Shingeki no Annie!

How can the other, lesser girls compete with such sweetness?
They can't

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Other urls found in this thread:

my wife Historia is canonically the cutest

We know, Dykemir

Reminder that we haven't seen the full ZE talk(s) yet, Eren mentioned how Zeke knew a lot about Titans compared to Marley and he's the one who told him that Mikasa was a mind slave. Unless of course he's just bullshitting and made that shit up on the spot or received it from memories.

Endgamedag here just to let you know three things;
>the sky is the limit
>don't give up
>meme magic is very real.
Also, endgame right here, brothers.

Attached: endgame.png (701x512, 546K)

Eren's wife, Mikasa, is much cuter.

Imagine if the ZE talk was only those few pages. I'd be severely disappointed but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, sadly.

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I expected them to have development together but not like this. I'm beyond happy.

>mouth-to-mouth even if offscreened
Congrats endgamedfag, I want to see more of them too

I don't think so, while Zeke brought a ball with him in the "talk" we saw he didn't bring the glove that Eren had in ch98.
On the other hand, if that was the only talk, then it could possibly mean that Eren is currently bamboozling Armin and Mikasa (and quite possible the other loyalists of the SC) towards a certain goal


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Hans is a lucky girl

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We've seen Eren's a good liar, it's possible he just made shit up and really the only thing Zeke apparently told him was that Ackermans are slaves to the king.

>Hanji was trending topic in Japan

The truth is out there

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manlet is a lucky guy

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We won't need to imagine, since it's what's likely to happen. Rest of the chapters are pointless Gabo let's go

>More Gabo than ZE
That would trigger me a lot

Please for the love of Ymir give me the fake preview so I can leave this cursed place

If it's not here yet we may not see it till april

How did Eren know the warriors had infiltrated? Did they leave a trail? Can he just sense them with paths?

based and congratulations

>Hange will rape Levi with her she-penis on his boipussy

He made sure to keep Reiner alive and psyched up during the battle of Liberio so that he would eventually be promoted to Warchief and greenlight along with Magath an early inflitration of Paradis so he could use the ruckus created from the inflitration to further his designs.
All part of his 30/10 brainlord plan

It's pretty comfy yeah. I don't give a rat's ass about ships considering there isn't a single fucking overt romantic panel in the entire 115 chapter series and I'm fucking sick of every single bit of online communication about media having a 90% chance of ending up being about fucking, but I wanted these two to catch a break ever since Erwin died.

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>Hange is not just a normal woman

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Why wasn't Pieck promoted to warchief? She's smarter.

Common sense? He may not have known the Warriors infiltrated but it's not hard to deduce that there may have been people who have arrived as spies.

>not liking girls with massive clitoris

Reiner was already the second in command of the unit and Piku is a stoner.

Attached: Stoned Piku.jpg (968x968, 84K)

Reiner has the most experience in how Paradis operates and war in general, he became legendary in battle after the Paradis fiasco

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>Piku is a stoner

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Please, please, please let me see Eren in 3DMG again. It's still useful even if you're a titanshifter.

i don't think anyone outside of BRA knew that he completely lost his fucking mind during the mission

Friendly reminder that this is Gabi and she's talking to Eren just before she eats him. The "see you later" refers to her seeing Eren in her memories.

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Remember when Shingeki No Kyoujin was good?

Yeah, I remember S1 too.

Why do retards call the jaw titan ''the dancing titan?'' Who came up with this cringy stupid shit? Not only it sounds extremely gay, but the titan doesn't even dance.
Which retard is responsible for this?

Will we ever see a shifter killed by a 3DMG hit? It'd mean one of the titans being lost.

Falco knows

Berthold is dead, Annie is rocked. Lucky Reiner.

Piku is so cute. I hope her VA won't disappoint when time comes.

It was just a fan name for Ymir's titan before it got an actual name. Speaking of Ymir's titan it seemed that Isayama didn't really have a clear design in mind for what it's supposed to look like yet or he hadn't finalized the concept of the 9 shifters, which is why Porco/Marcel's Jaw look way different.

You know...i just thought something
Are all Anniefags 30-year old boomers?

Who were the ''fans?'' Don't tell me Yea Forums came up with this stupid shit.

Wasn't that because of the brick-flinging move it does at Utgard? It just jumps around a lot and people started calling it the dancing titan for some gay reason. Kind of crazy that it has no discernible jaw when Porco's is so obviously defined by his jaw. It's an even bigger change than the ones from Kruger's attack titan to Grisha's and from his to Eren's.

She looks to me like her voice actor should sound kind of like Carla's for some reason.

These threads usually have fewer than a hundred people. Almost certainly a reddit/tumblr thing.

for real, a moment of indecision or fear on her part probably would've been the end for him

AU is out

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Anniefag here, I can confirm this is true.

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Confirmed dead.

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god i want to plough gothkasa

Hey shipfags, fuck you

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>EM confirmed
Absolutely based

And a ching chong ping pong to you user

It's Mikasa


This is pretty creepy

Will Marco and Jeanbo buttfuck in the AU?

Jean will split him in half if you know what I mean

Reminder that janny is a shipfag,
also fuck you janny and fuck you shipfags

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>Is EH confirmed?



Realistically how many Gabo chapters Isayama has left in him? I suppose she'll meet Zeke too so she can ask him why did he betray them, and Zeke will learn about Falco. Gabo ruined the manga

Glad you caught that, user

Attached: Ymir_Fritz_blushes.gif (103x162, 39K)

As of right now Gabo chapters are Eren chapters so hopefully as many as possible.

Can you fuck off? They're not real.

This is a waifu thread though, not a shipfag thread.

>this chapter attracted newfags shipfags begging for no I guess which one ship

have you guys seen this video

I want to lick Kanny's cunny.
Kanny best girl, Clover a stinky shit

>Gabi will be present in every important event of the manga now

>there wouldn’t be a woman like this in our world

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Zeke needed his own Historia

kys kike


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Thanks user, very cool!

>EMA fake chapter
Instantly shit

>35 years old woman, single, with cats, wants to call virgins to those not supporting her gay fantasies
The cats are hungry, go feed them

Please tell me Eren's favorite one.

Cute and canon


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EMfags are retarded whats new.

D-does this mean manlet is dead?

Indeed, just like EHfags

He needed a Carla.

If you're being serious, this is just the page of Hange holding manlet from 115 so it doesn't tell us anything. Don't get your hopes up though manlet was at death's door even before being tossed in a freezing cold river

You forgot this one buddy

Well we already said EMfags are retarded.

I hate when people start shipping because they stand next to one another feels the most cringe thing ever.

It's my favorite game series. I just came here for pictures so I was surprised to see Eric.

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Even a Annie one would've been better, oh well onto the next one

When will these two lovers reunite?

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Don't think we have gotten a Marco one so far. Next one might be Annie or SC

A punknie one would have been based.
She would most likely start dropping red-pills about the posers.

Ymir Fritz is Deruta

he had yelena

>not Jean
Did Isayama got tired of the fujos?

The Ouija Board
P1 (it's actually )
Mikasa: If you take your hand off the board in the middle of a summoning you'll be possessed by an demon.
Mikasa: Do not let yourself be caught in the darkness. Elevate your soul.
Eren: ...Why do I have to play at communicating with the dead...
Armin: Come on Eren, you have time for that, don't you?

Marco: I wouldn't really recommend doing something like provoking spirits, though
Eren: Wait, you seriously believe in that stuff?
Mikasa: ...I'd like you not to say that, please.
Mikasa: It begins.
Mikasa: Is someone there?

...It moved
Eren: Who's moving it?
Armin: It's not me...
Eren: I swear on the gods of the abyss that it isn't me.

P2 ()
Armin: ...Don't tell it really was a spirit?
Marco: Haha... Sorry guys, I moved it
Eren: ...Well, even if you try to stay still, that kind of stuff is bound to happen

Mikasa: Ô dweller of the underworld
Mikasa: Tell us what Eren likes
Eren: Why the hell would dead people know about what I like

Eren: Oi... Who the hell is moving it this time?
Mikasa: ...Not me. (kek, why you lying)
Eren: Is it Marco again?

Mikasa: ...Who?
Armin: ...Well, there certainly was a student named like that.
Armin: It was a regrettable accident.
Mikasa: Please don't joke around.
Eren: Eh? No, I mean, if ghosts actually exist then I wanna try see them.

Messed up, it's Mikasa* saying
>I swear on the gods of the abyss that it isn't me.

>EM is canon
Good, good.

>if ghosts actually exist then I wanna try see them.
next au is a mp100 parody

>Isayama calling Marco to EMfags

>next au is a mp100 parody
Now I wanna see them chase after aliens.

>M I K A
>Eren: Oi... Who the hell is moving it this time?
>Mikasa: ...Not me. (kek, why you lying)
Kek so this really happened? Thought that user was joking

>Isayama calling EMfags corpse

Mankasa is desperate as fuck

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>the reason Isayama didn't make Hange drink the wine was to nurse the manlet
Zeke screaming when?

>Gothkasa is very thirsty for Eren
>AU Hisu has fallen for him
>Punknie keeps giving him stalkerish side glances
Is AU Eren the ultimate harem-building chad?

Yes normal Eren as well

Shitrenfags killed the hype.

>implying manga Eren hasn't become the ultimate harem master as well

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We know, erwlmod

>Cuckren self-inserter


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Delete this post immediately. They're both perfectly fine.
You mean Carlos
So in your mind Ymir is making sure the future where she's born from Eren and Historia happens? Meaning Eren is the father? Could make sense.

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Fuck, I'm sleepy. Eric is on a whole other team

>Imagine self-inserting as cuckren
You're pathetic

I really want to see Zeke as an alumni coming back to the school and giving his bro a heartfelt speech on the dangers of unprotected sex and teenage parenthood.

>liking Eren means you're self-inserting
You do realise that this user said about the girls being interested in him in the AU is true, right?

I was memeing with that but the Zeke scene remind me of those alien machines and maybe Ymir Fritz is looking for the same. Is suspicious how by saving Zeke, she saved Historia, when Zeke is likely going to be betrayed soon.
And Eren possibly saw her when she ate Tybur.
Now I believe Eren is the father but I don't know about the baby being Ymir Fritz, or if that could explain why Eren could see the see you later, Eren before eating Grisha

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H isu was defeated by Mikasa.

Is the ErwLmod who is a retarded feminist and like all those feminists she was programmed to be triggered by the mere idea of someone suggesting a guy with a woman, even if these characters don't exist.
She is also an EMfag
So imagine how schizo she is becoming thanks to this arc

So, shifters and royals are the espers of this manga? How many times did Ymir Fritz fail? Maybe her powers only work if they are on Paradis?

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>Dead thread.
Because of Annie even we got fake spoilers

>Is the ErwLmod
*It's everytime I see you you're making the same grammar mistakes, I thought I taught you better than that

what fake spoilers? leaks were a week ago


this thread needs more best boy.

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I hope they won't catch a cold ;(

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I unironically liked the third game as well
Mind hax was still pure bullshit though

>Armin: ...Well, there certainly was a student named like that.
>Armin: It was a regrettable accident.
W-what? That's spoopy.

Probably gonna be frieda

They are talking about Marco

BRA killed Marco in the AU as well, didn't they?

No, Marco is right there with them and they're interacting with him

But on the last panel Mikasa doesn't know who Eren's talking about and Marco has become a corpse.

t. Brainlet who can't understand a fake preview, you should go back.

Mikasa said at the beginning they can't let go of the board or something bad will happen. You can see in one panel it's only EMA's hands and Marco's hand is gone. Seems like that lead to him disappearing, since when Eren mentioned his name again the other were wonder who Eren was talking about.

have you guys seen this video


Ah ok, I get it. Wtf is Isayama's obsession with killing Marco over and over


>Brainlets can't understand the Sixth Sense reference

Reminds me a little bit if the game corpse party. People who died in the other world suddenly stopped existing in the real world and no one could remember them

I never watched it

Although Eren was the only one interacting with Marco from the start.

Been so long I watched that Movie I can barely remember what happened. I only remember the big plot twist

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>best girl
Take your pills Mankasatrash

>EHfags are brainlets
Nothing new

Nnngh Eren mm...

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>seeing EH everywhere

>My boogeyman is everywhere

EH died, and this became quiet.
good thing.

>EHfags killed my family and ate my dog
You're obsessed.

>exactly one minute apart
Samefag harder, turd. Sure no one sees through it.

Historia is a lucky girl

EHchads are plotchads and most come back during spoilers. This feels enpty without them

Shall we engage in highly intelligent dialogue regarding the puffyness of Annie's cunny?

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Not that user, but it's not like EHfags are any better with their boogeymans


Same, wouldn't mind if they stick together till the end for a change.

Shut the fuck up retard

samefag(EHfat from leddit)

muh you can't even say something bad about someone else that you need to say EHfags back immediately, imagine how much autism you must have.


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>EHchads are plotchads
Most shipfags don't give a shit about the plot, whether they're EHfucks or manletwhores

>Punished veterans

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Wow you know how to use paint too? Amazing!


t. EHtard

The first post is mine, stop being so defensive ErwLmod

>literally saving one post
>ignoring the other EHfags against it
Manipulative cunt

I do think it's a bit funny that EHfats wanted the AU for confirmation, but Isayama decided it was right and proper to kill Marco off, one more time.

I know the first was yours EHturd, also the second.

is everyone just going to ignore the fact that Isayama introduced another antisemetic theme with the armbands? we get it, you're a fascist.

Attached: armbands on Paradis.png (1195x465, 662K)

Same cretin EMfag should've guessed.
Don't forget to say erehis or attackonweb or whatever other nightmare you have

More like btfo'ing EMfags again with another meme spammed here for months.

YAAAAASS slayed!


Well, there certainly was a character named like that.

EM confirmed

Hisufats are the new Jeanbofags

Good morning ErwLmod.

I used to give the benefit of the doubt since I wasn't sure how many of the fanbase believe Eren the father theory but looking at this sperging I guess it's clear most are afraid it's true.

Good morning ESL pussiboi, but I'm not your erlwmod nor do I wish to be

t. EMfat

The EHfats thing reminds me of the SW fanbase who was so sure Rey was a Skywalker and they collectively killed themselves when it didn't happen.

Very ironic post.

t. eremikahavenobsessed

t. Nygerion the Infinite, Breaker of the Citadel of Uzgoloth, Master of hounds, He Who Trembles, Winner of the 2057 Mister Universe awards.

Don't be afraid to admit it was too COMPLEX for your brain to understand.

In Japan they are more delicate, western is more because of muh lgbt representation army of braindeads we have here.
I can't confirm 100% is the father but you can tell people getting nervous. Even though it is retarded to save it for almost one year, feels like it affected the narrative because characters are too ambiguous and other povs are hidden/limited because of it

Dumb SWfag kys

Eren's Harem:
Sasha (formerly)
Petra (formerly)

What about the paths loli and Reiner?

The twist but the biggest trolling I've ever seen the mind hack was such an asspull and the complex motives meme reminded me of Zeke. I loved the sex scene, I wonder if happened the same in snk, with Eren meeting his daughter and Historia knowing about it too

You forgot the part where Kylo ren and Rey had a romance plotline and every retard could see it.

Eren is asexual.

Are Hange's lips going to touch manlet's lips?

What will happen to piku next chapter?

piku is raped by chadren

piku seduces chadren

piku has a threesome with chadren and gabo

piku joins chadren

piku gets rocked by WHT

piku attacks chadren but gets stopped by gabo ackerman

Reiner is for loving monogamous relationships only

you first

She dead user, we don't have enough panels of Gabo being scared.

I mean, just looking at these threads and how many new damage control and coping strategies we've been getting every month since the pregnancy reveal should have been enough to tell you how most of the fanbase feels regarding the validity of this theory.

Also 4 but in less family friendly way if you catch my drift

>muh persecution

The western lgbd is probably the biggest cancer on /a singlehandely destroying each fucking thread I read, now that the fake preview is out I can fuck off from here until next month.

I'm sorry Zeke, but your little brother lied to you.

>I can fuck off
Good, you should do it more often

I didnn't really care about the puzzles truth to be told, but the story was actually interesting until the "I shot the dog because i have autism, Mind hax, mind hax, mind hax, mind hax, fucking brainlets you don't understand my masterful keikaku mind hax I bet there's a 0,000015% propability that i am not retarded mind hax"

What are you on about? I don't give a fuck about getting called an EHwhale for thinking Eren could be the father, but you can't deny there's been some new excuse every new chapter to supposedly debunk the theory and that said excuses havebeen getting more and more nonsensical. Like that other user said, there's clearly some nervousness in the air.

Is it normal in japanese society for the woman to ask the man to cum inside her when they have sex?

LM soon.

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>btfo'ing EMfags again

how ugly must you be to like EH?

I honestly think you guys are obsessed, if you're not a shipfag you barely notice this shit. Since the chapter came out most of the discussions have been about Zeke's mental retardation and manletwhales arguing with anti-manlets. Maybe if you didn't take shipping in a chinese cartoon so seriously you wouldn't get so upset and act like the Inquisition is coming after you

>low iq EH post

I can't believe Marco is fucking dead

Not him but asking the dead what Eren likes is a meme to EM crashing down in 112 and EMfags still thinking it's possible.


I'm not talking about 115 in particular, but about how the threads have been for like 8 months now. And like I said, I don't mind being called a shipperfag nor do I care or get offended by it, but there's no point pretending there's been no damage control in these threads.

It's the classic ghost story of 'XX has been dead for 5 years'

Didn't he kill him early in the manga itself

But who gives a fuck unless you're a shipfag

What if the Anniefags are still stuck in 2013 because they are all dead but they haven't realized it and they just can't let go?

>if you're not a shipfag you barely notice this shit.
>2 posts above yours is same shit, 2/3 below same subject
>barely noticed
You must be trolling this subject gets spammed the most out of anything. Yesterday was 3 full threads of pregnancy

He did, and then his death was shown again with RBA, and now he's killing him in the AU as well

Come on man, the pregnancy is brought up every other fucking day. You have to be blind not notice.

Too spooky

>2 posts above yours
What? It's just normal shitposting, nothing about pregnancy or damage control
>Yesterday was 3 full threads of pregnancy
You're obviously spending too much time on this shit

>when people are attached to the others so you just curbstomp Marco over and over

Brought by shipfags who argue with other shipfags. That user is pretending not be a shipfag but annoyed by "damage control". No one but shipfags pay attention to that, get a grip

Maybe he'll murder Sasha too from now on. I still remember that AU where Jeanbo was killed by a titan kek

Ḁ̷̷̹̘̳͔͔ͦ̇̑̂̇̕n̙̤̭̹̈́͂̄ͮ̇̓ͣͮ̃̋̈́̿̚͞N̶̵̺̜̤̟͓̬̜̺̣͙͍͉̤͎̻̜̜̩ͧ̽ͩͩ͑̆͗ͨ̓̉̕͜U̦̪̣̫̬̭̘̬͓̤̟̣̘̟͉͂͐ͩͧ̎͛̀̓͑̌ͭ̉̀͜͟L̳͖̬̙̯̺̤̬̳̠ͬ̊̂̄́͜ ̶̢̢̢͍̯̣̼̖̜͕̬͇̠̫̻͚̱̦͉͈͗ͧ͋̃̽ͣ͒̉͆̎̏ͣͦͯͧͣį̵̷͙̟͈͔ͬͮͧ͗ͭ̂̊͋̎s̨̧̗̠̺͈̥̞̝͕̖͇̩͖̤͑̂̇̎ͯ͆̌ͤͦ́͟͢͝ ̼̹̯̘̪̬̻̆̃̊ͫͬ̎̔̓̽̽ͮ͘͝͝
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Attached: W̵̵̡a̵̧͢͠͠i͟͜͡t̷̵̵͜͠ ̶̧́͡a̵̢n̷̛͜͠͞d̸̀͟͢ ҉h̷̛̕͏o͏҉̨̀͞p̴̧͢ (820x492, 95K)

Imagine how good the manga would have turned out if Isayama killed Armin instead of Erwin

>No Zeke in the AU yet
It's a crime

>Erwin: Alright folks, hold my beer while i out-keikaku Zeke, destroy Marley using my colossal cock and appoint myself as the God-Emperor of the New Holy Eldian Imperium.
We wouldn't have the K I N O Marley arc if that happened.

I hope the highschool AU is repurposed to be spooky. Or that Zeke appears soon.

>Erwin goes fapping to Annie's crystal every other day
Nope, I don't regret not seeing that.

I always wonder if Erwin would respond the way people think he would. He was chasing that basement. We can meme patriotism on him all we want but the basement and truth was all he cared about. Who knows how he would have responded?

Why not? Every one does that after all, it's good for your health.

Eren wants no one in fake preview. He probably doesn’t in canon either. Too bad

>implying Beltolto could outwill Erwin
This must be why Armin lived

Everyone save for EH/EMfags is okay with this

Both dead crack ships tho. So who cares?

He might have actually retired or off'd himself, or maybe he would've ended up in a similar situation as Hange simply because Eren would've followed the same path regardless of whether Erwin or someone else was in command. Heck, we don't even know how he would've reacted to the 50 year plan.

Erwin would have gone with the fifty year plan and the same things surrounding Historia would have happened. We just wouldn't have the peacefagging and Eren might have pretended to cooperate with the rumbling.

Unless manlet woke up before going to the water it should happen, but it will be offscreened

t. user pretending to not be a shipfag

Ikr? He is the most potential meme character in the series.


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You're too late, Zeke.

Attached: 1507306205309.jpg (1644x2388, 1.93M)


No, the spirits legit confirmed that Eren likes Mikasa

Not Mikasa by the way

Is it weird that Mikasa feels more likeable in the AU?

Too late into his life, and Yelena worships him as a god rather than caring for him as a person.


Attached: Zeeke.png (338x477, 119K)

Are the souls of the dead Anniefags who are haunting these thread going to find peace if hacksayama finally releases Annie from the crystal?

I have not read this in a while. Is Annie still in her crystal?

What was Zeke planning to do after RtS (if he won, I mean) anyway? Take eren and escape from Reiner and Berthold, then trying to convince him somehow?

Attached: Best Girl stares at you.png (700x564, 160K)

Look at this
They are trapped. Someone should purify their souls

>being this retarded
It was her who moved the oujia board that's why she responded. EMfags are retarded

I just want them to be ok

Attached: Cute veterans.png (795x865, 714K)


Attached: hajime-isayama-9512(2).jpg (264x371, 25K)

>he doesn’t visit /snk/ everyday
truly you are not a real fan

I probably would burn my interest for snk if I came here every single day. That isn't a problem to a lot of you, as you are already not interesed in the story, but only the ships.

I think it's a pretty normal feeling. The AU is mostly fluff and comedic so quirks or character traits being exaggerated or played around with/made fun of is not jarring or annoying. Also here Mikasa seems to be completely unapologetic about wanting Eren's dick, but is still able to come up with more than two lines of dialogue with saying Ereh, which is a nice change of pace.

>not getting the obvious joke that user was trying to make

Attached: 1551705972257.jpg (300x300, 67K)




Attached: Eldia ain't free.jpg (853x543, 174K)

I do not understand a bit, user. How can it be btfo if a ghost responds that Eren loves Mika?

Fuck Eren

Attached: D87CDA5C-7078-484F-B801-82A99E71A19D.jpg (564x580, 124K)

is there a more Chad titan than the attack titan?

Attached: Eren attack titan grim reminder 2.png (435x623, 369K)

I'm sure he's the one who filled her head with the saving humanity talk, maybe if he didn't use everyone around him he wouldn't be where he is now

It's hilariously a plot hole. This convinced me that what we're seeing now with Zeke is something Isayama came up with pretty recently and was never planned

>M I K A
>Eren: Oi... Who the hell is moving it this time?
>Mikasa: ...Not me. (kek, why you lying)
Kek. Thanks TLanon

>traits being exaggerated
Marco's trait is being ded

I don't know, but there's no titan more fuckable.

Attached: brp.jpg (648x457, 43K)

Mikasa's wife, Armin, is in fact cuter


Attached: Best Titan is cute.png (319x567, 191K)

Morning sex with Eren

Attached: 11outof10 in seduction.png (754x708, 701K)

He probably smells worse than Hans now. Don't even want to imagine his vomit inducing morning breath


Attached: whoa.jpg (640x360, 79K)

Most likely go to Marley along with BR and have Eren fed to another warrior as planned, then sometime during his remaining five years feed that warrior to another Eldian that shares his views.

>Not wanting to have filthy morning sex with a dirty, sexy, crippled hobo Eren

Attached: 69132586_p11.jpg (650x904, 418K)

>Zeke in the Highscool AU

>user since we need more Eldian children, I will need to turn you into a girl using the FT and impregnate you
your response?

Attached: 1550427781762.png (696x605, 454K)

Reminder that Zeke:
>Will cry when Eren betrays him
>Will never have his glasses back
>Will always be manipulated by someone

Fuck off tranny

Honestly the last part is well deserved considering how many people he's betrayed

>Y-Yeager-Sama... There are already a lot of eldian women ready for that... Why do you have to go to that extreme to impregnate me... Could it be that y-you like me?

Zeke a shit.

... change me into a different girl?

No, Zeke's goal was well established in Isayama's plans since at least RtS. Everything he did back then makes sense with his real plans.

It's only that Isayama never planned what would Zeke do if he won. He didn't even think about that possibility. That's why there's no explanation.

Attached: bliss.jpg (676x382, 190K)

She's more like every parody's version of Mikasa and is more feminine than she is in canon appearance-wise. The goth helps too.

We should help them move on. But their business with Annie must be resolved.

Begone spirit 2013 is far behind us

What did Isayama mean when he half-arsed one of the worst antagonist to ever appear in any manga?

>Everything he did back then makes sense with his real plans
>It's only that Isayama never planned what would Zeke do if he won
Which created like a million plotholes.

writing supporting sweet revenge ala bertholdt.

Eren could still be the main antagonist

>both Zeke and Eren will be the final antagonists
>here is your protagonist bro

Attached: 1550598242785.jpg (2500x1995, 2.7M)

I doubt it, we guardian of the galaxy soon I think

Foreshadowing Ackerman paths?

>implying she won't join Eren.


Reunion soon.

Attached: D1CcoY6VYAANZoe.jpg (1600x2000, 147K)

>main antagonist
You don't know what that word means

>the fight between eren and armin will be similar to this
KINO. we finally see armin get bertholdted

Attached: eren vs armin.png (1257x722, 1.39M)

It will be Reiner that does that.

Attached: CDDA8D04-88DF-46B1-8E0B-199B7927FD47.jpg (1114x1207, 493K)


Hot path sex when?

Attached: 1551863216698.png (1406x1362, 901K)

Desert PATHS sex with Yumiru

>knowing its from leddit


Attached: 1397752734075.jpg (280x283, 34K)


Ghost sex with Annie.

Attached: Best Girl exposed.png (1143x1600, 1.04M)

>ymir fritz has been trapped in paths for 2000 years
>eren gather both ally and enemies to shiganshina
>activate rumbling and ate all 7 shifters
>free ymir fritz
>ymir reborn as EH daughter
> Eren: You are free

Attached: 1544333917926.jpg (418x559, 58K)

>Anniefags are ghosts

Attached: I have seen over a million faces.jpg (1820x1764, 402K)

>piku gets stabbed by smöl child

When Porco lets Historia eat him.

If that happens Eren will be a bigger gary stu than Manlet and Armong combined.

He already is tbqh.

he already is with the WHT. shit literally make him so strong that he is the manlet version of titan shifter.

dub if EH is confirmed and EM is BTFO

Isayama is a hack. The WHT is just a power up for the MC

dub if EHledditor is btfo next chapter

What do you guys do when waiting for chapter?


Attached: 1539204424700.png (500x675, 343K)

>Being strong = Gary Stu
Learn what that means.

Based. EHcucks on suicide watch.

Ding Ding Ding

Attached: Grisha has fully embraced Ymir.jpg (1079x1080, 307K)




Attached: 1533489568251.png (118x131, 17K)

EM confirmed.

Ok but what the fuck does it mean?

Attached: titanhalf.jpg (1439x796, 524K)

EH is confirmed

Attached: isayama is dead.png (982x84, 8K)

cant wait for chadren to do a school shooting

>Gothkasa is a hammy occult freak
>Mankasa is coolheaded and no-nonsense
Is Gothkasa what Mankasa would have been without the ackerhax?

>gothkasa has more personality than mankasa
gothkasa> mankasa

That's the point, Mankasa is overtaking Gothkasa.

I'm afraid that everything will be so

>Learn what that means
>implying anyone knows at this point

He's the protagonist regardless of how morally ambiguous he gets, user. We follow the story from his perspective.

Pretty much. Him becoming half the man he used to be has pretty much becoming his defining feature.

Technically this isn't true. We really haven't been following Eren's perspective since he reached the ocean. It's been almost exclusively other characters.

>We follow the story from his perspective.
We have literally not followed his perspective for 2 years.





>More manlet chapters
Please god no. Just fucking kill him off or revive him if that's what you're gonna do already. Stop wasting time on him. He's irrelevant.

sex with Hans

Reiner would be the protagonist now if he hadn't been absent for a goddamn year

t. Manlet

What's up with all the sudden anti-EH posting?

You know that Reiner will die soon and the protagonist will be Gabo

Honestly this. I like Manlet but let's move on to some other characters for awhile

Annie thread = dead thread

>Young Eren : "I'll kill all titans!"
>"oh oh bro, it seems like we're the titans and actually the world wants to exterminate us."
>Reiner : "Eren you're going to kill all titans right."
>Eren : "..."
>Zeke : "My brother! The salvation plan!"
>Eren : "..."
Reading last chapter and remember the beginning in the manga is pottery.
What will Eren do now?

>sudden anti-EH posting
>no one's talking about it
Hallucination: an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present.

>other characters
Hopefully anyone but Gabo. I hope we get some Reiner next episode.

I'm talking about the thread as a whole, user.

Wipe out all Eldians and non-Eldians alike. They're all the same after all.

Based Gabi already is the protagonist. Marley arc was Reiner, this arc is her.

>Levi! Are you listening to me! You can't die, not like this! *whips out his dick* I'm doinggggnh thiss s yha cang reactthghjj

Unfortunately we getting more Gabble next chapter but I've been want a warriors chapter for months now. Isayama please!

>no one's talking about EH even though it's the plot ree
>better falseflag

>Hopefully anyone but Gabo
>he doesn't know

Attached: 1534947135715.png (278x383, 109K)

You're getting a Piku chapter with a side of Goblin

I sure don't. I want a chapter focused on Eren's interactions with his Mini-Me.

Scroll up and no need to be so on-edge.

fuck off EHnigger

kek, I didn't think of this.

Attached: tumblr_inline_po4nbxE4oJ1rs8i2b_500.png (500x281, 162K)

So he still has his index and middle finger. This is good, that was actually bothering me

According to what we've been shown, he should still have his ring and pinky fingers, and his thumb. Index and middle finger are torn off. Lucky for him he's used to maneuvering 3dmg backwards and uses his ring & pinky fingers.

Why is he so cute?

Attached: qte.jpg (108x173, 9K)

based GODVI

Attached: 3a02f66e-9b59-4d04-9eec-629fa2340a76.jpg (371x803, 132K)

I agree with you. I just hate the idea of losing those 2 fingers

cry more

>Didn't die
>Lost two fingers
>Got a cool scar
Is there ANYTHING Zeke can do right? Grisha was right what a shit son he is.

>kills Erwin
>lose the shifters
>lose his subordinates
Not like manlet is doing any better

Mouth to mouth in the cave next chapter!

Attached: EE8E3783-12B6-4466-A7E3-F6D9EBD7EE52.jpg (1080x1386, 127K)

>he is irrelevant
We are going to have ANOTHER manlet vs Zeke and you know it

Imagine being Isayama and thinking Zeke is the antagonist his manga deserves

Even if his motives are disappointing I find him more tolerable than manlet. You tumblrinas really made me dislike him

I liked Eren as the shounen ragefag but the EHfags with constant spamming for a year made me hate him so much nowadays.

I'm not dumblr you fool, I just recognise shit writing when I see it

Yeah I know manletwhales from tumblr hate EH a lot for some reason, maybe because of muh representation or something.

Oh no people here like Zeke more than your manlet! What are you going to do? Of course if manlet is bad writen it's Isayama's fault not his

Punknie belongs to Gesumin now

I just think it's awful convenient, it's funny.

I don't give a fuck about manlet, retard. Zeke is incredibly badly written, I really liked him before the reveal. Plebbitcuck defending shit writing, you should gas yourself

Gothkasa >>>>>>>>> Mankasa because Isayama doesn't pretend she is deep, she wants Eren's dick and she is proud if it, she is not "possessed by some mysterious power that makes her to be not responsible of anything".
Same as Armong, he is a little Gesumin and very proud of it.

Sure manletwhale. I dislike Zeke's motives but I dislike you manletwhales even more.

This but for some reason he calls Annie Marie.

Gesumin already owns AU Eren. A harem doesn't suit him.

>doesn't pretend
>she is not "possessed
He's not pretending though, it's an actual plot point. Not a very good one, but still.

Attached: Grisha is pissed.jpg (393x393, 188K)

>I dislike Zeke's motives
I don't dislike his motives, it's that he doesn't make any fucking sense you retarded manlethomo

Attached: Froggy.png (1080x718, 188K)

>hating a good character because of retarded posters
Come on, user, you're better than that.

Whether manlet survives or not I'm 90% sure Hange will meet with Historia somehow. After that I think her character arc is finished.

This. The characters in the AU are unironically better than their manga counterparts. They actually have personalities, and the dialogue is better.



Isn't Neil meeting up with Historia, though?

>Detective Niall

>We're getting Detective Hange, Detective Niall AND Manlet Watson
What a time to be alive

Attached: Detective and thoughtful manlet.png (1053x1122, 1.6M)

Attached: 1536378486174.png (235x222, 79K)

historia is so pretty

Detective Hange shit is the most cringy reddit nonsense, completely unfunny stupid and cringy shit

>Hans and manletto getting shot at
>Jeagerists get shot & killed immediately
>Hans in shock
>Niel aims shotgun at Hans & dead body
>ask who they are
>Hisu comes running out
>she yells at Niel
>Hisu & Hans treat manlet in comfy bed while Niel looks for more Jeagerist
>after doing all they can do, Detective Hans asks Hisu some questions about Niel

rate my fanfic?

That meme is from Yea Forums ledditor

It doesn't matter where it's from, it's reddit ''humor'' made by redditors

Eren will save Gabi from being re-brainwashed by Marley.

Why do you hate Detective Hange and not detective Nile

Pretty sure it was made here.

Everything you morons come up with is terrible, unfunny and pure cringe
If you came up with some ''funny meme'' you can just assume by default that I hate it


By redditors

>he's back

Attached: tAgBSSo.jpg (593x647, 115K)

Any proof of that or is everything you don't find funny automatically categorized as leddit?

Holy fucking mother of god YHtrash, crying again?? Who hurt you now, a meme? Fuck off with your dementia

It's actually happening though

The proof is that these faggots are posting images of Hange with a stupid retarded hat calling her ''detective Hange''
These are the same people who came up with ''Serumbowl,'' ''dancing titan,'' ''Pii'' and they use phrases like ''my sweet summer child.''

I came up with the detective meme because of her outfit in AOT2. I don't give a fuck about reddit.

You came up with it because you're reddit trash with no sense of humor. Keep spamming your trash every thread, keep ruining the threads.

You mean a ledditor making it up here on Yea Forums

>Historia enjoyed farmer's cock, she misses yumiru, she is a slut.
Happy, YHfag?

I have a new Yea Forums meme for you guys. Trust me guys this will be epic. See this image of Berthold in his pijamas? I call him Sleepy Bert.
Sleepy Bert be sleepy.
Sleepy Bert is on the case guys. He be sleepy.

''ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz...'' - Sleepy Bert

Attached: sleepy bert.jpg (820x820, 30K)

Any problem? Funny how you left "I miss Yumiru, we know Hisu" out.

Well, here's a (you) for effort

Attached: Reiner judges your defiled devil post.png (1166x2212, 744K)

Don't worry, Sleepy Bert is on the case!

Attached: sleepy bert funny meme.jpg (1212x1212, 428K)

>Erenfags are ledditors

You're going to need to give a better reason than "I don't like it". Right now she can end up at Historia's farm and Historia is possibly a traitor. The father thing is still not 100% clear.

What if Levi is the father?
Historia decided to go her own route and asked him for donation to get pregnant and then talking with farmer to cover it up, the person in the cloak is Levi not Eren; Eren with Zeke followers came up with wine plan to keep the higher ups from forcing the pregnancy on Historia like Eren wanted and to keep Zeke safe.
Historia decided to choose Manlet cause Ackerman blodline is not affected by the First King will and such hybrid between Reiss and Ackerman could be a shifter fully using the coordinate power as founding titan.
That would be good storytelling, Eren didn't know anything about pregnancy cause it happened when he fucked off to Marley

You can check the archives any time to see it was created here.

Are you retarded? No one is talking about where Hange will go or what will happen with her. We're talking about an unfunny meme of some idiot trying to make ''jokes'' by calling Hange a detective and writing WACKY WACKY dialogue for her


Attached: 1552096009793.gif (815x815, 818K)

>writes Levi
He is irrelevant shitletshit, don't skip pages and use your brains for once.

Attached: Yelena tea.png (736x522, 130K)


>That would be good storytelling
Fuck off manletwhale, not saying Eren = father but the eyebrows are not manlet's. No matter who the father is Historia betrayed her superiors and is on Eren's plans.

Based YHbro

Attached: 1486293873155.jpg (604x340, 38K)

Dumb EHbro

Gas all manletwhales.

Letting aside you are making manlet creepy again no, Historia wouldn't choose Zeke's number one enemy and manlet wouldn't want to protect Zeke. In fact manlet would sacrifice Historia just to protect Eren and him killing Zeke just endanger Historia.
I understand EHfags trigger you butvI thought you were better than that YHfag, just stick with the farmer who actually makes sense.

I'm still in my twenties!

This, no more pedo shit and no more manlet wanking good lord, they making me miss Armin

makes sense

t. 30 year old boomer in denial

>s-stop posting """pedo""" ships
>"Eren x Gabi is cute"


EG is posted by the YHfag though, I like Eren and Gabo as siblings

>I will always watch over you... Gabi.

Attached: Attack.on.Titan.full.2141252.jpg (2480x3508, 636K)

>the eyebrows are not manlet's
Imagine if Isayama fooled you all and that baby is Gabo's. It would be perfectly in line with his Gabo obsession and shoving her in every scene

It's a good idea but I think this Q&A is pretty telling

>Q: If a child were to be born between two people from the Royal family and the Ackerman family, which blood would take precedence?
>A: I think that both of [their bloodlines] would be reflected [in the child] as usual.

these choice of words are very careful. But I think "as usual" would mean that yes, even an Ackerman hybrid royal would still be affected by the king's will, as they would have royal blood. The only added benefit is that they could awaken Ackerman powers and be strong in human form.

I couldn't care less but it wouldn't surprise if that was FG's baby. I'm one of those who stans neutral but wants to know more about the farmer, just wanted the dyke to stop speedreading and being creepy again

>implying it isn't.
She and Falco will raise their son Eren "Free" Grice well.

>Not Reiner "Free" Grice

Attached: 54513778_806034436420835_4908095805614352757_n.jpg (536x536, 39K)

To be honest what would be other reason to promote Gabi so much and give her Eren's eyebrows and make her basically Eren female version as a kid?
And her partner will be a blonde boy so it fits.

You say that like its a bad thing.

Attached: 1534947699615.png (595x626, 296K)

It's FG's baby

Unironically best (alive) manlet ship. Comfiest.

We don't know what happens with an Ackerman when it gets serum'd, but I doubt Manlet would want to make a kid for practical purpose. I am still confused with Historia getting pregnant in first place.

>Falco naming his kid after the guy who betrayed and tried to murder him

>I am still confused with Historia getting pregnant in first place.
desu that's why I think it was an accident

seems like an Isayama thing to do


This, nobody would ship those two, the Ymirtrash being disgusting is nothing new (remember Mikasa x Gabi? Or Frieda being creepy with Historia?).
I don't mind farmer being the father (I think he is until we see his eyebrows) but the KH and LHi damage control is hilarious and sad at the same time.

Where are my EAbros?

Attached: 1550910275431.png (600x856, 526K)

>pedo-kun is here

Don't forget the part where Manlet hands the serum to Hans before dying

A CHAD reminder
Text spoilers without context:
>spams the same pre timeskip Eren pics
>Ponytail Mikasa is so cute :3
>Ymir is the father!
>Eren must be gay!
>I miss Yumiru!
>We know, Hisu!
>Post EG and reply to themselves "wtf Erenfags are pedos"
>ErwL and LE spergs
Actual chapter:
>Conversations had a different meaning with context
>Another month of fujos/ErwLmod/YH/EMfags begging EHchads and plotchads to stop posting EH while ignoring others shipperfags (themselves)
>More wishing for Historia to be dead or farmed
>"Mikasa looks cute", calls Eren a faggot for rejecting this annoying manlooking adopted sister
>YHfags farmerposting
>EMfags, as a desperate measure, want the harem route if it includes Mankasa
>ErwL/ELfujos sperging and going full homicide mode

Attached: erenswife.jpg (832x468, 30K)

They cute

Attached: ayyy.jpg (352x550, 34K)

Attached: Choke me harder mommy!.png (1062x1145, 1.42M)

>desu that's why I think it was an accident
How you can get pregnant on accident if you don't have even romantic or sexual relation at all like we see of EH for now?
Eren knew what Historia thinks about getting pregnant as negative thing so I rather very doubt he would even try to do it with her or even suggest it, similiar Historia.
Or don't tell me, both Historia and Eren didn't know at all how dick and sperm worked and it was an intelligent 1+2 accident?
Eren shoot a fluke and it somehow landed on Hisu pussy in the bath as friends were playing together?

Could be, Eren was publicly adamant about not following Zeke’s plan, but one thing lead to another and he was forced to cooperate with Zeke for the time being.

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I doubt it was an accident but I would laugh

Attached: 3fd8ba04d8a76f940397b9650457e53f.jpg (600x600, 70K)

Dykes have pedo tendencies and they create a lot of fake news. They are the main supporters of pedophiles

Flocke did nothing wrong.

>Conversations had a different meaning with context
So basically when something is said against EH in the work, it is a lie.
If something is showing for it like Isayama picture which has zero sense to be revealed as Eren kid right now, it must be a complete truth and Isayama would never lie.
It must be nice to have such simple black/white mentality.

hello ESL kun


>E-Eren is supporting Zeke!
Imagine being this brainlet.

This thread is dead like Annie. I took nearly half a day to fill up. Hey anniefags can you come up from 2013? You people are worse than Ymirfags.

t. EGpedo


They are though, even the one we have here admitted to miss the pedos and never complain about Frieda harassing Historia. They also used to spam Historia x old men, mentally they accept old men with young girls.
They want rights for the pedos now.

I don't even feel like laughing at you guys anymore because at this point Isayama could just pull any kind of shit. Just gonna sit in the corner and enjoy the inevitable shitshow that is incoming.

Attached: Gesumin.jpg (184x274, 12K)

Historia does not see pregnancy itself as something bad, what she does not like are the circumstances of the pregnancy and what will happen next, but I doubt that she is against of someday having a child with someone she loves

Sorry I’m not a lesbian, I don’t support pedo ships like YH and EG. Try again.

>How you can get pregnant on accident if you don't have even romantic or sexual relation at all like we see of EH for now?
To be fair we're missing 10 whole months, and those are actually the most important ones since Eren started taking independent actions after he met Yelena and Historia got pregnant during that timeframe. And obviously we have no idea what they're thinking or what happened on their end because they're both conveniently silenced.

Eren a cute!!!!!! SO CUTE!! CUTE!!!!!!

Attached: ################.png (337x359, 116K)

If believing that makes you feel better. Pedoshit is disgusting and always told the pedo who enjoyed to see Hisu being abused to fuck off

We know, Historia.

Attached: HoboandQueen.jpg (474x355, 32K)

Looking forward to Pieck raping him.

YH is not pedo

>posts Historia x old men
>posts EG

His genuinely surprised face looked quite cute here as opposed to how devilishly handsome he's been depicted since his return from Liberio. Reminded me a bit of pre-timeskip Eren actually.

It's pretty obvious that Eren will save FG's lives and especially making a big impact on the Gabo. I literally can't believe the last arc is a Gabo arc.

All its holders are Chads.

Attached: Shingeki No Kyojin.jpg (932x1024, 107K)

>seems like an Isayama thing to do
You mean shit writing? Well yeah.

>I literally can't believe the last arc is a Gabo arc.
I'm still triggered. Just add Armong saving the day and now I will know Isayama will destroy it's future mangas wanking lame characters/new characters last arc.

the mind hack could explain Ymirs retardation.

That's not me, dumbfuck. Your finger pointing won't change that

>This thread is dead
It's a monthly manga, it shouldn't even have a thread up at all times.

cute and canon

Attached: 1544359202985.jpg (600x700, 47K)

>dykes are pedos

>falling for reverse shitposting
Of course