartoon studio.

more proof the mod is a cancerous triggernigger

public ban when

Yea Forums might be more your speed.

If only you stopped being racist outside /pol/ and Yea Forums. Here, now get out:

Stop saying the N word. This site is already hurting for advertisers than it already is.

This is the state of nigger cultists.

Shut up! Nigger!

Because trigger has a style that is apparently similar enough o grab the Yea Forums audience. But their standards are so bottom the barrel it's hardly surprising.

don't forget studio bones, both mha and mob psycho have done well internationally and have had good animation and visual direction.


Koreans count as gaijin so yes.

>Don't know why Yea Forums has a massive stigma against trigger.
Studio fanboys in general are clueless and annoying.

>that reddit spacing
And opinion discarded, feel free to fucking kill yourself.

Spotted the actual nigger.

ahah, faggot.