Why didn't Yea Forums tell me this show was so good? I can't believe I've been sleeping on it for 13 years.
Why didn't Yea Forums tell me this show was so good? I can't believe I've been sleeping on it for 13 years
>mc uses drugs
dropped on first chapter
It's in my all time favs. Loved the ending.
Self insert autist filtered.
Definitely one of the funniest anime I've ever watched. I have a few qualms about the way some parts of the story were handled, but I would still rate it 8/10, nearly a 9.
The fact that you can constantly see NHK threads in this board after 13 years from being aired means that the show is worth to watch.
So blame yourself for keeping your eyes shut all this time.
It's pretty good. It's maddening that there is a significant amount of anons that complain about not having their own Misaki despite the fact that the anime is about how solutions to one's problems won't just fall on their lap.
Not surprised.
People often miss the message of stories, this anime is no different.
It seems pretty blatant, though. I thought the anime made it pretty clear that both Satou and Misaki were fucked up and that they had to transform their relationship into one of mutual support rather than dependency.
Ask me how I know you're underage
If you didn't read Ashita no Joe while it was being made, you're too young.
You don't cure mental illness by "just getting a jerb bro". Nothing has changed by the end.
because you are a fucking retard who cannot make research on his own.
Just read the novel user, it's actually worth it
Not your personal army
Lurk moar
At least you won't starve to death if you get a job
Still mad he doesn't get together with senpai
she's married you degenerate scum
Pretty sure you can. The only way to fight a meme is with another meme.
Realistically you could just kill yourself. There not much sense in living just to put food in your belly and live another day. Life after all does not have intrinsic value.
Yea Forums was telling it constantly for as long as I remember. Were you literally sleeping?
I can't believe Gonzo of all studios made such a great meaningful show.
Gonzo has made some pretty good shows, they're just horribly inconsistent.
>Why didn't Yea Forums tell me this show was so good?
Because it isn't.
Don't be a faggot, read the manga and become a good faggot.
>the show
kill yourself and then read the manga.
and he also download child porn too first postie.
>Life after all does not have intrinsic value.
Listen here you little spook who probably just heard of Nietzsche from memes... something that has intrinsic value or something that doesn't have one exists purely by the definition from the ego. People don't kill themselves for they do not desire it. Saying that there is not much sense in living because it is "pointless" is pointless, because "pointless" itself is pointless. Out with you with your shit tier philosophy.
>this show
>he hasnt used drugs
for the last time
go immediately
>youve got depression
>solve it!
>i dont wanna because its more comfortable being depressed that changing myself!
Just summed up the whole show for you. Welcome to the NHK is the ultimate pleb filter, but in reverse - only depressed losers unwilling to commit the tiniest bit of effort and complete normalfags like it. The comedy is good, though.
You also don't cure mental illness by doing literally nothing while you continually chant, "But that won't fix anything!" until you're so anxious that you can't go outside.
A job is a positive step. Starting to exercise is a positive step. Getting the right amount of sleep consistently is a positive step. Eating better is a positive step. Adjusting your expectations is a positive step. You keep taking steps until you get there.
You change all of the terrible habits you've developed until you don't have any anymore, and you get healthier along the way, and finally arrive to a point where you can normalize your anxiety, depression, and self-esteem problems. It's literally not difficult, you just actually have to fucking do it instead of saying, "This single action will not instantly 180 my entire life-time of bad decisions, so I'll do absolutely nothing instead."
This guy fucking gets it.
I thought it was widely regarded as a good show in Yea Forums? Manga is amongst my favourites.
>"pointless" is pointless, because "pointless" itself is pointless
Nice circular argument you've got there. You're not off by much though. There is no more meaning to life and living than what meaning we and others attribute to it. And all agruments to further continue living are variants of: "you can only live while you're alive". If you reach the point where life's meaning comes to an end or if the meanings of it all become detrimental to an indivudal then death becomes a valid course.
tl;dr: kys.
Sad but true
>be depressed
hahhaha just not be depressed lol.
positive steps are gay, I'm going to gensokyo and that single action will instantly 180 my life you plebeian normalfag filth
Didn't you watch the show? Neets like us don't deserve something as dramatic as suicide
Congrats, user. Now go to Yea Forums, learn Russian and read Crime and Punishment to get the whole picture.
Or learn Japanese and read their translation of Dostoevkyj to see where the author of NHK came from.
Satou deserved a good romantic lover's suicide with his HS babe.
>A job is a positive step. Starting to exercise is a positive step. Getting the right amount of sleep consistently is a positive step. Eating better is a positive step. Adjusting your expectations is a positive step. You keep taking steps until you get there.
You change all of the terrible habits you've developed until you don't have any anymore, and you get healthier along the way, and finally arrive to a point where you can normalize your anxiety, depression, and self-esteem problems. It's literally not difficult, you just actually have to fucking do it instead of saying, "This single action will not instantly 180 my entire life-time of bad decisions, so I'll do absolutely nothing instead."
And then, after you did all of that, you kill yourself, because surprise surprise, getting a job, getting fit and even having some succeses in life will not magically cure your dysfunctional brain. Seriously, fuck you.
I fell for that coaching self-help bullshit. Started regular trainings, ate well, devouted more time to study and "improve" myself. I even had the help of devouted girlfriend. It almost did not changed how I felt. I still were a sad, depressed fuck, but now more tired than ever. Gf urged me to see psychiatrist and after some blood tests and other bullshit it cames out that my pituitary gland is fucked and my body literally doesn't get hormones related to feeling happiness. Went on prescribed pills, comfort of life increased 10000%. Half a year of medical treatment and I feel fucking great for the rest of my life (probably).
>tl:dr If you want to cure your mental illness, seek help from actual fucking professionals, not internet weebs and "chad" wannabes
Based stirnerposter
Reminder Stirner is a teen tier philosopher who advocates for edgy shit yet knows it is unachievable and lived an unremarkable life to only be remembered by meme philosophy enthusiasts. Him being an edgy retard is exactly why his wife divorced him. Some ego he fulfilled.