The Last Saiyuki dump

Chapter 2

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Imouto a cute. Urge to protect intensifies.

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Thanks for the dump, user.

This is what makes the cut for WSJ nowadays

Eh, it's alright.
You're great for the Dump, user.

too heavy on narrative.
other magazines yes, but I can't see it surviving weekly jump that long.

Will they ever fuck?

This is axebait

The only highlight of this manga so far is the kid rightfully tearing into his dad for ruining his life and dumping this massive responsibility on a fucking 5th grader.

Is the Japanese reader reaction any good online?

THnaks for the dump. I think is too serious right now, the MC is interesting but if baseball is going to be his gimmick, I am worried.

There's not much to his character if he's a third grader. I think thia is going to fall apart.

>The Last Saiyuki dump
Stop fucking lying, we all know you're going to dump it every week.

>tfw ne0shit and Higuma didn't get dumps
Well, they're not worth it for sure.

What have you done you monster? Now I'll have to dump it every week.

Thought it was alright last week, it's still alright this week. It didn't really expand like I want to see to know what to think of it going forward, but it's doing a decent job resolving the situation it's got going

It's okay, I want to see where it goes with the premise. I like that the kid doesn't put up with his dad's shit.

Something about this reminds me of Ushio to Tora. I like the art, but there's too much infodump so far. Hopefully it picks up soon. Thanks for the dump.

Perfect onahole

I like it

People say too heavy, but MC has character development that isn't due to a snowflake ability. It's pure Fear is the mind killer. I'm interested to see how far they go with this, any potential nee character is eventually going to get fucked up, I'm just curious if there will be serious consequences.


Oh shit

Did anyone else dump that other new series? With the douchebag looking MC. I don't have any clue what it's called for what it's actually about.


Thanks. I forgot what it looked like too so I didn't notice.