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Chika is overrated

Your mom is

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Tits too big.


>pink chika
silver fuji is clearly the better version

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Chika is pink, Fujiwara is silver

>just realize that Fujiwara is the name of one of the four great noble family in Japan.
>That mean Subject F is essentially a noble.

Obvious filthy gaijin artist is obvious

Fujiwara means Fuji wa Ra meaning Holy Japan Mountain is Ra the Egyptian Sun God meaning Fujiwara family is like captain planet powers combined mind blown

>Liar and a cheater
Literally the most capable of being a politician out of her sister

Im at chapter 72. When does this get good


Look how horny she is.

Chika is dogshit. Only shonenshit is worse.

She cute.

I'll never understand leddit obsession with her and ishigami.

Chaika is the epitome of anime only secondaries.

moeshit and literally me

Realistically how far do you think he want with Kaguya while she was half retarded?

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Does that also translate to being a stingy downhill legend?

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Prez is pure
He only wants true love, Kaguya is the slut who mouth-raped him

til soibois are Ra cultists

Why is my red eyes black dragon a pervert Yea Forums why am I always attracted to perverted girls

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go back yourself reddit faggot and then kys

Only one of us seems to be in touch with what reddit likes and talks about. Just stay there and dont come back after your next visit

Except Yuru and Nadeshiko are actually good unlike memeshit like Kaguya and C-fags.

Will "Chika" fags dissapear once the anime ends?

Imagine being mad that some people call a character by name instead of surname.

No, the objectification of Chika needs to stop. Call her by her name you nazis.

where's my fellow peep at?

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In that picture, Chika's hair looks grey too me.

Here I be.

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She is waifu of the season shit so yeah
People forgot about Zero2 and that Bunny shit after their anile ended

no chapter this week

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It hurts

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user you're either colorblind or have a shit monitor

Yeah, I'm partially color blind.

How so

congrats on being only partially racist

Oh England do you really think it's over?
If you do, you're going to have to kill us all
For until you take your murderers out of Ireland
We will make you rue the blood spilled at Loughgall

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Why is Prex blonde?

>three kaguya threads on Yea Forums right now

>Only 3
I think we should go even further

Artistic liberties on part of the author.

White Chaika best Chaika

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>Rich kid school has rich kids in the student council
>Am shock
Fucking faggot




Nadeshiko is still better than Chika.

Sad but true. She was underrated before the anime but now it's too much.

"I am not a pervert"
Is this translation correct?


Let me post another

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Nah. She’s the only character with agency in the entire anime

Dead thread
See you all next week

He touched her lips.

Which ones?

>Prez is a literal rapist
How is this allowed?

You don't rape the willing

How did you guys like the first animated Bakaguya?

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I'm 90% sure that this chapter was born because Aka forgot to layer in President's eyes while he worked on one of the previous chapters.

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She was perfect.

bad pink

good pink

Bad poster

Do not forget about this decade's pink queen.

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I swear that ruined every chance the threads had

o kawaii cute

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The threads resulted in some of the most fun I've had here in years, you must be one of them no fun allowed types.

I'm so glad the one on the left got a 2nd season

what chapter

he didn't, he just lied about it because he realised she was mad he didn't fuck her
Unless I speedread that chapter

No, that's what I got from it, too. It was a good way to satisfy her without making her upset about going too far.

Kaguya wants to strip

Ch.70 I think. More or less

I cannot believe noone has done a o kawaii KOTo edit yet

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ty senpai