Which anime do you think caused the most outrage?

Which anime do you think caused the most outrage?

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Faggoty SJWs?

>Kokoro Connect
>Kuma Miko
>Gurren Lagann Episode 4
>Pokemon XY
>Haruhi Endless 8

All of these make Shieldbro look tamer than a pussycat

OP starting shitty threads on Yea Forums.

NGE by far.

Kemono Friends. The twitter post that started it all was a major news report.

idk maybe rezero

I dunno, which anime talks shit about trannies?

>Pokemon XY
There was controversy? Where?

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Makes sense. NGE fans have been arguing about the same shit for decades at this point. Not many series can pull that off.

Ash lost the league and the internet went nuclear
Not just here, every social media platform underwent total meltdown and TVTokyo made their videos private
Google Kalos League Victory to see the still-smoldering impact crater

yeah as long as you are wholly unaware of the definition of 'outrage'


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>loses league for 5 fucking seasons straight which is like 20 fucking years
>people STILL somehow believed he'd win that one

How does Pokemon do it?

>major outrage
Wasn't that blatantly fake? Then again what the fuck am I expecting from youtube clickbait.

..... I'm from /pol/ and I still don't get how this show could have caused outrage. WTF man?

Pokemon when some people went crazy about how Pikachu was the devil and shit

XY spent about 40 episodes beginning in late 2015 building up like a traditional shounen (where the MC wins). It had never done this before, and broke a lot of traditions to hand Ash the loss:
>he always beats his rivals in prior series
>the episode titles spoil the results
>he never has a fully evolved team
>he never has a pseudo-legendary or fully evolved dragon type
>no fully evolved water starter

A lot of people felt they were trolled. Combined with Pokemon GO launching that summer, the anime was under a microscope when it otherwise wouldn't have been.

The outrage was real, even if it was for completely retarded reasons.

Random western bloggers don't equal outrage

IIRC this happened the same day that the Bleach manga ended. What a day.

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Endless 8, why is this even a question?
imagine watching the same shit for 3 months i still can't believe i survived that shit

If shieldbro caused "major outrage" then we are living in a sad world.

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I don’t count any 5 minute Twitter “””outrage””” in this era real. The dumbest shit blows up on social media because a small handful of literal faggots play the system and force it.
It’s not really on the same level as retarded soccer moms thinking Pokemon/YGO/etc was Satan worshiping.

Endless Eight, obviously


I literally haven't seen any outside of Yea Forums complaining about outrage existing. Same with goblin slayer.

This is still one of the most glorious images Yea Forums has even made.

Shield and Goblin Slayer were one and done. That's not real outrage, not like which got people fired from their jobs.

>Slave children
>Actual evil woman with no redeeming qualities

I bet you like to make everyone believe your from /pol/ but you actually browse the subreddit dedicated to /pol/ because your scared of what will happen if you actually get in too deep.understandable but I am gonna have to say: GTFO Reddit fag. Seriously though, if SJWs think this is the bottom of the barrel just wait until all the other isekai that tried copy the whole edge thing start coming out of the woodwork through their anime. It's gonna be a shitstorm, once sjw realize that unlike other forms of entertainment: anime never had a "gate" thus there is lot more lewd trash that would drive even the most lenient of social justice community insane.

Anyone else still mad?

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Goblin Slayer was bigger because it was intentional shock factor. But it blew over just as quickly because outrage culture moves on to the next thing to bitch about very quickly.

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Nah that shit made me laugh. All the anons losing their shit just made me laugh harder.

I'm still upset about this shit

nobody watched samurai flamenco though

>Pros: Season 2 confirmed

obviously you're a newfag. samurai flamenco was really popular here

as a whole you nigger, its not as popular as the rest.

>tfw the people who killed themselves in the aftermath of this didn't live long enough to see Ash win the league this year

I'll light a candle for you bros on mt. victory.

backpedal yourself back to plebbit

Nope. More lies spread by Yea Forums. It was just a /vp/ meme

I dream of a timeline where Redo of Healer and Re:Monster get an adaptation just to see the shitstorm

Top 10 anime ______

animenewsnetwork was pretty much the one and only force responsible for shield hero outrage.
There were a few twitter fags who jumped on the bandwagon, but pretty much all fault originally lies with that ANN website which is like a festering tranny wound slowly destroying the anime community. As usual it's the leftist-journalistic-types who brainwash the populace into believing their horseshit. They originate outrage.

Don't be shocked if they start more shit.

Unironically "I love Emilia"


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This was fucking great watching it happen live was glorious.

>No gate for anime

Isn't that a given? Unlike comics and videogames, anime was meant for an older audience from the beginning. An anime can not only have boobs and butts but also Gore, politics, alcohol, smoking, you name it! Having a gate for anime is like having a gate for porn. It wouldn't make sense in the slightest. BAKA, people who get offended over drawings need to get out of there holes/"safe space" and find a new hobby.

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S M H has a word filter to replace it were BAKA. I thought all the word filters from the "before times" of Yea Forums were removed. Guess you learn something new everyday.


go watch this normie taking about waifu


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Blame gookmoot, filters apply to all Yea Forums and were caused by /pol/
The other filters are too bee honest and toy coy

I love how everyone on youtube has to make a disclaimer that they don't have an opinion

VEG being robbed of AOTY 2018 that it deserved

>GL Episode 4
Wait, was this the one where you-know-who died? Could've sworn it was later.

No he died in episode 8.

No it's the one with the cancerous art style.

No, that was the one with shit animation which got Gainax's brass butthurt, so they started insulting the fans with the inhaling anus comments and had to step down.

Not only the artstyle was terrible, just what the fuck were they thinking when they decided to eat that fucking balls of pink hair thing that they thought was dead?

>Actual evil woman with no redeeming qualities
>I am an animeonlyfag
The meltdown was real and so fucking confusing. People instantly accepted this shit that there was this princess that would scam people with rape-claims for the lolz and some pocket money.


The animator for that episode, Osamu Kobayashi, is hugely popular in the industry and very talented, but he always gets asked to do weird shit. That episode was the fever dream of Imaishi, and Kobayashi ended up blamed for it. That's part of why Gainax was pissed, the fans were railing on their friend Kobayashi because they saw him as a maverick outsider.

Attached: Grandia_Kobayashi.jpg (293x483, 59K)

>once tried to post a youtube link with s o y in the url cos it was randomly generated
>got changed to BASED
Just shut down /pol/ already

I can smell your sperm-soaked linen through your post

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Boku no Pico.

A false rape accuser being portrayed as the villain hits a little too close to home for western roasties and nu-males.

I think you are the one who needs to do laundry, user.

What are the other filters? The only other one I can remember is f a m, famalam.

Yoko fucking dies? Holy shit, I'm glad I dropped this piece of shit anime way back when. Fucking hell. I can't imagine how bad it'd have been if Kamina died tho.

Ending of Kuma miko
Last arc of Yugioh arc v
Darling in the Franxx with waifu war

Yosuga no Sora and OreImo were partially responsible for Bill 156 (The Tokyo Bill)

>Darling in the Franxx with waifu war
waifu war?? everyone was a 02fag there was no war
people were really pissed at the shitty ending

Even then, that's nowhere near the level of shit series like oregairu and saekano have

Usagi Drop I guess.
It started off as a comfy story of a nephew raising his illegitimate aunt, then turned into an outlet for the author to voice her unfulfilled oedipal urges.
Nobody liked the end, and the shitty teenage part of the story was never animated. That author a shit.

That video isn't bad, but it's suffering from a recency and Western bias.
>Goblin Slayer
>Shield Bro
all recent, and the vast majority of the outrage came from Western piggu.

>Contras: Season 2 never

yeah but the manga is an spin off it's anime original

There is even outrage when the ending came out?
I just know everyone hate the ending Also it kinda norm in Josie manga, don’t know why most of Josie authors have Electra complex.