Watch an anime

>watch an anime
>suddenly it’s about making babies

Anyways, have you folks made babies yet?

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We eat babbies in China

Here in america, we shoot them.

Abe posting is probably the cringiest meme to originate from Yea Forums outside of maybe some shounen shit.


Thanks for ruining DitF

/ring that one pasta.

Actually the demographics of anime viewers in japan have gone up to the 30s where lots of people wish they had babies so they watch anime that fulfills that need.

Here in flipland, we crush them with our feet and the help of australian sex tourists.

Unironically my japanese girlfriend is actually pregnant right now so I proposed yesterday. Life is good, Abe.

Blessings your way

Here in Australia, they're taken by dingoes

I made my nippon girl take the pill today I just didnt feel ready yet. Also I think Asian girls isnt for me. The sex is great but god damn are they fucking naggy once you get close. First she acted all shy and moderate but now she is a full on BITCH.
I am tired. Oh yeah i like Digimon.

Thinking about watching my 16-18 year old waifu hold a baby while blushing and standing happily next to a faceless self-insert character is so moe...

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Unless you yourself are japanese with your ancestry going back 3 generations, you are a fucking gaijin pig defiling japans sacred lotus blossum and they hate you

your riceburner ass better not be white. So that means you'd better be american.

I hate kids.

Wrong. My girlfriend (of 6 months now) is Korean and her family loves me to death.
>i'm white

Will Abe let me move to his country if I promise to procreate?

It must be some kind of grand conspiracy, and not just that anime constantly uses sex appeal to its advantage.
And sex makes babies.

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You newfag clearly haven't witnessed rise of daughteru anime genre and neets finding love genre.

>rise of daughteru anime genre and neets finding love genre
>birth rate is still dropping
Can the nips do anything right?

subsidize all the schooling, medical, & food costs then i'll consider it
if none of that, fuck that i'd rather spend my shit to travel

>birth rate is still dropping
How do we solve this problem without banning anime?
Forced marriages?

Give it some time, at least they are trying unlike (((western content producers))) who have marketed childlessness as hip and cool thing and guilt trip anyone thinking otherwise with muh global warming muh carbon footprints muh overpopulation.