ITT: we pay our respects to axed manga we enjoyed

ITT: we pay our respects to axed manga we enjoyed

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Other urls found in this thread:高野真之-ebook/dp/B07N67LT8S


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>get first chapter about cute demon girl
>instantly in the MU page "rushed ending/axed"

sometimes I hate Japan

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Loved this one, it was so cute

I remember that one but forgot the name. That's a shame. She was so cute and eager to please.

>Reluctant Harem MC who is forced to date 4 girls at the same time or else he will die
>uses Shoujo tropes to bullshit his way through 4-timing
Yeah, it's somewhat a ripoff of TWGOK, bit it is the ripoff of the best part of TWGOK. Too bad it was axed

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Tenraku Akuma! Demon's Core
Also RIP Torako. Didn't necessarily get axed but the magazine it was published in went under and it went down with the ship

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You know what, despite the number of harem romcom released every year, this is probably the only one where the MC actually tries to juggle multiple girls at once.

This was actually quite interesting, and the art was cute.

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His other manga was just cancelled too ,because he is dead

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That was just completely shite and the author dying won't change that

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this one is kill? I thought it was interesting

damnit I was enjoying this a lot, MC almost fucked her

At least it was a good ride

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i'm never not going to be mad about this being canned

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bu..but I didnt want to have the feels today

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There's nowhere near enough straight up zombie apocalypse anime/manga

Also, good taste

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Author didn't want to continue and then he fucking died

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really sucks the author died so theres 0 chance of it ever finishing.

Given the nature of his work, I don't think we can totally count him out yet

What if he comes back as a zombie though?

Noah Notes was the greatest series I have ever read from the WSJ, besides Hunter x Hunter of course, fuck Japan.

Wtf torako is over? I just started that.

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>Noah Notes
That faggot cursed himself should've kept his mouth shut

It's not fully translated yet but yeah. There's still 7 untranslated chapters.
I peaked at the raws (couldn't find the raws for ch21 though) and ch 18-20 which I'm guessing are the final chapters before an omake are pretty great so it at least went out with a bang. Pretty huge shift to a serious tone but not in a shitty way like Gal Cleaning

What did he say?

>this is probably the only one where the MC actually tries to juggle multiple girls at once.
and it was great (fuck the axe)

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This was really nice to read and the gyaru was cute as fuck.

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He shitted on medaka box and said he could write something way better and entertaining. Fucker had it coming he got hit by the medaka box curse.

Fuck Toei

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Still mad. Fuck you WSM

His other works Yuki to Sumi (also axed) and Futari no Jikan (still ongoing I believe) have similar premises as RSS and are pretty cute. The former is about a high school calligraphy club, and the latter is about a high school photography club.

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The three also share universe/ schools.

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I am still mad.

short, but at least was good, assassin/idol was best girl.

cant wait for this author next work

She is a Rokurokubi.

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Not yet, but will be soon.

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Should've taken it like a man instead of a little bitch just because Japs said mean words to him.

It was actually doing pretty well sales-wise too, so it's a shame the author had to quit after the second volume due to his health issues. At least we're getting officially sanctioned doujins of it.

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>Still mad. Fuck you WSM
romance in my sports manga sorry but fujos to strong

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soo much wasted potential.

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It wasn't axed?

Also, honestly Omujo got really weak later on. It just became too repetitive.

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still mad.

If it was, good.

>The chances of him coming back and doing IB again become slimmer and slimmer

To this day I'd like to think the MC's mother never remarried and ended up dying alone and miserable. The bitch seriously deserves that

I love Kaguya, I fucking do, one of the best romcom manga I have read in my life, but damn I will love for Aka to do IB again, but he himself says he is losing touch with his inner angry teenager, so it will hard for him to do it again.

The author died but it's the illustrator who axed it. He didn't want to continue it without the author, and the author didn't leave a guideline to its conclusion. Fukushima is why it got put on hiatus and that just kind of screwed up the pacing. Just a victim of circumstance, sadly.


Then the author had to make another generic Harem manga to keep a series going.

Fuck that.

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Can I still like Samon? I wonder what Numa is doing these days.


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>Gets a TV show
>Get a special OVA with DBZ cast in it
>SSJ Blue is based of Toriko
>Still gets cancelled

Any legit explanation?

>one of the best romcom manga I have read in my life
seriously? is a pretty straightforward romcom nothing unique or crazy has ever happen (and after the fireworks arc the manga hasn't been as good)

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>Any legit explanation?
Jump was going for a new face

RIP best girl will always own my heart boner

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>Gets his manga axed
>Proceeds to get his revenge by creating one of the worst harem mangas
We all payed the price of japans shit taste

iron knight

Pushed too hard

well, it really makes laugh everytime, no hyperbole, or just enjoy the cute moments, there is just a couple of chapter that I havent enjoy in any form, that constant enjoyment is hard to come by, and while the manga sure has changed after fireworks, I wont say it has decline in quality, it just changed the formula.

what did he made after?

Baby Steps got me so pumped about tennis that I went out and bought a racket and some balls and just hit against a wall for awhile. Then I started to look into tennis lessons around me but once I realized it was axed I lost all motivation and haven't touched my racket since then.

God Damm I loved that manga


>Thought tennis was the shit when prince of tennis was airing
Good thing I was too lazy to do anything about it.

I was really enjoying this. It wasnt anything special but it had heart

I just discovered this manga earlier today. The girl reminds me of Guri from Love Tyrant (a good thing), wish there was more.

it was too good for this world i guess, definitely enjoyed it even with the axe ending though.

It could have been one of the greats

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Fuck you Shueisha.

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Was it axed? The ending felt rushed but it doesn't have a "Rushed Ending/Axed" tag on MangaUpdates.

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the start of the flashback is probably what doomed it. sucked reading the ending when the artist drew 6 frames of what was planned to be the next gigantic arcs.

damn right it the feels. toriko was without a doubt the most fun series iv ever had the pleasure of reading


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Honestly it overstayed it's welcome. It looked like the author was running out of ideas.


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what the fuck is going on with his uniform here

I will never not be mad

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This is the one I expected to see. I still remember how pissed everyone (the Western audience) was with this.

I once looked under the skirt of a girl only to find that she was wearing diapers, I felt so disgusted for seeing that more than the fact that I did it without asking her.

If you check mangadex the status is cancelled

The first five chapters and this extra felt like a ride on a roller coaster. The rest didn’t have the same punch, so I think it’s okay it got axed.

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>so I think it’s okay it got axed.
but it didn't go axed, user

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it had potential, I dont know at what point the axe was dropped, but got a little messy after the timeskip.

this one was getting good

At least we had Hanebado after that.

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is pumpkin night on hiatus or was that axed? also enjoyed pandamic, sucks that was discontinued even though the premise wasnt that great.

>If you check mangadex the status is cancelled
Doesn't seem to be the case

Nothing of the story was concluded and the last extra chapter was just to thank the readers.
Or am I missing something?

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so, she was MC sister, right?

I got good news for you

Korean Guts was really a amazing thing.

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I feel really bad for this mangaka. He deserves better.

Nigger guts too through.

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permanent hiatus

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there was supposed to be a part 2, but that never happen, nobody knows why

Not that user, but we sometimes can't tell if a manga is axed or the author simply doesn't want to continue, especially for something episodic like

Boku ni Koi suru Mechanical. It was really awesome.

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One of my favorites back then.

Wrong manga. This is the one in OP's post

I initially skipped the omake at the end thinking it was just a collection of sketches and rough drafts so I thought the MC went back home with his mom.
In glad he didn't and I hope his mom died alone

>interesting game format, interesting matches
>MC's physical/mental abilities came from her having to pay attention to details, walk a lot searching for best sales prices while carrying heavy stuff, and experimenting a lot in order to cut costs
>manga tried to spend more time on its own characters (and enemies), author was told to end the story before this could happen, around the time the anime would end
>Kazane winning against Mio never
>Nozomi vs. Mio never
Keijo was too ahead of our time.

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I'm still curious as to why it's classified as shounen. With the chick who enjoys raping people with massive dildos, the Yakuza son's cussing, and this omake you'd think it'd be classified as seinen.

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sometimes it depends on the magazine is published

Obligatory since the final chapter was uploaded a few days ago.

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>Obligatory since the final chapter was uploaded a few days ago.
it was axed?

>I'm still curious as to why it's classified as shounen.
do you know that shounen is a demographic?

>author was told to end the story before this could happen, around the time the anime would end
forever mad

I remeber this. Good loli terminator.

And nothing of value was lost

>And nothing of value was lost

All signs point to it. We had a billion chapters of Gosho as the main character only for her to get re delegated as a side character shortly before the end.

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A real shame it was axed, this is probably one of my favorite panels of all time. So it at least has that going for it

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do you guys remember when people were thinking about an anime?


This shit right here, it has everything I loved back in the day, even now I fucking love fantasy settings like this, it got cancelled out of the blue, and IIRC it even had an anime adaptation on the way. And I will never not be mad.

Even if my body is just dust, my anger will always be there because of this.

Pic totally related.

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Ranting on twitter is never a good idea unless you are a woman.

Shounen or Seinen (also Shoujo and Josei) labels are based solely on the target demographic of magazine where it's published on. Most magazines always has at least a few series that doesn't exactly fit into that target demographic, probably to satisfy some niches.

Explains why DomeKano is tagged shounen when it's clearly seinen.

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Japan: the pussy nation.

Wasn't it the decision of the author to end it because of the artist getting sick?

Well, if that counts so this will too. Manga ended because the magazine was kill.

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I just looked into it and now I’m pissed as hell.

Why didn't it just change magazine?

Fuck Last Order.

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I think I'm the only one who still remembers this. I don't know if it was axed or not though.

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I doubt that he will make ib again, all those years doing Kaguya changed him a lot, he still the full edgy but not like when he was doing ib. I still think that he might use ib as a ground to another work after he finished Kaguya tho.

Now one manga that is close to being axed and reminds me a lot of ib is Gokutei Higuma. Not as edgy, but the style reminds me of it. Also has the same problems as ib, probably because s the artist first work.

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Another forever hiatus.

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Champion red was one of the best magazines.

This. Despite the bullshit bullet boob physics, I really enjoyed it and wanted more so bad.

Forgot the link
So don't give up hope yet. Who know, maybe your favorite axed manga will come back to life one day.

i thought the illustrator was sick of the series since he was also writing triage x. i heard one of them was sick of how popular the series was when they werent interested in it, and only put out later chapters because of pressure.

The author and the publisher would need to want to move it. That publisher probably didn't see any point in it and just let it sink with the ship as collateral damage

this 1 sucks because it lasted 10 years before they decided to cancel it
i didn't even read it but that pissed me off, once a series gets to that length just let it live in peace damnit
the author and the fans must feel so terrible having followed it for a decade

Axed by the reaper

I just read it and now I’m fucking pissed that it died so young. It was going so great. Fuck!

I was both impressed and pissed at this manga

>hayasaka stopping the idiots from going full baka

This mangaka really needs to finish a damn manga already

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Yep, sad this one got rushed, the series had almost One Piece-tier worldbuilding. Would’ve liked to see Bleach get a non-rushed ending as well.

Honestly I didn't even care about the fanservice, I loved the dumb shonen plot and over-the-top martial arts.

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Bear will come back one day

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translation never

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wait, what? Sweaty ping pong girls is on hiatus?

Still holding out hope someone digs this up from the ashes of it's dead magazine.

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Author is supposedly looking for another magazine to publish the sequel

Did you support those axed series by buying them? you only have yourself to blame.

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Premise looks garbage. I’m not giving him any money for that.

I'll break someones knees to keep this one going

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more like josei

only Jinrouki Winvurga is good, the rest are shit and saint seiya shit.

bear namek literally killed the manga

Can someone tell me why this got axed?
I like Izumi and I think she's cute
Why this innocent got axed?

bear namek was the absolute peak of the manga though. Would you have it survive in mediocrity or die in greatness?

garbage match with garbage pacing is garbage
great is like akagi vs washizu

The pacing was fine, the release rate wasn't. Bear Namek is a lot like Akagi vs Washizu regarding character development and MC-antagonist dualism

Futari no Jikan only has 2 volumes. I feel really bad for Onio, I really enjoyed all of his works but they just aren't getting enough traction to run longer, I hope he tries again but I could see why if he were to stop altogether.

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I do if they get English releases. Not much point in buying a manga I can't read

It had so many plot points that were fucked over, it’s not even funny. It’s straight up dead in the 13th chapter. The ending was neat but the story barley had time to explore the ideas about the world or what the fuck are the main characters even are. If the author had at least 40-50 chapters, there would’ve been enough time for all of the monks, demons, and shit. It would given enough time to develop the character the protagonist decided to fuck.

You're prolonging the life of the original release
Scanlators can then pirate it in a form you actually are able to read

but it's not like there is any guarantee a scanlator won't just drop shit

Other than Watamote, have foreign sales ever even been acknowledged in Japan?

Still sad Kurogane got axed. also Memesis, love mirror, Cross account, Chio's school road, Urami-san wa Kyou and that one manga where the guy gets super strength in his right hand and the last chapter ended with a cliff hanger with his childhood friend (girl) getting the powers to change sex.

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Didn't Gleipnir recently get an anime announced?

Shounen - roughly 16 years old. Seinen - around 30. Something like "Yuyushiki" is seinen. At 30 years less people feel the need to prove something by parading their "grown up" taste.

>Manga ended because the magazine was kill
I thought the author ended it just because. It's a pity we didn't get to see the neet twin completely btfoing the tsundere one.

you can make a change

>assassin/idol was best girl.
Girls aiming to be or who are idols are automatically trash since idol music is basically just the equivalent of shitty meaningless boy band music

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Wait fuck that got axed? You're kidding me. I could have kept reading it forever.

Yeah it did.

>tfw killed on chapter 4

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RiP ;_;


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Ye final chapter just got uploaded

Funny story this one, it`s said it got axed or the magazine died and the artist started releasing it by himself instead of looking for a new magazine. Recently he released the last Volume, the Volume 13 on Amazon?高野真之-ebook/dp/B07N67LT8S

Now, just need to Kirei Cake to get his ass on finishing this one. I want to see how it ends.

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>the Volume 13 on Amazon:

Noah notes had a lot of potential.
Daammit I really liked that one...

>and that one manga where the guy gets super strength in his right hand and the last chapter ended with a cliff hanger with his childhood friend (girl) getting the powers to change sex.
Takamagahara, yeah I liked that one too

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Will REAL ever continue? I swear it's such a 10/10 but it just stops mother fuck. Made me cry a few times why did it have to stop

Same dude who made kurogane right? Are nips still mad cause he said kurogane was the new naruto lmao

Thats the one, shame it got canned since premise was interesting

It wasn't very good.

R.I.P. Chio

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Fuck man cant believe they canned it, anime wad also pretty gud

maybe he learned to to base entire manga to flashbacks

i still miss it

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Yeah, it's been ages since i last read it but i remember the characters being rather likable too, plus it has some great pages art wise

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Yeah, remember really liking the first chapter but then the manga came out when naruto, bleach, FT were still running.

Wait. What. Fuck. What?

> playing with ONE (1) DMF
> tfw no tactical formation change arc

This one hurts
This one was killed by the retarded decision to introduce the "mysterious" mary-sue love interest competition for the cute
(mostly) nonviolent yandere girl. Base cast was great there was no reason to change shit up after just 10 chapters.

monster musume its dead jim

Criminale actually wasn't axed by the publisher
The artist had health problems and had to stop working

>O kami sama why waitu piggu no buy my manga?

>ends 500 chapter manga in 1 chapter outta nowhere

MC was closer to fucking that clone / rival girl in the hotspring. She even told him his dick was pressed against her vagoo.

Fuck I'm mad this didn't get developed.


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I can't believe how mad this thread is making me.

It was in its final arc, and was cut short during it, which made everything even more retarded.

Nah, they announced that it was in the final arc, but it's definitely going to last at least until the anime is over.

I could have never guessed the past arc was the ending. It was so sad that it went to shit and I still don't get why Wakaki would just want to end it.

The only good thing about the end was that my prediction about Elsie not being what she seemed, was correct.

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Takamagahara was my jam, shame that it ended.

I'm sure it got axed, it was retardedly abrupt.

Also, when he became a child I guessed that Keima that Tenri remembers (when he suddenly became smarter as a kid) was actually adult Keima, shame that it didn't happen.

Katte ni kaizou, both in that it got axed and had to end early and that the scanlators aren't doing anything for it anymore. Funny as all hell.

F I really liked the ending tho and would love for the manga to explore frog girl and MC more

Damn shame too. They clearly had enough plot ideas to keep going.

I am still mad and there will never be a day I will be not mad. The art and story was pretty damn good and I really loved the concept behind this

There was so much potential. Elsie being the final boss was predictable but it could have been great as the end. It would have been awesome seeing Keima go to heaven because of what he did to help the goddesses and then something else happens. Hell, his dad not being around could have been interesting if the guy actually showed up and it turns out it's someone super important like in Reborn.

Fuck. I'm mad.

They get axed before volume releases which I buy

>thought it was Love Tyrant from the thumbnail
Don't scare me like that.

Kandanchime from some time ago. Was going to say Iris Zero but apparently it's back after long hiatus.

It was pretty great regardless, and the ending wasn't so bad.

Oh god damn it, seriously?
What was this one called again?

Aw fug, shark tooth girl is my fetish too

>ctrlF Mx0
Yep, there it is, and I'm still mad.

This one really hurts, but I really disliked the main plot (the stuff about the black sword). Everything else was fantastic.

Cancelled AND never translated? I'm sad.

yep, they pushed too hard to the point that was obnoxious, and they were expecting this to be one of the big 3

Why would I buy books in a language I can't read?

The rape-Namek arc was too dumb and long.

When is yotsuba coming back

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>worst girl won

It's been months but I'm still PISSED.

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So they won't get canned

Author died so this will never come back.

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To be honest, who would have been better to win the Keimabowl? Kanon was busy with her idol bs, Tsukiyo wasn't interested in romance stuff, the library girl was too shy to do something as was Tenri. Maybe the tomboy? but I don't think that would have worked. Then there's Ayumi but I don't think she would be into Keima. Maybe if it all came down to Ayumi vs Chihiro but with actual development and Ayumi won, it would have been a bookend but I don't know. I just can't see anyone getting with Keima. Not even Elsie or Haqua.

This thread makes me sad.

Wait it got axed?

I can't recall if more hasn't been seen due to no translators or no new content.

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Introducing 12 new characters on the last 30 chapters like wtf

Good stuff, user.

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That got axed too The lesbian kill The manga

TORIKO deserve to be The number 1 manga in jump

One of the greatest protagonists, my favorite. The manga wasn't axed, the mangaka just wasn't healthy. Chapter 29 was published Sep 5th 2014 while chapter 33 was published July 7th 2015, in a magazine that ran monthly during that time. Before that the manga was on hiatus for 1.5 years because of his poor health.

Yes, the sidekicks from before the timeskip were a lot cooler.
Probably two chapters before, seeing how the demon appeared out of nowhere saying "oh, we have already collected all the pieces, just go there to finish your waifu".

This is the one that hurts the most

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>it's real
Fuck. I don't get what's was the point of introducing this new cute girl just to have her fuck of to be a dyke with her hot attendant.
>it was true harem end
At the very least. An extra chapter showing the kids would be nice.

IAs far as I know, I do no think this was a victim of low sales/ratings but rather it was it was a victim of the failed merger of its manga label with another manga label under the same corporate umbrella back in 2012, after 3 volumes and a 4th in-progress.

A damn shame, because I greatly enjoyed it's different take on the "angels vs demons in a battle for the Apocalypse" premise. Especially when the plot was getting to the point of Lucifer actually showing up.

Prospects for a possible comeback were greatly diminished when the wife of the husband/wife duo that wrote the story died in 2017 due to aggressive cancer.

Still feels bad.

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It’s actually the 16 years olds who need to prove how mature they are, at 30 you settled down and no longer give a shit.

Yeah the series was put on hiatus

Damn shame, it was a good fun ol fashion slasher plot.

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It's a shame the translations were total garbage meme shit. It's almost better this way

>he thinks orientals want him to buy their precious chinese comics

Shina Dark.
The author clearly planned a part 2. But it never came to fruition.

We never got to see her mouth. ;_;7

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Why not anime?

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This piece of shit should've gotten axed before the whole past arc thing and it would have maintain what's left of its' revellency.

Wait wtf the author is dead? I only knew that the author was sick, fuck knows how long I was waiting for updates, 6 years? Maybe more?

Even if the last arc didn't get rushed the ending would still be the same.

A shame the studio went bankrupt before finishing it.

Wait no what the fuck? Baby Steps got axed? It's my favourite manga nad I'm just now catching up while learning japanese. Holy shit fuck this world.

I dont know if it was axed or if nobody is translating it.

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Nobody is translating it. Vol 3 of the manga was released just recently.

>oh well I'll just wait for other series from the author to be transl-
>author is dead


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Rip assassin saber

RIP Highschool of the Dead

I dunno if instant bullet was ever one...shit had such promise, too.

man that's a manga I haven't heard in years

>tfw it actually got finished
>scanlations never

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what happened with this?

I'm still waiting, and fuck Nanoha.

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I don't think anyone else remembers this one, but I liked it quite a bit. Got axed through severely rushed ending.

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im still confused why this one got canned, protagonist was really likeable and we didnt even get to know more than 3 characters

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You don't know that. Yes, Elsie being the last bad guy would have been the same but we don't know anything else. And no, that doesn't mean Chihiro would "win" again.

Never forget

what is this

something that wasn't ever translated, only teased on Yea Forums through a few pages every now and then, mostly using the one that the user posted

damn looks gay as fuck

Koukoku no Shugosha

I'm surprised Kurogane got axed. It was pretty good. Shame the author will probably never work in WSJ again.

I loved it so much when she showed up in the top 10 of one of Nisekoi's character polls, beating the main character.

Who cares, spoilers: he loses every tournament.

ST&RS was cool, man. I wish it could have lasted at least a few more arcs.

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seriously this is the best time for this series to continue

Yeah, it had all the stuff used by isekai without being one.

It was really cute and comfy, shame about the rushed ending. At least Amari actually won.

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Isn't because the artist is doing that Nanoha manga?

>author comes back from the dead and instead of finishing HOTD like he should he starts a new manga under a new name about a zombie mangaka trying his best to hide from society and it's all just a subtle message to everyone that he's a zombie. Spooky

This deserved to be axed.

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Does it count if it was clearly going to get axed and the author ended it so he could at least give it an ending he'd be somewhat satisfied with?

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this shit never got an anime

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The translation was perfect for the series. It's the translation the series deserved and I mean that without any sarcasm.

Why would anyone be excited for this? Yamaguchi sucks and it'll go like every other series where he'll lose interest or have no idea how to continue and it'll get a shit ending once more.

holy shit i forgot this manga existed. reading it with /a was such a fun experience

Another case of author death but she did a short series last years so maybe she's resurrected.

I've accepted that most of what I like will never get an anime.

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I dropped that at chapter 9 and decided to just finish it up now. Holy shit, the author did not give a fuck in those last 3 chapters. Just straight up softcore pornography and kaiju fights out of nowhere. Didn't realize the author was a well known hentai artist as well.

Pic related and Mx0

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I had COMPLETELY forgotten about this manga, maybe because of slow releases or whatever.
So it was axed? Fucking hell. Did he end up with someone?

It was a soccer manga in WSJ not called Captain Tsubasa.

If you mean Force, that's also been on hiatus for years.

Bamba wasnt a twink, so fujos and betajaps didnt got into it

What happened?

Fuck I almost forgot about maou

I still check back every so often. Last year during March some guy dumped like 5 chapters out of nowhere after 3 years.

Of course he didn’t give a fuck. His story was fucked over when he finished the set up. What he wanted to do was explore the protagonist, his demon heritage, his relationships with his human friends, and the two horn demon girl he ended up with. You could see what the author wanted to explore in the fucking hot spring chapter, which flat up shown that a demon slayer could fuck demons and carry a sexual relationship with them, flat out stated that the protagonist was releated to demons, and shown how being relation to demons could play a role with the two horned chick. It had done all of this and it got axed to shit.

Press F for the mangaka.

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there's still the novel

Wait, what the fuck happened to it? I just read a few chapters.

Nobody cared about it so the mangaka got weird with it

who the fuck did it??

oh fuck, that was one of the first things I ever bought on my own.

I hate stupid isekai bullshit but it was cute.

I thought it was love tyrant at first. Looks so similar.

Fuck this got axed?

The AXE is powerful. There is no mercy from it.

Don't you dare say they're dead. I don't believe you. Isn't it still going?

I bet you Yamaguchi didn't, and still doesn't, know. His last series with a mystery ended suddenly with a "solution" that you could've never figured out as no clues were ever presented for it.

Sui's not dead dead but she got a case of Japanese Health Problems and the series has been on hiatus for a few years. But she did a short two volume story last year so hopefully she's getting healthy again though even if that's the case who knows if it'll actually come back or she doesn't do like Teppu's author and just end it to move on to something else.

A shame this got cancelled JUST when the baby was born. would have loved to see their family shenanigans.

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no you don't. trust us

Oh thank god, at least there is hope. They always reminded of Kaoru Mori's stuff, so I really enjoyed it.

>A shame this got cancelled JUST when the baby was born.

IIRC she was either Mori's assistant or her neighbor, maybe both, so it makes sense.

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criminale is not axed, the artist just fell ill, and author didn't want to pair with others.

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Fucking pencils.

now I want a doujin from Aimaitei of this

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Still mad to this day.
>decent fanservice
>MC was the epitome of not being spineless and using his brains to beat out magic brawn
>Japs don't like that; canceled

God dammit.

Eiji Masuda deserves better than cancellation. I kinda wonder how many of his stories got cancelled, there's a lot of rushed endings. Sakura Discord had so many fucking loose ends and I wanted more.

>a few chapters
Read on and you'll understand why it has one of the lowest ratings on mangadex

What are you taking about this is still ongoing


Not axed, it just doesn't get translated because there is an official English release by Kodansha. Volume 5 was just released last month

Also, it has an anime coming out this year

why would they cancel this when it was just announced its anime adaptation recently?

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Both Yune and Alice lost in the darkness forever.

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i know i am probably the only one that knew or remember this series, still hurts.
i really loved this series for the time it lasted

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This was my first axe, nothing on the west prepares you for it. At the time I didn't even realise it was an axe, I was just confused.

I still haven't come to terms with the author putting Sexy Voice and Robo on indefinite hiatus.

I just read that. What the fuck. Who puts like a 4 chapter rape scene in your fucking cleaning manga?

Oh shit, I'm one of the 10 anons that watched it while it was airing. Such a comfy show.

Incorrect. Meme translations are always bad, no matter the series.


An axe is the equivalent of story rape. You don’t expect it.

That's a chainsaw, not an axe.

Shit complete manga > axed manga

This still is my favorite shounen. It did battle scenes and character growth the best.

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You meant this one? Yeah that plot twist came out of nowhere it's not even funny. The guy has some pretty unique ideas but he doesn't know how to conclude his manga on a satisfying note. Hopefully Tomodachi game and Shinigami remake will fare better.
He has good taste in art though. All artists he collaborates with have done hentai before

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All his manga are good and pretty unique, but they kept getting axed. In fact, is one of the best axed Jump manga in recent memory and is guaranteed to be mentioned in every axed manga thread.

Or maybe he doesn't know to end a manga properly.

Ueki and Saike were even better.

It wasn't cancelled. It was never a full, ongoing serialization to begin with.

Amyone know if Cylcia=code was cancelled or just finished on its own? I liked it alot but where it ends leaves it pretty unsatisfying.

And some user though the mangaka was disappear joining some cult months before her family announced her death by illness.

Volume 4 just released like a month ago. Did it really end?

Yeah the raws pretty much show it.

it wasnt canned but alice in hell was dropped right as it was about to end by scan group. went through all that buildup for a giant sniper war only for it to be stuck in TL limbo.

Me too, but only because I wanted to see that train wreck extended.

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Author got bombarded because of something he tweeted iirc

How far along did the translation get now? Think the last thing I read was the pope shooting Hero and the Blue Oni King with magical faith bullets while they were in the middle of fighting.

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its hilarious because prior to CLEAN ME it was one of the most beloved manga on mangadex

>claim to love it
>doesn't support the author buy buying the manga

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Was this even axed? I thought it was just on hiatus. Then the prison school thing happened (speaking of axing), and now he has a new manga.

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That was years before Noah's Notes got serialized.

Nope every single one of Onio's manga got axed. Feels bad.

Legs weren't long enough

This wasn't axed.

mediocre and I would dare to say: OVERRATED

Give me my wacky superpowers back.
It's licensed.

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Nah, it is ending intentionally.
I can't wait for her next manga tho.

That's a cat woman.

Oh shit, I didn't know about this

Any idea when these come out?

I'm pretty sure this was axed, right on a cliffhanger. The story had more or less stopped making sense, however.

Holy shit they killed it? I thought the manga got a serialisation

Not a huge achievement but it's funny. Imagine actually liking Raku as a character. He's someone who could be replaced by any non-offensive harem MC whose only redeeming quality is that "he's nice"

>despite how popular Asobi Asobase is, no one picked it up

My disappointment is eternal

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