
user, I'm not smiling..

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Emoji is such a sad pathetic autistic normalfag, it's a good thing another /u/ Tomokobowl got BTFO.

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What did you say? I'm literally shaking right now. It's time to write death threats to Nico using google translate...
But seriously, if they started to really pull apart the harem; would the normalfag horde, that recently flocked to Watamote, lynch them..?

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No one actually expected her to win right?

Depends on what happens next chapter

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It's clear that pic related is being pushed as the main cast while everyone else is a side character. I wasn't a fan of Yoshida and Ucchi getting sidelined for Nemo and Asuka at first, but Nemo turned out to be a great character. The author just needs to more with Asuka.

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*to do more with Asuka

we still have 10 months in-universe to go for the third year, obviously this is not the end of Emoji route. Rather, i consider it a win, as now Ucchis friends know she is gay and most of them want to support her getting together with Tomoko.

The tsundere misunderstanding is just a minor setback that will lead to more character development

>main cast
Good, good..

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Reminder Tomoko likes shotas and dicks.

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She said she's not into shotas

Do you think Tomoko realised she was saying exactly what Yuri wanted to hear?

not at all, like how Tomoko brought Yuri another manga instead of the dramatic one because it would fit Yuri better and then didn't realize that Yuri cried out of happiness because of what Tomoko did instead of the drama manga.

>people treating this as romance manga
You really are del/u/sional.

>10 months
I keep forgetting how little time has passed since they started third year.

>implying she won't make her glorious comeback

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She'll get cucked by glasses

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I wish that was me on the left.

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But it's true.

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A recurring joke in the series is that Tomoko never realizes her own influence on the people around her, so it's most likey that she doesn't know.

>She doesn't know Kii-chan turning into a creep and a furry was her own fault
>She doesn't know she made Ucchi gay by giving the impression that she was gay herself
>She doesn't that Komi turning into an open pervert was her doing
>She doesn't know she inspired Nemo to be honest with herself
>She doesn't know how she makes Yuri both happy and angry but continuously triggers a loop between her two moods
>She doesn't know both Yuri and Nemo get jealous whenever she fawns over Asuka

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"Jiyaa" is the sound of a vagina tightening or moistening?

this whole thread is proof watamote has turned into nothing but yuri trash.

asuka is the only one to remain true to herself, and that is why she already won.
yuri, emoji, nemo fags btfo

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you sound pretty sour about not being around long enough to earn the transformation

Good taste

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Yuri gold.

It's the sound of a waterfall

at times like this i'm happy watamote is no longer popular enough to get adapted any further into yuri

Why not?

What the fuck is this thing

Your new wife

It's a Momoko. It infects school girls with autism and mind breaks them until they can't think about anything else, but mojo juice. Gets destroyed by vixens, though..

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Is Ucchi's group an evil counterpart to Tomoko's group?

No, I think they are more what she presumes "normalfags" to be. So she is being encroached on by the "enemy."

More like the other way around, Ucchi gang is full of supportive friends instead of passive agressive autists.

The downside is that they're a hivemind and Ucchi's causing problems by going against the consensus.

>Ucchi's causing problems by going against the consensus.
Did you even read the chapter? Ucchi's friends were completely supportive and even tried to help her.

Predicting Tomoko runs into Yoshida in the hall. Yoshida asks who made Tomoko cry. Tomoko says it was nothing, that she was talking to Emiri and, Yoshida catches the name and drags Tomoko along. Proceeds to beat Ucchi up in front of her friends, who do nothing. Rest of the class hears about this. Tune in next week.

I'm with Yuri for the yuri

I can't wait till a season 2 gets greenlit and you get btfo

>season 2 gets greenlit

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She still doesn't have a second season.

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How accurate is this?

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Nemo looks like she's planning on doing what Ucchi is dreaming she's doing.

it's never happening
the manga has not been popular in such a long time. the only people who care about now are /u/tards and it needs more than some yurifan girls for any sane anime studio to make a second season without taking a loose in money.

Why is she so perfect?

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You shut your whore mouth.

Where's Kii-chan?

In my dungeon

This is ridiculous..

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S2 but CGI, would you take it?