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>tfw page 9
Also I should really get around to my rewatch

Amelia is a goddess.

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what is this, should I read or watch it

Is slayers worth watching after next?
The newer adaptations seem kinda shitty.

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I've been living under a rock for the past few months. Wasn't there supposed to be an anniversary release, or some other announcement in Dragon Magazine a while back? What happened? Or am I going crazy and making this all up.

Try is still good, just a lot more serious and not as funny as Next.

Revo/Evo is controversial. A lot of people hate it because of the pokemon character and other problems it had. I think the character writing is not too bad, there isn't as much weight to their interactions and the gag episodes are sillier than ever, but the characters are mostly in line with how they were in previous seasons. It may be worth a try if you really want more material with the TV cast.

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(This was meant as a reply to )

The 16th novel was already released several months ago. Other than some live events in Japan and the BD releases of the TV series, there haven't been any other announcements.

Ah I was waiting for another one of these. Amongst one of my top favorite 90s anime.

why don't you watch it yourself first? then decide if it was worth it or not, there might not be even a new OVA or series ever, seriously that gets asked in every Slayers thread even multiple times.

LN volume 16 translation never.

Ask Rebmastu if she still plans to do it.

They'll always be the best.

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Alright, guess I didn't miss much then. Now just to wait for a translation of vol. 16

go away grandpa

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Imposter Lina begone.

The real Lina isn't a fat 3DPD slut.

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Try is good,
Revo/Evo kinda just rehashes old plots, but with a different frame.
It's nice because digital animation, but it's not terribly special.

What is it about this show that was so good? Can't be nostalgia, I watched it for the first time in my 20s. It's silly but harmless at it's worst and legit great at it's best.

Hey Lina, did I ever tell you about my brother? He was heir apparent to Elmekia but he still slaughtered my family and caused a civil war over the sword of light. I may or may not have fought a Shakesperian duel against him to steal the sword and leave my home for good.

He was a good friend

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What a pathetic thread.

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it's the deep lore

It's the characters and the chemistry between them. They're based on archetypes but they bring them to life. There's a balance between the traits of the characters that make them all play off each other really well.

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Anime only here. Does Gourry just hides his past in the novel? Shit is dark as fuck.

Ahhh, Slayers.
Good times.

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Why is so hard nowadays to have a heroine like Lina? What happened?


Not even Slayers is safe from this shit.

I would say the audiences are the main problem. Lina is a fun girl and a great heroine but if she was released today people would be calling her a Mary Sue for knowing Dragon Slave, a bitch for hitting Gourry and enter the same old tired debate of girl protagonist pandering to feminist and what not. Even if she didn't you would have the other side of the argument that would acuse anyone who doesn't like her of being a misogynistic incel.

Why is Gourry such a dumb mother fucker.

>Slayers? I'd love to rewatch it! Break out the laser discs!

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I've briefly heard that Gourry can learn magic but he's so dumb that he can't. Is that true?

pretty sure Kanzaka himself might have said that.
I've heard the same thing too, but I'd have to look for a quote

you can still get INT 3 on 4d6 drop lowest.

If you haven't watched Special watch that. If you haven't read the LNs get to that as well.

It doesn't take itself too seriously.
The characters aren't too good to run away which adds comedy and makes it feel like a D&D campaign animated.
The characters are fun, lina is a competent female character without being obnoxious.
It just looks like the creators had fun, no politics or obvious souless marketing.

Many shows in the time were like that, not exactly slayers and all but you can tell that despite it being an LN adaptation it still feel like it's own thing without acting like an advertisement for it.