jontran manga
Jontran manga
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Where is the part where he gets Tag tricked into fake /pol/ statistics and starts advocating for a white ethnostate despite being a swarthy motherfucker that wouldn't even make the cut for that?
Did they also adapt the year he disappeared from the internet after he got called out for it?
found the neckbeard
this reads left to right
He seems like a cool guy.
Wait a minute
Isn't this goosebumps story
What’s going on here?
this is crap
Go away Yea Forums
have sex
Is this comic just some guy's wacky surreal idea with a random eceleb inserted for publicity? The pacing is glacial
Anyone has the original webcomic?
No. It's a manga based on an old ass webcomic whose name I can't remember. The MC looking like that faggot celeb is just a coincidence.
the fuck are you talking about
dont think it actually has anything to do with jontron. fatty protagonist just looks like him
He never stated any fake statistics unless you think police and crime reports are wrong
Jontron sperged out and had no experience with debating as politics are not his thing
this story is shit so far
found the neckbeard talking to himself
I thought he looked like a fat Deku, never heard of Jontron beforehand
Keep going OP.
lol pranked
This is actually interesting to some degree, I only opened this thread to laugh about it but I don't know what happens next, that's good enough for me.
Got fucking memed on.
>Jontron does drugs: The manga
Nice, is there more?
have sex incel
I bet that's the part when it gets boring. Manga always get boring as soon as the MC wakes up in the isekai reality or goes back to the old world but realises he has some superpowers now or something.
That's the end.
Have sex
Maybe it's like that one story where the protagonist works in an alternate version of their world with uncanny differences. I believe it got turned into a TV show at some point.
the guy who did it never continued past that point
Oh welp. That's deep.
stop asking for sex fag
was it a dream?
>Reddit spacing
Have sex
Who is jontran?
wheres the rest of it, that obviously wasn't the end
>demon tells you to eat poison
>actually fucking eat it
Kotick chronicles?
>Pg. 11 – 15 ETA (March 13)
Current project it seems.
Feels like I got pranked
This is the remake of another comic. There is more but the original is also unfinished
Jon a cute
Found the Redditor, just taste that delicious salt
I don't get it, what I am supposed to take out of this
Found the fag
Based user dabbing on Yea Forumsedditors.
The guy is a pushover and a retard
Even his nightmares make fun of him
This is that weird comic about Bobby Kotick drawn in a different style right?
>Yea Forumsedditors
>when he knew a Yea Forums e-celeb on the first place
Don't do drugs.
This was already dumped by some Yea Forumstard before, OP. It was a shit read then and it is now.
Imagine being this guy.
>left to right
fuck out of here with this shit
So, what did the original version look like?