What's wrong with japan

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>black dies

Based japan

Thy thought promised neverland was a good anime to make from a manga.

Nothing. That is how an Black skinned female looks like, no caricature about it

>killing nigger
Nothing wrong with that.

No, like, not at all. Traces of slightly cute can still be found upon her visage. Unlike real niggresses


This. She looked cute when she was younger unlike real life negroes.

She's also fit, observant, and did well at school.

What do you mean? It's the best character introduced in the anime so far.

>what's wrong with japan
they never recovered fully from the 1991 crash so they're playing a constant catch up game with the rest of the developed world.

>i have never seen a black person in my entire life

This show has the most diverse cast ever, vegan undertones AND a female protag.

SJWs should love it.

What's wrong with you?

>Whats wrong with Japan


>Wanting to see those abhorrent creatures
Are you retarded son?

There are countless amounts of things wrong with Japan, but their ability to not give a fuck about what other countries think and what their moral standards are is not one of them.

>their ability to not give a fuck about what other countries think
>is a good thing
you wut

Why the hell do you need to care about what other countries think about yours.

>what's wrong with japan

Attached: [is this fucking ningen serious...].jpg (1280x720, 163K)

I know. They killed off the best girl too soon.