What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Neko Been Rekt?

She's poor and ugly.

season 2 was horrible and killed every character

teen phase, unlike Kirino

She knew they loved each other and gave up

She was an ugly retard.


In the end the only winner was Kirino. Everyone else including Kyousuke lost everything

Low social status and unfettered autism.

Chuunibyou is bad ok.

People assumed she would win just because they liked each other a bit and got together with nothing happening. All this caused people to get more heavily invested in her causing the maximum amount of butthurt when she lost even though it was obvious bait and switch.

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She got together with MC in a incest centric plot, and then the writers thought up the shit show that is the ending and then don’t even follow through with the goddamn incest. Garbage show, huge waste of time
All for what? A fantasy?

It was never going to happen, but it should have.

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Poorfags don't deserve love.


>People assumed she would win

Kusoneko dropped the ball willingly. People were beyond retarded to expect her to make a comeback. Ayase had better chances than her by the end.

Literally me

Nothing, she's my wife now

She tried to get between the purest form of love

But are you also an attractive female? No, so shut up fag.

Get out of here.

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Fuck You Incest scum



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Only pathetic betas like chuuni moeblobs

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Imagine oreimo, but Kuroneko is the imouto.

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Manga still not scanlated

>muh neko

she didnt try hard enough


>Yea Forums loves incest
>author is a baiting hack

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She was the one who asked him out and then she was the one who broke up with him. Season 2, episode 8 epilogue she explicitly states she planned to break up with him.

The dumb cat is a class-A thot who used him by appealing to pathos and then dumped him when she had her fun. Fucking bitch doesn't even deserve kyousuke.

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