I think deep down, part of me wants to believe there was actually a good show in here...

I think deep down, part of me wants to believe there was actually a good show in here. But because the author prioritized his own fetishes over good storytelling, he couldn't see past just making Oreimo v2. There were legitimate moments of clarity where it was fun, with great side characters and conflicts without resorting to bullshit melodrama. But he's GOTTA FUCK HIS SISTER. So let's throw all of that out the window. I don't even care about the other girls winning. It could have been anyone honestly.

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Cute feet.

If you just make the route harem then you can focus the rest of your energy on good storytelling.

Do girls really show off their feet like this without realizing the implication?

There is no fucking point in having a sister in the main cast if the MC doesn't fuck her.

Just look at Monogatari: so much wasted potential. Karen is clearly best girl but no, Araragi has to "date" a literal crab.

As a rule of thumb, if the imouto doesn't win then it's a shit anime.

I know what you mean. I found the story about a brother desperately trying to reconnect with his sister, who in turn struggles to connect with the world outside her room, legitimately compelling from the start, and each new character introduced had a solid setup of their own. I'm not even inherently opposed to the whole incest thing, but too much time was spent on that and lewd jokes compared to the solid foundations for the problems and relationships facing each of the characters.

it seems Tsukasa Fushimi himself has arrived.

>there was actually a good show in here
Why would you watch an incest show and expect anything other than shit?

It's funny how people seem to think that a crappily-told drama is preferable to hot fetish fanservice. There was nothing more than dull boilerplate pieces in the familial stuff, because Fushimi is not a good writer and can't make that sort of thing interesting, as we already know from how dull all of OreImo's drama was. The fapworthy parts of Eromanga were the only worthy parts of Eromanga.

Because Yosuga no Sora is a masterpiece. At least the last few episodes with the actual incest. The other routes are boring.

It definitely felt jarring. It goes through all of this work to set up this potential for good storytelling. But oh, we're at the last episode? Fuck it, strip them and have them play twister we gotta sell blu-rays. It's like watching a well-performing grad student turn into a burnout who skips classes. It's just disappointing.

I mostly watched it because I'd heard it was so bad, only to weirdly like almost all of the characters the show wasn't based on, they were all more interesting than the protagonist and his sister

While we're at it. Why the fuck does this show get criticized by normies all the time for being super gross and "i'm going to jail" memes. Like yeah, I get it. They're young children in a fanservice anime. But there's shit that comes out every single season that goes way past what Eromanga did with more fanservice and sometimes younger girls. I just don't get it

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It was mainstream, so it gets the majority of the flak

I don't know what you are talking about, but then again I didn't read anything by this guy.
Shows sweet and it ends on a crossroads so you are not forced any one decision down your throat.

Shit taste detected

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I love cunny like JCs love dicks

Don't worry, Karen sort of wins later on. Koyomi has a pseudo-harem route going where Senjougahara is his only actual girlfriend but not his only romantic/sexual partner. Hell if the short stories were being animated you would've already seen Karen being stripped naked and having her tits stroked as part of another oral hygiene session.

Name one show that did something crazier than loli bikini twister and shota dick drawing.

Feet are gross
God invented socks for a reason

Not him, but as an animeonly this news is not unwelcome. Harem (or partial harem) endings are the best way to go, and Karen is top-tier. To be honest though, I kind of figured that if Nisio was doing it right that's the route it would go - it just makes the most sense with the way things have been set up. I'll get around to reading that when I stop being a lazy jackass.


Sagiri is a weakling who cannot wear a bikini at all for being a protagonist while Elf can wear a bikini.

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You say this like Araragi and Karen haven't been on a steady curve toward incest since basically the beginning of the series. She is 110% brocon and in love with him and he's definitely been more and more tempted as time has gone on.

What even is this meme? I only ever see it in reference to characters who do, in fact, wear bikinis. I assume that's the point - but then what is it referencing?

They do realize

>Karen is clearly best girl but no, Araragi has to "date" a literal crab.
They aren't mutually exclusive.

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