
>The deuteragonist may switch between supporting and opposing the protagonist, depending on the deuteragonist's own conflict or plot.

Oh no

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ishigami's betrayal arc when?

after the tsubame's reject arc

Why are you posting the Avatar of Reddit?

He didn't post F


>Ishigami accidentally steps on Hayasaka's landmines
>Hayasaka gets exposed
>Prez makes the connection in his head, distrusts Kaguya
>Kaguya dismisses Hayasaka in favor of Prez
>Hayasaka breaks
If Aka hadn't gotten soft over the years, I'm sure, we would get something along those lines

>Treat a rich kid like your little sister
>get dumped at the first mistake
That would be just cruel

Prez knows that Hayasaka/Haahsaka works for the Shinomiyas

I don't think he knows the extent of her work though, still, it's wishful thinking from my part, because Aka's dramafaggotry is something I enjoy

Maaaaaaan Kaguya is ruining all romcoms for me, I can't read any of them anymore i'm always expecting a Aka like subversion of tropes but they never happen.

Was this his plan all along? to make me addicted to his special sauce?

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>Tsubame reject ishigami
>Kaguya can't go to burgerland with prez because REASONS
>Kaguya comforts Ishigami
>and slowly, they start to like each other

This isnt Alabama, user.

>Prez and Kei go to Alabama

Its worth noting that the raw text calls him and Miko the "secret protagonist" and "secret heroine" and Jag just made a guesstimation of what Ishigami's should've said

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This makes me wonder, how many mangakas have gone and succesfully done a castling of main and 2nd’s role in order to keep their stories going? Can’t think of any from the top of my head (that is if we discard shounen-shit)

Baka to test

I don't think there's anything successful about Ishigami's lame ass side-story shit.

What's with the sudden Ishigami bashing. He's funny sometimes

Revision of history.

He was funny and still is occasionally funny, but his parts in the manga are increasingly serious and seriously dull.

You mean padding the story with shit no one cares about? He needs to buy time after all since Kaguya french kissing Prez makes it hard to return to the mind games.

Anyone with taste cares.

>He needs to buy time after all
Buy time for what? Christmas is literally in two days. Next chapter is gonna continue the topic of their relationship going forward.

A couple of contrarians are using the tryharding attitude of newcomers to push their opinion.

I will need source on that,chief

What if it's just some people that genuinely don't like the direction Aka has taken Ishigami and his part in the manga?

Then they'd just call it shit instead anti-reddit virtue signalling

It's entirely possible, but they've always been a small minority anyway.
That's why I gave that explaination to the sudden rise in "redditgami" posters and stuff like that.

Oh, you meant the Reddit stuff. Yeah, that's just retarded shitposters.

Big if true

I actually dont know the source. I think I might've seen it on the tvtropes page

Do not trust tvtropes

Why would anyone willingly become a servant to another person? I don't understand anime/manga fascinations with entire families being groomed to cater to other families. Isn't Hayasaka's entire family's purpose to serve the Shinomiyas? That seems weird. Unless she's getting paid bank to be a servant or something.

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It does say that on tvtropes, no idea how accurate it is. Found the raw for Ishigami's bio.

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Hayasaka is richer than Kaguya though, she is not from some nobody family. Hayasakas father is Kaguyas Godfather.

She actually is paid a pretty hefty sum for her services, but I agree the Jap fascination with underaged maids is unhealthy as fuck. Hayasaka might be paid as much as Shinomiya group middle management, but her job is still essentially indentured child labour and probably violates a dozen of labour codes. Hayasaka was signed over as a maid when she was godamn 7 for fucks sake imagine a situation like that irl.
I get teenage maids are cute and all but still.

Agreed and this shit is everywhere some series wants to demonstrate a character is wealthy. I know of a few TV shows that do it like The Nanny or Fresh Prince but in both the butler is usually pretty acerbic and sarcastic. And it's always played as if they are performing a job and are confidants/advisers. Not just an entire family bowing down before another, offering up their daughter to straight up be groomed as a servant.

>Why would anyone willingly become a servant to another person?
She didn't wanted to be a maid, it just happened

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Untermensch are meant to serve their better

My point is that it's fucking weird. They could have just made Hayasaka as a close friend without the master/servant subtext. I'm surprised Ai's parents just allowed their whole family get "absorbed" by the Shinomiyas; and it honestly doesn't make sense. If I was in Shriogane's position, I would be extremely put off by the situation... unless I knew that valets make bank and it was voluntary.

Immediately return to your duties then, servant

It’s meant to show off how powerful her family is, that they still maintain familial power structures from Japan’s feudal history. I don’t think it actually exists in modern Japan anymore, maybe like 50 years ago it would be plausible for the ultra elites to still have servants bound by family duty.

>Ai's parents
This shit goes back centuries.
Hayasaka also makes mad money for it and has a guaranteed high earning position in the Shinomiya company afterwards.

>just allowed their whole family get "absorbed"
They probably made some kind of deal with the Shinomiyas or something idk

Which chapter is Miko's page from? I can read enough to compare.

It says the same, both are ura MC/heroine.

Yep, just checked Miko's page. Ishigami and Miko are indeed described in the same terms.
It's true.

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It's basically side B protagonists, as in, secondary.

Watch as the Christmas party become the equivalent Sports Day Arc for Iino

>DRAMA involving fucking Miko of all characters
God no, just let party be party.

Yeah. "Side Heroine" doesn't really convey the right point.
With no shenanigans? Just people having a mundane party doing nothing? You're going to have Miko drama. It's written in the stars.

We can't like same things as reddit, can we now

The funniest part is that Shirogane and Kaguya are both main characters while Iino has Fujiwara's status, heroine.
Explains why she's what she is at least.

Where is Kaguya's character page?

Well damn, as if ishimiko wasn't already obvious enough, it's basically spelled out here. "Side Heroine" never sounded right to me, but I think that's mostly because of Fujiwara's status. Still really weird how Fujiwara is called the "heroine" of the story instead of Kaguya. At this point that kinda seems like a joke though.

I can't wait to see Iino ruin Christmas.

Where are Fujiwara and Kaguya's pages?

Aka probably has something BIG reserved for Fujiawara, she's part of the original three and I doubt he just made her a purely random and unreadable character, especially with how hard he avoids showing what she thinks.
So her title of Heroine won't be for show.

I'm just going by the translations again. Kaguya and Shirogane are both considered main characters.

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That was the Otaku/Anime chapter

They are right, Shirogane and Kaguya MCs, Fuji heroine, Ishi and Miko secondaries and Hayasaka is Hayasaka.
I read them raw but I can't remember which volume they came out.

I also checked myself. It's more or less accurate, though Chika might not be "the heroine" so much as "a heroine". The runes don't distinguish.

What do we do without a chapter this week?

>The runes don't distinguish.
They don't really need to, she's the only one that has
>the heroine of this work
in it. It doens't say main heroine or anything, because that's for harems, but many of these 1 on 1 romances have that title for the titular female lead.

>Anyone with shit taste cares.
Fixed for you.

Meh, Miko still feels too much like an afterthought, you can tell she wasn't planned at all.
That works for side characters, but main cast is too much.

裏主人公 simply means that this person is the secondary protag, meaning that the story will shift focus at some point, which it did several times.
There are NO fucking NTR incoming, you degenerate. Kaguya is just pure vanilla love and it's GOOD like this.

Sure. I've just noticed that even non-romantic interests end up being called "heroines" in some works, just by being a relevant female character. I personally think that's stupid, but it happens.

It's either romantic interest of female lead.
Now choose your brand of Fujiwara poison, who knows, maybe she'll go the otome route and get a decent version of what Aka is trying to do with Iino and Ishigami.

Election arc was practically dedicated to her though. No way to really know what Aka had planned from day one, but she's definitely gotten more focus, interactions, and plot-related stuff than side characters like hayasaka.

>she's definitely gotten more focus, interactions, and plot-related stuff than side characters like hayasaka.
Yet she still feels more flat than Hayasaka and others despite more screen time and focus.

I wonder what are house parties even like in Japan? Do they have underage drinking and casual sex upstairs oo?

I hope Icekaguya is just as much of a dork as her other selves when she talks to el presidente

That's how it should be. However, I've seen the Japanese ruin the term before.
I'm not so sure she's an afterthought, but we have to put her development in context. Miko appeared when the manga shifted to building up Ishigami, instead of him just being an emo joke character for the most part. Miko's part of his side of the story.

Her development so far is basically the same as Ishigami's was in the beginning. Except that instead of getting the wrong impression and thinking that Kaguya is a murderer, she gets the wrong impression and thinks they're all perverts. Basically, the story has mostly just established a baseline for her to familiarize us with who she is now.

What I'm hoping is that we see it from Shirogane's PoV, where she's all cold and calculating, then it shifts
>that went amazing!!!
>he didn't notice a thing
>this is so embarrassing
Because she's Kaguya no matter what.

Probably, yeah

>Ishigami and Iino wake up next to each other, naked
>nothing happened but both think they did it
I read a VN like this and at least it was funny, taking the full on comedic route would salvage it really hard.

Stop being so lewd Iino. Nothing like that happens in parties

This series is a comedy, Any IshiMiko is going to be silly.

>Implying he wouldn't wake up in the middle of a naked Tsubame and Miko

>Do they have underage drinking and casual sex upstairs
Of course not.

Why would Tsubame be naked?

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>implying he wouldn't wake up in the middle of a bunch of naked women
Drunk Ishi is an absolute alpha, you read it here first, folks

I sleep
Real shit

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Our guy

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Lino is a pervert.

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Translate pls

They were all drunk as hell and ended up sleeping in the same bed without noticing.

Iino doesn't even appear that much, she gets less screentime than Fujiwara and she's still way more of a developed character than her. As for Hayasaka, she's so fucking overrated as a character probably due to her design and deadpan personality. She's a side character that only really interacts with Kaguya, as sort of an extension to her antics and as a confidant (not that there's anything wrong with that). You can like her all you want, maybe even be your favorite, but there's no way that anyone in the main cast is "more flat" of a character than her, except MAYBE fujiwara, but even then probably not. Either you simply hate iino because you have shit taste, or you're a speedreader/willfully ignorant and missed her characterization.

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>shoujo Miko
no, I don't like it

How can you not like Shoujo Miko?

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>Y-You know, it smells like Ishigami. My heart is racing...

Miko's design screams shoujo though

When is the OST coming out?

Why can't she be like this all the time?

is that page new?

No character development yet.


Cute! I hope this gets typeset and translated like the other ones

This artist is based

She needs Ishigami to help her loosen up her insides

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Fujiwara guy.

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She'll need to get fireworksed first.

>Kaguya likes Prez's harsh menacing glares
>her ideal person is someone who looks mean and harsh but actually turns out to love her

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Are you saying she has daddy issues? I mean what girl doesn't?

Maki deserves something better, user

>female lead has daddy issues
colour me surprised

Yet Hayasaka still feels more realized as a character than Iino.
>She's a side character that only really interacts with Kaguya, as sort of an extension to her antics and as a confidant
By that logic, Iino is a side character who only ever interacts with Ishigami you fucking retard.
She's extremely flat as a character with two extremely boring and generic as shit subplots and, unlike Hayasaka, isn't entertaining in the least.
Hayasaka actually feels like she had some thought put into her and just her interactions with Kaguya and prez elevate her above Miko.

With her amazing shit taste for man?
She doesn't

I'm worried about this scene.
I wonder if the anime will do it well.

We've been seeing a recurring theme of pampered girls developing extreme thirst because of their sheltered upbringing
Turned on by menacing glares
Gangbang fetish
Nuff said

Attached: Fujiwara Fetish.jpg (2560x2048, 2.39M)

>Gangbang fetish
Gangbang? There was only one dude Miko knew that was invited to the party. Miko's fetish is still being praised and consoled by a prince, probably ever since Ishigami gave her that flower and left her with weird expectations for men.

The guys who approached her at the festival, she was being prepped for a gangbang because she's fucking dumb.

Yeah, but she's fucking dumb.

Not an excuse, literally any other girl in the series would fall for that, while being equally as dumb romance wise.

>Gangbang fetish
canon: getting praised
doujin: getting abused

No, in canon she's Fujiwara's abused wife and behaves as such.

I want to stick my dick so far up your dicks that it reaches the bladder then I blow the biggest load the world has ever seen and burst your bladders killing you but I will keep cumming until cum leaks out of your every orifice.

Because Fujiwara praises her.
I think Ishigami helped fuck up her sensibilities with that note he left her. Miko actually believes in Princes who will carry her away, and is therefore gullible as fuck.

Based Subject Futa

>Because Fujiwara praises her.
That's how abusive people behave
>be nice
>abuse the shit about girl
>nice again
Carrot and stick, you know. Everyone points out she's like a DV victim.

Would Ishigami pull something like Prez and dress up like a prince while riding a white horse if he fell for Miko?

>iino only interacts with ishigami
You're a fucking moron. Did you even read the manga?
>boring subplots/not entertaining
I disagree but this is a matter of taste. At least, assuming you're not a speedreading faggot, which you probably are. At the end of the day, hayasaka's interactions with Kaguya are what justify her existence. And she has fuck all interactions with prez, at the end of rap they're apparently "friends" but there isn't anything to show for it. It's one thing if you simply prefer Hayasaka for the traits she does have, and she fills her role very well, but there's no way she's somehow more "realized" of a character than iino.

I think Miko needs to learn that her Prince isn't a Prince.

Holy shit that describtion is literally me

Chika a best

I too am intelligent, nihilistic and have a wicked sense of humor

Bravo user you just realised most romcoms are mass produced trash aimed at people within one standard deviation of the average IQ

I think he'd ask really her out really casually and miko would flip out at how unromantic his confession was
But then she'd say yes

Considering how usually suspicious and cautious she is, especially with the opposite sex, I'm not entirely convinced that she didn't already have an idea what was going on. I mean she literally fantasizes about being surrounded by naked hot guys whispering sweet nothings in her ear

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Reminder that F's IQ is 130+ and you should praise he for being Lino's abusive mistress

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130 is not that high. To put it into perspective an average college student is 115, a graduate 130, grad student 140, and a CEO 150
Trump allegedly has/had 168

hey guys I just heard a crazy theory that
Subject F is actually means F for F(uta)? can anyone confirm/deny?

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>You're a fucking moron. Did you even read the manga?
She interacts with Ishigami, out of the main cast, that's it, no one else. Her interactions with Fujiwara are as one note as they get and as far as Shirogane and Kaguya are concerned she may as well not exist considering they barely even talk.
>I disagree but this is a matter of taste
No, objectively, Hayasaka's chapters are far more entertaining than what Miko has offered so far, because they are actually funny. There's no chapter of hers that even touches Hayasaka's seduction of Shirogane as far as quality goes.
>hayasaka's interactions with Kaguya are what justify her existence.
And Iino's interactions with Ishigami are what justify her existence, she literally has no other role in this series barring that. Unless you want to argue that Osaragi, a character that exists purely to be her friend, counts.
> but there's no way she's somehow more "realized" of a character than iino.
She has had a character arc, focus, development, a wide variety of interactions with the members of the cast she actually interacts with and what's probably the best written non romantic relationship in the series with Kaguya.

Is shinomiyadad gonna be a 10?

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She fantasizes about an anonymous Prince that she's probably waiting for to sweep her away. She wants hot guys whispering sweet nothings in her ear because that's probably how she imagines flower dude.

New covers

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>Turning IQ into powerlevels

In a technocracy we are becoming, it basically is a power level system

What was this dudes Twitter again?

Cute Hayasaka

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>objectively more funny
I'm not sure you know the definition of this word.
Iino has the most interactions with ishigami, but in addition to actually being a part of the stuco shenanigans and having subplots focused on her development, she actually has her own confidant character in osaragi, which no one else has besides Kaguya. Hayasaka IS a confidant character and she ONLY talks to Kaguya, aside from like three whole times she had interactions with Prez, and that one chapter she talked with fujiwara.
>hayasaka character arc
The seduction-karaoke-rap thing barely qualifies as an arc, all that happened was she voiced how she felt to Kaguya. I have no problem with Hayasaka, she's a good supporting character, all I am saying is that she doesn't have as much characterization as iino does in terms of facets of their personality, overall development, and setup for future development, which is extremely obvious to anyone who fucking read the manga.
>Wide variety of interactions
No she doesn't.

Snake, we need a source

I really want vol 14's cover in better quality.
Also extras for the Kaguya/prez balloon chapters, they have potential.

hayasaka is cute! CUTE!

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iinofags are delusional

>she calculated one kid every two years
>when Kaguya researched twins and more in that exact moment
That's why you won't win even as the loli version Hayasaka, too weak.

>she's bestest, perfectest and deepest character and if you don't agree you are a speedreading retard
It's a flawless argument, really.


It's in the picture.

To be serious, she's not a developed character yet. The text practically states that directly, with her friend openly deciding to leave her to grow more on her own right before Ishigami hands her that heart. Miko's story really has only just begun. Her other appearances are just setup so we know who she is.

She's passionate, lonely, childish, bossy, and gullible. She and Ishigami have this thing where they openly dislike one another, but are secretly kind of rooting for each other too. And that's basically all Miko is right now, besides a gag that walks in at the worst possible moment to misinterpret things. But she'll get her development soon.

Problem is, Hayasaka is simply a side character that acts like a side character, and her characterization is really good for a character who isn't the focus and isn't central in the StuCo
Meanwhile, Lino is supposed to be an important character and a member of the StuCo, but she's so far removed that she's pretty much a gag character within the StuCo, except for being the biggest wheel in Ishigami's subplot
She'll definitely get her growth in the future, but so far, she's mostly a part of Ishigami's plot

what chapter

thank you and sorry for being retarded

>she's pretty much a gag character within the StuCo
Like Ishigami was in the beginning, which familiarized us with who he was before the author decided to dive deeper and expand on him.

It's from the official doujin
15 i think

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>Like Ishigami was in the beginning, which familiarized us with who he was before the author decided to dive deeper and expand on him.
Aka didn't wait 90 chapters for that.

Ryder, not this again!

So? It's not like Miko hasn't been expanded on a little, but it's just not been time to develop her yet. It really seems like Miko's been prepared to take off after the whole Prez/Kaguya confession gets its closure. People saying she was made to interact with Ishigami aren't wrong. It's not like she or Ishigami are likely to follow them to America.


Is the doujin worth it, or does it butcher Aka's work?

I'm that user you're replying to, and I agree with almost everything you said. Hayasaka is an excellent side character and definitely the strongest member of the supporting cast. Regarding Iino, I think she is commonly used for gags that also help with getting to understand her a little better, but she also has her own focus chapters occasionally. She's central to Ishigami's plot, but she also has her own arc. Right now she's basically in the same position that Ishigami was in prior to sports festival - used for gags most of the time but with a chapter here and there to show a small amount of growth and building up to something bigger. Although one big difference is that iino was introduced at the start of a big arc and we got some of her backstory right away. I would also argue that the whole bonfire subplot was a big step forward for her and not something that election arc iino would have done.
Not sure what your point is. It's simply a matter of aka now having more characters and plot stuff to worry about. Though the primary focus is still on the two main characters, as it should be.

>or does it butcher Aka's work
Completely. You need to try really hard to make it so out of character as they do.

Very few are actually worth reading
They are not pretty good
Miko masochism chapter and Prez teacher AU where the only one i kinda enjoyed

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It reads like a really crappy ecchi fanfic, which it quite literally is.

Some of them are good others are bad. It's a hit and miss really

Yes to both

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Miko eats a lot. Miko farts a lot.

>So? It's not like Miko hasn't been expanded on a little
So little she's barely there.
And it took only ~80 chapters.
>Not sure what your point is
Miko just exists.
Exists to receive literallyme semen.

>As for Hayasaka, she's so fucking overrated as a character
I agree. It reminds me of the /ourguy/ Ishigami times. You're either suck the character off or get a bunch of autists reeeeeeing at you.

Well Ishigami actually furthered the comedy with his antics and observations in the beginning, his interactions with the StuCo were way more complete even when he wasn't much of a character
I don't blame Aka for the difference though, he has way too much plot and characters to worry about, to shoehorn Miko into anything other than Ishigami, when the main plot ends, she'll be getting her growth
In the end, comparing Lino and Hayasaka when it comes to their part in the story is comparing apples to oranges

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she needs a love triangle of her own

>Exists to receive literallyme semen.
She exists to push off a stupid romantic comedy plot after Kaguya and Prez are basically together already, and therefore can't drive that kind of dynamic anymore.

There are several girls who exist to extend the romcom story after prez and shinomiya get together
There's Hayasaka, Maki, Onodera, and who knows who else will show up?

>She exists to push off a stupid romantic comedy plot after Kaguya and Prez are basically together already,
So the plot turns to Kaguya trying to make Prez fuck her.
You don't need Miko for that.

Onodera is a fucking meme
Who cares about her?

You gotta do better than that

I think she's a cute dark horse/crack ship but I don't really expect anything from her.

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I'm sure she'll play some important role considering her and Miko are friends. They'll both be at the party

Best one is the Prez x Fujiwara

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They all serve rather different purposes. Has Hayasaca ever even interacted with Ishigami? How do Ishigami and Onodera even interact? But Miko? She was clearly established to have a comedic dynamic with Ishigami by being a total bitch.

She's endgame just wait a little longer.

She's also the only one in the club Aka drew the eyes on before the end of the Cheer Club arc, and keeps showing up near or around Ishigami

When is meme hat girl getting some spotlight?

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Eh, it's okay. When it fucks up it fucks up badly, but whenever it focuses on Miko, Ishigami, Hayasaka or goes full AU it can be entertaining. Just in a different way to the original.

>But Miko? She was clearly established to have a comedic dynamic with Ishigami by being a total bitch.
She's not even a total bitch to him.
Fuji is.

Flashback arc.
I think it will happen right now or right after Christmas.

Ah, but see, it's the type of bitch that counts. Miko's the sort who could be in total denial about liking him.

Ishi shot himself twice, if Aka loves his foreshadowing, that means Tsubame and Miko are planned to fail, leaving the unassuming one to win

she literally just tells him to follow the rules and be more responsible, thats not being a bitch, that's just being somewhat uptight about the rules, which makes sense given her background

You mean IshiFuji

They don't all need to be with ishigami. Some new boys could show up sooner or later.

Yu is the deuteragonist? Would that make Miyuki and Kaguya co-protagonists? Because there are a lot more chapters from Kaguya's POV than there are from Yu's.

Also curious if this makes Iino the secondary Kaguya.

So Ishigami is True Neutral?

Obviously Hayasaka's situation ia unrealistic. MAYBE there are a few hundred people in real life that do essentially the same thing.

However, rich people usually pay their servants very well. Those are sought after jobs, just like being the bartender at the most exclusive high class bars and the secretaries for the most important people in the world.

Still got to get through Maki to win the Ishibowl

She goes beyond just telling him to follow the rules. She literally dragged him away from where he was using a loophole to play his games, just so she could take them from him. She goes out of her way to try to "correct" him.

If only her character in the manga was as interesting as that bio makes her sound.

She's interesting, on paper, then you actually read her chapters.

I want to protect Iino from all these online bullies!

I think a lot of people expect Ishigami to either fail upwards or get his dreams dashed at some point. His recent chapters just seem way too positive and mistake-free from how he is usually portrayed.

In which she's exactly what she's described to be. How many chapters has she had which were fully her own, and actually about her growth?

>all the brainlets arguing about Ishi and his bitches
>meanwhile I'm waiting for F's mental breakdown

Its likely that there are still servants like this. But the number is probably very small.

Miko is secretly enjoying this bullying

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In his case, it's for his own good. If it weren't for Kaguya confiscating his games and forcing him to study back then, he would have been held back a year.
Ishigami is not like the MC of TWGOK who doesn't give a fuck because he aces everything. He's legit in danger.

I want to bet Shirogane would have been less of a cunt about his games if he got to teach him.
Ishigami would have died in the process out of exhaustion, but he wouldn't have been as terrible.

Hayasaka is canonically the richer of the StuCo kids right now (ignoring Kaguya's future inherited empire, of course). She earns a lot by babysitting Kaguya.

>fujitard calling anyone a brainlet

Kaguya technically has unlimited cash, she simply never uses it, that's why she's second.

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>the love detective never figured out the prez and vice prez were in love
I think that'd trigger a mental breakdown. Her mind would flash back to all those moments where there was sexual tensiom between the two that she was oblivious to

Haremshitters will forever be kings of brainlets, ESPECIALLY secondary character haremshitters.

Kek. That's Yea Forums. Ishigami is reddit. As is Tsubame.

Didn't she gave up on her love detective tittle after Ishigami proved to be better at that job?

I don't like F, I like her suffering
Chikafaggotry is peak reddit

I think she knows and the times she actually notices their mindgames she tries to "help" by completely wrecking their plans.
>oh, it seems prez and Kaguya want to go home together but neither have an umbrella
>I'll just lend them one!
It would fit her personality so much considering she's generally a pretty good and helpful person.

Sorry but you don't teach problem children without being strict, even if they happen to be your friends. You lower your guard a second and the next thing you know is that you've missed the whole afternoon playing Tekken 5.

She's not afraid of conflicting with Chad Thundercock. A brainlet-tier loophole is not going to stop her from pursuing justice

Yeah, but this is Shirogane here, he has insane work ethics.
And Ishigami/Shirogane sleepover sounds so fun.

>I think she knows
Anime-only please.

I'm late. The area where I live had a blackout and the energy just returned. I wanted to make sure of something.
Is she actually saying "Y-You know, it smells like Ishigami. My heart is racing..." or is she saying something like "W-why is it that Ishigami's smell makes my heart race...?" or something to that effect? Cause the first one is pretty awkward sounding.

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One never stops being a detective at love
She was back to being a detective during the festival, although it was not related to love

This is also true, and part of my point. Miko is trying to do the right thing for Ishigami, even if she dislikes him openly, though her childish methods and bossy attitude aren't very effective.
Her bitchiness goes a little beyond that, seeing how she was insulted by the idea that Ishigami looks a little like her favorite idol. She's at the very least frustrated with his behavior and resenting him for it.

No, it would explain a ton of things about her.
Hell, the only reason she went along so much with the coin them is because she "suspects" something regarding prez and Kaguya and wanted to expose them or similar.

First chapter was meh, second was garbage(author's shota fetish is showing). From the third onward it became more entertaining and it has some decent laughs on occasion. Just go in with low expectations.

You must have missed the gajillion threads we made about Chika.

She is good at anything but love. I'm not sure if she even understands what love is. Her whole bloodline has been proven to be tainted and there is something very wrong with her as a human being. Prez needs to put her in her place and teach her that she sucks at love.

she says "na, nanka Ishigami no nioi ga shite dokidoki suru..." so the first sentence

Nah its shown that she is too self-centered to care about whethwr or not they're into each other. Case in point, this most recent anime episode; Fujiwara deliberately cheats so she can see Kaguya instead of Miyuki. She's clearly not interested in helping him out with his romantic interests.

She understands love enough to get that thinking too much about prez will end up having her fall for him.

If you want it to sound more natural you could say "it makes my heart race" or however you translate doki doki

>She's clearly not interested in helping him out with his romantic interests.
Kaguya-chan>>>>romantic development, please understand.

>"W-why is it that Ishigami's smell makes my heart race...?"
I can tell you for certain that it's not this. Other than the "nanka", that I'm not familiar with using, the rest is something like "It smells like Ishigami and makes my heart race".

animeonly please

>Kaguya wants perz to be more reckless and do the first step
>goes full panic mode when he actually does

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>She was insulted by the idea that Ishigami looks a little like her favorite idol.
At that point it's just her being in denial.
>Her childish methods and bossy attitude aren't very effective.
She said it herself. She has to go as far as to fucking lie in the register so that he doesn't get suspended again for his misbehavior. She saved his ass in middle school and she doesn't want to see her hard work go down the drain, so she tries to correct him. And she literally tells him that if he stops acting like a manchild, she'd stop hounding him down, yet despite his intentions, he's still breaking the rules, and the fact that he belongs to the SC makes it worse.
No wonder she's so frustrated. And she can't just stop helping him, because if handled by an actual strict representative even expulsion wouldn't be out of the table.

She used to be a virginal girl who knew no man and in control of her emotions.

Thanks. If you think I can do better, or have some advice, i'm all ears.

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Lino is so cute, I don't think I even want to sexualize her.

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Lino dragged off by tanned beach chads when?`

>At that point it's just her being in denial.
>And she literally tells him that if he stops acting like a manchild, she'd stop hounding him down, yet despite his intentions, he's still breaking the rules, and the fact that he belongs to the SC makes it worse.
I'm saying her attitude is ineffective because she barely communicates any of this to Ishigami himself. She might be trying to be selfless by keeping him in the dark, but she'd likely be more successful changing his attitude if she were properly straightforward about it all.

Ishigami is doing pretty much the same though. And the funny thing is that Ishigami himself inspired her to, if he sent the anonymous letter, which at this point is all but confirmed.

What is happening here?

Do your best, Miko-chan!

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What's the little text on the top left supposed to be now that I think about it? I can probably mask it and replace the text. I'm guessing it's either "Sniff" or calling out his name?

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Or rather, I'll mask it again if it's wrong. I made an assumption on that one.

Sorry man, I was at work, I'm neither Japanese or English native speaker, and I didn't know how to articulate the two segments together. It sounded awkward to me too but I just didn't have much time to spend on it.

It's a gutural moan (uvuu), since the u and u with dakuten (ゔ) is v, but that's mostly used with katakana (ヴ) to transcribe a foreign language and the other use for dakuten where there's usually none is in visual mediums to indicate a more strong or gutural sound.

I can't read well enough to translate, but she thought he was going to kiss her, and I think he teased her about that.
It's not his name. That looks like it's うう, I think. Depending on the handwriting, could be ララ. If it's the first one, it's an ooh... sort of sound.

At best you would get Ishigami and Prez dressing up as a pantomime horse

it was foreshadowed.

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That's lewd. I'll start masking it again then.
Should I go for a "Uuoh..." or a is a simple "oooh...." is enough?

Some others confirmed the way you wrote it was correct apparently, so no problem.

Pretty sure it's う, nips are pretty autistic about katakana looking "square".

I'd use "Uuuh" but either works

Cool then. Thanks again.
Also, the little comic panel was not translated yet right?

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I just got up to date with Kaguya. Is there any manga as good as Kaguya or should I just kill myself? I don't read manga much, only read Komi-san and this so far.

>muh Miko is the worst character in the manga repeat x1000
Do you have to keep posting this every week? I swear I've seen this exact thread pop up like 5 times now. You're not changing anyone's mind, and it's clear no one's changing yours either

Wait until Kaguya ends, then join the rest of the Kaguyafags in the ritualistic suicide.
Or you can always shitpost on Nisekoi threads about how Nisekoi is eternally inferior.

>talking to the Miko autist
Don't even bother.

Jitsu wa watashi wa.

This week, bokuben filled the void, because, for once, it was good and not in an ironic way.

Nvm, just found out about something called "Grand Blue Dreaming".

fuck, replied to the wrong guy. should be for this

>but she thought he was going to kiss her
That's very lewd

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>Thinks he's going to kiss her all of a sudden
>Puckers up lips waiting for it
I know this is fanart, but she's so easy when pushed, I can sort of picture her doing something like that in the main story.

Caption: Ah
>Hey, Iino.
>? What is...
SFX びく: surprised
>W-what?! Why is this guy so close?!
>M-m-m-m-maybe... he's gonna k-kiss me?!
SFX ふる: trembling
>Ishigami: Why are you closing your eyes? Were you getting scared waiting for a kiss? No way I'm doing this here.
>Small: You had a lint in your hair
>Miko: Huh?! That's not...!! Don't say such DIS-GUSTING things!
>Daibutsu: Don't be dense, Miko-chan. If it were another place, this man would definitely go for it.
>Arrow: Daibutsu-san who just happened to pass by

I'm not familiar with most SFX. Feel free to help

Will we ever see Hayasaka's multiple identities getting exposed?

Mugi from K-on has a literal slave. The fact that they look so alike probably implies at least a few generations in Mugi's family decided to rape the maids.

That's not the Ishigami I know. He'd drop his spaghetti way before Iino would have chance to react.

Personally I think that's the reason she hasn't interacted with Ishigami much

>karen and Erika orgasming to the horror cover of the first volume

It's probably bound to happen someday, we just have now idea when it will

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Yeah, those fan gags make Ishigami for way too much of an alpha compared to the wuss he actually is just because Miko is bully material and you have to make the man dominant for this aspect to truly appear.

I can imagine her going apeshit after being exposed.

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Kaguya jealous of Shirogane because he is with Ishigami when?

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Ah, you beat me to it.

It's going to be hard for her to juggle the identities if Fujiwara channels the Fujowara about Pres and Haysaka-kun. That's a big chance for this to happen.

She wouldn't care that much. She'd just reject the fault on Kaguya since it's because of her that she had to endure all this stuff and simply ragequit her position.

Ishigami is particularly prone to not dropping spaghetti when it comes to her.

He's not exactly particularly alpha though. They are on an equal footing.

That's closer to straight comedy with some very light romance

So mistaking Osaragi for Daibutsu was a thing. Nip is a complicated language.

I assume the giant bit after "? What is..." has no translation and is just some sort of "panic" scribble?

>implying she is popular and there's some guy giving a shit about her other than Ishigami.

It's just "What...", it says "?nani..." and then the "pi- bikku"

Assuming the "nani" is before she turns her head and then the SFX for her head turning and being surprised.

>Don't be dense,
I'm not sure this part is right. She's telling Miko to 'notice' this part, "No way I'm doing that here." which implies he's willing to do it somewhere else. Though maybe it's clear enough for everyone already, and I'm just autistic.

Try it yourself in a translator. Personally, I simply read it like this. I just couldn't ass myself enough to search for her name, and I didn't remember since she hasn't been relevant for a while.

Kaguya doesn't care and Shirogane doesn't either, she's her master and he's her master's not-husband, she should relax a bit.
I want a Shirogane-Hayasaka chapter that's just them being friends while Kaguya stalks them, basically a repeat of Haysaca but with the real one.

It was the hardest part. As I said before, feel free to change to make it more natural. "Open your eyes" would be good too, I guess. Dunno why I didn't think of it before.

The panel typeset is gonna take a bit since i'm cleaning the background with all the dots. It's a pain in the ass.

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Well, my policy is whatever sounds right as long as the idea is understood. I almost got around to translating it myself, after saying I couldn't. It looks good.

you're my hero

Though, now that I had a second thought, I think "pay attention" could work for you in this context.

If you need help with any moonrunes reading just ask

>Not taking a sample of the dot pattern to make a custom pattern, and not using the Pattern Stamp Tool to make it quick and efficient

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Are we getting spoilers today?

>posting dead people
That's poor taste.

No chapter this week

If by today you mean today next week, sure, we're getting them today.

Fuck bros what happened we got spoilers so soon last week...
Did the gook user die? is Kaguya a dead manga?

That's essentially what I'm doing. it's just that there's strands of hair in the middle too, so i'm trying to keep it all there.

Next time, the first kiss continues... but first let's begin Part 2 of the Tokyo Ramen Emperors series, starring your heroine Fujiwara!

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It only hurts a little

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HEY, s-she is not dead and hopefully never because I don't want to see Kaguya permanent heartbroken

I wouldn't mind, but plotfags would ruin the fun anyway.

She's only dead until they fuck. Once they fuck, it's gonna be full Kaguya-chan for a whole day.

Blueballing your audience is never fun.
Chapter promised Iceguya trying to have a decent, serious and rational conversation with prez and that's what people want to see.
Unless she melts in two pages because she can't possibly hurt prez so much.

But thats not Karen

I want to see Hayasaka exposed.

If Iceguya is the one who seals the deal, she's not going to want to relinquish control again. And why would she? She's the original Kaguya.

I like progress as much as the next one, but as long as the chapter is funny, I don't care.

Karen dying makes the whole spin off even more kino in retrospect, the tale of the last months of a pure christian girl until she died of bliss.

It'd completely fuck up the actual pacing
>let's talk
>cue completely random out of place chapter
>next chapter is the follow up

You can pinpoint the exact moment where Kaguya got her "it's hotter to be kissed"

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>both parties knows that are desperately in love with each other.
>because she can't possibly hurt prez so much

Mikolino is going to meet a group of strange guys and get a train run on her on Christmas isn't she?

Either that or it's going to be a Toradora Christmas where Ishi realizes it's her not Tsubame he is meant to be with

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>inb4 Lino needs to be "saved" and Ishi have to choose between Tsubame and her

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One of them is going to save the other's ass in the Christmas party in a way that leaves them no way to hide it. I don't think any sort of love will blossom there.

They'll get piss-drunk and fuck.

Someone'll have to get bridal carried home

Ok, i'm almost done, but now I want to know what these things are.
I assume one of them is "poke".

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I don't think this is going to be speedrun. I mean, how long did it take for Prez and Kaguya to more or less confess? I more expect Iino will develop more identifiable feelings, but let's get serious here. How much can really happen at a small Christmas party? Iino tries and fails to restrain her autism? Ends up feeling sad because she has nothing to talk to with anyone there? Overhears some dudes talking about some shit?
Onomatopoeia site is down, but きゅ is a squeeze sound. Not sure if he just pinched her nose or something. Though that might fit with the ふぐっ/Fugu.


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>It wasn't a mistake but it was actually Ice taking control

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No, retard. That's the retarded Viz translation which fucked up the naming big time.

Guess he'll need some teaching, Kaguya-sama

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This was by far the most annoying one to fix. I should probably get my hands on Photoshop already.
Once again, tell if there's better "sounds" or things I should change.

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not worried, the anime so far has been stellar

>prezxhayasaka art
i-it's time?

This. I have faith in this team and the director. They definitely can pull off the drama stuff.

>"It doesn't matter which one he picks: you deserve it anyway."

Shouldn't it be Osaragi?
Nice job anyway.
Fucking delet.


>Prez x Haya
Fucking abomination

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is this a dream or something? how can ishigami be this alpha?

Iino lost her nose and Ishigami was giving it back to her

She's my second choice if Kaguya dies of a heart attack.

>generic drama
Hopefully not.

The user who translated it added "-san" to it, so i'm guessing the original had it too?

in 6 to 7 days
unless we get volume extras or something

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At least the anime is airing, that helps hold me over.

I meant, shouldn't it be "Osaragi-san"?

Sorry for the newfaggotry but why is drama a bad word around here?

The key word is generic.
Wasted on some not really relevant side characters.

It's the theme of the art for Iino to be the one crushing on him. Being alpha with a crushing Iino is probably easy as fuck.

Seeing these pages makes me wanna see a remake of the shojo chapter starring Miko

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also ishigama is probably oblivious (as he always is) to sexual cues so he just acts as he acts as he ordinarily would.

Goddamn that's creepy as fuck. "Thoroughbred?" Born as a servant? That's only not literally slavery due to technicalities.

People who think Ishigami would NTR the president are actually autistic. This behavior is literally ingrained in the manga reading population because they're not used to male side characters being actually useful and their own characters.

Be in awe when Aka subverts the drama and our expectations in "deep and meaningful way"

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Shoujo Miko chapter for when she starts suspecting Ishigami gave her the flower, after she overhears about his plans with Tsubame at the party.

Nothing's creepy about it? Historically there are houses that specialize in being maids and valets of higher nobility, and being a maid or valet was a common sort of end point for non-inheriting nobility, or young nobility who were waiting to inherit or be given great responsibilities
>m-maids and valets are basically slaves
They're *incredibly* prestigious jobs depending on who you serve, and Shinomiya is the equivalent of a ducal household. They're a big deal.

Well, in this one he's teasing her about it, but I suppose the irony here is that he doesn't realize that he's right.

Nothing wrong with drama itself, as long as it's done well. Drama in this series doesn't really happen often, but when it does it's been mostly well received (fireworks, sports festival, dual confessions kinda counts too). I think it's just pessimism and PTSD from other series that do it poorly. That said I don't really expect too much drama on Christmas party, but there will probably be some character development.
This has to happen. Miko is basically a shoujo protagonist.

Ops, you're right.

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They're using language associated with breeding livestock to talk about a servant. It is inherently creepy.

Ever heard of pages?

>subverting generic shoujo drama in a manga for 29yo OLs

Yeah, this manga has about eighteen every chapter.

>People who think Ishigami would NTR the president
I blame all the other generic romcoms in the industry

>They're *incredibly* prestigious jobs
ah yes, a prestigious job that only pays 55k a year + 36k bonus and you only need to be a master ninja, a master hacker, amazing liar with multiple personalities, and give up your entire childhood.

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tb h I hate the direction this manga is going to but nothing is perfect I guess

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Saved from what? Whom? At most, Ishigami might hang out with her for a bit at the party, but it's a small party. There's nothing to save her from except not having fun and loneliness. You want some predictable drama? Tsubame will talk to Ishigami about flowers in hearing range of Miko, and he'll go rambling on about that shit.

Prez and Kaguya and maybe Fuji are still as fun as ever.
The rest, yeah.

She's still a child who attends school, and most people would kill to earn 91k a year.
And prestige doesn't always equate to financial wealth.

91k a year while 17 merits what she does. Kaguya has also had a shit childhood, poor people also have shit childhoods but don't get the benefits Hayasaka does. She basically spent her teens in a pajama party with Kaguya, the hacking is just something she likes.

She's a kid who goes to school all the time and makes 100k a year, except in Japan where 10 million a year is something else entirely
>durr give up your childhood
A lot of kids 'give up their childhoods' studying and preparing for university so they come out making 150k, what's your point?
>amazing liar with multiple personalities
How the fuck is this a downside? I'd kill someone to be as good as lying as she is, she could get away with literally everything.

The girl could buy a house and a mid-line mercedes outright, full cash down, and have a quarter of her money left over, and she's young enough that most kids in America wouldn't even have a driver's license at her age

Unless he specifically mentions the sutera flower for some reason I fail to see how that's drama at all. Really the thing that needs to get resolved is Ishigami realizing he "confessed" to Tsubame and the implications of all that. If there actually is going to be drama at the party, which there likely won't be, it would probably involve that. Considering everybody but him thinks he confessed to her it wouldn't be hard for him to be made aware of it.

And have to babysit a hormonal girl who "have inner turmoil" which kills one aspect of her personalities because of some lame dude in a top hat showers her with heart shaped balloons on a rooftop

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There's another place that term gets used
Noble houses.

Unironically what the fuck was he thinking with that outfit
I'm surprised he wasn't wearing a fawkes mask

You are forgetting that she attends to one of the most prestigious school in the world and she lives in that mansion
She almost never needs to waste her money since she doesn't have any needs in the first place

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She probably spends some of it on PC parts, and new tech.
I wonder if she likes games.

I wonder if she's happy with her life

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>Saved from what? Whom?
These guys We've already had a similar moment with Prez and Hayasaka so it's possible

Most likely

Literally her character.

>I fail to see how that's drama at all.
You don't need to rush it. Yes, Ishigami needs to realize he "confessed". But Miko's there for a reason too. What are the chances she developed an interest in flowers at some point, and would be able to join a flower autism talk?

She seems to be kinda nerd, so most likely

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she probably has like, quad 2080xs or something
It's not like she can't afford it

Unless she leaves the party early, feeling unwanted... Yeah, I can see it.




Not rushing it is pretty much the reason I don't expect heavy drama during the party. Really I expect more development on Miko's side moreso than Ishigami, chapter 140 seemed to set it up that way. But there will probably something for both.

He was riding on a chuuni high and took some random shit from the drama club's attic or something because he thought it would make him look like a mysterious badass. Luckily Kaguya was equally as retarded so it didn't matter

Oh, she has a mountain of complaints she'd rather be rid of, but I bet she really does think looking after Kaguya is a cause that's worth it. (Even if she's too tsundere to readily admit it.)

At least it was infinitely better than his middle school clothes.


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Yes. That's rather my point. The party will water a few seeds for future conflict. Tsubame will watch Ishigami and Miko react, and be further confused at their dynamic. Ishigami might accidentally soften Miko up further, and some kind of stupid bullshit will happen. Tsubame and Ishigami will talk about shit.

In short, flower autism is one convenient subject for discussion.

I summon Satania.

classic Ishi
F freak out when?


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>make him look like a mysterious badass

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>what happens if you die?
>nothing. you're dead
this game has a deep message

First time with Kaguya and she say this, what do you do?

Attached: D1agindVAAAoUfy.jpg (750x1200, 74K)

Happy now?

Attached: hayawindows.png (428x416, 187K)

You expect me to get it up to some chestlet?

nice little finger you got there

>Just like your tits lmao

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That's possible I guess, wouldn't call it drama though. I think if Miko simply observed Ishigami and Tsubame interacting it could already be considered potential setup in a way. One development that I and a bunch of others think might happen eventually is Miko might try to support Ishigami's romantic endeavor with Tsubame at first (basically a toradora situation). Even though Miko is uptight about these kinds of things, she's been shown recently to be accepting of relationships in general (like with Osaragi) so it's not out of the question. One thing that could contribute to this is if Miko somehow learned about Prez's history (would be a good reason to get those two to interact). Prez pretty much started from the bottom, but because he wanted to be worthy of Kaguya and stand on equal footing with her, he worked his way up to the top of his class and even became president. If Miko learned about this, it might cause Miko to think that something good can come out of love and that something similar could happen with Ishigami if he pursues Tsubame, and since from the very start Miko has wanted Ishigami to stop fooling around and better himself it would be consistent with her character up to this point. Down the line I could also see Miko pulling a Kaguya and helping Ishigami study or something. Of course, I don't expect Ishigami to actually succeed in winning over Tsubame, but he'll grow in some ways along the way and even after he fails or is rejected, he won't see all his hard work as a waste.


I'm talking watering seeds for drama. The current seeds we have is Ishigami's accidental confession, Tsubame's interest in how he acts around Miko, Miko's stupid flower, and shit like that. I'm not considering new plot directions which might come about, but what's already been set up. All of this could eventually grow into drama.

Tsubame gets weird impressions from Ishigami and Miko when they're together, Ishigami learning about his confession far too late and distorting how others view his behavior until then, potential reasons for Miko to view Ishigami in a different light and thus start getting jealous. All can build into drama!

Cute, thanks user.

Grab if that's your intention.
I made a mistake on Osaragi's name on the one you replied to.

Is the anime gonna be a standard 13 episode or 26 episode season? I don't wanna jump into the manga until after.

12 episodes. Hopefully they'll announce a S2, even though it's highly unlikely.

Cool beans, also I would be hopeful. Considering Dragon Maid is getting a season 2, anything is possible.

Yeah, I got carried away with my theory, was thinking too far ahead. Aka's definitely keeping Ishigami in the dark for a reason, probably for more than just providing an excuse to set up the three month deadline (highly doubt ishi would have agreed to waiting so long for this shit if he was actually confessing and not talking about some dumbass flower viewing). Iino basically just needs to warm up to Ishigami enough to become interested in him romantically by the time the three months are up since she's going to claim the lost and found heart. This is all assuming everything proceeds as expected with the whole three month crap set up in 140.

We must protect her.

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I don't like futa but holy shit

So they will reset kaguya and the romance will start all over again?

>Yu is the deuteragonist? Would that make Miyuki and Kaguya co-protagonists?
Kaguya and Prez are referred to as "shujinko" (protagonist). Yu is called "secrete shujinko" (secret protagonist).

>Also curious if this makes Iino the secondary Kaguya.
No, she's the secondary Fuji. Fuji is called the "heroine" and Iino the "secrete heroine."

No. Kaguya and Prez will move onto the next step of their relationship. Miko and Ishigami will start a new comedy.
Honestly, I'm not sure what purpose it serves for Ishigami to not notice he confessed, unless it's supposed to be so he's abnormally chill about the whole matter until it's much too late.

>Yu is called "secrete shujinko" (secret protagonist).
What? He's the Ura Shujinkou and Ura Heroine. Not "secret". That's closer to "Flip-side protagonist and heroine".

Just pulled this from google
>Ura (The Real Meaning is “Hidden”) The second way of interpreting kata's practical applications is known as “ura” bunkai. Ura bunkai. In Japanese, ura literally means “behind”. Hence, as the name implies, the concept of ura is a bit hidden, secret or advanced.

The threads were not about Fujiwara, they were about the dance. Chika threads were made by 2 dedicated shitposters straight from reddit.
Everybody knows that Hayasaka is our girl.

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It's less a fascination with the idea of it and more a spin on an aspect of Japanese history. While I don't know how much of it actually does still exist today and how much is just manga dramatization, historically Japanese noble bloodlines had entire side-families of servants. If I recall correctly these servant families were still viewed as nobles in comparison to the peasants, so had it pretty well off and considered it an honor to serve their higher-standing masters.

>Hayasaka will never see you with those eyes

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Yeah I don't know how long Ishigami will actually be in the dark for, but it was necessary for him in order to actually "confess" since it's been shown that he wouldn't have the courage to do it on purpose at that point in time. Really it feels like a shortcut in a lot of ways. The whole thing with Tsubame was that in order to win her affection he would try to improve himself, but here it's shown that his "alpha-ness" and his courage to confess aren't real - he just accidentally bumbled his way into a confession that just miraculously managed to not completely bomb, leaving him a "chance" without actually earning it. It feels like the longer he remains chill and oblivious about the whole thing the more warped of an image Tsubame will have of him, and potentially other people as well. This goes against the goal of trying to get to know him better. On the other hand, if he realizes somehow but doesn't tell Tsubame that he had misunderstood initially, and as a result is suddenly acting differently around her for seemingly no reason, it could also confuse her. Since the entire premise of the confession is a misunderstanding, the prospect of getting with Tsubame was doomed from the start. The end result is obvious but there's so many different ways that it can go, some potentially good and some really bad, so I'll remain cautiously optimistic and see how this whole thing unfolds. Though I'm really not a fan of Tsubame at all, I'm curious to see where this plot line goes.

Hidden can be part of the implication of being on the flip-side, being the side not facing you, yes. But that's not always the implication. I mean, he's not exactly a "secret" if you tell everyone that, nor is he "hidden".

>Same expression
So did she really fall in love with him back then?

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>130 is not that high. To put it into perspective an average college student is 115, a graduate 130, grad student 140, and a CEO 150
>130 is not that high.

130 is the top ~2%, you fucking retard.

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>Though I'm really not a fan of Tsubame at all, I'm curious to see where this plot line goes.
Nowhere, she's a basic plot device.

Haysack betrayal arc soon

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Would she be able to make Prez fall in love with her and forget about Kaguya?

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Well, yes. For now, Ishi's confession looks alpha as fuck as does his attitude towards it. If Tsubame never figures out the truth, she won't have gotten to know him. If Ishigami somehow stumbles forward to make progress without realizing it and she just accepts his confession, that'll be confusing as all hell. He could still confess to her at the flower viewing, I suppose.

Whatever the case, it wouldn't sit right with me if the misunderstandings between the two were never resolved to some extent.

Make it a Thinkpad.

>not T420
Sir please edit it sir

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Siblings really do share similar tastes
She definitely could given prep time. Problem is that's just asking for a hit to be put out on her

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>it's super effective

>his beloved IB get axed (probably for a romcom)
>he take revenge creating a romcom who is destroying romcoms antics
the absolute madman

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He's Pes!
It's what she wants; that unconditional acceptance and love

Well obviously it's not going "nowhere", even if she is just a basic plot device. I always figured that her ultimate role was to serve as the "impossible challenge" for Ishigami to attempt and fail at (as implied from her namesake and referencing the princess kaguya legend) and it would result in some kind of growth for him.
There's also the fact that Tsubame has very valid reasons for not wanting a relationship and had every intention of just rejecting him outright, but changed her mind later on because she saw how kaguya cared for him and how he got mad on miko's behalf, it just feels very weird. Tsubame was flustered and agonized over it in the first place because it felt different and not as casual as the other confessions she got, like the type that would have serious repercussions on their friendship once rejected. Except that's not even true, Ishigami's crush is the same type of crush that every other poor bastard in the school has for her, and the confession itself wasn't "sincere and honest" it was completely accidental. There's two misunderstandings here: the fact that Ishigami doesn't think he confessed, and the fact that Tsubame (along with everyone else) thinks he did confess completely on purpose. I think the first one should be cleared up sooner rather than later so that Ishigami can properly grow from this experience (it might be possible for him to work for his goal without realizing but I think it would probably be less effective). The second one can be cleared up either at the same time as the first, in the middle of the whole thing or at the very end, but I think the timing of the second one being cleared up can potentially determine how amicable the rejection is or how much drama might potentially happen.

If you want someone who's being a bitch to him but may be hiding some interest, Fujiwara's own reactions and descriptions of the guy are pretty much spelling it out for everyone. And theirs was a proper back-and-forth comedic duo on that matter at the start

>that vol 14
Fuck! I really want them to finally get together. Its so close yet so far

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It's literally the opposite of Nisekoi if you think about it.

If so it would probably cause him to realize where else he's seen some of those same traits (and body lines) he fell for in Tsubame. That same brilliant light that can burn the unwary but never left even an icy bitch.

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>Aka will never go back to Instant Bullet
>Komi will never go back to Double Arts
It hurts

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Oh dear.

Unless the misunderstanding between Ishigami and Tsubame gets cleared up or Kaguya and Prez stops fucking around since they already kissed like sluts, then no. It's by the books romcom that shows no sign of ending.

>You are forgetting that she attends to one of the most prestigious school

And yet she scores rather mediocre. Given her consistency in utter mediocrity, she probably uses some tricks, given the amount of time she's absent.

Wait what? The Komi author is the one who made that story about the disease that makes people vanish from existence, and the MC had some type of effect on his body where touching someone with said disease stops them from vanishing?

What's with two authors of fairly popular romcom having Chuuni manga beginnings? It's a shame it got axed. The story could have developed into something interesting.

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I feel like even her current score is on purpose, so she doesn't stand out.

>author playing the love triangle card

based Kirai Hayakage

I can't believe Kaguya snapped Chika's fucking neck

new manga reader here, where can i find the translated pages?

Don't really that happening with Hayasaka.
The shit with Tsubame, Ishigami and Miko is dumb though.

>prestige is about money
stay a peasant

>The Komi author
"Komi" as in the author of Nisekoi.

>Well obviously it's not going "nowhere", even if she is just a basic plot device
It's going nowhere because she's a basic plotdevice.

It isn't exactly the same expression, though, lacking the blush and her eyes look different.

It's unlikely that we would get a love triangle with Hayasaka. But given her spiteful attitude, the chance isn't 0%, either, even if it wouldn't lead anywhere.

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>People who legitimately think there is even a slight possibility of a love triangle/Hayasaka trying to take Prez for real
You're all dumber than Kaguya-chan.

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You will never have a Muscle Queen crush your skull.

>The shit with Tsubame, Ishigami and Miko is dumb though.
That's more of a love angle at this point though. I'm withholding judgment until I see how it all plays out
>It's going nowhere
What are the chances we get a legit threesome ending? The significance of the "dual confessions" has to come into play somehow

>What are the chances we get a legit threesome ending?

There's always the consolation prize.

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>What are the chances we get a legit threesome ending?
Calm down, Miko.

I just want some forced drama and friends turned enemies tropes, bro. What's so bad about that?

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When the fuck Ishigami will fuck her?

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Three months until the resolution of the love triangle, plus another two months/forty seconds, depending on how pure you think Miko is.

And then Aka throws us a real curveball and the real icy bitch goes from "neutral" to "interested"

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>will fuck her
Em no, Ishi is too pure, Miko will rape Ishigami. Same with Kaguya and Prez.

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Soon. Her and cop-kun

So this is the Japanese cold... Kowai yo.

Ishigami is a baby gamer. Can't handle vidya with perma death.

did they change the precepts in the anime? or the subs just fucked it up? i remember reading something like:
do not rely on others, use them or something like that

What would Ishigami think of DMCV?

Actually, the one who messed up seems to have been jag according to other anons who can read moon. The subs from Aniplex were more accurate, which kinda makes the Shinomiya family seem even more like psychos than the precepts from old scans.
The ones from Viz are also similar to the anime's I believe.

thanks for the answer user, yeah they seem a lot more fucked up now

Why is the Shinomiya family so fucked up?

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> 2/9

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The second one sounds way better here. "Steal" just sounds way too forced.

It does sound better this way: the theme is now "dominate others" instead of "avoid others," which seemed like more of a recipe for being a hermit than for being a zaibatsu lord.

Being a otter is bad, if you don't enjoy the others just drop them.

>believe that crap
Kaguya has been a generic romcom 100% of the time. It has not "subverted" any "tropes". I think it's an entertaining manga and very high quality, but it's just a by the book romcom.

But user, that means Yume will steal Prez from Kaguya.

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Kei is my grand prize desu.

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Hi Redd*t


After the wedding. She is too pure for this fucking world

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>not redrawing it into desktop
don't even bother

BASED Ishigami DESTROYING subjects with FACTS and LOGIC

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Is Tsubame the 8th hokage?

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She is just a loser.

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cute airhead

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Ishigami is surrounded by IMAGINEs, what a lucky bastard

No hymen, no diamond.
Ishigami has to learn.

that flexibility though

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Shes flexible like her views on monogamy, She's going to be doing the dirty with another man 2 hours into her relationship.

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>that modest bust for Kaguya
one job

She lost it to some Jock that tricked her saying that it would make her better at sports.

user, Miko is the one who gets tricked easily and fucked in some back alley once you call her cute.

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Don't insult Ishigami's harem, here let me post my endgame

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Miko has a dark prince that protects her, Tsubame wasn't so lucky.

No way Kaguya wears underwear that purposefully sexy. I'd expect something plainer and reserved, without more ornamentation than maybe a bow on the front (no, wait: that's got to be Fujiwara.) And apparently pink, though that doesn't really seem like her color.

Unless Hayasaka wanted to pretty her up again and took her lingerie shopping.

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Jesus christ MUH

Kaguya bellybutton I must lick it