Tfw you will never watch it agian for the first time

>tfw you will never watch it agian for the first time

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The ending sucked. I liked the different diaries they all had, the VN game even included a 13 OC phone user.

yeah the ending was weird, the last few episodes as a matter of fact. Mixed feeling since its both a good and bad ending

It was a fun time

I'm watching it for the first time now (currently on Episode 4) and I'm kinda frustrated.

It has some very good things (the girl, occasional moments of horror), but it's really poorly-constructed and the MC is incredibly annoying.
You can forgive a hero almost any flaw except self-pity. And Yuki is just a useless, self-pitiful little brat.

Verdict: I'll stick with it but it's not entirely winning me over.

i watched death note but this was lame i only watched 2 episodes

maybe i should watch it again and it will be the first time to spite op

Well, having a purely good ending wouldn't really be keeping with the tone of the series, but I think they did a good job of balancing the happy ending with the unfortunate consequences of what happened during the game. Having Yuki and Yuno become the gods recreating the universe is a pretty happy ending.

It gets a little better as the series goes on. You learn a little bit more about Yuno that makes her more sympathetic, and Yuki eventually mans up a bit, so it definitely gets more watchable. The dynamic between the two of them ends up being far more interesting than the survival game. It doesn't ever stop being kind of lowbrow as an anime, but it's the enjoyable kind of lowbrow.

The ending was pretty shit. His next work was a Code Geass ripoff too.

Yuki even when he stops wimping out only wins due to Yuno, in the end, he is still spineless.