I thought she was 21
I'm a pretty big guy and all cakes come up to my ribs. Also thought Kazuma was 18, aqua 20, darkness 26 and wiz 29.
Characters you thought were a different age
>I thought she was 21
You fucking what nigger
I rolled my eyes when she said she was 14.
>I thought she was 21
>I'm a pretty big guy
I swear to god.
I can't be the only one right? She looks like a smol cake. I had teachers that looked smaller than her.
i bet u wanted to fuck those teachers that looked like a child, right?
You're pretty much the only person in the entire world who would mistake her for an adult. I guess she'd really like you.
She’s 14? She looks like a young lady
I see you are unfamiliar with the art of the smol cake.
Hmn. Id take it
8 heads, developed face, 14
This is why we need to weaponize anime.
eh, in OP's defense, around the time Konosuba released, there were shows prone to having loli-looking characters who would turn out to be much older to the annoyance of said character.
on the flipside: had Watsuki not expressly had it been stated in the series, I would have wagered Kaoru to be mid-teens than 19. Then again, given Watsuki's predilections, I'd wager that was him covering his ass. (but it is funny how in subsequent renditions kaoru did look more and more like her age)
Also, even if he looks young, I always hedged bets Kenshin was WAY more than just 28, probably like 36. Though this is one that I don't think was ever clarified.
as far as anime goes she makes a convincing 14 year old. her manga and LN illustrations make her look younger tbf.
>aqua 20
sh'es a fucking godess, shes over a thousand years old
and yet, Aqua acts more like a 4 year old.
I thought she would be 16
After they said she was 3 years younger than kazuma, Since I was still under the impression that kazuma is 18-20 I thought maybe she was 16 too.
Like Said however, they are drawn younger looking in the LN, so maybe I think that way cause I've seen the anime first where they seem to be drawn slightly older.
>mfw DEEN quality ages characters
blessed deeds
adult and fit for breeding
Can't convince me otherwise.
This looks younger than the anime version to you?
Is this official art? Is this recent?
I remember the style being a lot rounder.
The fuck? I thought she was like 10
From the most recent release, so yes.
She's supposed to be smol height, smol topped, but nice waist, hips n legs.
I'm alone in this fight, One day I'll show the world!
I'll show the world megumin is of age and ready for hot sweaty sex.
>I thought she typed 18, not 13! I have bad eyesight!
Take a seat.
>Also thought [...]darkness [was] 26
OP you are a genuine fucking retard.
Damn. The at got really good. I need to pick up the VNs.
In all honesty though, even looking at this. I can't shake the thought she's older.
I know some teens irl, I've had some running around my feet in highschool untill a year ago. Teens look gross and underdeveloped, she looks like a smol cake. She's 20+ in my headcannon forever.
haha imagine not experiencing girls at that age when they are tight, fuck off cringe tier