Why did you lie to me about fate Yea Forums? It's great

Why did you lie to me about fate Yea Forums? It's great

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Yea Forums hates it because of gachashit being popular

I just hate any kind of alternate universe or multiple-canon shit. It's a hassle and it makes it hard to be truly satisfied with any ending you get.

Nasu introduced Quantum Time-Lock/Human Order Foundation already user

It's not great though, it's alright in general with varying levels of quality.
FSN is shit
UBV is not bad but with some (a lot of) retarded moments
F/Z is very good
Prisma Iliya is... unique.

Not being versed in the Nasuverse I have no idea what that means but judging by the sound of it I'm going to assume I hate it.

Basically it is the process that cut off every worlds which don't have branching potential anymore (e.g. Lostbelt,...). After this process, those "safe" worlds will be put into the Trunk/the Primary Branch. F/Z and FGO were confirmed to be in the Trunk.

Fate is a cancer which only Touhu can rival in severity. Was before even it got anime adaptations. Burn it with fire. OP can start by killing himself to save the world.

Tohou is not cancer though. Kancolle, on the other hand, very much is.

My only real complaint about Fate is that the studio is focusing so much on it that they are screwing over those who want a reboot of the Tsukihime anime.

I also would like to see a show based upon Melty Blood.

Oh and since this is a Fate thread, I wish to present a possible end to the Sakura-fish arc.

Rest in glory, aquatic scaled friend.

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It only took her 11 years to finish that fish...

Fate is great because of how idiosyncratic it is. Nasu is a one of a kind writer.

My King is beautiful!

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But Yea Forums loved FSN. It's part of the culture of this board.

>Why did you lie to me about fate Yea Forums that It's great?

>Nasu is a one of a kind writer.
It is indeed hard to be as bad and as appealing to the idiot masses at the same time as he is.

Nasu is arguably the best, but how'd you rank the others?
Am I forgetting someone?

Meteo and Minase ?

After the shitshow that was Agartha I don't want him to write anything ever again.

I fully agree with you user. Agartha is really bad to be honest.

>popular stuff makes my feefee hurt reeeeeee

Butcher > Nasu

>on today's episode of "Yea Forums is retarded and has offensively bad taste"...

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you secondary trash

>putting up with Nasu's shitty writing and pages and pages of meaningless fluff when I can just watch a better-looking, condensed adaptation instead
Nah thanks.

>reading his hard dur hur
killer yourself zoomer

Do you ever read opinions that cause you to instantly lose faith in the humanity of the poster? The sort of opinions that you can't even take a step back and at least see where they're coming from, even if you don't ultimately agree?
Liking nasushit is one of those things man.

Current ranking for me is Nasu = Meteo > Narita > Higashide > Sakurai > Butcher > Minase

this is bait, right?

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None of them are particularly amazing writers (Narita might be best of the bunch in terms of general writing skill, but not by a very huge margin when compared to Nasu and Butcher), but Nasu stands out from the rest simply because his unique style matches the setting he created perfectly.
I don't like Urobuchi's work in the least, but he's not a bad writer, even if he has irritatingly predictable patterns. F/Zfags need to fuck off, however.
Higashide needs to be slapped in the balls until he learns how to write properly and Sakurai needs to be given a restraining order from writing Nero.

Unlimited Blade Works route is pretty much my favorite anime/manga anything. It's got just the right amount of action, drama, and a hint of romance with best tsundere, a sprinkling of tragedy, and ends with Shirou actually getting to be the big damn hero and what could be the lead in to whacky magical school adventures.

Girls are great, especially Tohsaka. But plot is piece of shit.

saber is literal dogshit

UBW is in ironically one of the coolest looking powers in all of anime. Chanting an epic and chuuni chant to summon a field of swords that you can telekinetically control. Too bad we never saw it used to it's full potential, from Archer in his prime. Only time we've seen exhaustive use of it was surprisingly from Prisma Ilya when Shirou used all the swords in UBW in a beam clash vs Ea.

the only thing that is good is prisma illya, if you like others you're a nigger

I legitimately hate this stupid fucking show. My friend will not shut the fuck up about it, and for some reason watching it makes him think he’s a history buff. In world literature our teacher wanted us to read Gilgamesh and discuss it in class.
>Professor did you know that Gilgamesh is the most powerful fictional character of all time? He can summon literally any weapon ever
My teacher already thinks he’s retarded after he said “age is just a number, jail is just a place” to the whole class and I think this among other acts of retardation is what cause him to fail world lit

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