Why is this board so shit? Fucking niggers yeiks

Why is this board so shit? Fucking niggers yeiks

Attached: niger.jpg (457x212, 107K)

what did you expect from a popular board you newbie?

Because furfaggots and roasties have flooded this website for years already.

go back to pol faggot

Go back.

Good thread

What anime is this?

Nigger one fucking

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I bet my ass that this poster is an american. Disgusting

This is my first and unique board since 2009.

Go back to twitter faggot.

not him but back where, /r9k/?

I got you OP

Attached: 1549383461561.jpg (2200x9995, 3.81M)

Based and rollpilled

White women were made for black cock.

Attached: letsroll.jpg (600x426, 20K)

lonely rolling star


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Thread still up after 20 minutes

Attached: 1.png (680x574, 127K)


You're favorite.


Checked and relled
