This Anime is too overrated,bro. Don't watch it

>This Anime is too overrated,bro. Don't watch it.
>3 months later.
>My Hero Academia becomes a popular anime.

Why are weebs so contrarian?

Attached: Boku No Pico.jpg (1000x1251, 363K)

Attached: 1551066068623.png (369x362, 5K)

who are you quoting?

Attached: 1552186543154.png (963x720, 602K)

Everybody in Yea Forums

Other way around

What last episode?
And why can't you think for yourself and make your own decisions like an adult?

>watching Shounenshit

In my experience its kinda the opposite, everyone thought it was a cool mashup of genres that have both become somewhat stale. But once it became AOTY as always happens people turned on it.

Its really the only point to watching anime.


Anime of the year?

I'm tired of youtubers making videos about it for clicks.

people who only watch shonenshit are no weebs, they are casuals

This is ridiculous, if anything it's the other way around. People liked this because of the promising setting, artwork and character-designs, but quickly got bored when it started going downhill.

But it’s actually a really derivative and bland shounen

It started off with a lot of potential for cool fights and worldbuilding but Hori would rather make a boring SoL highschool manga. Vigilantes is good though.

If you're above the age of 18 and rate MHA highly you're not mentally mature, end of story.

>shounenshit watchers
they're normalfag casuals.

Do you even know what that means? A contrarian do the opposite, like a thing and then disregard that shit the second it gets popular.

pretty much once something gets popular people here just like to hate on it because of that. Not saying that everyone is the same and like that, but it does happen often

also in the opposite way.
he dislikes something and if becomes popular, he approves it in order to create discussions about it.

I love Deku



c u t e

That pic is not Black Clover

>overrated=i don't like it