Where do you actually go to watch anime, user? seems like I can never find the shit im looking for on the free sites

where do you actually go to watch anime, user? seems like I can never find the shit im looking for on the free sites

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>Request thread
>Non-anime image
>Admitting to not torrenting anime
I really would prefer this entire site be deleted rather than it continue to exist in the state it's in

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sorry dudes

Just subscribe to Crunchy, bro

>no sage

Retards, you aren't any better.

Streaming site mostly kissanime.

Kill yourself.

Quit your yammering, old man! You're driving away the customers.

>inb4 tranny jannies delete this thread.

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This is now a Rem thread. Objections will be ignored.

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t. Alberto Barbosa

>implying sage even does anything anymore

this, suscribe to Crunchyrollâ„¢ to watch all your favorite animes

If you weren't such a fucking idiot you'd know that the only purpose of sage is to post without bumping piece of shit threads like this one.

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If what I'm looking for isn't on VRV or Funimation, it's obscure enough to be on Youtube.

Drat and double drat! I've been unmasked! You win this time, kids, but I'll be back in the next episode!

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My media player.

Sucks to be you I guess
Usually I watch it on my pc but if my parents aren't in the house I get to watch it on the big screen

>9 anime
>type in watch ( insert show) online and you would get some anime service to show it
>Some older anime are straight up there on youtube like old ovas
>I don't torrent but if you do I heard people like nyaa . I never looked into this though.

Yeah I don't understand why gen z thinks this shit is okay on Yea Forums. I took a leave for a while just to come back and see these kids talk about streaming and paid subscriptions.

You have great taste Trump-kun

Fuck off already.

your moms house

Brainlets can't figure out the difference between asking for anime recommendations and asking for help with streaming services.
Failed attempt at loliposting, not even confident enough to post real lewds because too afraid to get banned yet plans to take down the thread.
Nice one.

And you can't figure out why OP can't simply lurk more. You and OP can fuck off and go back to what ever bullshit community you belong in.

The worst part is how impotent and limp-dicked the response is.
This is one of few places that always advocate for genocide and public humiliation. Nowadays, everyone just rolls over and take it up the ass.