What went wrong

Attached: ff13e09d-ab18-4e63-85be-209929d0da50.jpg (512x512, 86K)

Fuck off.

Not being a Disney produced film

I loved her huge eyes

Did it bomb or were the shills right?

Being a Niggerwood flick is the most glaring flaw.

It made ~390M (worldwide) so far with ~170M budget.
This is theaters only, first month.
Far from highest-grossing movie ever but anyone who says it was a flop is a blithering retard with an agenda.

Every single line was a cliche to the point a kid could have written this, and music was the hollywood version of 4kids replacing the score of yu-gi-oh

Attached: 1352359903140.png (662x450, 359K)

What's the phone game like?


Attached: 1551920277587.gif (405x405, 3.47M)

Literally nothing.

blithering (ˈblɪðərɪnɡ)
1. talking foolishly; jabbering
2. informal stupid; foolish: you blithering idiot.
[C19: variant of blather + -ing2]

a·gen·da (ə-jĕndə)
n. pl. a·gen·das
1. A list of things to be discussed in a meeting.
a. A program of things to be done or considered: "King's broadening of the civil rights agenda to include issues of class, income, and employment" (James Carroll).
b. Informal A usually unstated underlying motive: "Everyone has an agenda, whether he or she is honest about it or not" (Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger).

Hope this helps.

Hollywood tried to adapt a manga, which always fail spectacularly.

Nothing. Easily the best anime adaptation ever made.

Captain Marvel made more money in 3 days than this film did in 30.

captain disney has like 20 films building an audience over a decade

the cyberpunk films before alita flopped and it is based on a japanese manga that not even hardcore weebs knew existed.

I mean, I want Alita to do well, but Marvel can crank out shit after shit and make near $1B.

Shallow representation of its villains. Chiren was even more useless than in the OVA and should have been left out. Also, no flan.

ur mom

disney doesnt need any single movie to do well. they will sell their entire saga and their other ips with their streaming service and make bank.

alita was not a flop and will definately get a sequel. they are completely different projects with different goals.

Only good thing about this shit is that the Last Order and original Alita Manga got a nice fresh release.
Also new Mars Chronicles chapter last week, so fuck of with hollyjews and just enjoy the real thing.

What went wrong is you posted this shit in Yea Forums and not Yea Forums.

Been staying away from these threads, but after rewatching the OVA I don't get the hate for the movie. It's basically a 1:1 remake.

Ugly white whore. I hate white whores

Alita is the cyborg waifu I want in the near future

>not being "rape original concept" central

no it didn't.

>rewatching the OVA
Found your problem.